Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 482 The Story Of Longlong Village And The End Of Humanity

The video ends here, and the interrogator aborts the interrogation. Obviously, he also realizes that the information he has received exceeds his authority.

As the screen returned to darkness, Ye Zhou turned to Chen Hao and asked:

"So, do you think his philosophy... makes sense?"

Chen Hao shook his head and replied:

"I don't think he is justified, but, objectively speaking, we did find certain feasibility from his concept - reducing unnecessary energy consumption, enriching energy in key areas, reducing the overall energy level to gain more time, isn't it reasonable to do so?"

"The problem is that they have gone too far, and they are against all new creative behaviors, against any continued development of productive forces—they feel that all the productive forces of human beings are now enough to complete the analysis of the adjacent dimension problem. "

Ye Zhou smiled and said:

"Okay, I don't want to discuss too broad issues, but you have to answer me first, how are you going to convince our billions of people to give up their current standard of living?"

"----No, it doesn't need to be so big. How are you going to convince your daughter not to see the latest little big brother?"

Chen Hao frowned slightly and replied:

"It can be through coercive means, decrees, policies, etc."

"Do you think it will work? You don't know what the end of Prohibition will be, do you?"

"...So you think, this is not feasible?"

"No, it's not impossible, it's pure idealism."

Having said that, Ye Zhou took a sip of the cold tea from the teacup, and then said:

"I can see it clearly. These people are not really anti-humanists. They are a bunch of extremists. What they do is to put the theory on paper into reality."

"Do you know that there is a concept in physics called 'spherical chicken in a vacuum'? These people want to bring the 'vacuum spherical chicken' in sociology into reality. Do you think this is possible?"

"The social picture they construct is perfect, self-consistent, and even efficient in the context of the apocalypse, but the problem is, reality is not a vacuum, and chickens are not spherical!"

"Of course, we can also vacuum up reality, and we can also cultivate chickens into spherical shapes, but will the cost of doing so be lower than the Tongtianhe project and the Fenghuo project?"

"Impossible.... Even in the field of sociology, energy is conserved. What's more, if we want to realize the social picture they say, we will also face the risk of a complete collapse of the social order, if it does happen. In that case, there is no need to invade the adjacent dimension, and we will kill ourselves."

"Besides, what Chen Wu said is completely contradictory. On the one hand, he said that the Renaissance was the foundation of the scientific revolution, and on the other hand, he demanded that human beings give up entertainment activities and cultural and artistic enjoyment. What kind of authentic double-standard dog is this? ?"

After listening to Ye Zhou's explanation, Chen Hao breathed a long sigh of relief, and then said:

"Then you mean there is no merit to their philosophy?"

"Yes, of course there is. To put it bluntly, isn't the so-called pastoral idyll the ultimate form of planned economy? The core is not the optimal allocation of resources."

"----Resource optimization allocation, aren't we doing it now? Otherwise, where do the resources for the Tongtianhe project come from?"

Chen Hao nodded slightly and replied:

"Okay.... So I probably understand, but to be honest, their theory is still very deceptive."

"If you accept one of their viewpoints at the beginning, their other viewpoints will subtly start to affect you, and eventually you will accept it all - this is the so-called door-to-door effect, right?"

"That's right."

"In that case, we have to find a way to refute their views. We have to seize the high ground of public opinion, otherwise many people will be confused by their traps. Do you have any ideas?"

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou pondered for a moment and said:

"I don't think so. In fact, as long as the truth of their so-called 'idyllic songs' is exposed in publicity, most ordinary people will spontaneously stand against them. As for those who will believe their theories, we don't care. No matter how you advertise it, it won't work."

"They often think that they are the elites of the society and that they should naturally enjoy more resources and take on heavier responsibilities. To put it bluntly, there is an outdated so-called aristocratic spirit from the West."

"In their eyes, ordinary people are the property of their fiefs. They want to save the world, not to save mankind, but to save themselves."

"If there's a credible opportunity - such as interstellar voyages, they'll immediately convert to fugitives without hesitation."

"So, for this group of people, what we have to do is not win, but strike."

"Fugitiveism and castrationism are one of the most dangerous ideological trends under the crisis of the neighboring dimension. Fortunately, we found it early, and if we launched the crackdown immediately, everything would be too late."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao's expression was a little solemn.

"You think things have come this far?"

"Just plan ahead. Their influence is still limited now, but they can already reach out to key national projects. If they are allowed to develop, what do you think will happen?"

"I said that these people are originally a group of elitism, their own social status is not low, their voice and influence naturally surpass other ordinary people, and they have their shadows in all social and economic aspects. "

"Maybe they're still idealists now, but continue to develop, and when they find that they can use idealism to their advantage, everything will change."

"How to say?"

Chen Hao asked.

Ye Zhou frowned and replied:

"I have a story that maybe from a relatively small point of entry, can better explain everything about the madrigal organization, why we kill it when it first appears."

