Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 277 Servant Panel and Intention of Inhibition

"The job of restraint is quite rough." Zheng Shu complained silently as he looked at his body that was constantly forming in the magic circle.

He originally thought that Inhibition would use some special method to insert himself into this Holy Grail War, such as a Ruler or something like that.

After all, the so-called "Holy Grail War", also known as the "Black Whistle War", is a battle surrounding the "Holy Grail" that can fulfill the holder's wish. After each ceremony begins, seven participating magicians will summon the magicians in history. The heroes come to fight each other. Simply put, it is a story about seven jugglers and seven dead men competing for a broken cup.

Anyway, in Zheng Shu's memory, there was no Holy Grail War that was carried out seriously. Basically, this group of magicians would do something new every time that would either brighten or blind people's eyes.

But it’s normal to think about it. After all, every time such a ceremony is carried out, several magicians will die on the streets. However, every time the ceremony starts, there will still be a group of iron fools who will participate in the big brawl on time to work together to create nuclear peace and friendship. Fuyuki City to contribute its own strength.

Fortunately, every time this ritual is carried out, there are a few magicians who like to cause trouble. From a social perspective, the Holy Grail War may not be a bad thing.

But since the participants are all guys who like to cause trouble, it is better to expect that this Holy Grail is genuine than to expect such people to abide by the rules of the game.

Yes, although it is incredible, this broken cup that cost so many lives and claims to be able to fulfill any wish is actually a fake.

The real Holy Grail is a relic derived from the miracles of Christ. In Christian circles, there are many legends about the saints who pursued the Holy Grail.

If this broken cup in Fuyuki City is really a relic of the Holy Son, the fanatical believers of the Holy Church will definitely be very "merciful" and let this group of heretics who dare to use sacred relics as props to conduct magic rituals to see their own Great Lord.

Of course, according to the church's tradition of dealing with heretics, those being dealt with will generally experience a little pain.

When it comes to the disposal of a sacred object as desecrated as the Holy Grail, the church's method of dealing with heretics will most likely follow tradition, nailing the heretic to a cross and sending it to the crematorium, ensuring that even his ashes are spread.

Fortunately, this Holy Grail only relied on such a reputation and is itself a fake.

The church also has a very tolerant attitude towards such obvious fakes, and is even willing to send a representative to conduct ceremonies for them in this inhospitable place. After all, it is a good thing for the church to promote the Lord's reputation.

Because the Holy Grail is a fake, the Yusan family who presided over this ceremony did not have to worry about being beaten to death by a representative of the Holy Church who suddenly appeared one day. The magicians participating in this ceremony could also concentrate on their work. Pull hair from your peers, and ultimately let the winner hold the almighty cauldron to reach the root.

However, according to the information Zheng Shu knows, at least in this timeline, although several magicians were killed suddenly on the way to the Holy Grail, the number of magicians who can actually obtain the Cauldron of Omnipotence is still zero.

This has to make people wonder whether the Holy Church discovered the true situation of the Holy Grail War from the beginning, so it sent such a representative to watch the jokes of this group of magicians.

To sum up, that's why Zheng Shu felt that it would be easy for Inhibition to arrange a chi level for himself and to be a black whistle referee in this black whistle war. However, he didn't expect that Inhibition would simply and roughly remove the soul of a summoned servant. The base was broken into pieces and then transformed into Zheng Shu's spiritual base.

I can't say that this method is not easy to use, I can only say that it is a bit too stingy to deal with inhibition in this way.

But for Zheng Shu, this can be considered a good thing in a sense. At least he gained a lot of influence when he first arrived.

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Although the quantity was not large, it was picked up for free after all, and Zheng Shu was quite satisfied.

"However... I completely tore apart the spiritual base, but only gave it such a small influence factor. This servant's influence in this Holy Grail War is actually so low." Zheng Shu looked at the panel and touched his chin. Curious, "Are there any such servants in the Five Wars?"

When Zheng Shu was lost in thought, his body was finally completely constructed, and his vision, which was originally blocked by the summoning circle, finally expanded.

Then Zheng Shu saw the squirming human being lying in front of him.


Damn it, why am I looking at this human being in front of me so much like Kariya Matou in The Fourth War?

He was silent for a moment, as if he couldn't believe his eyes, so Zheng Shu turned around and looked around... Then he saw the mountains of insect corpses around him that had been sucked out of their life force and died.

"...Fuck!" The muscles on Zheng Shu's face were twisted. If it weren't for the fact that his current body was made of magic power, he might have twitched on his face.

It turns out that these two pieces of shit, Inhibition, really sent him to the time of the fourth battle, not the fifth battle.

Now Zheng Shu also understood the trap in the previous transaction. The inhibition said that he would be sent to a Holy Grail War, and someone in this city would summon Medusa.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, but the only problem is that there is a gap of ten years between these two sentences.

If the human being in front of me is really Matou Kariya, then at this point in time, Matou Sakura, who was able to summon Medusa in the Fifth Holy Grail War, should have just come from afar. A little lolita that was adopted into the Matou family not long ago by the Saka family.

