"Don't be so excited."

Zheng Shu tidied his clothes and walked into the carriage slowly. As he entered, he kept observing the surroundings with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"If you really think about it, I have nothing to do with the traitor you mentioned. I just have his power temporarily."

After explaining casually, Zheng Shu stopped about two meters away from Lu Mingze and carefully pinched the chairs and tables next to him, feeling their texture.

"Is this the spiritual world? It's a bit more ordinary than I expected. I originally thought it would be something similar to the Nibelungs, but it turned out to be just an illusion made of pure mental power?"

He curiously looked at his body in this spiritual world. As Zheng Shu moved his thoughts, his clothes began to change constantly. Lu Mingfei on the side looked at Zheng Shu dumbfounded. Various styles of clothes kept flashing on his body like a computer bug. Among those clothes that flashed away, Lu Mingfei even... I saw something strange like a Kamen Rider or Ultraman leather suit.


Seeing that Zheng Shu was doing more and more excessive things in the spiritual world, Lu Mingze raised his palm and pointed it at Zheng Shu and roared angrily, as if he had been disturbed by something. Zheng Shu even had some symptoms similar to poor TV signal. snowflake texture.

When Zheng Shu stabilized his body shape again, the clothes he wore had changed into the Kassel College uniform that he wore most often.

"It turns out that the initial default clothes were set based on the most common clothes in my heart." Zheng Shu ignored Lu Mingze's roar and looked up at Lu Mingfei who was standing behind the carriage.

"Lao Lu, your bloodline level is a bit more powerful than I thought. It's just that you have spiritual vision, but you can actually use your free mental power to create a spiritual world. You are worthy of being the bloodline level among the few of us in Shilan High School. The tallest man.”

Through Zheng Shu's observation, he finally confirmed that this spiritual world was not created by Lu Mingze. On the contrary, in fact, the entire spiritual world relied on Lu Mingfei's own spiritual power. What Lu Mingze did was just to manipulate this spiritual world. Get in shape.

The reason why Lu Mingfei was unable to freely control this spiritual world was entirely because his subconscious was rejecting his own power. Otherwise, even a being like Lu Mingze who had some inexplicable connection with Lu Mingfei would not be able to control his spiritual world at will.


Facing Zheng Shu's disregard, Lu Mingze was so angry that he was shaking all over.

However, because he felt a familiar feeling from Zheng Shu, Lu Mingfei, who had been hiding behind him and shivering, gained some courage: "Old Zheng, is it really you?! It's not something I imagined in my mind. Bar?"

"That's enough." Zheng Shu was a little helpless, "Why didn't I see that you were so cautious before? If I hadn't heard Professor Guderian say that you were frightened and fainted during the entrance guidance, I wouldn't have bothered. Come in here. If you fucking say that to me again, believe it or not, I won’t come in to help you next time.”

"My mistake, my mistake. So, what Professor Guderian said is true?"

Although Zheng Shu was angry, Lu Mingfei felt much more at ease. He was originally worried that he was a monster completely different from others, but now seeing Zheng Shu's normal attitude, the inexplicable worries that had been suppressed in his heart were a little relieved.

As Lu Mingfei's mentality changed slightly, some small changes also occurred in the entire spiritual world. Lu Mingze, who was on the side, couldn't care less about being angry, and looked back at his "brother" with his eyes widened in surprise. .

"Nonsense! Now that you have developed spiritual vision, you actually ask whether such a problem really exists in the Dragon Clan. Look around you carefully. Do ordinary people have such power as you?"

Suddenly being stared at by Lu Mingze's eyes, Lu Mingfei couldn't help but shudder. After hearing Zheng Shu's words, he could only complain in a low voice: "Normal people should feel that when they see this situation, Instead of feeling crazy, you will feel that you have gained extraordinary power."

Zheng Shu had good hearing. After hearing his low voice, he waved his hand: "Pull him down. Only psychopaths will not feel that they are insane. They will only feel that they have gained extraordinary power."

"What you said makes sense. Can you help me deal with this guy next to me? Who is he?" Lu Mingfei pointed at Lu Mingze, who had stopped talking since just now.

Zheng Shu pretended to look at Lu Mingze, touched his chin, and said an answer in a playful way:

"I think this boy may be the embodiment of your Yanling. I will tell you what the Yanling is after I get out. In short, you should be able to get more extraordinary power from him. But the amount of this power depends on you. How is your control?"

