"Why...what?" Odin turned his head and glanced at his other hand, confirming that this hand had been in contact with the bronze pillar and released the word spirit: Time Zero.

Moreover, the surrounding speech spirit field has not dissipated, indicating that his speech spirit has continued to play a role.

"Are you asking why I can move freely?" Zheng Shu scratched his head, as if he didn't know how to explain it to Odin for a moment, "Did you see the red light on my body? This is the power of the King of Bronze and Fire. I 'heated' my own particles."

"What's the meaning?"

Zheng Shu squatted in front of Odin, thought for a while, and felt that in his current state, Odin couldn't resist even if he knew the answer, so Zheng Shu didn't mind reminding him: "Didn't you study geophysics? Then you should You know, time doesn’t exist in this world.”

Although there are relatively magical things like spiritual power and elements in the dragon world, it is essentially a world with relatively strict physical rules, and basic laws such as the law of conservation of mass and energy are also followed.

Naturally, there is no such thing as "time" in this world like Zheng Shu's previous life.

There won't be strange things like history or time energy like in some fantasy worlds.

In a world like the Dragon Clan, the so-called time is just a scale used by humans to record the trajectory of particle activity. Essentially, it is the same thing as the man-made scales used for measurement such as "meter" and "kilogram".

Therefore, in such a world, the possibility of time and space travel is impossible. The so-called control of time is essentially to control the movement speed of particles.

Slowing down the movement speed of particles within a surrounding area can cause the flow of time to slow down. On the contrary, simply making the movement speed of particles speed up can cause time to accelerate.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to turn back time in this world. Even the King of Sky and Wind, who specializes in controlling this aspect, cannot do anything about it. Because the so-called time travel is essentially to move all the particles within a range back to the position where they previously moved.

Although Zheng Shu does not have the power of the King of Sky and Wind, the power of the King of Bronze and Fire can also be used to control the activity of particles. However, without the coordination of the power of the King of Sky and Wind, it is necessary to complete this operation. The computing power of Zheng Shu has increased significantly, and even with Zheng Shu's current level of mental strength, there is nothing he can do.

However, after Odin used the bronze pillar to release the realm of word spirits, the frantic elements around him were repelled by the ability of the bronze pillar. This instead allowed Zheng Shu to use word spirits: Tianyan and other word spirits that can increase his own computing power. , thereby reaching a level where you can accurately control your own particles with power.

"Is that so..." Odin has stayed in human society for so many years after all. When Zheng Shu reminded him, he immediately understood what mistakes he had made before. "I didn't expect that the ants who thought they were useless at first could actually do it." It has developed to this point.”

He released his hand leaning against the bronze pillar and released the surrounding spirit spirits. At this point, Odin has used up all his cards.

As soon as his arms left the bronze pillar, a huge feeling of weakness instantly swallowed Odin, and his legs softened and he almost collapsed to the ground.

Trying hard to stabilize his body, Odin took a few deep breaths before looking at Zheng Shu and asking his last question: "Huh...why...that woman betrayed me? What method did you use to make it happen?" How dare she betray me?"

"Ah, are you asking Mia?" The red light on Zheng Shu also dissipated at the same time as the spirit of words dissipated. Looking at the weak Odin, a strange smile appeared on his face, "She betrayed you. Didn't you already tell me this when you met me for the second time? You should have heard it through the listening device on her body. Also, don't press it. Even if you press the button, it won't matter. use."

Hearing this, Odin took out the hand hidden behind his back. When he let go, a small and exquisite remote control fell to the ground, with only a red button on it.

"How is it possible? What she said that time was all to gain your trust, and when did you discover the problem?" Seeing that all his methods failed, Odin's face finally became ugly.

"What's the problem? Are you referring to her identity as a spy? Or are you talking about the micro detonator on her body?" Zheng Shu scratched the back of his head, "If she was a spy, didn't I tell you all about it? The second time I saw it She had already exposed herself when Mia was there. The so-called gaining trust... When you eavesdropped, you only heard the voice, but I was really face to face with her. Human expressions and tones are easy to control, but the body's instinctive reactions are difficult to control. cover."

As he spoke, Zheng Shu opened a golden portal next to him and took out a human tooth from the Nibelung root. After the tooth was taken out, the indicator light on the remote control that had been thrown to the ground by Odin turned on.


There was a violent explosion, and the teeth in Zheng Shu's hand exploded immediately. Although it didn't look very powerful, if it exploded in a person's mouth, the power would be enough to make that person's head explode.

