Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 472: Motivationalism

(Resume update from today)

As expected by Huaxia, the meeting did not reach any meaningful results, even though the invited senior researchers from both countries generally believed that adjacent dimension invasion was possible, but due to the inertia of confrontation in the past few decades However, they still subconsciously regarded Huaxia's "notice" as some kind of conspiracy or a declaration of war.

After the meeting, the representatives of the two countries flew back to China on their own special planes. They were allowed to take away the materials issued at the meeting. Anyway, it did not involve any confidential information. It is to be announced, and I am not worried about the problem of leakage.

However, before the representatives of Chouguo left, the representatives of Huaxia reminded them intimately:

"Don't casually disclose information about the invasion of neighboring dimensions to the outside world. In your country, rumors of the end of the world can cause huge riots."

"What about you? Don't you?"

The ugly countryman who had been contradicting the Huaxia representative before at the meeting immediately retorted, while the Huaxia representative opposite him just smiled and didn't say much.

By the time the delegation boarded the plane, the man named Bruce was still arguing about his own somewhat paranoid opinions, while the rest of the delegation was already irritated.

"Bruce, can you be quiet for a few minutes? What we need now is to think calmly, and to bring the obtained information accurately to the decision-making level, instead of recklessly outputting your own subjective views like you and crowding out other people. space for thinking!"

The man opposite frowned and rebuked.

There was a look of surprise on Bruce's face, he stared at each other with wide eyes, and then asked:

"What does that mean? Sid, do you think they're telling the truth?"

"What adjacent dimension, what alien, what energy suffocation... You wouldn't believe this kind of horror story used to deceive children, would you?"

"It's not a horror story, it's physics!"

Looking at the sullen look on Sid's face, Bruce spread his hands and replied indifferently:

"Well, physics-based horror stories to scare kids. Seriously, if they told me there was an alien fleet approaching dozens of light-years away, maybe I would have believed it, but now ?"

"The more perfect the theory seems, the less credible it is. Do you know what the biggest problem with this crisis they say is? It's its unfalsifiability."

"You know, it's just a fire-breathing dragon in the garage. They say they have it. Who can verify it?"

"You've done physical research for so many years, haven't you heard a sentence? 'If it's not necessary, don't increase the entity', and now they have introduced a whole universe of entities!"

"Do you think this makes sense? If it makes people believe it, then we can also make up a major event, such as... uh, Ragnarok!"

"The Ragnarok is coming, we have to step up production, we have to work around the clock, we have to conquer other enemies!"

"What's the difference between this and religion?"

After listening to his words, Sid's face showed a somewhat confused look. In fact, although his friend was frivolous and irritable, it did not mean that he was a fool.

On the contrary, his status as the main leader of the "Chicago School" in the field of sociology research is enough to prove that he is smarter than most people.

Moreover, his intelligence is not only reflected in academics. He is also a master in the financial investment field. He owns many companies under his name, manages a huge private equity fund with his own interests, and even once worked for the strategy that has disappeared. Analysis Office.

Therefore, his strategic vision at the international level is actually quite accurate, and the previous inferences about the development of Huaxia's technology have not failed.

And now, when the other party associates "adjacent dimension invasion" with "religion", Sid suddenly has some doubts.

Could this be the religion of the new age? Could it be that, as Bruce said, those Huaxia people just wanted to create a concept to support their future expansion?

You must know that any development needs to be supported by a common concept, and after Huaxia put forward such a grand goal, their ideology is obviously unsupported, so they need a stronger unified will.

Isn't this the same as the country at that time?

Sid suddenly felt that this was indeed a plausible reason, the only unexplainable thing was...

Why did the other party say it?

Why give advance notice to your biggest rival?

Do you want to use your own hand to spread this unreliable news?

Sid felt as if he was caught in a complicated game, and he was deeply aware of the difference between himself and those politicians.

Doing research? Oneself is above all people; but intrigue? He hadn't even entered the door yet.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"I understand what you mean, but this information is too important for us to make a decision like this."

