Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 191 The Coming Threat and Amnesia

It looks like it's fake.

Lu Mingfei thought so, but he still walked forward and sat next to the little devil, turning his head to look at the somewhat familiar face.

"Didn't you say you were going on vacation? Why, the vacation is over so soon?"

The little devil sat back on the chair, stuffed a handful of popcorn into his mouth, and said vaguely: "Yes, I will come back to you as soon as I finish my vacation. There are not many devils who are as dedicated as me." See you, how about it? Do you want to spend your life?"

"Why should I waste my life when I have nothing to do?" Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes, sat down on the chair next to him, unceremoniously grabbed the popcorn next to him and ate it, "Now this scene is you Did you see it when you were traveling? It looks good."

"Of course, my service is absolutely first-class, and what I have enjoyed must also be enjoyed by my brother." Lu Mingze handed the bottle of juice next to him to Lu Mingfei's hand very shamelessly, "Also Brother, you are not having nothing to do now, a greater danger is approaching."

"Just get close. If the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up. If Old Zheng and Lao Chu can't do it, then there's the principal. If they can't do it, then it's useless for me to come." Lu Mingfei put on a show. With such a salty fish posture, I wish I could turn over twice more to get a more even sunbathing.

"That's why, brother, you should spend your life to trade with me, so that even if you encounter problems that they can't solve, you can solve them." The little devil put on a very formal suit from nowhere and took out a He folded the contract and handed it to Lu Mingfei. His shape and appearance were very much like a salesperson who saw a fat sheep.

"Forget it, if this happens, I will make a deal with you." Lu Mingfei waved his hand very perfunctorily.

Lu Mingze was not too disappointed when he saw this. The suit on his body changed back to the casual attire of swimming trunks. He followed Lu Mingfei's example and lay down on the lounge chair: "Okay, okay."

Seeing that Lu Mingze didn't bother him, Lu Mingfei was a little surprised, but he also found that the little devil took out a TV from nowhere and placed it in front of him.

There are obviously no wires connected to the back of the TV, but the picture is still playing. Lu Mingfei stepped forward to take a look out of curiosity, only to find that what was being broadcast was actually about him.

...No, that's not it.

After taking another look, Lu Mingfei suddenly discovered a problem. He had never experienced anything like what was being played on it.

Just like now, what was shown on the TV was that Lu Mingfei was dating the girl named Eri Yi. The two of them visited various attractions in Tokyo and went shopping. Behind them, Chu Zihang and Caesar But he made money by selling himself in a Cowherd's shop to support the two of them.

Lu Mingfei couldn't help laughing when he saw Lao Chu and Caesar on the screen dressed in heavy makeup and posing like cowherds. If these two people knew that they were dressed like this in their "word spirits", they would probably cut themselves into pieces on the spot.

And when he took Eriyi with him to tour the sights of Tokyo, the innocence and youthful and ambiguous emotions he displayed made Lu Mingfei feel so embarrassed that he was digging out three rooms and one living room under his feet. Seeing the interaction between the two people on the screen, Lu Mingfei even wanted to rush up and turn off the TV.

If Ling knew that he had cheated on Yan Lingli, he would be beaten to death by her.

This thought flashed through Lu Mingfei's mind, and he couldn't help but shudder. Although there was a high probability that he would not really hit him, Lu Mingfei felt a little unable to bear it when he thought that the other party would keep staring at him with those inorganic eyes.

Of course, the final epilogue is quite exciting. Whether it is the love and murder between the two Yuan Zhisheng brothers, or the confrontation between the island country's underworld and Kassel Academy, Lu Mingfei was very happy to watch it.

The only flaw is that when the heroine is captured by Herzog as a sacrifice for the White King's resurrection, Lu Mingfei's character hides in the basement and cries cowardly.

"Hey, hey, hey, let me tell you, this is not right! This will slander my image too much. How could I be so cowardly!" Lu Mingfei was a little dissatisfied.

Although I am not very good in real life, I am not as cowardly as shown in this movie.

"Let's just make do with it, brother." The little devil took out a new juice from under his seat and drank it in a very elegant sip. "Although it's a bit magical, it's not easy to find this thing. It took me a long time to find the traces of this timeline."

"Such a rotten timeline, just let it disappear forever." Lu Mingfei didn't pay attention to the amazing terms in the little devil's mouth, but cooperated with him to show off.

