Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 450 Eat Melons And Eat Your Own Home

Inoue hid in the canvas cabin of the lifeboat. The detonation device had been turned on. From the screen, he saw that the specially designed seismic bomb had sunk deep into the trench east of Yuyu Island. What he needed to do at this moment, It is to set the predetermined navigation coordinates and guide the seismic bomb to land at the predetermined position outside the continental shelf and on the edge of the trench.

As long as the guided landing is completed and the detonation time is set, then this operation can end perfectly.

No one has been able to catch any evidence. The maximum depth of the trench on the east side of Yuyu Island is 8,000 meters. This depth can only be reached by specially designed submersibles.

Earthquake bombs are sinking faster and faster, and the depth displayed in front of them has reached 3,200 meters, which has reached the limit of the deepest diving depth bomb in the world.

However, this was not the final target of the seismic bomb.

Five minutes later, the seismic bomb sank to a depth of 4,800 meters in the trench, and the horizontal distance from the expected landing site was less than 200 meters. The final operation was carried out on the well, the timed explosion command was input, and the lifeboat was drilled out. After looking around for a week, after confirming that there was no shadow of the helicopter, he lifted the large detonating device and sank it directly into the sea.

After doing all this, Inoue let out a heavy sigh.

He didn't know whether this operation would be successful. From an objective point of view, the explosive yield of this earthquake bomb was still too small. If it could be replaced by a nuclear bomb, the probability of success would be much higher.

Unfortunately, this is impossible.

However, even so, he still has more than 50% certainty about it. After all, he is one of the few islanders who has personally participated in the Harp plan. He knows better than anyone what is hidden under this sea. the secret.

It can even be said that he knows more about the terrain of this trench than he knows about the rockery behind his villa.

Inoue left the lifeboat and climbed up the deck of Qiong 106 Yu again along the rope ladder. At this time, the quarrel in the lounge continued, but when he appeared at the door, the islanders were suddenly silent for a second.

There was strong anticipation in their eyes, and after seeing Inoue nodded slightly, they started arguing again.


Yamada pulled Inoue to a hidden corner away from the crowd, and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know yet...but, at least the bomb is set. Our mission is complete."

"Did anyone find out?"

"No, I moved faster than expected, the helicopter hadn't found me yet, everything went well."

"That's fine, that's fine..."

Yamada clenched his fists excitedly. He wanted to say something, but the roar of a huge helicopter rotor came from outside the cabin.

The helicopter that took off from the 002 aircraft carrier finally arrived.

But it seems that everything is too late.

Two hours later, all the personnel on the fishing boat of the island country were controlled on the Qiong 106 fishing boat. Due to the sensitivity of diplomacy, they were not transferred to the official Huaxia vessel, but were interrogated by professionals on the spot.

However, all these "fishermen" were obviously professionally trained, and from their mouths, Huaxia did not get any useful information.

Over and over, the answers they gave were all one:

The fishing boat caught fire and exploded, and Joan 106 found them, rescued them and forcibly took them to the boat.

As for why the explosion occurred, where was the scope of the explosion, and whether there were other contraband on board, they all answered "I don't know".

The interrogators had nothing to do with this.

In the absence of evidence and related intelligence to assist judgment, it is impossible for them to take coercive measures against this group of islanders who have not committed any crimes or irregularities.


In the command room of No. 002, He Kangmei frowned at the report just sent to him, and said to Chen Wei, who was beside him:

"These bastards have really hard mouths, and they can't ask anything at all! They clearly know they have a problem, but they don't know where their problem is... suffocated!"

Chen Wei on the side shook his head gently and replied:

"No way, this group of people has been almost completely isolated from the Internet from the very beginning of the operation. To exaggerate, they have almost no connection with the world."

"All of them behaved like normal fishermen, and if we hadn't dug out the true identity of one of them from their data system, we wouldn't have been able to doubt it."

"So, we still can't rely too much on RSA technology. Although we don't know what the final result will be this time, it has been a lesson for us."

"The more dominant you are, the more cautious you must be. Going back to the beginning, in fact, our no-fly order should have been issued earlier."