"I think we should report this matter to the upper management. Maybe we need to do some experiments to verify some things, and then submit it to them for decision-making after we finally come to a conclusion..."

"Do an experiment? What an experiment?"

Bruce interrupted him without hesitation and continued:

"I have already said that the theory put forward by the other party is completely unfalsifiable. In any case, it is impossible for us to confirm or refute them through existing technical means."

"If that's the case, why waste resources and do so-called experiments?"

"We just need to see their motives clearly. Reasoning from motives is the root of the truth of everything."

Hearing Bruce's words, Sid frowned slightly.

For his so-called "motivation theory", he has seen it many times. As he said, Bruce believes that "motivation" is the starting point of all events, and by reasoning backward from the motivation, we can know how things develop. Trends, and reasoning backwards from known facts sheds light on the original motives.

With the interaction of the two, the whole picture of things can be understood.

Under this theory, he has made many important judgments. In addition to those so-called important suggestions at the strategic level, what impressed him the most was the process by which he used this theory to help him find evidence of his wife's derailment.

At that time, his wife suddenly proposed to change to a more challenging job and to realize the value of life. Must be cheating.

"What is a challenging job? You are almost 40 years old. Do you think it is reasonable to challenge at the age of 40?"

"You have to figure out what her motives are, what is her purpose for changing jobs."

"What does a challenging job mean? Longer hours, more travel opportunities, more generous and varied bonus income..."

"You know what that means? It means she has more excuses for staying out at night, more time to avoid you, more income you don't know about to spend on her little lover.. …”

"So, keep an eye on your wife, she's likely to have found a lover younger and stronger than you -- maybe someone close to you? You know, she's got a lot of people. limited......"

At the time, he was equally dismissive of Bruce's theory, but it turned out he was right.

His wife did cheat, and the object of cheating was someone he never imagined.

Students at the school where they teach.

Since then, I have never questioned the accuracy of this so-called "motivational theory" - even if it is not so accurate, but, to some extent, it is really useful.

So, this time, what is the motivation of the Huaxia people?

He thought so and asked.

Hearing his question, Bruce shook his head helplessly and replied:

"Didn't I already say it, they want to take our place, they want to create a new age religion, they want their people to work for them..."

"But that doesn't make sense, Bruce."

Sid interrupted the other party's words, and after thinking for a while, he continued to say:

"According to your theory, we should disassemble a big motive into many small motives. For example, if their ultimate purpose is to dominate the world, then the three basic elements of currency, energy and food must first be Take the initiative - it's in line with their strategy early on."

"But judging from the current situation, their strategy has undergone a complete change. The volume of the Beacon and Tongtianhe projects they have thrown out has obviously exceeded the limit required for domination, and it is too much!"

"How should you explain this?"

"Maybe they want 100% guarantee..."

"No, Bruce, you've never said maybe before, and you're not sure, are you? You're just being judged by your own prejudice!"

"Bruce, wake up, use your logic, and think about what they're going to do!"

"They've already begun to withdraw from the South Island, and such a major strategic operation has been terminated. Isn't that enough to explain the problem? Bruce, tell me, what is the only reliable motive for them to withdraw from the South Island?"

The opposite Bruce looked at Sid in astonishment. He did not expect that the other party would learn to think in his own way in such a short period of time.

After a long silence, he finally said:

"They... want to save the resources invested in the South Island and use it in other more important places. For the Fenghuo project and the Tongtianhe project."

"That's right! This is the answer! So, now you tell me, is their strategy in the South Island the result of the motive of 'domination'?"


"Then they gave up the South Island, does that mean their motive has disappeared?"


"Okay, then my question is obvious now: when one motive disappears, there must be another motive to replace it. What has replaced the motive of hegemony?"

"What is more important to them than the struggle for hegemony?"

Sid clenched his fists tightly, and this series of inferences led to a result he didn't want to accept, but no matter from which point of view, this result was the ultimate truth.

He stared grimly at the report brought from the venue in his hand, and then gritted his teeth and said:


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