Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 502: Fish Going To Land

The opposite Da Liu was obviously stunned for a moment, and the next second, a strange smile appeared on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Zhou's mind was dizzy.

When he opened his eyes again, he seemed to find himself in a familiar room.

It was a rental house near the school where he once lived.

The time is 202x, the afternoon just after graduation.

Ye Zhou's mind was in a mess, he felt as if he had experienced a lot of things, but when he wanted to think about it, he found that he couldn't think of anything.

He looked at his wrist subconsciously, there was nothing there, but he always felt that there should be something.

what is it?

Ye Zhou pondered desperately, the chaotic memories washed over the reefs in his mind like broken waves, the surging white covered the color of the reefs themselves, he wanted to peel off the waves and look at those reefs, but he tried hard again and again. All in vain.

Ye Zhou sighed, the quilt wrapped around his body like water plants, he grabbed the kitchen knife on the cutting board by the bed and tried to cut the quilt, but the kitchen knife seemed to have not been sharpened after he chopped the bones the day before, no matter how hard he tried Can't scratch the quilt.

In desperation, he had to sit up wrapped in the quilt, and began to move to the bathroom in small steps, but the body dragging the quilt was too large, and the bathroom door was blocked by a messy mop, trying to clear the obstacle, he stretched out completely. Can't make a move.

After tossing for a long time, Ye Zhou finally opened the bathroom door and opened the shower valve with the top of his head. As the hot water poured down, the cotton in the quilt was melted by the water like cotton candy, and he finally shook off the restraint. , the quilt washed down with the hot water overhead.

Ye Zhou rolled the quilt on the ground into a ball and stuffed it into the toilet. After pressing the flush button, the huge vortex rolled the quilt into the sewer.


Wait, why am I here?

In the next second, Ye Zhou's consciousness seemed to be sucked into that huge vortex.

Two strange planes were taking off in the distance, and near by was a pile of broken, fiery aircraft wreckage.

Ye Zhou stood up and walked towards the wreckage. He felt that he was very familiar with the scene in front of him, but he couldn't tell when it was.

He stroked the damaged surface of the plane, the sharp metal pierced into his palm, and then the blood gradually dripped onto the ground. When Ye Zhou turned his head, he saw a giant bird soaring into the air.

The sea of ​​sand was surging, and the huge waves of rolling yellow sand rushed towards Ye Zhou. He felt suffocation after wave of suffocation, so he ran back desperately, but while running, he actually found himself flying.

The feeling of being in the air is extremely real. He floated in the air dozens of meters above the ground, his body rotated and rolled uncontrollably, and severe dizziness surged up again. When he opened his eyes again, the scene he saw changed again. .

This time, he stood in the icy cold wind.

At his feet were green mountains with many peaks, and behind him were tombs one by one. Ye Zhou involuntarily stepped towards the edge of the cliff, but just a second before he raised his leg, a voice seemed to be shouting in his consciousness.

The voice came from behind him.

Ye Zhou looked back, and in an instant, the tide in his mind quickly receded, and the hideous reef was exposed.

A relieved smile appeared on his face, and then he let go of his right hand.

The flames of the explosion re-illuminated the face of Da Liu in front of him. In the stunned expression on the other side, Ye Zhou calmly watched the scene in front of him fall like a broken mirror.

There are no mushroom-shaped buildings, no jammers, and certainly no so-called "breakers".

Everything is fake.

But virtual invasions are real.

The memory flow resumed the injection, this time, as slowly as ever.

The location where he is now is a village hidden in the mountains—or rather, it is a well-camouflaged experimental base.

A few days ago, during a high-altitude survey, the officials suddenly discovered this village that had appeared out of nowhere in the Sanwu area. After confirming that there were human activities in the village, they sent Ye Zhou and his party to investigate, but the moment they entered the village, Ye Zhou The bci chips of Zhou and others were all disturbed, and everyone fell into the same illusion.

Just as Ye Zhou had seen before, in that fantasy world, what they saw was the future technology that surpassed reality, what they saw was a life of absolute equality and abundance, and what they saw was all the beautiful things in their imaginations.

What is even more frightening is that such illusions have even been slightly adjusted for their purposes. For example, Ye Zhou's subconscious still has memories of performing tasks, so the disruptor fabricated a game for him about destroying the source of interference. Mission - Ironically, this is exactly what Ye Zhou is doing now.

He shook his head gently, feeling the dullness of the body losing support after the bci chip completely collapsed. Then, he walked down the steps where he was standing step by step, left his teammates beside him, and walked straight to the center of the base.

