Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 244 Follow-up plan and sudden encounter

"Human beings are really cruel to their own kind."

Zheng Shu looked at the fire burning in front of him, shook his head, and continued to throw the surrounding corpses into the flames: "Forget it, maybe I am not qualified to talk about them."

Even though he has seen it many times, Zheng Shu still has to lament the chaos of Greece in the Age of Gods. Almost every day he encounters villages that have been robbed by bandits.

Two weeks have passed since meeting the sun god Apollo. A few days ago, Vera also left for other cities after saying goodbye to Zheng Shu.

After all, for Vera, his time is getting less and less day by day, and being able to spend such a long time walking with Zheng Shu is considered the limit.

Of course, during this period, Zheng Shu basically learned the basic information about magic from Vera, but after all, Vera was not a talent who specialized in learning magic, and his knowledge of magic was also quite limited.

Vera's magic knowledge is crucial to Zheng Shu, but it is not enough in quantity. But after acquiring this magic knowledge, Zheng Shu at least no longer behaves like a Muggle who doesn't understand anything.

However, except for a few magic power usage techniques, this knowledge did not have much effect on improving Zheng Shu's combat effectiveness.

In order to improve his combat effectiveness as much as possible in a short period of time, Zheng Shu needs much more magic knowledge, and not only magic knowledge, but also various combat skills and strengthening templates are what he needs.

If you want to increase your combat effectiveness to the main god level, the best way is to strengthen the template.

But to be honest, Zheng Shu is not very satisfied with the existing enhanced templates. If possible, it would be best to obtain the enhanced templates of Zeus, the most powerful god.

And most importantly, Zheng Shu wanted to try and see if he could reach the standard of a god without integrating the rules of the world. After all, once he integrates the rules of the world, he will have to start over as a baby the next time he travels.

If his combat power reaches the god level through the superposition of other aspects without fusion rules, even if it is possible to peel off the enhanced template after traveling through the world, he can at least retain the body of an adult.

Judging from the fact that the strengthening template will change in real time as his body ages, an adult body can at least allow him to restore his strength to his prime as quickly as possible.

Of course, if you want to use a non-god-level template to obtain this level of power, it will take a lot of time even if Zheng Shu has the support of a plug-in. Fortunately, according to human concepts of time, there is still quite a while before that war.

And seemingly seeing Zheng Shu's desire for magic knowledge, Vera also recommended a new direction to him before leaving: "As far as I know, there is a god who is good at magic in Colchis. It is said that the other party even You have reached the level of a magician. If you are really thirsty for magic knowledge, you can choose to try your luck in that country."

After Vera's prompt, Zheng Shu immediately thought of this good place.

Hecate, the goddess of the road, is in charge of ghosts and magic, the god worshiped by Colchis, and the teacher of the famous betrayal witch: Medea.

Zheng Shu certainly didn't think his face was big enough for the other party to teach him magic in person, even if he had been offering sacrifices to her continuously for so many years. After all, this goddess had an entire country to worship her.

However, Zheng Shu's sacrifices over the years are not useless. If nothing else, he can at least ensure that he can contact Medea with this relationship.

That's right, Zheng Shu's goal at the beginning was not Hecate. After all, it was too troublesome to deal with gods, especially goddesses.

But it would be much easier to deal with Medea. After all, Medea's character was actually quite good before she became the traitorous witch, and the traitorous witch's magic knowledge was definitely not bad. If it weren't for the fact that she was betrayed by Jason If she delayed, she might even be able to enter the realm of a magician with her talent.

But these are all things later. Zheng Shu’s main trip now is to go to Nemea to find the lion. Although magic is important, his invulnerability is also very attractive to him.

While thinking about these messy questions, Zheng Shu finished disposing of the last robber's body. He threw large pieces of corpses on the fire and burned them to prevent the birth of the plague, but the remaining residues and blood stains were more difficult to deal with. Fortunately, as long as they were spread with unburned plant ashes, it could almost be solved. question.

