Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 331 The decisive battle in the apartment (10,000-word chapter)

This is a place called Kayamihama, located in a port area like a street on the west coast of the town.

The place looks very spacious, perhaps because the land is too surplus, so there are extremely large-scale buildings here.

There are scattered high-rise buildings on this vast flat surface, giving the illusion of being in a simulated travel game.

The fiery red sunlight illuminated the spiral tower in front of him. In the orange-red world about to sunset, Zheng Shu came outside Xiaochuan's apartment.

This apartment exists in the area of ​​​​Kaomihama where there are many apartments. It has a rather peculiar shape. It is composed of two apartments facing each other. Two quite neat ten-story half-moon-shaped buildings are built opposite each other. Seen from the sky It's roughly a circle.

However, although the main body of the apartment is circular, cement walls have been built around it to form a tofu-like quadrilateral. There is only one road extending into the apartment from the main entrance, which extends towards the lobby on the first floor of the apartment.

"Tsk, it is indeed here. Did you choose this place as the battlefield in the end?" Zheng Shu looked at the building in front of him without any surprise.

Ogawa Apartment can be regarded as a magic workshop that Araya Soren spent a lot of effort to build. Coupled with Aruba's assistance, this apartment should have reached a certain extreme in improving the combat effectiveness of the two of them.

Although Araya Zonglian is not very clear about Zheng Shu's specific combat power, he must have found out what Zheng Shu once did in the clock tower, so he must be fully prepared when he wants to face him.

For a magician, the Magic Workshop is built to bridge the gap in strength with powerful enemies. Through targeted transformation, in theory, even fantasy species can be easily suppressed.

The result that Cangmi Ruka predicted to Zheng Shu was that Araya Soren was here, so after a few people packed up the office, Zheng Shu asked them to wait for him in the office, and he came alone. Ogawa Apartment.

"Come on, let me see what kind of preparations you have made for me." Zheng Shu stretched his body.

The God's Arms, which had been disguised as an ordinary belt around his waist, also changed back to its original shape. Looking at Ogawa's apartment where he could clearly feel the strangeness in front of him, Zheng Shu stepped in without hesitation.

No matter where you go, there is only a scorched wilderness, and you can see corpses everywhere.

What is on the river bank are not sand and stones but fragments of bones. The smell of corpses brought by the wind will not end even if it lasts for three thousand years.

This is the time of war.

Wherever one goes there is struggle and human bodies are miserably discarded without exception. It is common for people from small villages to be massacred by strong people. It is not a problem who kills whom. There is never good or evil on the battlefield.

When you hear a fight taking place, go to that place.

Hearing that a rebellion has occurred, head to that location.

There are times when we catch up, and there are times when we are a step late, but no matter what, the result is the same. The hill of corpses is the final outcome.

Human beings cannot resist death.

He traveled around the world to save people, but all he saw was endless black fields.

Despair was superimposed on top of despair. Yesterday's sigh merged into today's stronger sigh. Facing the overwhelming number of repeated deaths, I realized my own insignificance.

-I can't save anyone.

Since we can't save them, we must at least clearly record their deaths and preserve the lives we have lived so far and the lives we look forward to in the future.


I started collecting death.


Amidst the sounds of steam and boiling water, and a sigh that seemed filled with endless despair, Araya Soren woke up.

In the darkness without light, in a room surrounded by apartment residents, he stood up quietly.

"Is it...a dream?"

"I didn't expect that I would still have dreams. Although I have seen many people's regrets, this is the first time I have seen my own regrets. If you go by what those people said, this is probably the feeling of 'reflecting on the past'."

Araya Soren was talking alone, talking to himself as if he was mentally disturbed.

But he knew that he was not alone in this room, because next to him there was a glass container the size of a birdcage, which contained liquid and... a human head.

That was Aozaki Orange's head. She was floating in the liquid with her eyes closed as if sleeping.


The sound of steam suddenly sounded, and the iron pipe placed in the middle of the room glowed brightly, not because of magic or anything else, but because it burned red due to the high temperature.

A dim red light exuding high temperature illuminated the magician's laboratory, but Araya Soren just stood there and waited quietly.

He had failed once two years ago. The guy in the body of the two rituals was too opposite. What he needed was an existence that had the same origin and could be differentiated from him.

The originally prepared Wujo Kirie and Asagami Fujino had been released in advance, but they did not expect these two sacrifices to have much effect.

According to the observation of the two ritual characters, as long as the person behind him is dealt with, the other party will definitely come to the door on his own.

Of course... the premise is that he can solve the trouble that has come to his door.

All preparations have been completed, and he has deployed all imaginable means.

Faced with an existence that could defeat the entire clock tower by one person, Araya Soren didn't feel that he had a 100% chance of winning.

The more you get to know the magician of the Clock Tower, the more you understand what horrific feat he has accomplished.

Araya Soren once studied in the clock tower, so he knew better what kind of terrifying monsters there would be. A existence with such extraordinary talent as Aozaki Orange was not unique in the clock tower.