He Kangmei nodded solemnly, and then said after a moment of silence:

"It can't be said to be a matter of prudence or not. There are dead ends in this world, and the same is true of our struggle with our opponents."

"There is still no way for the ugly country in the nuclear test of the northern peninsula. It is normal that we cannot detect such low-sensitivity and high-secrecy activities in advance-otherwise, wouldn't it be omniscient and omnipotent?"

"The key issue now is not to trace why we didn't find out in advance, but to find a way to figure out what they are going to do. As long as the purpose is clear, a strategy can be formulated as soon as possible."

"Yes, but the problem is, we can't open our mouths right now."

Chen Wei frowned.

"We haven't caught any of them. Whether it's from the facts at this stage or from a reasonable inference, this is just a simple fishing boat fire accident, and all the logic can be said to be seamless."

"So, their psychological defenses cannot be easily broken, and it is probably not that easy to pry information out of their mouths."

"It's not easy..."

He Kangmei took a few steps with a little anxiety, and suddenly said:


"It's impossible to get out of the mouths of these little days. If we drag it on, they will probably attack us again on the grounds of international affairs."

"In this matter, since they played hooligans first, let's play hooligans again!"

"If you can't solve the problem, just solve the person who caused the problem! Don't they say nothing? Well, then we won't ask anymore----I don't believe that the ugly people don't know!"

"I will report to my superiors now, and I will put pressure on the ugly country through formation 003. They will either explain it to me honestly, or they will distance themselves from the islanders."

"If you really want to get rid of the relationship... then don't blame us for being ruthless."

After finishing speaking, He Kangmei returned to the command seat and dialed the report to the top.


At this moment, under the sea surface that is thousands of meters deep, on the cliffs on the west side of the 40-kilometer trench on the east side of Yuyu Island, the countdown to that earthquake bomb has entered its final moment.

A few seconds later, a hot flash silently overflowed the shell of the seismic bomb, illuminating the nearby water hundreds of meters.

Those deep-sea fish accustomed to darkness fled, but their movements were too slow.

Accompanying the light came a shock wave with unparalleled coercion and a high temperature of over 4,000 degrees, and the fish surrounding the bomb that had not yet escaped were instantly roasted.

Afterwards, the shock wave reached the rock wall on the side of the trench, and the strong vibration smashed the entire rock wall into pieces. This fragile structure began to fall apart, the sea water continued to churn, and the balance of the entire folded structure was broken. Violent submarine earthquakes, like dominoes gradually increasing in size, occurred suddenly in this sea.

All sonar-carrying fishing boats in the nearby waters detected the earthquake, and He Kangmei finally guessed what the islanders really wanted to do.

He even just reported his thoughts to his superiors, who hadn't had time to give him feedback.

But the answer was suddenly revealed.

What should I do now? Arrest those islanders and try them for crimes against humanity?

Or, do equal vengeance against them and blow up that mountain too?

He Kangmei was in a rare confusion. He listened to the analysis of the earthquake by the professionals on the side, and he seemed a little absent-minded.

Volcanoes, will they really erupt because of this?

He didn't know, but Inoue and Yamada of Qiong 106 fishermen were confident.

The first domino has been knocked down, and all we have to do now is just wait for the result.


However, what they didn't expect was that the toppled domino did cause serious consequences, but the consequences were far from what they expected.

Just 6 hours after the earthquake, the Ryukyu Islands volcano group, which belongs to the island country, began to erupt collectively, and the largest underwater volcano, Fukuoka Noba, erupted magma on a large scale for the first time.

It's a rare sign that for decades, the volcano has at best spewed black smoke and spewed steam.

And now, the crater has actually started to pour out lava.

This means that the Fukuoka Noba volcano is only one step away from a complete eruption.

And once it erupts, the threat to the mainland of the island country is no less than that of Mount Fuji!

Inoue was dumbfounded listening to the news in the emergency news, he turned to Yamada, who was also looking ashes.

After a long silence, Inoue said in a trembling voice:

"It's over.... we seem to... blow up our own house."

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