Zheng Shu usually dealt with bandits by killing them on the spot. After all, he knew very well that if he simply beat these people up and let them go, the villagers would suffer even more horrific revenge after he left.

So when faced with those bandits who wantonly killed villagers, Zheng Shu usually made them taste the same fear.

But... because he is so powerful, the scenes when fighting ordinary humans are always more tragic, so that many villagers always misunderstand his profession.

...just like now.

As Zheng Shu turned around, the poor villagers behind him trembled violently, and then all took a step back. Even the hunters who had fought bravely against the bandits before seemed to be trembling. It seemed that these people were inferior to the bandits. He seemed even more afraid of Zheng Shu.

"Is it necessary to be so afraid of me? I didn't do anything bad." Zheng Shu touched his face, feeling a little innocent.

After a commotion among the villagers, a figure who seemed to be the village chief walked tremblingly in front of Zheng Shu, smiling cautiously: "This... uh... king? Our village is willing to offer you a gift." Treasure.”

"Your Majesty? What the hell kind of title is this... If I continue like this, will I be called the Demon King?" Zheng Shu pinched the bridge of his nose helplessly.

Although he encountered many strange situations during his travels, including some villages that regarded Zheng Shu as a thief who wanted to take advantage of others after he killed all the bandits, this was the first time he was called a king.

Zheng Shu himself just complained. Unfortunately, the village chief seemed to be frightened by Zheng Shu's previous terrifying methods of fighting enemies. After hearing this, he immediately changed his mind: "Yes! Yes! That... Lord Demon King, like you I saw that all the property in the village had been robbed by these bandits, and what they had on them was already the last property in the village."

Zheng Shu felt that his forehead began to hurt: "I am not a demon king, that is just my complaint...forget it! In short, I am just a passing hero, not a bad person."

Upon hearing this, the village chief's expression was obviously stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and forced a smile on his face:

"I understand! I understand, I understand! Thanks to this hero for your help. If it weren't for you, our village might have been massacred by these bandits. Please don't worry, the people in our village will help you right away. Pack up the loot. If the reward is not enough, we still have some food in the village. Of course, food may take some time. You know, the situation in the village is a bit chaotic now, and we need to tidy up to get the food you need. together."

"Bastard! What on earth do you understand?!" Seeing the village chief in front of him looking like he understands everything, Zheng Shu wanted to reprimand him loudly.

However, considering the fear these guys had towards him, if he reprimanded him like this, the village chief, who was already trembling with fear, would probably rush over to him. Therefore, after hesitating for a few moments, Zheng Shu finally held back. The desire to complain to oneself.

After taking a look at the man in front of him who looked like he was crying rather than smiling, Zheng Shu sighed helplessly and raised his hand to stop the man from organizing people to collect food:

"No, I am... yes, I am a person who travels around the world to promote the glory of the gods. In order to show the mercy of the gods, there is no need to collect compensation this time. ... There is no need for spoils, you can use your property Take it back."

Not accepting property does not mean that Zheng Shu is arrogant. The main reason is that he has rescued too many people along the way. If every village collects payment, then he will have too much luggage.

However, Zheng Shu also knew the reason why Zilu accepted the bull. Fortunately, he had experienced enough such things along the way that he had found a better reason.

For such a world where gods exist, any outrageous behavior can be understood if gods are used as a reason.

The village chief was so surprised that he even stopped trembling due to fear. After all, in ancient Greece, the reputation of a hero was not much better than that of a robber.

Suddenly meeting such a "saint" who wanted nothing more than to simply help them, the middle-aged man didn't even know what to say for a while. He frantically searched for his daily life experience, but found that none of it was applicable.

"Is it really not necessary?" Because of the huge impact on his thinking, the village chief even forgot about his fear of Zheng Shu and began to ask questions in reverse.

"No need, I told you I'm just here to spread glory."