The enforcers of the Legal Affairs Section specially set up to deal with magicians are so powerful that it is difficult to understand. Even people like Araya Soren who have lived for who knows how long are under indescribable pressure when facing them.

However, even this clock tower full of monsters was defeated by another bigger monster alone.

To be an enemy of such a being, even if you just think about it, the terrifying mental pressure may crush an ordinary magician.

Fortunately, Araya Soren's origin is "Station", so he can still endure it. As for Aruba... probably because he is very brave.

Before fighting the opponent, no matter how much he thought, it was useless. Since he had made all the preparations, the only thing he could do now was wait.


Suddenly, another magician walked right in.

His expression looked a little irritated, and he quickly walked up to Araya Soren and asked, "How can you still be so leisurely? That guy should be approaching already, why don't you make more preparations?"

"All the preparations that can be made are over. The only thing to do next is to wait quietly for the other party to come... You should know better than anyone else."

"Indeed, not only you, but also I have spent nearly a year on this workshop. This workshop has reached its limit in terms of the space that can be used to inscribe spells."

Aruba nodded and acknowledged what Araya Soren said:

"...Okay, I admit I'm a little nervous. After all, it's impossible not to be nervous when facing a monster like that. So now let's think about something. If we can really get rid of that guy, how can we call him later? The little girl from the two rituals was attracted. In addition, even if the monster really dares to walk in, are you sure this place can trap him? If he escapes, I don’t want to face such a monster all the time. Assassination.”

"No need to worry unfounded. The partition inside this apartment is not just a wall. It has been transformed by my barrier. Once the other person steps in, he will be sent to the infinity connecting space and space. I originally created this twisted alien The number one in the world, the purpose is to create a closed wheel, which is a darkness that cannot be escaped no matter what means or force is used."

Although he said this, Araya Zongren always maintained that depressed look on his face.

Looking at his collaborator's face, the magician in red robe twitched his lips in dissatisfaction.

"...Forget it, I'm not interested in your enchantment skills. Anyway, the reason why I agreed to your invitation was for other purposes." After saying this, the red magician shifted his gaze and looked towards the table. Look at the glass pot with Aozaki Orange's head inside.

"Araya, this is different from what we agreed. You said you wanted me to kill Aosaki. Are you lying to me?"

"I have given you a chance, but you failed, so there is nothing I can do to deal with Aosaki myself."

"Solution? Don't laugh to death. Don't forget that it's my technique. That guy is still alive! I didn't expect that someone like you would choose to save his opponent's life. It seems that not only Aosaki, you have also changed That’s very merciful.”

After hearing Aruba's question, Araya Soren began to think.

Indeed, Aozaki Orange is not completely dead now, because the function of his brain is still alive, but he is in a state of being unable to speak or think.

If this is considered alive, it is indeed alive.

"So Araya, you are so naive in how you handle this! Aozaki is a female fox known as the 'Red of Pain'. Even if only her head is left, she will still fight back if she has the chance. You really should Kill her on the spot!" Aruba was still chattering.

"Shut up! Cornelius, you said something you shouldn't have said."

"What..." The flamboyant red magician was speechless for a moment.

Araya Soren didn't want to talk to this guy any more, so he reached out and picked up the glass jug: "Take it. According to the agreement, this is indeed your thing. No matter what you do, I have no objection."

Aruba held the birdcage-sized glass pot in his hands with some confusion, and then he let out an unpleasant snicker: "Then I'll accept it. Since you said this is already mine, Aranya, It doesn’t matter how I handle it, right?”

"Whatever you want, your fate has already been decided."

Araya Soren's heavy and calm voice did not reach the red magician's ears. He smiled happily and left the room with satisfaction.

After passing through the atrium covered by green grass, Zheng Shu came to the interior of the apartment.

As expected, the glass-covered first-floor lobby had been dyed crimson red by the setting sun. Whether it was the floor, walls or the elevator pillars leading to the upper floors, they all seemed to be ignited red.

The walls inside the apartment are uniformly painted in creamy yellow and are extremely clean. Despite this, people can still feel the chill running down their backs.

The air outside was obviously hot enough, but the air in the apartment seemed even hotter. It felt like the manager had mistakenly turned on the air conditioner and turned on the heating in the summer.

But if you feel it carefully, you feel that it is like human breathing. The hot gas is like the air surrounding the skin. After stepping into the apartment, it feels as if you are in the womb of a living thing.

And Zheng Shu also knew that this was not an illusion.

Araya Soren's attainments in barrier art are quite high, and it can even be said that he only knows this one technique. Because of this, the barrier technology he has honed over a long period of time can be regarded as the pinnacle.

Shrouded by the barrier he set up, it is estimated that the space inside the entire apartment has been transformed into an alien world.

With such a barrier, ordinary prey loses the possibility of escaping the moment they step into the barrier.

