Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 477: Zhang Fu's Reason

That night, local cadres organized a simple reception banquet for the survey team—of course, it was also a grand banquet.

Taking into account the tastes of the survey team members, the dinner dishes were not too traditional. The main dishes were stone-pot chicken, yak meat and hand-caught mutton, plus some glutinous rice cakes and yogurt. It was a simple meal, and the guests and the host ate as much as they could. joyous.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, sparse snowflakes began to float in the sky, Qing Hao walked out of the house with a sad face, and ignited a red plum brought from home.

Zhang Fu still followed behind him like a little valet. After asking for a cigarette, the two of them leaned on the railing outside the house and fell into contemplation together.

After a long time, Qing Hao asked:

"In your opinion, if the snow doesn't stop tomorrow morning, should we keep going?"

Zhang Fu pondered for a moment and replied:

"I think I have to go, mainly for two reasons."

"First, our time is limited. After completing this section of the survey, we have to take 318 to Taohuagou from Xuewaka immediately. There are only 15 days in total."

"Although the survey task at Taohuagou is not heavy, if there is any accident in the middle, it is very likely that the delivery time will be delayed."

"Our time redundancy is actually only about 3 days, but who knows how many days it will snow when it snows? I can't afford to gamble."

"Second, the altitude of this place is not too high. According to the meteorological data, there are few serious snowstorms. From my experience, the danger is relatively low - at most, the difficulty will increase. a little."

"Also, there is a road from us, which is the easiest part of our entire trip. Instead of waiting for the snow to stop, we might as well do the easy things while the conditions are tough and wait. When the ridge was over and the road started to get difficult, the weather just got better."

"It's nearly 8 kilometers from Zijongna to Qamuna. If we are lucky and the snow is solid, we can actually walk there in one day. At that time, we will descend from the north slope of Qamuna to 3,000 meters. Camp below meters above sea level.”

"The slope over there is very gentle and there is no risk of avalanches, so it is the safest place to camp."

"In this way, we can complete 50% of the route in two days. On the third day, we climbed the mountain from the north slope valley of Chidan and camped at the punctuation points 95e and 29n."

"On the fourth day, all the survey tasks are completed. On the fifth day, you can start to lower the red poles, bypassing Qiuzhu Longba from the old river valley in the northeast and heading north to Xuewaka Village."

"This part of the road is very easy to walk. The total length is about 16 kilometers. Let's work hard and finish it in one day, saving two days of repairing time."

"After arriving at Xuewaka, go directly across the river 318, 4 hours to Taohuagou, rest there for two days, and after the hydrographic surveying and mapping is completed, then follow 559 to enter Medog, and join the 029 survey team there."

"If we follow this plan, we can complete all the survey tasks in the first stage within 10 days, and we can start to take the route of Seamoges in the next stage."

After listening to Zhang Fu's explanation, Qing Hao nodded slightly and said:

"Your plan is very scientific. It seems that you really specialize in the art industry. I have done geological surveys for more than ten years, and there are still big shortcomings in this regard."

"Harm, it's all the experience of walking out. In fact, the most important part of this large-scale and long-term field activity is not to hurry, but to rest. In the plateau area, people's physical recovery is very slow. If you continue for 10 days For field activities, two to three days of low-altitude rest must be bridged.”

"My subsequent plan is basically designed according to this rule. We have to rest for two days in Taohuagou. After leaving Medog and walking through Ximo Ri, we have to call for the first helicopter support."

"That area is all no-man's land. We can't get out on our own, and the return journey is too difficult. Instead of wasting time, it's better to call a helicopter."

"Well, according to your arrangement, you are an expert in this area. But I have a question, starting from Simo Day, the survey points behind us will gradually become denser, and it is likely that the travel time will exceed 20 days. The 10 days you mentioned are inconsistent, how do you solve this problem?"

"It can't be solved. We will definitely be in a no-man's land by then. It's impossible to stay in a place where people live and rest, but I have planned several hot spring spots along the way. The altitude is low and the temperature is high, which is barely enough. The need for rest."

"... Most of the hot springs here are holy springs, right? Have you considered these taboos?"

Zhang Fu smiled slightly and asked back:

"Brother Hao, do you believe in ghosts and gods?"

Qing Hao was stunned for a moment and replied:

"You believe it, I am a materialist; but you believe it or not... You know, we field workers are somewhat taboo. This boundary is difficult to judge, but I always I think it's better to abide by the rules in such a sacred place."

Zhang Fu shook his head and said firmly:

"If we want to abide by the rules, we shouldn't do the Tongtian River project. Once the river is removed, many lakes along the way will dry up -- it's a holy lake."

"You think this thing is sacred, but I don't feel it at all. For me, the most sacred place in the world is the corn field in the northeast."

"Do you know why? Because I grew up eating that stuff."

"Let's just follow the right, if there is no crisis of invasion of adjacent dimensions, I don't mind giving them some faith, but now... Can faith kill those robbers in another dimension who want to kill us? "

"So you still have to let go of the psychological burden----you are the captain, you have to find a way to let other people let go of their burdens. I don't want to see some people's hands and feet are about to freeze in the future trip, and they still don't want to go down. spa."