"Tsk, tsk, it's really powerful. To be honest, even that fool herself didn't know that she actually had such a time bomb in her mouth. But the advantage of that fool is that he is obedient, so I told her about it when I was in Japan. When I went to have my teeth extracted, she actually went with me.”

Odin fell silent.

This self-explosion device naturally has its own safety system. For example, the tooth extracted from Mia's mouth will theoretically explode automatically as long as it leaves the electrolyte environment in the human mouth.

However, after installing the bomb in such a tooth, there is not much space left for power supply, so the various built-in parts are generally as simple as possible.

Unfortunately, Zheng Shu's power of the Earth and the King of Mountains is particularly easy to control with such a simple signal, so Zheng Shu can easily control it as long as he discovers the existence of the self-destruction device.

"You... gave her so much hope that she dared to resist me." Odin's voice was a little hoarse.

"Huh? It's not a lot, more than ten million US dollars and fifty kilograms of gold." Looking at Odin's incredulous expression, Zheng Shu squatted in front of him helplessly, "Do you think this is still the Middle Ages? Just give me a Can a false name allow others to help you fight for your life? My lord, times have changed. The good times when you don’t want to give any actual benefits and just rely on drawing cakes and pua to control others are long gone. Just give her more. She will not betray her actual interests so simply."

"It can be seen that you admire that traitor very much. Aren't you afraid that he will betray you again?" Odin's smile contained a hint of sarcasm, whether it was directed at Zheng Shu or himself.

"You are overthinking. After this, I will cut off contact with her, and we will never have contact with each other from now on." Zheng Shu shrugged, "As for admiration, it's not that I just saw my own past from her. It’s just a shadow.”

On the plane that had just left the island, the pilot released the handle after turning on the automatic navigation.

After breathing a sigh of relief and relieving his fatigue and tension, the driver took off his gloves and helmet, revealing a beautiful face.

It was Mia.

As if sensing something, she looked back from the observation window next to her. Unfortunately, the island was already covered by a thick sea of ​​clouds.

Mia seemed a little disappointed that she didn't see what she wanted to see, but she soon put this emotion behind her and took out a black card from her clothes with a smile.

This seemingly inconspicuous card contained 10 million US dollars, which was the reward Zheng Shu gave her in advance. On the co-pilot's chair in the cockpit of the aircraft, there was also a small-looking box, which contained Zheng Shu's An additional gift to her - a full fifty kilograms of gold.

With these two sums of money, I can live happily for the rest of my life no matter which country I live in. From now on, her destiny will be controlled by herself, and no one can affect her.

Mia was very happy and even hummed a song in a good mood. In the past, many people in Kassel College secretly mocked her for being too despicable.

But how could those eldest ladies who were born with a silver spoon know how miserable her life had been since she was a child, as an unappreciated branch of the family. Although food and expenses have been allocated by the family in advance, and the living standard is also very good, in order for the family to easily control them, Mia's personal assets before this were almost zero, and she didn't even have a few clothes. It belongs to oneself.

They appear to be well-dressed, but in reality they are worse than homeless people once their home supplies are cut off.

All you can do every day is pray that your future husband or user is not a pervert.

But now, she was finally out of that hell and could truly take control of her life. While sitting on the plane, Mia had already begun to think about where to live.

"Although I have been accustomed to living in the West for many years, it is very controlled by family forces there. In order to reduce trouble, it is better to go to an eastern country. I heard that China, where Zheng Shu was born, seems to be good..."

Thinking of this, Mia's expression suddenly dimmed a little, and she touched her earrings, which were additional protective alchemy jewelry that Zheng Shu had refined for her when she was in Japan.

After studying at Kassel Academy for more than a year, she almost knew how valuable a defensive alchemy weapon like this was. For those rich people who have persecution delusions, if they meet on the black market, they may even be sold for hundreds of millions of dollars, but Zheng Shu gives himself several such things.

It is no exaggeration to say that the value of the few protective alchemy weapons he gave was enough for the family to sell Mia to Zheng Shu.

But for Mia, the most impressive thing was Zheng Shu's attitude towards her.

Because of her identity, everyone she has come into contact with in the family has looked at her with discrimination since she was a child. Even in the eyes of the teachers at Iris Shuyuan Academy, Mia can easily feel them. The disgust in his eyes seemed to be that the presence of people like Mia in the academy had tarnished the nobility of the academy.

