Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 143 Strengthening the Second Dragon King Template

Among the Nibelungs.

Zheng Shu sat quietly on the empty "ground".

This Nibelung is not the one Zheng Shu obtained from Odin, but the one he first built under the alchemy laboratory.

Because Zheng Shu's technology was not perfect at the time, the Nibelungen had some minor problems with its overall structure, causing it to continue to lose its quality.

And because of this reason, there is a problem with the entrance of this Nibelungen and it is impossible to enter and exit normally. Except for people like Zheng Shu who use Hela's talent to directly forcibly cut an opening, ordinary people cannot enter at all. It has completely become A defective product that cannot be used.

But in turn, for Zheng Shu, the Nibelungen has become the safest place in the world.

A lot of things happened in the past few days. First, during the free day, because I had already experienced shooting the Dragon King with real guns and live ammunition, the originally scheduled shooting confrontation was naturally canceled on this free day.

After a nerve-wracking crisis, Freedom Day ended up being a giant party paid for by Caesar and open to everyone in the school.

During the period, there was also a group dance by the Student Union Dance Troupe and the second bikini beauty pageant. The competition was so intense that even the vice-principal, a long-standing homeboy, ran down to his attic to play with the students.

Of course, this extremely extravagant scene also opened the eyes of Lu Mingfei, who had never seen the world before.

As the most unusually high-profile S-class freshman in recent times, Lu Mingfei was warmly welcomed by the crowd as soon as he arrived on the court. However, everyone who tried to get close to Lu Mingfei was not sure when they had become familiar with Lu Mingfei. The zero was intercepted.

Then there was the news that Norton and Constantine had completed the creation of the alchemy double.

However, Zheng Shu did not let them leave immediately. Instead, he commissioned Norton to create a stand-in that looked exactly like him, and asked Norton to "drive" the alchemy stand-in in the laboratory in the next few days to disguise his appearance. journey.

In order to make his behavior in the laboratory not appear abrupt, except for the time when he was caught by Chu Zihang, Zheng Shu has been bored in the alchemy laboratory these days and did not even attend the free day party. .

Norton and Constantine were both marked by him, and he did it in front of them, so these two dragons should not dare to run away in a short time.

He has already made it known in school that he will continue his alchemy research. If there is nothing else, no one will come to disturb him within a month or two.

Zheng Shu had already replenished the material of this Nibelung when he first came in. He also used Hela's talent to make a second adjustment to completely seal the exit of the Nibelung. Not to mention entering, even if he wanted to It took a lot of time to find the existence of this Nibelung.

All preparations were complete, and Zheng Shu felt that it was time for him to carry out the next round of strengthening.

"Panel, fuse the enhanced template: Constantine and the enhanced template: Norton!"

【Confirmed command】

【warn! ! Template fusion will produce unknown changes and may cause unexpected risks. Do you want to continue? 】

"Confirm!" After experiencing the last enhancement, Zheng Shu showed that he was very familiar with the road.

[Checking template compatibility...]

[Estimating integration risks...]


[The fusion is completed, users can now use the new template for enhancement]

【hint! ! The enhancement template currently used by the user is similar to the level of the enhancement template, and there are two application modes to choose from. 】

[① Parallel mode: No additional influence factor consumption is required. The two enhanced templates do not affect each other. The user can choose to use the power of a single enhanced template or use the power of two templates at the same time. The power of all enhanced templates will not be lost. However, the power level of each strengthened template does not change. 】

[② Compatibility mode: It consumes a certain amount of additional influence factors, takes the enhanced template as the main body, and integrates it with another enhanced template to a certain extent. Depending on the adaptability and conflict between the two strengthened templates, different amounts of additional influence factors will be consumed. The non-maintained strengthened template will lose a certain amount of power according to the situation after being strengthened, but the power level of the main strengthened template will increase. 】

【Notice! ! The additional influence factors consumed by selecting compatibility mode will be consumed permanently and cannot be returned even after the template is deprived. 】

Zheng Shu looked at the information on the panel, pondered it carefully for a while, and roughly understood what the panel meant and part of its mechanism.

Unlike the enhanced templates of the Twin Dragon Kings that can be easily fused, although both were created by Black King Nidhogg, the enhanced templates of different types of Dragon Kings are not necessarily connected in nature and cannot be combined like the enhanced templates of the Twin Dragon Kings. Make up for each other's shortcomings.

That’s why the panel proposes these two application modes.