Along the way, Ye Zhou saw the "villagers" in the fantasy world unconsciously doing bizarre movements. Some people were sitting on chairs, simulating driving postures with their hands, and their bodies were constantly swaying from side to side; some people were deep in the paddy fields. He ran wild with one foot and one foot, and every time he fell, he grabbed a large amount of silt from the ground and smeared it on his face; someone was suspended in mid-air by a rope, posing in a superhuman flying pose, his face covered with writing intoxicated look.

This is a crazy world. Unlike the matrix in The Matrix, people here are not fixed in a nutrient pool, but are created with various details according to local conditions and their environment. the illusion.

And the root of all this is the bci chip in their brains.

Ye Zhou tried to use the communicator to report the situation to his superiors, but the signal in this area seemed to have been completely blocked, and even the dedicated quantum communication system was completely out of order.

Big money.

Ye Zhou couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In such an era and technological background, the ability to create such a vacuum on the border of the strongest country in the world is evident in the strength of the opponent.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou vigilantly pulled out the pistol from his waist, but just when he wanted to continue exploring, a man's voice suddenly came from the wooden house beside him.

"I advise you to put down your gun, put down your gun, and we can still have a good talk."

Ye Zhou turned around vigilantly, and in front of him was a man shrouded in black robes.

The other party stood in front of Ye Zhou fearlessly and continued to say:

"I have set up a cradle system near this area. As long as my brain activity stops, the system will immediately detonate all bombs. At that time, one hundred and seventy-six innocent ordinary people in this base will go to hell with me. ."

"So, I advise you not to act rashly. I think you have guessed it. What you are fighting against is definitely not an ordinary kbzz, so please don't treat me with that kind of garbage attitude."

Hearing the man's words, Ye Zhou smiled sarcastically and asked back:

"Aren't you rubbish? Destroying other people's lives and trapping them in hallucinations to fulfill your ulterior ambitions isn't anti-human enough?"

Looking at Ye Zhou's expression, the man shook his head gently and replied:

"No, you got it wrong. I didn't trap them in a hallucination, they chose their world."

"I'm just an ordinary maker, and everything that happens in that world has nothing to do with me."

"At most, we just want to use some side effects to help our race survive better."

"And, don't you think, in a world like that, they are... happy?"

Ye Zhou raised the gun again and pointed at the man, and said sternly:

"That kind of happiness is fake. They can't produce any value. If everyone chooses to fall into illusion, who will maintain this world?"

"The crisis in the adjacent dimension is far from resolved. Now you tell me that you have already begun to pursue illusory happiness. I don't understand, who gave you the confidence?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the man sighed, took off the hood on his head, and then continued:

"You think of us so could we do such a mindless thing at a time like this...contrary to what you think, we are also working to save humanity what."

"What's the meaning?"

Ye Zhou vigilantly flipped the safety on the pistol, he actually didn't believe the so-called cradle system that the man said, because according to the information he got from the information flow, in this post-adjacent dimension era, various countries have tightened Given the weapons control policy, it is impossible for any organization to silently transport a shipment of dangerous explosives to this sensitive area.

"You know what the biggest obstacle to space travel is?"

The man didn't mind Ye Zhou's actions at all, but sat down on the steps in front of the wooden house calmly, and continued talking before Ye Zhou could answer.

"It's not speed, energy, or life support systems. All such problems can be solved with our technology. What can't be solved is human thinking."

"People's thinking will change. When humans on land begin to step into space and go on a long space journey, all the morals and rules that belong to the earth will be broken, the old order will collapse, and despair from deep space will come. And fear will engulf everyone and make them unmotivated for a short period of time."

"We have done countless experiments and tried many methods, including but not limited to what hibernation, the second ecosystem, relay navigation, etc., but without exception, all these attempts have failed. ."

"In our simulation, no starship has flown out for more than a hundred years. Within three generations, everyone in the starship will die due to the melee caused by the breakdown of order."

"Later, one of our geniuses came up with an idea."

"He said that humans are animals that belong to the ground, and getting humans to the universe is as difficult as getting a fish ashore."

"Yes, these fish may have evolved amphibious lungs, but they didn't have amphibious brains."

"So there's only one way for these fish to actually get to shore: to convince them that they're still in the water."

"Can you guess what we're going to do now?"

"Yes, we are building illusions for them, but the purpose of building illusions is not to immerse them in illusions, but... to make their actions due to illusions mirror reality."

"Do you understand that?"

"In reality, he may be operating the rudder of the starship, but in fantasy, he is sailing on the waters of the North Atlantic."

"Only in this way can these fish go to land; only in this way can these fish fight for a lifeline for themselves; and only in this way can we get out of this space that has been devastated by the civilization of the adjacent dimension, go to Find a new habitat and rebuild our civilization."

After listening to the man's words, Ye Zhou squeezed the trigger in astonishment, and then asked in an unbelievable tone:

"You... are the fugitives?? Why do you still exist??"

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