Although her parents' eyes were not discriminatory, they were full of greed, similar to looking at a good product.

When she first met Zheng Shu, Mia was impressed by the arrogance in his eyes and believed that he was indeed discriminating against her. But after being in contact for a long time, I realized that Zheng Shu was not discriminating against her, but was discriminating against everyone in the world fairly.

Although it is a bit strange to say this, Mia always felt that when Zheng Shu looked at other people, there was no difference between when he looked at the characters in the game, and they were all with an arrogance similar to the creator.

For him, there is no difference between refining several alchemical weapons for himself and giving a task to a game character in the game.

But under such circumstances, Mia felt a sense of fairness. After all, strictly speaking, the other party was indeed treating everyone fairly.

"I don't know what you are thinking, but...thank you."

After muttering in a low voice, Mia turned the plane around and flew towards the eastern country.

Zheng Shu looked at Odin who had completely lost his fighting spirit. Instead of feeling happy, he looked a little disappointed.

Ever since he discovered that all his plans had been cracked by Zheng Shu, Odin had completely lost his will to fight.

In fact, many dragons are not afraid of death. For them, death is just a deep sleep, just like it is natural for humans to sleep when the time comes.

But Odin was different. He had been playing the role of human Pompeii for hundreds of years. He thought that the endless time he had lived before was enough to control Pompeii's memory. But now it seems that the weakness of human heart has still eroded the heart of Dragon King Odin.

"It's so boring. Can't you be more presentable?" Zheng Shu squatted in front of Odin and shook his head. "It seems that human life has a far greater impact on you than you expected. In my opinion, you have already No longer the dragon king Odin, you are now more like human Pompeii."

Odin, who was commented upon by Zheng Shu, suddenly raised his head and stared at the enemy in front of him with his bloodshot eyes. He could not imagine that the other party would humiliate him in this situation.

"Do you think I'm humiliating you?" Zheng Shu saw through Odin's thoughts, "Stop making trouble, you have to earn your dignity by yourself. If you want me to think highly of you, then show me the courage of the Dragon King. Don't look so timid, you are the king of the Dragon Clan!"

The originally calm airflow in the sky suddenly became restless again, and a terrifying cyclone appeared around Odin's body again, wrapping him up.

After listening to Zheng Shu's words, Odin discovered his own problem. When the souls were fused, Odin's fear of the Black King and Li Wuyue's fear of humans were also intertwined, so that he was afraid of death. Unprecedentedly stronger.

The humbleness of the past trampled the dragon's pride into the soil, making it neither human nor dragon, just a waste caught between the two.

Otherwise, he would not have resisted swallowing the Black King's egg after obtaining it, and instead spent several years looking for a way to perfectly swallow it.

It's really ridiculous. If other monarchs had obtained the Black King's egg, they would have eagerly swallowed it, but he had planned it "rationally" for more than ten years.

Perhaps from that moment on, the human weakness in him had overwhelmed the dragon's arrogance.

So at this moment, the pride lost due to fear returned to Odin, and he rose to the sky and burst out with his final power.

The terrifying hurricane continued to expand, forming a huge storm that could cover the entire island in just an instant. Zheng Shu and Odin stood in the eye of the calm storm.

Although the scope of this storm is not too large compared to the previous airflow group that covered half of the Pacific Ocean, the intensity of the storm outside it is far greater. This is their own duel ground, and it is also Odin's end for himself. The stage set up.

The North Pole, among the apocalyptic Nibelungs.

In the tightly protected sanctuary, the ancient spear that had originally inserted Zero on the cross suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and such a change was immediately discovered by the staff in the Nibelungen.

"What happened?!" Lulincheng, who was in the control room, immediately received the report from his subordinates and immediately displayed the picture captured by the monitor in the sanctuary on the big screen.

"I don't know. The Kungunir that sealed the target suddenly sent out violent fluctuations. This has never happened before." The researcher next to him was sweating profusely and couldn't understand how Kungunir was doing it. Operation occurs suddenly due to external interference.

"Damn it, is there any emergency plan?" Looking at the spear shining brighter and brighter on the surveillance screen, cold sweat broke out on Lulincheng's head.

"This... all emergency plans are to deal with target-related problems." The researcher next to him reminded tactfully, almost grabbing Lu Lincheng's collar and telling him that no one would deal with the possibility of a dead object suddenly moving. Establish an emergency plan.

"No, Kungunil has left the target's body!" At this time, another researcher next to him sounded a warning.

