Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 187 Natural Disasters and Attacks

Red Ghost River.

Miyamoto Shio was leading the people of the eight Sheqi families to dig deeper. After more than a week of sleeping in the open air, they finally found the location of the well where the remains were hidden.

This is a ruins in Mount Fuji, and there are still traces of some dragons inside.

However, when Miyamoto Shio confidently led his family elites to drill the passage, they discovered that someone had already arrived here first and occupied the well where the remains were hidden.

Under the drilled rock layer is a cave with obvious artificial traces. There is a deep pool in the middle of the cave, and the water in the pool is constantly fluctuating.

The moment the cave was drilled open, they saw a group of golden eyes. They were a group of dormant dead waiters, but at this time they were disturbed by members of the Sheqi Eighth Family.

Before Miyamoto Shio could react, he suddenly heard a strange banging sound. He turned around and saw that at the very back of a group of researchers, a researcher wearing an isolation suit took out two small wooden sticks from somewhere. The stick kept beating.

Deadpool, who was still in a quiet dormant state, immediately became active as if he had been stimulated by something after hearing the sound of the bang. Before the staff present could react, they had already rushed out of the cave and were preparing for a grand banquet.

By the time the Ryoma family members who were defending on the outside arrived, most of the researchers present had been devoured by Deadpool, leaving only the wreckage everywhere and the researcher who was still wearing protective clothing and tapping his clapper mechanically.

Seeing the group of Deadpools turning their attention to himself and others, the head of the Ryoma family let out his last roar: "Damn it!"

The sound of sirens tore through the night. The high-decibel sound was transmitted from station to station. Someone sounded the air defense siren. Within ten seconds, the huge city of Tokyo was filled with piercing sirens.

At Uesugoshi's house, Uesugoshi, who was sitting on alert in the living room, opened his eyes, and several people who were sleeping in the bedroom suddenly jumped up.

As soon as the four people gathered in the living room, their cell phones suddenly rang. Zheng Shu took out his mobile phone and saw that the Tokyo Meteorological Bureau had just sent an alert to all citizens. The content of the alert was extremely simple: Citizens, please be aware that an unprecedentedly powerful tsunami is about to enter Tokyo Bay. Citizens living in coastal areas are requested to evacuate immediately. Evacuation is impossible. Citizens are asked to take shelter in basements or upper floors of buildings.

"What's wrong?" The bedroom door on the other side opened, and Mia walked out sleepily in her pajamas. The sound of the siren just now was so loud that even the least vigilant person like her was woken up.

"It's not good. Get ready. We need to avoid the tsunami." Uesugoshi's expression was very solemn.

Because he had vaguely heard a loud sound coming from the east, like thunder, and no other sound could be heard between heaven and earth. But the problem is that they are at least ten kilometers away from the sea. How can they hear the sound of the tide here?

The ground was shaking, as if a herd of thousands of elephants were running through the streets. The chandelier in the house swayed violently like a pendulum, shaking and shaking together with the glass on the table.

"What's going on? Is it because of the tsunami associated with the earthquake?" Ange had already put on his suit at some point, but Zheng Shu next to him had a strange expression, because when he used Time Zero to change clothes just now, Zheng Shu In fact, I have always seen it.

"The situation may be worse because of the earthquakes associated with the tsunami." Zheng Shu easily jumped onto the roof and looked towards the sea in the distance.

Dark clouds seemed to be pushing toward the ground. Within a few dozen seconds, the originally clear night sky was covered by rolling cumulus clouds, and torrential rain fell from the sky.

The moonlight completely disappeared, the surrounding houses lit up their lights due to the sudden alarm, and the city trembled in the face of some impending disaster.

The volcanic belt off the coast is erupting with unprecedented force, and a tsunami shock wave that has never been observed so far is advancing towards Tokyo. The breakwater near Tokyo Bay was ineffective in the face of the 100-meter-level tsunami. The seawater invaded the land. By the time it reached Shinjuku, it was already the peak of the third wave. Within ten minutes, 1/3 of Tokyo was submerged by seawater.

Even from Zheng Shu's position, he could see that the sea was about to come in. The water wall hundreds of meters high made a thunderous sound as it pushed forward. Cars, trees and houses were all lifted towards the head of the tide, almost High-rise buildings are like pebbles on the beach in the face of this tsunami.

This is a doomsday scene you can only see in movies.

"Run!" Uesugoshi who walked out of the door also saw this terrifying scene. He couldn't believe his eyes, but now was not the time to care about those things. With a roar, he picked up two long knives and took the lead towards Run away from the tsunami.

