Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 474: Changes In The World

"The end of the world is coming? The relevant departments of China have confirmed the hypothesis of adjacent dimension invasion."

"The Tongtianhe project and the Fenghuo project have been launched. It is expected that large-scale controllable nuclear fusion will be realized within ten years, and the grain output will be doubled."

"What is an adjacent dimension invasion? An article will take you through your fears."

"Huaxia people will never surrender! Tongtianhe project recruitment!"

"Twenty years, rebuilding the universe! The selection of the first phase of the project to repair the sky begins!"

"Full takeover! The General Technical Office has launched the whole industry flying knife plan, and the most stringent anti-monopoly law in history has been introduced!"

"A senior executive of a giant company was arrested for money laundering, illegal transfer of property overseas, and tax evasion. Forty executives were arrested!"

"The implementation of the new labor law has begun, and the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has fully taken over the calculation of working hours."


As the news of the invasion of neighboring dimensions was exposed, in just over a month, one by one policy followed, and everyone could see that this time it was going to be real.

Those strategies that were originally inconvenient to implement for stability, those deep-rooted interest chains, those stereotypes that affect social productivity... All are facing a thunderstorm-like impact, a large amount of capital has been uprooted, the economy The so-called "underground banking system", which is the most difficult to solve in the school, was crushed, and the key resource allocation power was returned to the official hands.

The people who benefited the most were ordinary people in China, who suddenly found that their lives became easier.

Of course, contradictions are unavoidable, but under the turbulent turbulent current, the small piece of rock blocking the road seems to be a bit of a car.

In the next few months, China's social form has undergone earth-shaking changes, and in such changes, everyone can vaguely see the shadow of the fallen.

The once red country seems to have crawled out of its grave again under this crisis affecting all mankind.



Ye Zhou sat in the office, flipping through the report just sent in his hand.

"I thought that you would start the wartime labor allocation strategy and directly bring productivity to the apex... The Human Resources and Social Security Bureau takes over the working hours, which is a good move, but it is a good move for computing power and stability. The requirements are a bit high, can the current computer system hold up?"

Opposite Chen Hao put down the report in his hand and replied:

"Kunlun Mountain has supported some quantum computing technologies. Although it is still a special-purpose computer, it is more than enough to cope with this simple working hour record. The stability is OK, but the accuracy is still a bit problematic."

"The current solution is still achieved through the combination of quantum computing and traditional computing. It can only be said that it is enough - we can't pursue too much. You know this kind of thing, and it's just overkill."

Ye Zhou nodded in agreement, then continued to ask:

"What's going on outside? The 'Last Wish' plan went bankrupt. Has Healy come up with any new tricks?"

"I don't see it now, that Bruce Conn is too fierce, he's a lunatic."

"He used his personal connections to unite almost all of the 'rebels' in the entire Western world, and thoroughly penetrated the secrets of various countries. What he did is more ruthless than our RSA decryption technology."

"How do you say...his organization, which is now called 'Hermes', their goals are indeed good - to level the information gap and eliminate confrontation, but what they did Some are really not human."

"Assassinations, spies, attacks... Anyway, the ugly country has been messed up into a pot of porridge by them now."

"Have you not watched the news? There was a high-level person two days ago, who just made a statement in front of the media a week ago saying that he would refuse to cooperate, and wanted to use the ugly country's own way to deal with the crisis, and was killed by Hermes a week later. ."

"They're so crazy, they can be said to be unscrupulous. What did you say they said? It's not a big deal to want to go their own way... As a result, everyone was blown up."

Seeing Chen Hao's expression full of emotion, Ye Zhou sighed and replied:

"There's no way, they're already rotten, and they have to take powerful medicines to treat the disease----but I'm curious, how did they gather such a strong force in such a short period of time?"

Chen Hao smiled and asked:

"Have you seen a movie called The Wave?"

Ye Zhou's heart moved, he had really seen this movie, and was deeply impressed by a certain assertion in this movie.

How many days does it take to go from civilization to totalitarianism?

The answer given in the movie is 5 days. If Bruce Conn really operates according to this strategy, even if it is placed in the real world, it is estimated that it will be extended to one month at most.