Lu Lincheng turned around and saw that in the picture displayed on the monitor, Kunbu Nir had left No. 0's body and was floating in mid-air.

As the light became brighter, Kungunir finally flew towards the sky in a golden flash. After passing through several layers of protection, it turned into a golden lightning in the sky and disappeared.

"What's going on..." Lu Lincheng and other researchers ran outside, looking at the golden lightning disappearing in the sky at a loss.

Suddenly, Lu Lincheng's expression changed and he immediately returned to the monitoring room, only to find that the body of No. 0 that was originally nailed to the cross in the monitoring screen had disappeared.

"What happened now..."

In a golden light, the gorgeous bronze armor appeared on Odin, who was standing high in the sky out of thin air. A bolt of lightning struck down and transformed into Kungunir and appeared in his hand. Finally, the ore that came out of the island was in the realm of words and spirits. Zhonghua turned into a bronze mask covering Odin's face.

"Come on!" Odin stroked the spear in his hand and pointed the tip of the spear forward at Zheng Shu, who had been standing on the ground waiting. He knew that he could not escape, but he no longer wanted to escape.

"That's right." The nictitating membrane under Zheng Shu's eyelids blinked twice, showing a satisfied smile.

Transforming into a three-meter-tall humanoid dragon did slightly affect his mind. Normally, he would never do such a stupid thing, but now, Zheng Shu decided to indulge.


A radial circular pit suddenly appeared on the ground, which was kicked out by Zheng Shu when he exploded with power.

In just the blink of an eye, Zheng Shu appeared in front of Odin as if teleporting, and his pale white arms and claws fell towards Odin's head with a slight glow.


A deafening sound of impact was heard. This was the first time that Zheng Shu's standing claws imitating the structure of the Heavenly Cloud Sword were firmly blocked, and what blocked his claws was Kunguni in Odin's hand. This rumored weapon After all, the spear made from the branches of the World Tree lived up to its reputation.


A stream of blood suddenly spurted out from Odin's mouth, and the whole dragon suddenly fell to the ground like a meteorite. Although he blocked Zheng Shu's attack with his spear, the power coming from the spear was not something Odin could withstand. of.

As the power of the Black King keeps surging in his body, the power Odin can exert is getting weaker and weaker. In addition, the fatigue of the body has not been replenished with energy. Now, he does not even have a twin-level dragon king. of strength.

Zheng Shu looked at the smoke and dust raised by Odin's impact on the small island below. He was about to rush down and attack more, but suddenly he felt a needle-like feeling in his brain. It was the sense of crisis that he felt intuitively.

With a wave of his hand, a terrifying storm swept across the ground, instantly blowing away all the dust, revealing Odin underneath who had already aimed his spear at Zheng Shu.

Kungunir's body was shining with dazzling light, but the aura on Odin's body was getting weaker and weaker. Zheng Shu knew that no matter whether he could receive the blow or not, Odin would die the moment Kungunir was launched. deal.

Odin on the ground smiled triumphantly, as if he wanted to say something, but his extreme weakness even prevented him from speaking. He just coughed and let go of Kungunir's hand.

Not only did Kunbunir, which had lost its user, not fall to the ground, but the light on its body became more and more intense. When the brightness of the light reached a certain limit, the holy spear that was sure to hit disappeared.


A ring-shaped shock wave exploded from Zheng Shu's chest, and the lost power turned into a storm that swept the ground and the surrounding ocean. The white claws on his hands tightly grasped the tip of Kungunir's gun that suddenly appeared on his chest. Sparks were generated from the friction between the bright white claws and the rotating gun body.

Click! Click!

Two different shattering sounds came at the same time. Even the sharp claws that were strengthened to the limit by Zheng Shu's mental power could not withstand such an impact. They had begun to crack, and Kungunil's indestructible gun also appeared. Some cracks.


Finally, the sharp claws in Zheng Shu's hands could no longer hold on and collapsed, and as a price, the tip of Kungunir's spear was also shattered.

However, after losing the obstacle, Kungunir continued to pierce Zheng Shu's heart without hesitation, even though he had lost the tip of his spear.


Kunbu Nir, who had lost his pointed head, still used brute force to smash the scales on Zheng Shu's chest and the ribs that had formed into plates in his body, and slammed into his heart.

"Hiss...it hurts so much. You did a good job." Zheng Shu grinned and pulled out Kungunir from his chest, looking at Odin's body underneath with an expression of admiration.

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