The first parallel mode, simply put, if Zheng Shu chooses this mode, then when he fights the enemy in the future, his maximum output is equivalent to two complete dragon kings fighting together.

To be honest, this mode is not too weak. After all, even in the myths and legends of this world, even the Black King Nidhogg lost his life due to the joint attack of the four Dragon Kings.

What's more, when Zheng Shu uses this mode, he can be compared to two dragon kings who have no selfish intentions at all and cooperate with each other. It is definitely stronger than two complete dragon kings joining forces.

As for the consumption problem, the skills provided by the panel can help him solve his worries.

However, the disadvantage is the same as indicated on the panel. His power level will not increase if he chooses this mode, which means that his upper limit of attack power will not change at all.

Assuming that Zheng Shu's original damage was 100, then even if he used this mode to strengthen the enhanced templates of the four complete dragon kings, he would only have four 100 attacks under full attack.

Of course, real life is not as rigid as game data. Different attacks will definitely improve when they are superimposed on each other, but it is impossible to reach the value of 400 in any case.

Zheng Shu knew that if he wanted to truly reach the value of "four hundred", then he should choose the second option: compatibility mode.

The introduction to the compatibility mode panel was a little strange, but Zheng Shu thought about it carefully and realized that this thing essentially simulates the state of one dragon king devouring another dragon king.

Not only twins, but different types of dragon kings can also increase their power by devouring each other. You don't need to think too much about the power increased in this way. Naturally, priority will be given to improving one's original abilities. Although the innate abilities held by the devoured Dragon King will also be absorbed, they can only be regarded as a supplement.

Of these two application modes, one can increase Zheng Shu's combat methods and improve his ability to respond to various situations; the other can strengthen his strength and directly increase the upper limit of his combat effectiveness.

As for which mode to choose for strengthening, Zheng Shu didn't need to think too much at all.

"Panel, select the compatibility mode for enhancement, and let me directly enhance it to full capacity!"

[Instruction received]

[Consume 50% of the influence factor collection progress to strengthen the body]


[Complete calculation, the total amount of influence factors consumed by compatibility mode is 27.38% of the collection progress]

[The influence factor has been consumed, body strengthening begins]

Green light emerged from the center of his chest for the first time in a long time and enveloped Zheng Shu's body.

Under the inexplicable force, Zheng Shu's body curled up involuntarily, letting the green light wrap him into an egg shape.

Completely different from the previous enhancements, Zheng Shu's consciousness was not that clear this time.

After the green light completely enveloped him, Zheng Shu felt that his consciousness began to become blurred. Even a Dragon King-level soul could not resist such sleepiness. He soon lost consciousness and fell into the deepest sleep.

In the egg composed of green light, Zheng Shu's body began to undergo drastic changes after he fell asleep.

When Zheng Shu's physical changes reached a certain level, the entire Nibelungen suddenly began to fluctuate, and then a magnificent consciousness descended on this world composed of dead elements.

The grandeur of this consciousness far exceeds all imagination, but at the same time, this consciousness also appears to be extremely messy, without a complete subject. There seemed to be reflections of countless creatures in his consciousness, the most conspicuous of which were "people" and "dragons". Even the "gaze" of just a small part of his consciousness brought the Nibelungen to the edge of disintegration.

"Looking" at Zheng Shu, who is undergoing a new round of evolution, this magnificent consciousness begins to fluctuate. The "dragon" side wants to kill him but also wants to accept him. The "human" side has no idea about Zheng Shu. But I have always been opposed to the "dragon" opinion.

As a result, this magnificent consciousness began to perform its own operations in the Nibelungs. The Nibelungen, which was originally a defective product, could not withstand such fluctuations, and its dissipation speed immediately accelerated a lot.

Seeing that the "self-mutilation" of the grand consciousness became more and more serious, and even began to affect Zheng Shu's evolution, the green light that originally seemed to be indifferent to the world fluctuated, and a green "egg" separated from it. Group of green light.

After seeing this ball of light, the magnificent consciousness immediately stopped its behavior. At this time, the reflections of all living creatures unified their desire tendencies: desire.

The green light group floated slowly into the air, quietly breaking like a soap bubble exposed to sunlight, turning into more tiny green light spots and slowly dissipating in the mid-air.

The magnificent consciousness sent out an "emotion" of "satisfaction" and immediately pulled away from the Nibelungen. Before leaving, he also "hand" gathered the originally dissipated elements of the Nibelungen and stuffed them back.

Damn it, probably because of the seasonal changes, my brain has been quite slack these past few days and has been stuck.

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