Not to mention that he himself has an extremely wide network of contacts, a large number of believers born with him, and is also a top scholar in the field of sociology.

"...I see, this is a stopgap measure. Do the officials of other countries cooperate with them...?"


Chen Hao didn't answer, but Ye Zhou had already seen the answer in his eyes.

After a moment of silence, Ye Zhou waved his hand and continued:

"Forget it, don't talk about him. What about the social environment? Do you think the West is likely to improve in the short term?"

Chen Hao shook his head and replied:

"No, not for at least two years. Their pessimism has not yet reached its peak. After it has reached its peak, there needs to be a release process. Only when all this emotion is released can they really move."

"Look, your judgment on this aspect was accurate before. Now they have the prototype of castration faction and fugitive faction. One faction said to return to nature and return to the farming period, while the other said to enter space as soon as possible and do space work. Wanderer - I don't understand how anyone would buy into such a nonsense theory."

Ye Zhou smiled sarcastically and replied:

"It's hard to understand, it's all for living. They think that as long as they are weak enough, they won't beat him... To be reasonable, this kind of ostrich thinking is quite marketable."

"Don't care if there is a market, anyway, their development has been stagnant for a few months now, food production has been reduced, major scientific research projects have been suspended, and all resources have been used to maintain order. If this goes on, we can only cut them off- ---Otherwise you will be dragged down by them."

Ye Zhou sighed, thinking of the man he had only seen on the news.

Can Bruce Conn save them? Can Hermes save them?

I'm afraid it won't work, they need more time to recover from the pain.

They move too slowly.

On the other hand, in Huaxia, in the past few months, he has assisted Huawu Institute in the design and manufacture of large-scale lasers, and anr-ht materials have also completed the first industrial manufacturing with the help of Sanchi Research Institute. , will soon enter the large-scale manufacturing stage.

Jinwu has completed all the wind tunnel experiments, the nuclear power engine has entered the final high-altitude test drive, the fuselage and the heart will soon be merged into one, and it will only take another year at most for all mankind to witness the first flight of this aircraft that will change the world. fly.

Everything went very smoothly. When the Huaxia people clearly saw the guillotine hanging above their heads, they burst out with unprecedented potential. At this time, the Chinese officials just launched a comprehensive encirclement and suppression of capital. , taking back a lot of residual value from those people.

The mood of the working people who have received material encouragement has become more and more high. In just a few months, the word called "laying flat", which has been popular for several years, seems to have suddenly disappeared from the land of China.

This is a fact that is both contradictory and, in fact, not contradictory.

Paradoxically, in the context of the so-called "doomsday", most of the countries outside of China have fallen into chaos, lying flat, waiting to die, rotten, and living in the present... The phenomena described by these words When it was fully rolled out, after realizing their ending, they almost all entered a period of labor pains, and entered into despair and confusion about the future - but the Huaxia people were completely the opposite.

They are using the most positive attitude to meet their own ending.

This is indeed a contradiction. If you know that you are bound to die at a known point in time, what is the point of working hard?

However, if we continue to dismantle this problem and continue to discuss the nature of phenomena, we may be able to discover that this is not contradictory at all.

Because this is a period in the history of China, and even in the history of mankind, when ordinary people have the highest degree of control over their own destiny.

The end is coming, and the power is all yours.

The interests of capitalists are deprived, because hoarding is meaningless; various giants are either overthrown or actively invested in the flood, because they do not know how long their families will last; Under the background of the knife mode and the full intervention of official supervision, all resources are forced to tilt towards the same goal.

Ordinary people, only ordinary people, they hold their own swords, hoes, scales, axes, hammers and sickles.

Everything is under their control. Once the crisis 20 years later passes, they will usher in a new era.

Who would miss such an opportunity? Who would refuse to put their name in history?

Even the most utilitarian people will silently recite a few words in their hearts: Princes and generals are better off.

Yes, in the eyes of Westerners, the end is a judgment, but in the eyes of Chinese people, the end is an opportunity.

It's an opportunity for great change.

They don't seem to have doubted that they can overcome the so-called doomsday from beginning to end?

That is of course, because they have crossed too many catastrophes that Westerners have called "doomsday".

For them, every "doomsday" is a rebirth from ashes.

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