Beside him, Fengjian Liuli and Ange also moved quickly with him. Zheng Shu was a little slower. After jumping down from the house, he picked up the still confused Mia and fled with everyone.

However, the speed of tsunamis is extremely fast. When you see it, in most cases you can't run away.

What's more, the scale of this tsunami was so huge that the tidal wave of hundreds of meters destroyed all the buoys and monitoring instruments set up by the Tokyo Metropolitan Meteorological Bureau. If it hadn't been for the discovery of this tsunami by American spy satellites, the people at the Meteorological Bureau would have I'm probably still drinking coffee now.

So when the warning went off, the tsunami was already very close.

The frenzy advanced to a place less than one kilometer away from several people, and was hindered in a high-altitude business district. Hundreds of thousands of tons of seawater shattered into white foaming torrents, pouring into Shinjuku along the streets and alleys. The mighty river passed through high-rise buildings, and several floors were submerged in an instant. This terrifying power seemed to It symbolizes the ancient dragon's mockery of the fragile human civilization.

"Don't resist!" Ange's roar came from the side.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Shu felt that the surrounding environment immediately slowed down. Whether it was Mia being carried on his back or the craziness behind him, they were all moving slowly like a slow motion in a movie - he had been held high. Rela entered the realm of words and spirits at time zero.

"Move quickly, I can't hold on for long!" The gold in Ange's pupils seemed to glow. Zheng Shu could clearly see that the muscles under his clothes were constantly squirming, and it seemed that the violent blood flow had been activated.

Uesugoshi and Kazama Ruri were just stunned for a moment, the golden color in their pupils brightened, and with a "crackling" sound in their bodies, the two of them took advantage of this short opportunity to enter the keel form. After kicking up a burst of dust, their entire bodies The figure was flying forward as quickly as a formula car.

Zheng Shu glanced at Anger, who was still running hard next to him, and put him on his back, allowing him to enjoy the same treatment as Mia. The muscles on his body swelled, and as a thick breath with heat waves spurted out from his mouth, Zheng Shu relied on his physical strength to catch up with the two father and son who had already run away.

"It seems that I am indeed old." Anger was carried on Zheng Shu's back, looking at the buildings on both sides that were rapidly retreating, with a complicated expression on his face.

His speed is indeed very fast, but most of it is due to using time zero to extend his own time. Zheng Shu has never experienced such a terrifying move that relies solely on physical strength to run at nearly subsonic speeds. Because Zheng Shu was moving too fast, the surrounding environment even began to blur in Angers eyes.

"Principal, please stop sighing and help me support Mia." Zheng Shu's voice came from the side, and Ange reflexively stretched out his hand to hold Mia's back to prevent her from falling off Zheng Shu's shoulders.

At this time, Zheng Shu had already caught up with the two Uesugoshi in front with his own speed. Uesugoshi and Kazama Ruri had long felt the movement behind them, but they did not expect that Zheng Shu could catch up so quickly.

Zheng Shu didn't say anything when he was about to pass the two of them. He directly pinched the two people under his arms with one hand and continued to run at that subsonic speed.

Uesugoshi wanted to struggle at first, but soon found that Zheng Shu's arm clamped on him was as hard as solid metal. He felt like an insect being pressed by a hundred-ton hydraulic press, without any resistance at all. ability.

The effect of Ange's words quickly dissipated, but the distance between Zheng Shu and the tsunami continued to grow. Zheng Shu devoted a small part of his mind to maintaining the movement of his body, and most of his brain power was used to maintain the movement of his body. Maintain observation of the surrounding environment and the fluctuations of Bai Wang's mental power.

Yes, this tsunami and the eruption of volcanoes are not natural disasters but "dragon" factors.

Such violent disasters and climate changes are essentially the "Word Spirit" released by the White King in order to protect himself when he wakes up.

Zheng Shu is not sure whether this thing can be regarded as a word spirit, but the principle of activating the word spirit is to use mental power to stir various elements in the natural environment, thereby triggering various incredible effects.

The same principle applies to the formation of this tsunami, but because the scale of Bai Wang's mental power is so huge, even if Zheng Shu takes action, it can only temporarily delay the formation of this super-giant "word spirit", and cannot be like before. Completely prohibited.

Theoretically speaking, after Zheng Shu strengthened the template, he also gained the same spiritual power as King Bai. However, in actual use, such a huge spiritual gap appeared, which made Zheng Shu suspect that King Bai himself also mastered a series of spiritual power. He has the power to apply force, so he can amplify limited mental power to this level.

However, even though there is still a considerable gap in the "quantity" of mental power, King Bai's method of releasing Zheng Shu is a very good reference for Zheng Shu.

