Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 156 The mixed-race rampage incident

In the original work, all mixed-race species in Japan are descended from the White King.

Because of the special nature of the White King's spiritual power, all hybrids with the White King's blood also have a peculiar "smell" in their own mental power.

Herzog's biggest trouble is that his body has been hidden in a safe place, and the only ones he uses when he goes out are Deadpools who have been transformed and hypnotized by him.

However, because they are "sourced from the local area", these Deadpools are actually also of the White King's blood. In this way, Zheng Shu only needs to look for hybrids in Japan who are not of White King blood.

Unfortunately, the implementation of this plan did not go very smoothly.

As an international metropolis, Tokyo has a large number of foreigners in addition to Japanese. Although the proportion is very low, many of these foreigners are of mixed race.

Zheng Shu concentrated all his attention to identify them carefully, but found that the number of hybrids that were not of the White King's blood that he encountered along the way was not small.


Sighing secretly, Zheng Shu didn't feel particularly disappointed, and the method he thought of was not completely useless. Although there were indeed many foreigners in Tokyo, conservative forces like the Sheqi Eight Family would not recruit Japanese at all. members other than persons.

Zheng Shu thought that the worst possible outcome was to ask them to let him live in the headquarters of the Sheqi Eight Family. Whenever he found a hybrid with non-White King blood entering the headquarters, he would just catch him and take a look.

He remembered that Eri's physical condition was very unstable due to her bloodline, and she needed regular physical examinations and injections of medicines. The one who did these things was Masamune Tachibana, disguised by Herzog. In other words, as long as there is enough time, he can eventually wait for Herzog to show up at the opponent's headquarters.


Zheng Shu suddenly raised his head and looked at the roof of the car, as if he had discovered something interesting.

"Is there something wrong with Mr. Zheng?" Inuyama He, who had been observing him from the side, was overjoyed when he saw this, feeling that he could finally start a new topic again.

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask, are there many murders of dangerous hybrids in Tokyo?" Zheng Shu showed a strange expression.

As soon as this question came up, the atmosphere in the car changed.

Although the main purpose of this mission is to investigate Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, and the dragon embryo sleeping in the Sea of ​​Japan, it is impossible to really use this reason to visit the Japanese branch.

So Angers' notice to the Japanese branch was that he would send people to "visit and investigate the work of the Japanese branch." It sounded like the leader was sending people to inspect, which was enough to make people feel uncomfortable. For the Japanese branch, Angers' order can actually be understood as a feeling of "we are here to find trouble", so from the beginning they were hostile to the inspectors sent by Kassel College.

The reason why they haven't launched an attack yet is purely because Zheng Shu is too strong and has a very bad temper according to the information. They are afraid that he will disappear after the attack.

As a result, he didn't expect that Zheng Shu would suddenly ask such a question. He felt so provocative that both Inuyama He and the driver's facial expressions moved slightly. In this case, even if it may offend the person in front of him, he must save the face of the Sheqi family.

In the end, the driver remained silent because of his good qualities, while Inuyama Ga smiled slightly: "Tokyo is a big city, and the number of incidents that the Executive Bureau has to deal with every day exceeds three digits, such as incidents of dangerous hybrids going on a rampage and killing people. Although it is serious, it is nothing in the overall situation.”

As he spoke, he turned his head to the car window and looked at the bustling crowd outside: "Tokyo, for many Japanese, is a paradise for pursuing dreams, but it is also a hell for many people. There are too many people in the world who want to get ahead. , they are willing to fall down, abandon their dignity, and do whatever it takes just to climb up as much as possible. Therefore, in Tokyo, some unimaginable things are often seen, and things like mixed-race killings are nothing at all."

"Okay!" The driver shouted silently in his heart.

If he hadn't had to drive, he would have clapped his hands in excitement.

This speech of the head of the Inuyama family not only perfectly responded to the other party's question, but also knocked the other party's arrogance by the way. No matter how unreasonable the people from the headquarters are, they can only give in to such a reply. He is indeed the current head of the family who has led the entire Inuyama family to overcome past barriers and reach a higher level.


Hearing the unconscious voice from Zheng Shu's mouth, the driver's heart was filled with pride: "Look, this is the wisdom of our family master. No matter how strong he is, what can he do? We will still make him speechless!"

"This is all a mess. What I want to say is that there is a mixed race upstairs who is going on a rampage and killing people. Why don't you take care of it?"