After all, his "Word Spirit" seemed to have some brain problems, and Lu Mingfei didn't know how to help him treat it, so he could only put it off for now.

"Although it looks interesting, why is there no sign of Lao Zheng here?" Lu Mingfei lay back on the lounge chair, enjoying the sunshine that was not sure whether it was real or fake.

"That's the point, brother! That Zheng Shu is not a person who originally existed in this world, he is a monster that invaded from the outside!" The little devil described it happily, as if he wanted to portray Zheng Shu as a person who eats people without spitting out bones. demon.

"Really? Could it be that Old Zheng is the so-called alien? That really opened my eyes. But doesn't it seem like Old Zheng's arrival is a good thing? At least he has avoided so many tragedies." Lu Ming Fei still acted very indifferent.

He didn't care whether Lao Zheng was really what the little devil said. Even if what the little devil said was true, Lao Zheng had not done anything bad to him so far.


Lu Mingfei suddenly pondered for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, he felt that the eagle party that Lao Zheng arranged for him at the Regent Hotel should not be a bad thing. Although I don’t know the reason, for most people, if their friends play pranks on them in this way, they will probably worship them as their adopted father.

Thinking about these things in his heart, Lu Mingfei gradually fell asleep in the warm sunshine.

As his consciousness fell into sleep, Lu Mingfei's body gradually became insubstantial. The little devil watched Lu Mingfei gradually disappear from his body with a complicated expression in his eyes.

"Look, let me tell you, even if you expose this matter, it will be of no use." A voice came from the thatched house next to it.

As the figure walked into the sunlight, Zheng Shu also revealed his face.

"Tch!" Lu Mingze clicked his tongue disdainfully, as if he saw a giant cockroach appearing in his house, "Are you not dead yet? I didn't expect that after seeing you for a few days, you can control your mental power so well. , can actually sneak into the spiritual world without my perception."

Zheng Shu shrugged, put his hands in his pockets, walked to the chair where Lu Mingfei was sitting, and lay down: "Thank you for the compliment, and I'm really sorry. My vitality is stronger than you think. I guess it will last for a while." It’s impossible to die.”

Looking at Zheng Shu lying in front of him, Lu Mingze showed a disgusted expression.

As his mood fluctuated, the originally bright and warm beach suddenly turned into chaos without any boundaries. Even the chair under Zheng Shu's body immediately turned into gray mist.

But Zheng Shu still maintained that lying posture, and soon, the surrounding gray fog turned back into the white recliner under the influence of his will.

"Don't be so angry. I think you have to admit that it is with my help that your brother has become so confident and energetic now. Do you prefer that cowardly Lu Mingfei?" Zheng Shu stretched out his hand and looked at the man in front of him. The black mist turned into a pack of crispy noodles.

Seeing that Zheng Shu's control over mental power was improving at an alarming rate, Lu Mingze's face darkened visibly, but he would never give in to Lu Mingfei's matters: "Only low-level people like you can Only living things can distinguish preferences based on personality. No matter what my brother becomes, he will always be mine!"

"Ah, right, right!" Zheng Shu did not compete with Lu Mingze, but kept experiencing everything about the spiritual world, quickly absorbing relevant knowledge to improve his strength.

Although there is no change in the mental body, the golden eyes of the physical body in reality have lit up. All the speech spirits that can improve the brain's computing power are working at full strength, constantly analyzing various problems they encounter.

Seeing Zheng Shu's perfunctory attitude, Lu Mingze's face became swollen with anger, but he suddenly sneered, his delicate face full of coldness: "You can't be arrogant for long, and you will realize it soon." Real despair and horror."

After speaking, without waiting for Zheng Shu to ask questions, Lu Mingze took the initiative to remove the maintenance of the spiritual world. Without any support, Zheng Shu's spiritual body could only quickly return to his body.

"Interesting." Zheng Shu opened his eyes, and the golden color in his eyes flashed away, "I can make this guy ignore his previous hostility and dislike of me and send a reminder. It seems that even he will be able to deal with the enemy he will face next. No."

Looking around, they were now on the plane back to Kassel College. Angers fell asleep wearing noise-cancelling headphones, and Caesar and Chu Zihang were chatting in a low voice. Next to them, three girls, Natsumi, Mia, and Eriki, were gathering together and muttering something. Uesugi Yue was looking at the stewardess in the distance with squinting eyes, while Lu Mingfei fell into a deep sleep. .