"Then...which god do you want to spread the glory of? Our village will definitely believe in this god wholeheartedly in the future." Because he was too excited, the village chief even trembled when he spoke.

"Ah." Zheng Shu blinked and quickly went through the list of gods he had used before in his mind. He reached out and drew a unique symbol on his chest, "What I spread is the glory of Lord Hades." , if you need it, I can help you carve his statues and symbols."

In order to prevent himself from being targeted by the small-minded gods of ancient Greece who were not worried about scarcity but inequality, Zheng Shu deliberately made a list of the names of the gods in his mind. Every time someone asked a similar question, he would take it out from the list. An unused god's name is used instead.

Anyway, for these gods, it is certainly a good thing to have someone help promote their beliefs. As long as Zheng Shu saves enough villages, each god can be "allocated" to a village.

"Thank you Lord Hades." He followed Zheng Shu's example and drew the symbol on his chest. The village chief sincerely extended an invitation, "It would be great if there were a statue and symbol of Lord Hades. Please, can I invite you to stay here for one night? It happens to be getting dark soon."

Zheng Shu looked up at the sky. Just as the other party said, it was almost dusk now. If he left the village, he would probably have to camp in the woods today: "Then I won't bother you today."

"Then please come with me." The village chief bowed to Zheng Shu with great respect and led him into the village.

On the way, Zheng Shu seemed to have remembered something and took out a money bag from his arms: "By the way, I want to spend money to buy some food from your village, and then hire young adults from your village to help me make it." something."

"You're welcome. Given your kindness to the village, you can give the order directly without spending any money." The village chief looked a little frightened.

"You have to collect money! This is for making sacrifices to the gods. Do you want to rob me of my contribution to the gods?!"

"I'm very sorry!" With such a big hat pressed down, the village chief was so frightened that he immediately accepted the money bag in Zheng Shu's hand, "Then, what exactly do you want to make?"

"Well..." Zheng Shu suddenly smiled, "The name of that thing is 'instant noodles'."


Zheng Shu waved goodbye to the villagers who still wanted to see him off, and continued on his new journey.

This time in the village, the harvest was good. Not only did he promote his "instant noodles", making his possibility of summoning "instant noodles" a step closer, but he also obtained information about Nemea.

"Hmm... According to the information provided by the hunter, the forest in front should be the largest forest in Nemea. The moonlight indicated the same location last night. It seems that I must have found it correctly."

After driving for a while at an astonishing speed, Zheng Shu stood in a jungle and gestured with a map drawn on parchment.

Because the map was too rough and the accuracy was terrible, Zheng Shu finally confirmed that he had indeed reached his destination after confirming information from many aspects.

"Then let's camp here first, and then use the Moon God's blessing to find the lion at night."

... Zheng Shu originally planned this, but he suddenly realized that he seemed to be lucky today.


Just when Zheng Shu was collecting dry branches and preparing to light a bonfire, a roar came from the depths of the jungle. After a while, Zheng Shu saw a huge brown bear running out of the jungle in a hurry.

This brown bear is quite big, even reaching 2.5 meters in height. Even Zheng Shu, who has reached 2 meters in height due to his age, still looks a little short in front of it.

After taking a look at the running route of the brown bear and the bloody wounds on its body, Zheng Shu had no intention of stopping it. He just stepped over his body and turned to look into the depths of the jungle.


With the sound of branches being trampled, a huge lion appeared in his field of vision. Even when the lion is on all fours, its shoulder height can reach nearly two meters. With its thick limbs and explosive muscles visible to the naked eye, every step it takes will bring an indescribable sense of oppression.

The golden hair all over his body looked soft and gorgeous. Although he was just walking around casually, Zheng Shu actually saw a sense of reserve from this lion.

"Oh, it seems that I have been really lucky these days." Feeling the amazing power of the lion, Zheng Shu smiled.

(PS: More updates will be added tomorrow.)

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