Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 420 The Second Time To Send Money

Former town fishing port.

After Liao Huazhi confirmed that no one was buying the catch for the last time, he resisted his anger and picked out the relatively high-value salmon from a boat of fish and sold it, and then dumped the rest of the catch into the sea. During the process, my son was still persuading him to pick some back and freeze them in the refrigerator. Even if they couldn't sell them later, at least they could eat them.

However, Liao Huazhi pushed his son back in just one sentence:

"If you want to eat fish, isn't there enough fish in the garbage pond next to the fish market for us to pick up?"

Hearing this, the son was speechless and froze in place.

Yes, if the problem can really be solved by freezing in the cold storage and the fishermen's own digestion, why go out to sea, and even the cat on the edge of the fish market has gained several laps?

Thinking of this, he hated the fishermen more and more at sea.

----No, not just hating the fishermen, but hating their officials, hating their coast guard ships, hating their aircraft carriers and destroyers.

Even when these hatreds expanded further, he couldn't help but think of another question:

If their so-called allies hadn't escaped, how could they be so embarrassed?

They clearly stated that they would "defend the South Island", that they would "do everything possible to avoid a humanitarian crisis in the South Island", and that they would "maintain the status quo of the South Island."

But now what?

After deceiving themselves and the other side into a complete standoff, they left the South Island just because of an aircraft carrier, a so-called electromagnetic gun, or a laser weapon that was only active in the legend.

Is such a so-called "ally" an ally?

He even heard that the Executive Yuan had called the other party more than once and wanted to get an answer from them, but their answer was only "No comment."

No comment what? No comment why I suddenly feel that the South Island is no longer important, or no comment on why I suddenly confessed?

Or, are the two coexisting?

But no matter what the reason is, they are absolutely inseparable from the current plight of themselves and their families.

Yes, before they step in step by step, isn't the relationship between our side and the mainland bad? Isn't the unanimous opinion "maintain the status quo for a long time and seek reconciliation gradually"?

When did this small island suddenly have the confidence to fight with that giant?

Not even an ugly countryman!

Thinking of this, Liao Huazhi's son couldn't help but scolded a few words of the Executive Yuan's stupidity. How could they not know that outsiders would eventually evacuate, how could they not know that heaven was too far away and the rabbit was too close, how could they not know the other's first ship When the aircraft carrier is launched, is it when the other party starts to change its strategy and express its attitude?

They definitely know, but they pretend they don't.

What for? Is it the interests of your own little people?

Ha ha.

He laughed suddenly, and then said to his father:

"Dad, take me with you to the gathering at night."

Liao Huazhi nodded solemnly and replied:

"It's up to you young people to make some noise. The future of this island is in your hands. If you don't fight for it, there's really no hope."

"We'll fight for it. But, Dad, our goal shouldn't be just the other side. It's not just them who really put us in this situation, but also the Executive Yuan, and the ugly people!"

Liao Huazhi looked at his son in surprise. The latter pondered for a moment, and explained his inference to his father. After listening, he couldn't help feeling:

Although my son looks stupid and honest on weekdays, he is a postgraduate who has experienced higher education after all, and his perspective on problems is far more than that of the old man.

Maybe, he can take this opportunity to enter politics?

----Into... which side of the political world?

He didn't dare to think about it any longer.


At 8 p.m. that night, a small parade with few participants was first launched from Qianzhen Fishing Port. Liao Huazhi took his son to participate in the parade. Their strategy was obvious, although after his son's analysis, he already knew that The contradiction is not only the contradiction between the fishery of the other side and the fishery of one's own side, but also the contradiction between the ugly country and the other side. However, if you want to solve the problems of these fishermen as soon as possible, you must first stand on the side of the Fisheries Department.

Therefore, their appeal is also very simple:

Arranged by the official, unified purchase of fish catches, unified search for sources of goods, and help fishermen to sell.

They think that this is not an excessive requirement. After all, when pineapples were unsalable, a certain high-level executive could still appear in the farmland to perform and eat pineapples. Now that the aquatic products are unsalable, she can't come out and perform another show and eat raw seafood in person? ?

Although the propaganda significance of this is obviously greater than the actual effect, as long as this start is made, it is to show the official attitude.

As a result, on the main road of Qianzhen Fishing Port, one after another, sparse slogans sounded.

"It is the official duty to help fishermen out of trouble!"

"Withstand the pressure on the other side and protect the traditional fishing grounds!"

