Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 462 The Third Piece Of Information

Ye Zhou is only speculating about the relationship between the neighboring dimensional goblin and Lin Ling. He is not 100% sure about his judgment, but it is undeniable that whether it is obtained from the two quantum ghost events or from the simulator Corroborating the information, Lin Ling has a great possibility to be related to the quantum ghost and the neighboring dimensional goblin.

However, is she a goblin on her side?

Ye Zhou didn't dare to speculate on the behavioral logic of a "probability cloud", because after transforming into that super-life form, the so-called moral, ethical, and legal series of sociological factors have reduced its constraints to the lower limit.

Like Dr. Manhattan—does he care about the life and death of mankind?

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou vaguely sensed a hint of danger.

If Lin Ling is really a neighboring dimension goblin, then what she plays is actually a double-edged sword.

There is an opportunity to help humans fight fairies from other dimensions, and it is also possible to transform into fairies that are not good for humans.

But in any case, judging from what happened now, Lin Ling's position, including that of the quantum ghost, is still on his side.

So, how to make use of it?

Based on the first two actions of Quantum Ghost, Ye Zhou can infer a preliminary conclusion:

First, the high cost, or high risk, of connecting with the world gives it a tight control over the number of connections.

Secondly, it is strengthening its relationship with Lin Ling in both contacts, indicating that the key point is indeed Lin Ling.

Then, if you want to verify or use this quantum ghost floating in the adjacent dimension channel, the breakthrough point must still be found in Lin Ling.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said directly to Chen Hao:

"I want to verify one thing, call qhdcepc for me!"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao also reacted instantly.

"Do you suspect that Lin Ling has a connection with that so-called fairy?"

Ye Zhou frowned, shook his head, and replied:

"I'm not sure, but it's very likely... don't worry, I have to get in touch with her first."

"Okay, I'll call you now."

Chen Hao got up and picked up the phone. A few minutes later, he handed the phone to Ye Zhou, Ye Zhou turned on the speakerphone, and Lin Ling's slightly nervous voice came from the phone immediately.

"Hello, Ye Gong?"

Ye Zhou took a breath and said:

"The next thing I'm going to tell you is very important, you have to remember every word I say in your mind. The standard of memory is that even if you forget your name, you can't forget what I told you today what, understand?"

Judging from Ye Zhou's inference, it is absolutely impossible that the quantum ghost was created at the time node of the present. The greatest possibility is that after this probability cloud is formed in the future, due to the quantum-specific supertemporal effect, the cause and effect are pushed back. the current time.

Then this also means that what Ye Zhou said to Lin Ling at this point in time may still have an impact on the probability cloud.

----and many more.

Lin Ling's voice hadn't come through yet, but Ye Zhou suddenly realized a key point:

The quantum probability cloud is unobservable, because once it is observed, the probability cloud will immediately collapse into a single causal line, and it is impossible to maintain the current "cloud" state.

And now, if this probability cloud really had something to do with Lin Ling, the collapse would have already formed the moment he called the other party.

Not only that, but in fact, in the two previous contacts, whenever he received a message, it would definitely lead to a collapse of the probability cloud.

But why is that?

How did this probability cloud re-transform into a quantum state after the first collapse, and get in touch with itself again?

Ye Zhou's mind is still spinning rapidly, and Lin Ling, who is opposite, has already answered his request:

"I understand, Ye Gong, tell me!"

Ye Zhou shook his head gently, dispelling the overly complicated and temporarily incomprehensible thoughts in his mind, and then said:

"Remember, if one day, when you observe the first entropy jump region, tell me the coordinates of that region and the time of the jump!"

"Repeat what I said!"

"When I can observe the first entropy-increasing jump region, tell Ye Zhou the coordinates of that region and the time of the jump."

"very good."

Ye Zhou nodded calmly, then continued:

"Now, wake up everyone in your quantum monitoring project to monitor the status of the Six Nose No. 1. If there is a disturbance, immediately decode the content of the information and tell me as quickly as possible!"


Lin Ling's voice on the other end of the phone trembled slightly. Until this moment, she didn't know what happened, but when she heard the words that she was very familiar with from Ye Zhou's mouth, she had already realized the seriousness of the problem.

Entropy increase and jump.... This is a pure theoretical conjecture that is still at the stage of "vacuum spherical chicken" in the field of physics, but as long as you understand it, you will know that this phenomenon affects the underlying A huge perturbation of the rules of physics.

From her own professional point of view, even a jump in the entropy increase rate with an extremely small range and extreme duration is enough to disrupt all the results of a high-energy collision experiment, and if such jumps occur frequently, humans The exploration of physical rules is likely to be seriously slowed down.

Is this the crisis?

No... From what Ye Zhou expected, she could hear that the problem was much more than that simple.

Anomalies in experimental results can be controlled by repeated experiments to remove noise, but what if the jumps happen on a large scale?

The universe in which humans live...will it go to heat death in advance? ?

She didn't dare to think about it any longer.

On the other side, Ye Zhou had hung up the phone and sat opposite Chen Hao, quietly eating the kebabs that were about to get cold on the plate.

No one spoke at this time, they were all nervous, anxious, but somewhat hopeful, waiting for the final judgment.

After swallowing the last mouthful of sheep's kidney, Chen Hao finally couldn't help but be anxious and asked:

"If that quantum ghost can really tell us where the entropy jump is, does that mean we can use it to... predict the future?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"Impossible. Every observation we make of it must cause a collapse, and I don't know yet how it recovered from the collapse, but I do know that it must consume a huge amount of energy and some kind of I don't know. The price of knowing."

"Recovery can't be unlimited, it's quite possible that after a certain contact, it's completely gone -- no, it's even possible, this time, or the last time."

"It's still there, we can only wait for the feedback from cepc.... I have already conveyed the most critical information to us, if it is on our side, if it still has the ability, Then it absolutely has to respond to that message."

"What if it doesn't respond?"

"That means it's gone."

Ye Zhou replied indifferently.

He himself has never pinned his hopes on something that he cannot understand, and everything he does now is just to expand the odds of winning.

In fact, even without this quantum ghost, without this neighboring dimension goblin, wouldn't the Chinese people be able to win?

In the timeline in the simulator, Huaxia can still turn the tide, and he has already obtained key information in advance, and has also started nuclear fusion research and development in advance. Is there any reason why he can't win?

Asking for the heaven and the earth, for quantum ghosts, in the final analysis, it is better to ask for yourself.

After all, this nation has been doing this since ancient times.

Where the mountains are, the mountains are moved, the seas are there, the seas are filled, the floods are flooded, and the sun is shining. It is this set of survival logic of self-improvement that allows this nation to survive until Now.

The opposite Chen Hao also seemed to understand what Ye Zhou meant. He rinsed his mouth with the tea in the cup. When he was about to speak, the phone on the table rang.

Ye Zhou quickly answered the phone, and Lin Ling's trembling voice came from the receiver.

"Ye Gong... a disturbance has occurred."

"The information is...451011qhd."

"We think, this string of characters means..."

"October 11, 2045, qhd."

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