"Your grandma, if you have too much restraint, you will overturn sooner or later if you play like this!" Zheng Shu said through gritted teeth.

On the other side, Matou Kariya, who had finally recovered a little strength, suddenly found that the light in front of his eyes dimmed. He looked up and saw an unusually tall figure standing in front of him.

The person standing in front of him looks like a teenager from the face, but he is already over two and a half meters tall, with short black hair, and large muscles that are as strong as marble, and the combination is explosive. The bruised veins looked like an iron tower of human flesh.

Matou Kariya felt that if any sculptor saw this man, he would burst into tears, because he was simply the embodiment of power and beauty, a miracle that should not exist in the world.

Logically speaking, the so-called beauty of strength is a concept rather than a specific thing. Everyone's understanding of this concept should be different.

But looking at the existence in front of him, Matou Kariya felt that the other person was probably the embodiment of the concept of the beauty of power.

Thinking like this, Matou Kariya saw the unknown existence that had just appeared from the summoning array squatting in front of him, with a "core good" smile on his face:

"Brother, if I guess correctly, your name is not Matou Kariya, right?"

Looking at the palms on his shoulders that were bigger than his head, Matou Kariya swallowed unconsciously. He felt that if he dared to nod, the person in front of him would probably scratch him with his palms. head.

However, Matou Kariya had already felt that he was a dead person, so he only felt a conditioned fear of fear, and then nodded very firmly: "I am Matou Kariya!"

After saying that, Matou Kariya closed his eyes and quietly waited for the coming death.

"Tsk! What a troublesome thing!" Zheng Shu tutted, feeling a little annoyed that his fantasy was broken.

Instead of slapping him to death as Matou Kariya thought, he slapped him on the body. A pure magic power was poured into Matou Kariya's body and quickly transformed into vitality, filling up Matou Kariya's body. A body that was devoured by marking insects.

Standing up, Zheng Shu ignored the prying eyes around him, simply closed his eyes and examined his face as a servant:

Real name: □□ (hidden)

Class: Berserker

Panel properties

Strength: A++

Durability: EX

Agility: A

Magic: A

Lucky: C

Noble Phantasm: EX

Class skills

Madness: EX

A class ability that strengthens abilities at the cost of losing rationality and adds characteristics to Berserker.

The situation of □□ is that at level EX, there is no rational loss at all in daily activities and battles, but it will become extremely stubborn when encountering certain specific things.

Because it has not lost any rationality, its ability value has not increased at all. The advantage is that all its own combat skills, skills and treasure phantoms have been retained.

Versus magic: EX (A++)

The extremely terrifying protective ability has still not reached the upper limit. The current level in brackets is still increasing rapidly as the magic power increases.

Appear alone: ​​EX

Even if there is no master to provide energy, it can still act semi-permanently. Although it needs to consume magic power every moment, it also has an incomprehensible method of replenishing magic power.

So as long as he wants, he can continue to exist.

Keep skills

Battle continuation: A

A skill that allows people to fight despite being seriously injured, and the mortality rate of the injured will also be reduced.

Mind’s eye (pseudo): C

Danger avoidance ability based on intuition and sixth sense honed through many difficult adventures and Chiron's hard training.

Longwei: A

As a dragon, he possesses extremely terrifying mental power, which can exert pressure on enemies and neutralize mental interference such as pressure, confusion, and confusion.

Magic release: A

Divinity: A

Charm: EX

There are polarized opinions on his appearance. Some people think that he is plain in appearance and not particularly attractive. The most eye-catching thing is his kind heart.

The other part was amazed by his appearance, thinking it was a gift from the Creator. Even gods would fall into obsession after seeing his appearance.

After combining the characteristics of the two groups that made the remarks, people finally came to the conclusion: it was the gods who were covetous of the appearance of women, and in order to be able to monopolize this treasure, they cursed it so that humans who are not of divine descent cannot see clearly. Its true appearance.

The Merciful Demon King: EX

The special skills condensed based on □□'s legendary actions, and because of the contrast between his compassion and kindness for civilians and his terrifying methods against evildoers, □□'s rescue of civilians makes people feel frightened every time.

When facing an enemy that is considered a villain by □□, all attributes of oneself will increase by one level, and all attributes of the enemy will decrease by one level. The damage caused by □□ to the enemy will be greatly increased, and the damage received by the enemy will be greatly reduced.

When facing an enemy who is considered a good person by the enemy, the enemy's resistance to the enemy's damage is greatly increased.

Noble Phantasm

Arms of God: EX

□□□□ (Unable to obtain information due to interference)


□□□□ (Unable to obtain information due to interference)

Fang □□ (unable to obtain information due to interference)

"Uh..." Zheng Shu rubbed his chin and frowned.

It's not that the attributes are not good, on the contrary, as a servant, his attributes are a bit too good.

But it is a pity that the so-called servant itself is the aspect of the heroic spirit, and the heroic spirit itself is inferior to the original body.

So even though Zheng Shu's basic attributes are frighteningly high, according to Zheng Shu's own feelings, his current physical quality is probably the level after he has strengthened the third-generation strengthening template.