"Shuangdao has friendly cooperation and welcomes the island country to return to the Qiandui fishing ground!"

"Uniform pricing in the market to avoid vicious competition!"

"Official arrangements for procurement, all people consume seafood!"

In addition to these relatively serious slogans, some people in the team shouted out gags such as "The fish of Kaohsiung's sister in Qianzhen eats seafood and eats her sister", "One dozen big oysters a day, my sister can't stand it. "Slogan like that.

Although these slogans are vulgar and not to look at, they are mixed with serious appeals, but they have really played a striking effect.

After two hours, the size of the team became bigger and bigger, and the mood became more and more exciting.

People from all walks of life continued to join in. After a brief exchange, Liao Huazhi discovered a more serious problem:

Not just the fishery, in fact, the pillar industries of the entire South Island are facing problems.

Fruits cannot be sold, grain cannot be brought in, large machinery spare parts are cut off, precision machinery and it products are facing severe price shocks......

This series of actions even happened in just a few weeks.

Even a simple mind like Liao Huazhi felt the far-reaching and sinister intentions of the other side's planning, so the hatred that had just been transferred because of his son's words instantly rushed to the top again.

"These mainlanders are so hateful, they don't want us to return, they want us to die!"

"The powerful people, as expected, must fight them to the end!"

The people in the parade passed this kind of information to each other, all the way to the door of the administrative department, where the official personnel who received the news were already waiting.

The official in a neat suit held a microphone, coughed and said:

"Everyone, be quiet first, be quiet!"

"Hear me out!"

"I know that everyone has had a very difficult time during this time. There are fewer orders, things can't be sold, and money can't be made. The wife and children at home can't support their family."

"For this situation, we have already noticed it and have a plan to deal with it."

"However, you also know that it takes time to issue every decree! We are still discussing it internally, and we want to give you the best explanation!"

"I hope everyone must be patient, patient, and patient, and not be used by our enemies!"

"They blocked our market, they deprived us of our profits, and they even bought our businesses. They have only one purpose, and that is to..."

However, before he could finish his words, someone in the following parade shouted:

"Why do you talk so much! Hurry up and tell us the solution! Our family is almost running out of food!"

The official was slightly embarrassed for a moment, and then replied:

"I said before, there are solutions, but they are still under discussion. We can't make them public until the discussion is over."

"However, I can also tell you that if you really have difficulties in life now, you can apply for a subsidy from us to help you get through the difficulties!"

"What are you kidding? It's just that little subsidy, and we'll be starved to death by the time it's handed out! Don't you have any money at all? Why can't you just buy our products directly?"

"Everyone always wants to eat fish! Our fish can be purchased by you, frozen, and sold when the market reopens!"

Hearing the question questioned below, the staff sighed helplessly and replied:

"We really really don't have that much money. As you all know, all our economic sectors are facing an impact now. If we want to allocate funds, we must allocate all of them. Look at how many people there are now, and what everyone is saying... …”

"Then everyone will post it!"

Before the staff member finished speaking, he was interrupted chaotically, so he had to wait quietly, waiting for the commotion to subside, and then appease the people.

However, to his surprise, instead of subduing, such a commotion has a tendency to intensify.

And, it seemed that some news was spreading through the crowd, and one by one, the people began to pull out their mobile phones and seemed to be searching for something.

Just when he was puzzled about this situation, the assistant next to him suddenly rushed up with his mobile phone.

"Sir, it's not good!"

His anxious voice came out through the microphone, and immediately attracted the attention of many people. The staff glared at him, then reached out to turn off the microphone, and asked with a displeased expression:

"What happened? Why is it so unstable! Do you know the consequences of what you said being heard by the people below?!"

However, his assistant ignored his criticism at all, and continued to hold the phone and said:

"Sir, the other side has just announced that they will purchase the aquatic products and seafood caught by us at sea without restrictions. The price... Refer to the arrival price!"

The staff stared at the mobile phone screen in a stunned manner, and then looked at the fishermen below who were gradually cheering.

For a while, he didn't know what kind of expression to use to face them.

After giving up the fishing rights and fishing space of the major fishing grounds, another "money distribution operation" began.

Obviously, this time the money will definitely not only be distributed in the field of fishery, but also in a series of industries such as semiconductors, it, machinery, agriculture and so on.

This is a blatant sugar-coated cannonball, the purpose is to seize the control of the downstream market, so as to continue to penetrate upward to key sectors, and then further control the economic lifeline of the island.

But what can he do about such sugar-coated shells?

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