Qing Hao took a deep breath and silently wrote the last stroke on the notebook in his hand.

Afterwards, he put away the notebook, and the expression on his face began to relax.

"Zhang, let me ask you, why do people like you think of coming to such a place to do surveys? Is it to pursue a challenge, or to make a name for yourself?"

Hearing Qing Hao's question, Zhang Fu seemed to be lost in thought for a while. He looked at the falling snowflakes under the light and replied:

"Actually, I don't understand why. When I first came into contact with this project, I was full of enthusiasm, for China and mankind. Later, it gradually became cold, but although it was cold, I didn't want to quit."

"How do you say it, to me, it's like a mission -- do you feel that way? It's like you're alive to accomplish something."

"You know my family background, when I was still in high school, my family had already made a fortune, and at that time our family was even richer than now, according to the general route, the second generation like me should go Study business administration, study finance or something."

"Even more playful, just don't go to school and eat, drink and have fun at home."

"But I don't think so. I had a big fight with the old man. In the end, I chose the major of geology. What I fancy is that this major can go outdoors."

"Actually, I just like the outdoors, and I have no interest in geology at all. After graduating from college, I didn't do any related work. I almost forgot all the things I learned. If I didn't forget it, I should have Come and be the captain, hahaha."

"----It's going a little too far. To be honest, if I have to say the reason, I can stand here now, mainly because of one person."


Qing Hao looked at Zhang Fu beside him curiously, some stories of love, hatred and hatred between rich and powerful families had already emerged in his mind, and he couldn't help guessing that maybe Zhang Fu was a girl from a certain family, and he had to ask for it. Prove yourself through this.

However, the answer given by Zhang Fu greatly exceeded his expectations.

"My elementary school teacher."

"Your elementary school teacher?? You fell in love with your elementary school teacher??"

"...You've watched too many movies. Why don't you talk about the little horse-drawn cart with me? I'm a male teacher!"

"Oh... male teacher..."

Zhang Fu glared at Qing Hao speechlessly, then continued:

"I remember a class when I was in elementary school. The teacher used the word vicissitudes of life and said that Lop Nur is a typical representative of vicissitudes. It used to be the sea, but now there is no water in it."

"At that time, I had a wide range of knowledge. I told him that Lop Nur had water, but it was a saline-alkali lake. He didn't listen."

"Not only did he not listen, he also ordered me to stand at the door for three classes, until my dad came to take me away in person. He insisted that I raised the bar, contradicted the teacher, and disrupted the teaching order."

"I've always remembered this matter. It's like a shadow of childhood. When I saw the Tongtianhe project some time ago, I suddenly thought, hey, the opportunity is here."

"Now Lop Nur will not only have water, but also the sea in the future. When the project is completed, I will run in front of him to show off."

"After 40 years of slaps in the face, is it exciting to think about it?"

After listening to Zhang Fu finish his reasons, Qing Hao's face showed an expression of seeing a fool. After hesitating for a few seconds, he tried his best to control the urge to complain and said:

"Your reason is enough..."

"Isn't that right? The more than 10,000 people in the survey team, and even the millions of people who will participate in this project in the future, will each have different reasons. Isn't it normal for a second-hand person to occasionally appear?"

"Even if it's normal..."

Qing Hao answered helplessly, but before he could finish speaking, Zhang Fu continued.

"However, a month ago, my teacher died."

"Three foolish children went to play by the water in the winter. He met them and saved two. After they got up, they had a heart attack and collapsed by the water."

"The forensic doctor said it was overworked, people under 40 years old, the body has collapsed."

"At that time, my mother kept persuading me, saying that the survey team was too dangerous and would die if I was not careful. I also thought it was quite reasonable. In addition, the teacher died and the target of the slap in the face was gone, so I just gave up."

"Then I thought about it, something was wrong."

"I just thought, did you think he knew there was water in Lop Nur at the time? Did he treat me like that because he really didn't understand it, or was it for other reasons?"

"I've always thought he was a bad teacher -- he didn't want to accept the opinions of his students! But now that he's dead, I'm a little suspicious again."

"Later, I went to check his resume, and found that the students he taught were generally good, and he even sponsored a lot of students himself - my family was not very good at that time, and the primary school I went to was one of those types. There are many poor students in migrant schools.”

"And then I knew, oh, there are some things that are not as simple as they seem."

"He probably knew that there was water in Lop Nur, but we were only in the second grade at that time, we didn't need to know, and of course there was no need to raise the bar."

"Then I thought, this is probably some causal connection somewhere, and at this time, I used his death to break my heart - I'm not idealism, I'm purely scientific , probability theory or something."

"Thinking about it further, I understand."

"You said that he has proved that he is right and good with me. Do I have to prove it too, and I am not wrong?"

"So, I have to do this. I have to create the sea of ​​Lop Nur."

"Maybe he's still watching? You say so?"

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