For ordinary humans, it is indeed ridiculously strong, but for the group of monsters brought by God, it can only be regarded as trash. But fortunately, all those summoned in the Holy Grail War are Servants. Everyone is a trash, and Zheng Shu is the one with the strongest attributes among this group of trash.

What makes Zheng Shu care so much is actually the independent manifestation of one of his class skills: EX level.

First of all, in the world of Xingyue, the highest level evaluation of a servant's attributes or skills is A. If the destructive power of the instant burst is indeed beyond the standard, then you can also add a plus sign after A. Each plus sign means It has twice the power of the previous level.

So if it is purely powerful, it mainly depends on how many plus signs are behind A.

The EX rating does not mean it is better than A-level, it means "unable to evaluate".

There are many types of "untestable" situations. Some are like Zheng Shu's charm skill, which can be extremely effective in certain special situations, but has no effect at all in most situations.

Some EX evaluations are similar to Zheng Shu's Arms of God, or Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm: Sword of Deviation (Ea) summoned in this Holy Grail War, because other aspects are completely abandoned. , the performance is too outstanding in some aspects, making it difficult to evaluate.

However, the EX evaluation of Zheng Shu's "Single Appearance" skill is completely different from the above two. If we really want to say it, Zheng Shu's own solo appearance has an absolute effect, which may even be lower than the lower level of this skill: acting alone. The effect is even worse.

The reason why it is rated as EX is because it can be paired with Zheng Shu's third Noble Phantasm, which is a special Noble Phantasm whose information is completely obscured by unknown power and cannot be viewed even with suppression.

Although only one head was exposed, Zheng Shu basically understood that this was the skill provided by his panel: convenient instant noodles.

After strengthening the enhanced template of the third generation species, Zheng Shu's body possesses the abilities of the group of dragons in the dragon world that can be called biological weapons.

Among these abilities, in addition to the improvement of physical fitness and the two combat abilities of speech and spirit, the most amazing thing about the group of dragons in the dragon world is their high-speed recovery and the ability to quickly digest food and restore physical strength.

Although these two abilities do not sound very strong, in actual use, if there is unlimited food, Zheng Shu can even ensure that he can continue fighting without being killed instantly.

After coming to the world of Xingyue, because Zheng Shu's timeline was in Greece in the Age of Gods, the first skill provided by the panel has been banned because it cannot meet the conditions for use.

But this time, Zheng Shu came to the future of the Xingyue world through the Hall of Heroes. At this point in time, the concept of instant noodles has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Zheng Shu narrowed his eyes slightly and used his first skill for a long time. His belly bulged slightly, and a huge ball of instant noodles was summoned directly into his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, the digestive system derived from the third generation species began to function. This ball of instant noodles was dense enough to crush the internal organs of ordinary creatures. Instead, a huge amount of magic power was filled into the body of Zheng Shu's servant. In the body.

In Zheng Shu's perception, after his body as a servant obtained this magic power, not only did it make up for the magic power consumed during his activities because there was no master after he was summoned, the entire body of the servant His physical fitness has also been slightly improved.

"So... do I have the ability to manifest such a skill alone?" Zheng Shu nodded clearly, "No wonder it is an EX-level evaluation. How long I can exist depends entirely on my own will, so the specific time of existence has nothing to do with it. Unable to evaluate.”

After understanding this, Zheng Shu suddenly turned dark and looked up to see the ceiling of the basement.

But what Zheng Shu was looking at was not the ceiling, but the two "profiteers" who had cheated him.

"Sure enough, he is a 'profiteer'. The evaluation is quite accurate." Zheng Shu touched his teeth with hatred.

For inhibition, the concept of "profiteer" means that you can indeed get what you want from them, but at the expense of additional resources.

And this "individual appearance" is the "after-sales service" provided by Inhibition to Zheng Shu.

With this skill, Zheng Shu only needs to continuously summon aspects to replenish his magic power, and then wait quietly for ten years before he can reach the timeline of the 5th Holy Grail War.

Although it will take a longer time, Zheng Shu can indeed see Medusa in the end.

And before leaving, Inhibition had promised him that when he returned, he would only wake up the next moment he fell asleep, which meant that it didn't matter how long Zheng Shu wasted on this timeline.

As for the "resources" that Zheng Shu has to pay for as a "profiteer", inhibition...

"Tsk! After ten years of creating things out of thin air, I will really find a job for me."

Zheng Shu is no longer the newcomer he used to be, and he understands the little thoughts of restraint. No matter what world it is, substances that can increase oneself are definitely good.

What's more, after Zheng Shu went through his own transformation, he was able to help Xingyue World transform the summoned materials into magic power.

If you want to ask how important magic is to the world of Xingyue, just look at Dayuan, which has completely faded in modern times.

At this point in time, Dayuan has been completely recovered, and there is no trace of magic in the air. If magicians want to activate any kind of magic, they need to convert their own life force into magic power through engravings before they can perform it.

As for an "infinite energy source" like Zheng Shu, it would be strange if Xingyue World didn't use its brains.

But... Zheng Shu grinned.

Let me stay here for ten years, and it’s not certain who will make the money by then.

Group number: 221679130

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