"tell me the story."

Ye Zhou refilled his cup with tea, and then said:

"Suppose, now we have such a village. This village is called... Let's call it Longlong Village."

"Longlong Village has been inhabited by farmers who live on farming and animal husbandry for generations. After generations of hard work, their lives have gradually become prosperous. Various houses have been built, and fresh vegetables and fruits have been continuously produced in the land. The grass is full of well-fed cattle and sheep."

"Every weekend, people in the village will organize dances and dinner parties, and there are many entertainment activities on weekdays. Everyone's life is rich and happy."

"Suddenly one day, the prophet in the village brought a piece of news: In the near future, a giant dragon from a nearby mountain will attack Longlong Village, with the aim of completely destroying Longlong Village and killing all the villagers."

"This news made the villagers panic--you must know that the dragon is very scary. With the technology of the villagers at the time, they had no way to fight the dragon."

"However, these villagers can't give up the land they have lived in for generations, because mass relocation means death."

"So, these villagers started to make various preparations, such as building city walls, hoarding fuel, increasing food crops to prepare for long-term battles, and so on."

"In short, everyone is trying their best to defeat the dragon under limited conditions."

"The villagers also actively offered ideas and suggestions. Among them, one strategy was quickly recognized by many people."

"The proponent of this strategy said that the reason why the dragon wanted to attack the village was actually because the development of the villagers had threatened its survival, so what the villagers should do is to hide their power and let The dragon let his guard down, and then secretly created a stronger weapon, which unexpectedly hit the dragon."

"This plan is called the 'Pastoral Plan', and it looks very reasonable, but the question is, how to hide the power?"

"The first thing to do is to destroy most of the farmland, wipe out most of the livestock, and keep only the basic rations that are enough for everyone."

"Secondly, dance parties and recreational activities are not allowed in the village, as these activities consume additional resources."

"In the end, it was forbidden to light the lights even at night, because too bright lights indicated the prosperity of the village, and it was easy to attract the attention of the giant dragon."

"Such a policy naturally caused dissatisfaction among most people, but the leader always believed that he was right, so when the policy could not be implemented and the village committee stood up against it, he adopted various tough methods to implement it. his strategy."

"For example, setting fires in farmland, such as raiding and demolishing dance halls, such as adding water to the lamp oil sold in the market... Such sabotage actions have indeed achieved good results, but at the same time, the execution of the leader's men All of a sudden they find that their power is expanding dramatically."

"As I said before, they want to secretly create a stronger weapon, this weapon, we call it the city crossbow bar."

"Manufacturing weapons requires manpower and resources, and obviously, those involved in the manufacture of city crossbows will get more resources."

"They have plenty of food, bright lights, and even occasional dance parties to help them release stress.... Obviously, any villager would like to join the job, but who can really join in?"

"From the perspective of the idealist, the leader of the Pastoral Project, he certainly hopes that the people who join the project are truly talented people, but he ignores the fact that in this village, the contradiction between resources and needs has developed to the point where degree of irreconcilability."

"Even the executors of the Pastoral Project can't get enough resources to satisfy their desires, so what will they do?"

"The answer is obvious, they will rent out the rights in their hands in exchange for resources that are not many."

"Want to join the City Crossbow Project? It's very simple, exchange it for bacon. No bacon? Okay, you can exchange it for your daughter. What? You said you don't want to continue the Pastoral Project? That's not possible, the privileged class has already Formed, how can you just destroy it?"

"At this stage, the village has basically fallen into chaos, murder and arson are rampant everywhere, and the village committee of Longlong Village is no longer able to fight the pastoral organization, because under their destruction, most of the resources of the entire society have been gathered. into their hands."

"In the end, the village committee disappeared, and the pastoral organization established a new village committee. They celebrated the arrival of a new era and celebrated their victory, but everyone forgot, and soon, the dragon will be killed. already."

"And what about the city crossbow project? There won't be any progress there, because those in charge of this project are all corpses who have sold their resources in exchange for their jobs."

"What's lying in the lab right now is just a broken bow without a string."

"So, a few years after the pastoral organization established the village committee, the dragon destroyed the village. And those so-called elites who wanted to save the world did not make any resistance - they simply did not have the ability to resist. "

After speaking, Ye Zhou took a long breath and continued:

"Now, do you know what the fundamental problem of the madrigal organization is?"

"To sum up, there is only one sentence: elitism will inevitably lead to power rent-seeking, and power rent-seeking will inevitably lead to the collapse of order."

"If you want to save the world, you can't just rely on the strength of one person or group of people, you have to get everyone involved."

"To put it a bit harsher, even if they are useless, even if they are doing a disservice, they must be involved."

"Because they may not be helpful to the real goal, but the act of 'participating' is itself a symbol."

"It symbolizes equality for everyone in the face of disaster, the rational distribution of resources, and the community of destiny."

"And this is also the original intention of the Fenghuo project and the Tongtianhe project."


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