He had previously strengthened the White King's template and gained a massive amount of spiritual power, but in private experiments, the power of the Word Spirit did not increase year-on-year as he had expected. After the consumption level of mental power reaches a certain limit, the power of Yanling reaches the upper limit.

Although the power is indeed quite terrifying, it is not at the level that Zheng Shu expected. Instead, it is the exclusive word spirit of the King of Earth and Mountains: Shiva Karma Dance. From Zheng Shu's experience, it seems that he can fully utilize his spiritual power. to increase the power of release.

Zheng Shu originally thought that the upper limit of the power of ordinary speech spirits was limited to this, but he did not expect that King Bai gave him such a good demonstration when he fully woke up, so he is now seizing the time to record the relevant mental fluctuations.

Feeling the light around him that was distorted by the speed, Uesugi raised his head and glanced at Anger, who was being carried by Zheng Shu on his shoulders.

"Hey, old man, how are you? He is my student!" Anger pointed at Zheng Shu with a proud look on his face.

Although his current image is also very unsightly, he is afraid of comparison in everything. Compared with Uesugoshi, who was trapped under Zheng Shu's arm, Anger suddenly had a superior mentality.

Uesugi glared at Ange, but there was nothing else he could do. As for Kazama Ruri, who was held under Zheng Shu's arm on the other side, he was not so flustered, and even a little contented.

Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to the various quarrels among these people in his body. Most of his brain power was now used to record the fluctuations of external mental power. He could only use the remaining instinct to control his speed and let himself As subsonic as possible.

With his current strength, if he ran with all his strength, it would be very easy to run ten times the speed of sound, but he had to take into account the physical condition of the people on him.

Angers and the others are okay, mainly Mia. Although she is also a mixed race, her physical fitness can only barely reach the level of an Olympic athlete. If Zheng Shu reaches the speed of sound without any protection, it is very likely that he will Let her get hurt.

The excessive mental operation turned Zheng Shu's eyes into golden pupils, and lava-like golden light flowed in his pupils. Fortunately, Angers and the others would not care about this change in Zheng Shu.

In other words, in the minds of Angers and others, it would be strange if Zheng Shu could run at this speed without such changes in his body.

It wasn't until the tide became less dangerous due to the attenuation of various reinforced concrete buildings that Zheng Shu found a taller building and quickly jumped from the nearby balcony to the top of the building in twos and twos.

Zheng Shu placed the four "mounted" people on the rooftop. He ignored Mia, who was kneeling and vomiting, and turned to look behind him.

The entire port area has been turned into ruins. The 10,000-ton ship was swept by the unprecedented tsunami and cracked the breakwater. Houses were lifted up in pieces, the cross-sea bridge collapsed, and tens of thousands of containers were submerged under the tide.

Everywhere you look is the sea, with heavy black waves rushing over and splashing white water foam on the ruins. The sea surface is undulating, looking like an endless wasteland.

The worst hit was the area facing the sea in the distance. High-rise buildings were tilted by the huge tsunami, and steel bars stretched out toward the sky from the fractures. Two buildings collapsed relative to each other, and the roofs of the buildings hit each other to form a "herringbone" shape. The entire city turned into an archipelago, the buildings turned into small islands, and the black tide undulated between the islands.

Under a disaster of this level, all rescue methods are useless, and the only thing that can be done is to pray for those who are in the wave impact area.

The violent storm in the sky still did not stop, and even intensified.

Zheng Shu suddenly frowned and turned to look at the sky to the west. After a few seconds of calm, there was a loud bang, as if a planet-level cannon was being fired. A few seconds later, in the sky to the west, It was illuminated fiery red.

Several other people on the rooftop were also attracted by the loud noise. Uesugi looked to the west, remained silent for a moment, and suddenly showed a complicated look on his face: "Mount Fuji has really exploded..."

Unlike Mount Fuji's activity fluctuations in the past few days, the fire of this eruption can be seen by people throughout Tokyo.

Of course, this is not just the most terrifying thing. Since the father of the volcano has erupted, it means that the magma deep in the earth's crust has completely boiled. Offshore volcanoes and land volcanoes are connected deep in the earth's crust.


Angers suddenly thought of something and immediately shouted: "Pay attention to the earthquake!"

Not long after he finished shouting, a shock wave with an intensity of up to 8 levels came.

Everyone felt like they were sitting on the back of a mad bull that was constantly jumping. People in the room bumped into the corners and their heads were bruised and bloody. People on the rooftop also felt that the world was spinning as if the sky was about to collapse in the next moment.