"You traitor!" Hearing Zheng Shu commenting on himself like this, Lu Mingze's anger that had just been extinguished was ignited again, "Originally, when it seemed that you were still of some use to my brother, I wanted to spare your life, but now , you will regret that you entered this world without permission!"

As Lu Mingze's words fell, Zheng Shu felt that his spiritual body that had sneaked into this spiritual world was being crushed by forces from all directions. His embodied body began to flicker again, as if he was about to be crushed by this spiritual world at any time. broken.

Moreover, Zheng Shu also has a feeling that behind these crushing forces, there is a will full of destructive power approaching. If his spiritual body is destroyed, the will full of destructive power will follow. Attacking the spirit and soul of one's own body through the connection in the middle.

Facing the will of destruction that was about to touch him, Zheng Shu showed no fear at all. Instead, he smiled at Lu Mingze:

"I have a little question - if you like to eat Xiaowan, can you?"

As soon as Zheng Shu finished speaking, Lu Mingze, who had been controlling his spiritual power to crush him, suddenly felt something was wrong, and then he found that a pack of... Xiao Wanneng suddenly appeared in front of him?

Before the confused Lu Mingze could react to what was going on, he suddenly discovered to his horror that this package of Xiaowanneng was not something simulated with mental power in the spiritual world, but a real and actual object.

"Damn it!"

Lu Mingze had a rare expression of anger on his face. He didn't care to continue attacking Zheng Shu's mental body. He quickly turned a large amount of mental power around and wrapped it up in layers, which looked ordinary from the outside. noodle.

The gathering of spiritual power that is too large in size even tends to materialize independently without human control.

Lu Mingfei stood behind Lu Mingze and stared blankly at a pack of common snacks that suddenly appeared in the middle of the carriage. Then in Lu Mingze's furious voice, a large amount of crystal-like substances appeared out of thin air around the snacks. , surrounding it.

boom! ! !

Just when Lu Mingfei was still thinking about what was wrong with his so-called "word spirit", a terrifying light emitted from the bag of snacks, followed by a deafening sound and a terrifying explosion.

Lu Mingfei even thought for a moment that he might be going blind, but soon his eyes regained his vision again, and the surrounding environment did not change at all, as if what he had just seen and heard were all hallucinations.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt very tired, as if he had stayed up late for several days without any rest.

Fighting back the sleepiness, Lu Mingfei tried hard to open his eyes. Although he really didn't want to fall asleep like this, the sleepiness that kept coming up made his vision begin to blur.

In a daze, Lu Mingfei heard the voices of Zheng Shu and Lu Mingze.

"You lunatic! You actually summoned a real object in your brother's spiritual world. Aren't you afraid that the quality of the material will be too high to harm him?! Sure enough, you guys are born to be rebellious, no matter how nice you say it. , and didn’t care about my brother’s life.”

——This should be the voice of Lu Mingze. This kid has always been calm and unhurried since he appeared. He can break through the defense like this. I really want to see what he looks like now.

Lu Mingfei thought dazedly. The world in front of him had begun to become distorted. It seemed that he was too sleepy and his vision became blurry.

"Of course I'm not afraid. After all, you will definitely protect Lu Mingfei. But it seems that my previous inference is correct. The so-called spiritual world is essentially an energy body composed of highly condensed spiritual energy. Because the energy inside is abnormal It is active and has a very high energy level, so it can be considered that everything inside is moving at the speed of light. In terms of specific expression, it is probably that even in the most critical moment, you can pull Lu Mingfei's mental body in and slowly communicate with him Discuss subsequent tactics.”

Zheng Shu glanced at Lu Mingze, who was extremely fearful but did not dare to do anything to him again, and then looked at the surrounding environment that had begun to become a little distorted, with an indifferent smile on his face.

"Since it is a world composed of pure energy, when actual matter appears in this world, these materials will spontaneously transform from matter into energy. According to the law of conservation of mass and energy, the energy that each bit of matter can produce All are extremely impressive. To be honest, Lao Lu can withstand the energy completely released by a piece of bread with his free mental power. Although I have tried my best to overestimate his power, I still underestimated it unexpectedly. "

No longer looking at Lu Mingze's expression, Zheng Shu turned to look at Lu Mingfei, who was already drowsy.

"Go to sleep, Lao Lu, you are indeed a little tired now. When you wake up, you will continue with the orientation. I will be waiting for you in the classroom next to you."

This chapter has 3,000 words, and I finally paid off the update I owed. I will try to find time to update more later.

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