Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Forty-Six Combat Preparation

"So, can this action really achieve our goal?"

In the reception room, President Turkey looked puzzled and asked the representative of the Confederate country opposite.

"Of course it can't achieve the ultimate goal, but forcing them to make some concessions can definitely be done... You can think about it, with our current strategy, any country in the world can come up with Is there a quick and effective way?"

"As we discussed before, to solve the problem, they must launch military operations, and the preparation time for launching an overseas military operation is at least three months. They can afford it, and those overseas people can wait. Are you up?"

"They're not going to take that risk, and their people aren't going to allow them to take that risk."

"All right......."

The president sighed, and after a moment of silence, he continued to ask:

"If—I mean if they organize a military operation against us in the short term, then do we have sufficient pre-emptive measures to deal with it?"

"It depends on what kind of military operation... If it is a conventional military operation, then you can rest assured."

The representative's body fell backward, and then said:

"Although Turkey's military power cannot enter the top ranks, it is also a first-class level in the world."

"You have the most advanced fighter jets, the most advanced missiles, and the most advanced ground armor. It is impossible for them to fight a blitzkrieg like the Ugly Kingdom did in iraq before."

"The most likely possibility is that they will use their air superiority to gain air supremacy and then use air supremacy to initiate negotiations."

"At that time, you just need to ignore it - we will launch a joint operation at the fastest speed to force their aircraft carriers to evacuate. Without the aircraft carrier platform, their air superiority will naturally cease to exist."

"You mean, we're going to really fight them?"

the president asked with a frown.

"It doesn't have to be firefights, and they're not that decisive. You just need to rely on your information and geographic advantages to continue harassing them."

"What advantage do we have?"

"Isn't your advantage big enough? Five armies, hundreds of fighter planes, 12 f-22s, 400,000 soldiers, and they?"

"What they can dispatch is actually an aircraft carrier formation at most."

"You're not going to tell me that your entire country can't even beat an aircraft carrier formation, right?"

Hearing this, the tension in the president's heart eased a little. Although he had been extremely tough in the negotiation with Huaxia before, it was undeniable that he was still a little scared.

After all, he is facing the most powerful force on this planet.

"Then, we need some more detailed operational plans, and we need guidance from military experts."

"Of course, he's at the door right now, and he's always at your service if you need it."

Looking at the confident expression, the president finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He summoned the long-awaited military advisor, and two hours later, an almost perfect defense plan was drawn up.

In this plan, they analyzed all possible routes of the opponent's attack. Whether it is attacking from land, sea, or air, they can effectively deny them by virtue of their geographical advantages and depth advantages.

Subsequently, the plan was issued to the commanders of various combat units, and the military forces of the entire country were quickly mobilized.


In the city of Instanbul, Attaki led a rapid response team into the air defense and anti-missile position on the edge of the city. He had a total of two strela-10 anti-aircraft armored vehicles, equipped with all-solid-state, three-coordinate air-to-air surveillance radars. It can monitor air traffic in all directions, and the air defense monitoring function is far superior to the same type of equipment.

It can be said that under the monitoring and firepower of this anti-aircraft vehicle, unless it is the most advanced stealth fighter in the world, it is impossible to escape.

In addition, the quick reaction force is also equipped with a large number of tracked and wheeled armored vehicles, which can be quickly transferred on urban roads, and have strong mobility and flexibility.

Even in the field of individual soldier equipment, the equipment and technology they use are the best - more than 40% of the combat personnel in the team are equipped with the latest model of mechanical exoskeletons from the Chou Kingdom, which greatly improves the continuous combat capability.

It is precisely because of the blessing of these new equipment that Aitage is extremely confident in this defensive mission.

He was convinced that as long as the enemy dared to attack, he and these heroic warriors would be able to tear a piece of flesh from the enemy's body.

After patrolling the position, Attaki said to the adjutant:

"Raise the drone quickly, they may attack at any time, we will use the drone to widen our surveillance area and attack them outside the line of sight!"

Hearing Attaki's words, the adjutant stepped forward and replied:

"The drone has been dispatched, and the monitoring data has been sent back through the data link. There is no problem."

"The question is, are our outer positions too weak? If the other side launches an assault from the ground..."


Attaqi smiled sarcastically, and then asked back:

"How could they have the courage to attack from the ground? We have the most powerful army on the land, and they only have a carrier and a small base."

"The total number of fighters they can send will not exceed 500 people. With these 500 people, they want to launch a full-scale ground war against us?"

"Don't think about it, it's completely impossible. Instead of focusing on the ground, it's better to put more power into air defense operations -- this will be our main battlefield."

The adjutant nodded and replied:

"That's true. However, their air power is also very strong, and we really..."

He didn't continue speaking, but Attaki could already hear the doubt in his tone.

There is no way, these subordinates are all "children" who have not really experienced large-scale conflicts. Now that they are required to fight against the giant, it is normal to be afraid.

As long as you can conquer fear, you can conquer the enemy.

Thinking of this, he patted the other person's shoulder generously and comforted:

"Don't worry, our equipment is not much worse than theirs, what's more, we have an unparalleled geographical advantage."

"This is our territory. If they want to fight here, they must be prepared to face a steady stream of counterattacks."

"How is it possible to fight our entire nation in one formation—with the sheer force of air formation?"

"If they do attack, it's doomed to never come back."

"Because we are not alone, there is an alliance behind us."

Atachi sighed softly, looked at the rising sun in the distance, and continued:

"Let's just bury them here."

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