Zheng Shu stood on the rooftop and undulated with the fluctuations of the building. The power of the King of Earth and Mountain came out of his body and transmitted the power to the structure of the building below through himself, offsetting the impact of the earthquake on the building. Structural damage.

Suddenly Zheng Shu frowned, and then a bright fire flew from below, turning into a ball of fire with a loud noise and wrapping Zheng Shu inside.


It was a rocket for individual soldiers. The person who launched the rocket was standing on a speedboat that was approaching at an extremely fast speed. Those agile boats jumped forward in the turbulent water and surrounded the building where Zheng Shu and the others were from all directions.

The speedboat was full of men wearing frogman suits, holding military shotguns in their hands. After arriving at the designated location, they all dived underwater to prevent the target from escaping underwater.

"Interesting, he is a member of the Fierce Ghosts." Zheng Shu's voice came out from the black smoke of the explosion. He waved his hand, and a strong wind blew away the smoke, revealing his unscathed body.

Next to her, Mia watched Zheng Shu walk out of the explosion. The scream she was about to shout was stuck in her throat, and she fell into a daze for a moment.

Uesugoshi and Ange looked at Zheng Shu up and down with strange eyes, and found that he did not have any injuries except that the clothes on his body were a little burned, so their eyes looked even weirder.

"Well, it's really strange. Why can the other party find our location just after the disaster occurs? Either we are unlucky and happen to meet such a group of people, or they can predict the possibility of a disaster in advance." Ang Re coughed and decided to ignore the problem for the time being.

Before he finished speaking, a huge black shadow suddenly broke through the clouds and slowly descended. It was a rigid airship. It trembled violently in the wind but its flying posture remained stable. Surrounded by strong winds that could blow ordinary planes to crash, this old antique plane can accurately drop things at the target location.

A container fell from the sky and collapsed on the rooftop. The surface of the container cracked, and the baby's cry leaked out from the gap.

Snake-shaped black shadows also crawled out of the gaps. They squirmed slowly, and seemed to perk up as if they smelled something. They stretched their limbs as if big trees were growing rapidly.

Angers quickly came to the conclusion that firstly, the fierce ghosts had a way to control Deadpool, and secondly, the fierce ghosts below were not prepared to let anyone get out alive.

The lights in the surrounding buildings were quickly extinguished. Zheng Shu could see the bright rooms dimming one by one, and darkness gradually enveloped them.

"It seems that the other party is indeed well prepared." Zheng Shu sighed slightly and turned to look behind.

There, the originally calm Kazama Ruri squatted on the ground... No, looking at him like this, Kazama Ruri's personality should have fallen asleep a long time ago, and the one who dominates the body now is Minamoto Natsuo.

"The king is here, he came to see me." Yuan Zhennu said softly.

He was trembling, and the trembling was getting worse and worse, and his body was losing control. He obviously didn't even see the shadow of the king, but now he was gripped by fear.

Next to him, Uesugoshi watched this scene and took off his coat to cover his son with some distress.

He didn't say much. None of the people present were good at talking. Uesugoshi hesitated for a moment, and finally just patted his son on the shoulder.

When he raised his head, Zheng Shu found that Uesugoshi's eyes had become very bright, and the golden light seemed to be shooting out of his eyes. This showed that this decadent ramen master for more than sixty years had already transferred his dragon bloodline. It was pushed to the limit.

Yuan Jingnu's reaction brought the father's anger to the limit, and by chance, there were always a large group of things suitable for venting his anger.

After taking a look at Uesugoshi's expression, Zheng Shu and Anger, who originally planned to take action to deal with the group of dead waiters below, looked at each other. He shrugged and retreated to the rooftop.

After all, he is still very generous. Since there is a father who wants to vent his anger, let him vent his anger.

Zheng Shu came behind Uesugi Yue, not only to prevent being affected by the opponent's speech spirit, but also to protect the only weakness of his speech spirit. With the protection of Zheng Shu and Ange, there are almost no creatures in this world that can break through this weakness. exist.

Uesugi Yue was holding two Japanese long swords with simple patterns on the blades. These were Tang-style broadswords made by the Japanese to imitate the shapes of weapons from the Tang Dynasty. They are ancient relics that must be kept in any museum.

Facing the surging group of Deadpools below, Uesugoshi waved his sword in a circle with both hands. The blade drew a perfect circle, and the arc was red and shiny. It looked like the sun during a total solar eclipse. Although the sun was temporarily blocked by the moon, the bright crown still overflowed from the periphery of the moon's shadow.

This is the word spirit that goes beyond the scope of textbooks - Black Sun.

More updates today, there will be another chapter in the afternoon

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