Looking back, Zheng Shu thought about the news he had just received from Lu Mingze. After recalling the plot in the original work, it seems that there is only one person who can bring this sense of urgency to Lu Mingze: "Odin...?"

Zheng Shu closed his eyes again, but a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth involuntarily: "Come on, I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Let me see what you...are."

“The school board wants to impeach you?”

The vice-principal's eyes widened and his mouth opened unconsciously, like a toad struck by lightning.

The overwhelming rain beat on the bell tower of the chapel, and the bell was blown by the wind. This is a sloppy attic, with the sunny side entirely covered with glass windows and covered with huge posters of various girls.

There was only an unfolded bed, a single sofa, a set of computer desks and swivel chairs, and a large bookshelf filled with all kinds of western movies. Of course, there were also empty wine bottles scattered all over the floor. adult magazines.

Angers huddled in the vice-principal's single sofa and drank wine. Logically speaking, Angers's dress was incompatible with the painting style here, but he was very skillful in finding the most comfortable place in the whole house as soon as he entered the door. Location.

The vice-principal originally thought that his bad friend came over to chat as usual, but he didn't expect that he would reveal such explosive news as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Bring me a drink, anything." Angers pulled away his tie and unbuttoned the collar of his white shirt.

"On a rainy day like this, could you please stop coming to my place dressed like a mourner?" The vice-principal casually grabbed the bottle of single malt whiskey next to him, then grabbed a suspicious-looking cup and poured half of it into it. He handed the glass of wine to Ange, "Every time you come to me for help, it's a fatal matter."

"I just got the news that the investigation team of the school board will arrive at the college next week, and they will most likely fire me as the principal." Angers said calmly, "I have been accused of three major mistakes and forty-eight The school board expressed serious dissatisfaction with my performance report and doubted my ability to continue to serve as president of Cassel College."

"Ha! Don't be ridiculous. Who can take over after you are fired? Frost Gattuso? That guy is already bald and not half as handsome as you." The vice-principal took a sip of whiskey nonchalantly.

"There was such a debate at the last school board meeting. At that time, I was as confident as you that they could not find someone to replace me, but now it seems that they can't wait." Angers didn't feel nervous at all. "Theoretically, it is indeed impossible to find someone who can replace me in the secret party, but this does not mean that I will not be removed. In the eyes of some people, I have lost value. It is time for Cassel College to become a school director. It’s an institution that knows how to manage it.”

"You shamelessly boasting about yourself really makes me feel embarrassed." The vice-principal sighed with a grimace, "Every time you come to my place, you always bring such fatal things to me. So what's the reason this time? Let the school board make up its mind?”

"On that trip to Japan, my students showed too many things that were beyond the normal range. Chu Zihang revealed that he could release Junyan, Uesugi Yue and the others' secrets of being super hybrids, as well as Zheng Shu and Lu Ming It is the power that can kill the White King." Angers raised his head and drank the wine in his hand, "Introducing dangerous bloodline into the academy is the biggest dereliction of duty. As long as this is implemented, I can be fired, and the rest of the things sound like It’s too sensational, and the school board believes that there must be something related to the Dragon Clan, which will make them even more suspicious of bloodline issues.”

"Does the school board already know that Uesugi is a super hybrid?" The vice principal frowned. He knew that with the personalities of the people on the school board, what would happen if they knew that Uesugi and Eriko were super hybrids? What ridiculous things will he do?

He is not worried about the safety of these two super hybrids. What he is worried about is that if these two monsters are angered, at least one or two members of the school board will die, and then they may have to do it under the pressure of the secret party. Be enemies with these two people.

The vice-principal has seen the relevant video information brought by Angers from Japan. He feels that with the current strength of the secret party, if they are hostile to these two super hybrids, even if they can win the final victory, they will suffer heavy losses.

"Not yet. They haven't thought that far yet. They just think that the other party may be a hybrid whose bloodline is out of control." Angers shook his head, "But if they want to take him away by force, the chaos caused by then will not be good. Cleaned up."

Ange looked at the cup in his hand with cold eyes: "Those people on the school board have no way to fight against the Dragon Clan. You know it and I know it. They are the only ones who don't know. They don't understand how cruel the war with the Dragon Clan is. But they are already full of confidence that after the Dragon Clan is completely buried, they will control the highest power in the world." Angers paused, "And we all know that the war... has just begun."