Before Inuyama Ga and the driver could react, a loud noise came from the street, and glass shards fell from the sky to the street like rain. On the fifth floor of the building to their left, a floor-to-ceiling window burst, and a figure flew out from the sky and hit the hood of the car behind them.

The luxury car picking up and dropping off at the back was obviously not as strong as Zheng Shu's Maybach. The whole car vibrated violently up and down, and the window glass exploded into slag in an instant and sprayed into the street. Although it passed through the buffer of the hood, it did not It fell directly to the ground, but the person who landed on the car had no breath before that.

The driver in the driver's seat instantly threw himself in front of Inuyama Ga to protect him, but the latter sat motionless and calmly in his original position, looking through the rear window at the smashed windshield behind him. The luxury car, and the body lying on its back.


A scream came from the luxury car behind. It was Mia who was sitting in the luxury car behind. Since she could still scream so powerfully, it seemed that she was not harmed.

"Are you okay?" Zheng Shu opened the car door immediately and shouted towards the luxury car behind.

Then he saw Mia rubbing the head she accidentally hit in pain, opening the door from the back seat of the car and walking out with the leader of the welcoming team.

Seeing that Mia was not injured, Zheng Shu turned his attention to the guy lying on the windshield. With this shocking appearance, the other person was just an ordinary person. Of course, he lost his life on the spot. However, judging from the injuries on his body, he had been stabbed through the heart with a sharp blade before he fell from the building.

The only unlucky person was the driver, but this guy was a mixed race after all. Although he was seriously injured due to the sudden attack, he woke up coughing and struggling after a few seconds.

In line with the principle of helping others, Zheng Shu stepped forward and pulled the guy out of the deformed front of the car. Letting him continue to kneel on the ground and cough up blood, Zheng Shu turned his attention upstairs. At the window on the fifth floor, a man with a ferocious face like an evil ghost was looking down coldly with golden pupils. The crowd below.

At this time, Inuyama Ga also got out of the car under the protection of the driver. Looking at the mixed-breed upstairs who was already losing control, Inuyama Ga's smiling face could no longer be maintained, and his whole face turned livid.

Just like what Inuyama Ga said at the beginning, there are more than three-digit incidents in Tokyo every day. It is not a big deal for a mere mixed race to kill someone out of control, but everything depends on the context in which it occurs.

If he encountered such a situation at another time, with Inuyama Ga's character and mentality, not only would he not get angry, but he would smile and watch as the elite of his Inuyama family dealt with the ignorant hybrid.

The problem is that he just boasted in front of Zheng Shu, telling him that killing mixed-race people in the Japanese branch is just a small problem. No one will spend energy to calculate the probability of small things happening, so as to show the strength of the Japanese executive department.

As a result, as soon as he finished bragging, he was slapped in the face.

This half-breed didn't slap Inuyama He in the face, he basically slapped the entire Sheqi Hachi family in the face.

"After all, our Inuyama family is not good at fighting and killing. We are in charge of feasting and feasting. There is always someone in the family who needs to control the entertainment industry to provide a steady stream of funds to support the great cause of dragon slaying."

After a moment of silence, Inuyama He walked next to Zheng Shu and explained calmly. With his thick skin, although he felt angry when facing such an unexpected incident, he was not embarrassed.

At this time, various screams, broken sounds and roars could be heard from the not-so-high floor, like a messy drama.

And the pale-faced mixed-race had changed again. There were blue scales on his face and exposed skin, glowing with the sheen of steel. Sharp claws sprouted from his hands and feet, and his whole body was in an unnatural state of excitement.

"Huh?" Zheng Shu suddenly made a surprised voice.

The elites of the Inuyama family who came down from the convoy next to them were very professional. They quickly blocked the street and dispersed the surrounding crowd. The remaining personnel who specialize in combat have already picked up their guns, loaded their ammunition, and are ready at any time, just waiting for the order from their master.

Now they wanted to cut the out-of-control hybrid upstairs into pieces. Although this kind of thing is theoretically impossible to prevent, on such an important day today, they have embarrassed the head of their family. If this happened before, everyone present would have committed suicide by caesarean section to apologize.

Even if the current family rules are relatively loose, the main responsible people have to cut off a few little fingers to show their attitude.

Inuyamaga looked at the mixed-breed upstairs that was on the verge of losing control, and his original indifferent expression returned to his face: "Get rid of it."

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