The vice-principal shrugged: "They are politicians, and politicians always think about building a new world before the war is over, just like the Soviet Union and the United States were already thinking about how to build a new world before they broke through the Berlin (Harmony) Forest. Demarcate spheres of influence in Europe.”

"But I'm just a soldier, so I just need to live until the war ends." Angers looked at the vice principal, "So before the war ends, I need your support."

The vice-principal held his head high: "Don't worry, I will attend your funeral and promise not to make a scene."

Angers smiled: "That's good, but I'm curious as to why you still stay at Kassel College after all these years. Don't tell me that you just drink beer here to retire."

"Actually, I'm participating in the swimsuit beauty pageant." The vice principal scratched his head in embarrassment.

Angers stood up and picked up the umbrella he brought with him to go out. He had achieved his purpose of coming this time.

"Hey, Angers." The vice-principal called behind him.

Angers stood still, but neither spoke nor looked back.

"Although I don't like the plutocrats and politicians on the school board. After all, they can sacrifice anyone for their own interests, and they have no so-called morals and bottom lines. But what they think about is still construction, building a new era. And take power." The vice-principal's voice was a little low, "But you only want to bury the Dragon Clan, Angers, think about it carefully, all you want is destruction, and you don't care about anything else, but this will have a negative impact on you and the people around you. Is it really good for people?”

Angers stood in front of the door holding an umbrella. Rainwater fell from the edge of his umbrella. He looked at the dark black sky, seeming to be thinking about something. In the end, he did not say anything, and the background gradually blurred in the heavy rain.


With a roar, Lu Mingfei suddenly stood up from the bed with a sudden jerk, but soon there was another cry of pain because his head hit the bed board above.

He opened his eyes and saw the familiar dormitory room in front of him. The whole room was filled with a strong smell of alcohol, making his whole head dizzy.

"Well... I seem to have drank a little too much yesterday." Lu Mingfei scratched his head.

Yesterday, Fingel finally came back from Japan. Not only did this famous cowherd in Japan not have any sense of shame, he even kept distributing his artistic photos to people he met.

After returning to the dormitory, I also ordered a few bottles of good wine as a rare treat, paired with two dozen dark beers and some roast chicken and pork knuckles, and went crazy in the dormitory.

"What did I dream about just now?" Lu Mingfei patted his groggy head and recalled the dream he had just had.

In the sky full of yellow sand, there is an almost static world. Angers stands on the earth. In front of him is a very simple-looking spear...

Then the dream seemed to stop here. Lu Mingfei didn't know why he suddenly woke up, let alone why he dreamed of the old man, the principal.

On the upper bunk, he was awakened by the noise Lu Mingfei had just made. Fingel raised his head groggily and glanced weakly at the watch next to him: "It's only twelve o'clock. Why are you getting up so early?"

"I don't know, I just suddenly dreamed of Principal Angers. I don't know what happened, but I dreamed of him out of nowhere." Lu Mingfei sat on the edge of the bed and said weakly with his head drooped.

He felt that his head was still tingling, as if he still had a hangover from yesterday, but there was still an empty feeling in his heart.

Fingel poked his head out in a daze and said impatiently: "Are you sleepy? I know that Chu Zihang will be tried next week, which will make you feel very uncomfortable, but don't give yourself too much energy. pressure."

"What?!" Lu Mingfei suddenly woke up, "Lao Chu is going to be tried?! What's the situation? What's going on? Why did such a thing happen suddenly? Why did Principal Anger allow such a thing?!"

"Isn't this matter settled a few days ago? Chu Zihang released Jun Yan in Japan and exposed his unstable bloodline. As a Kassel Academy, of course we must prevent unstable bloodlines like Chu Zihang's Entering the school...and who is this Angers you have been talking about?"

"Are you crazy?" Lu Mingfei was so frightened that he immediately jumped out of bed and patted Fingel's face to wake him up. "Principal Angers, that's Angers, the most respected principal in the whole school, the world's most respected principal. The most legendary dragon slayer in the world, if your words get out, you will be put in a pig cage."

Fingel was a little puzzled and sat up from the bed. He stretched out his hand and touched Lu Mingfei's forehead: "It doesn't make sense. You didn't drink much last night. How could I possibly do it if there were such a bad person in this world?" Never heard of it.”

The expression on Lu Mingfei's face froze. He raised his head and looked at the broken hair on Fingel's forehead and the corners of his eyes stained with eye drops, as if he was meeting this roommate for the first time.

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