But correspondingly, because the ability to isolate from the outside world is too strong, the barrier must absorb all the internal energy.

For ordinary enemies, this is not a shortcoming, it can even be regarded as an advantage, because it can isolate them from communication with external energy, but for Zheng Shu, this is indeed a shortcoming.

The barrier itself has limits.

This is a statement that is almost nonsense. After all, the existence of the barrier itself is also composed of spells. No matter how large the scope of the barrier is, its internal space is ultimately limited compared with the outside world, so what can be "engraved" inside "The space of the spell is also extremely limited, so the energy it can withstand naturally has an upper limit.

It's just that this so-called upper limit is impossible to reach in most cases, let alone magicians. Even fantasy species cannot reach it in most cases.

That's why existence like the inherent barrier is called the magic closest to magic.

When Zheng Shu was walking inside the apartment, he could even see the transparent lines rippling around his body. That was because the energy level in his body was so high that it had reached the limit that the barrier could bear.

Ignoring the elevator next to him, Zheng Shu continued walking eastward and came to the lobby.

This apartment is divided into two halves, with separate halls in the east building and the west building. Zheng Shu's destination is the hall on the first floor of the east building.

The lobby is a semicircular vast space, connected to the second floor with no floor separation, making the interior space appear extremely spacious.

Because it was indoors, it was not stained with the orange-red color of the sunset, and only the yellow light of the electric lamp illuminated the marble floor.

"I'm really surprised that you really dare to come here alone." A rather sharp voice for a man sounded in the hall.

Zheng Shu didn't answer and raised his gaze without saying a word. On the stairs leading to the second floor, there stood a magician in a red coat.

"This is really an exciting thing. You dare to break into my world without any preparation. Is this the strong man who single-handedly challenges the entire clock tower? It's really exciting to be able to be your enemy. Happy things, welcome to my hell, the strongest magician.”

The magician Cornelus Aruba smiled happily, and he bowed deeply with exaggerated movements like acting.

"The strongest magician?" Zheng Shu finally spoke.

"Yes, it seems that you are not paying attention to the information from the outside world. Your intelligence has caused an uproar in the magic world. In view of the fact that you have done such an unimaginable thing, someone has given you this name and thinks that you It is the strongest existence besides magicians." Aruba tried his best to explain to Zheng Shu.

"So that's it." Zheng Shu's frown relaxed, "It turns out it's a tribute from an ignorant person, then I understand. I thought someone wanted to humiliate me, so they gave me such a name. What’s the number?”

"Ashamed...humiliated?" Aruba was stunned. Even this extremely flamboyant magician could not understand what Zheng Shu meant by "humiliated".

In fact, when Zheng Shu said such words, he was not arrogant or wanting to anger the other party. He was just honestly speaking out what he was thinking.

That's right, for Zheng Shu, with his current strength, it would be a humiliation for him to have his status lower than that of a magician.

In any case, Zheng Shu's body has reached the level of a serious god, and he can calmly say such a declaration as "a mere magician".

After all, the titles of this group of magicians do not represent combat prowess. Even the most important magician in the original work, Gemstone, is only able to observe and travel through different parallel worlds at will.

Although relying on the characteristics of infinite parallel worlds allows Gem Man to temporarily exert the effect of infinite magic power, the limitations of the biological body are there after all, and there is a limit to the upper limit of the instantaneous power output.

For the gods, in a real fight, apart from being able to run a little better, the Gemstone Man is nothing more than that.

After all, in Greece in the Age of Gods, although beings who could be called magicians were rare, they were not unheard of. There were even many gods who were part-time magicians themselves.

But the most powerful ones are, after all, the twelve main gods of Olympus.

Zheng Shu's body may be different from the twelve main gods in some aspects due to various defects, but simply calculating the combat effectiveness has strengthened Hercules, who has passed the twelve trials. After obtaining the enhanced template, Zheng Shu is already an undoubted master-god-level powerhouse.

In a real fight, Zheng Shu would definitely not be inferior to the other gods except for Zeus, the strongest god, with his own divine weapons.

However, Zheng Shu didn't want to answer his question. Instead, he turned his attention to his hand.

"You did a good job, right? Really, I like it too!" After noticing the change in Zheng Shu's gaze, Aruba decided to forget what the other person had just said, and proudly raised his hand with one hand. He raised Aozaki Orange's head.

The smile on his face became brighter and brighter, as if something artificially made was pasted on his face:

"As you can see, she is indeed dead, but she is not completely dead yet. She is still conscious and can hear sounds from the outside world and understand what they are.

This is my compassion, compassion! Although Aosaki has caused me a lot of trouble, I still know that I have to respect the dead, so I plan to let her live a little longer. "

Although he said this, Aruba's hand holding Aozaki Orange's head was shaking casually.

Wearing blood-red clothes, he walked warily in the direction of Zheng Shu, speaking naturally like a demon, trying his best to provoke him.

"You ask me why I want her to live like this? It's very simple, because I can't vent just like this. Just killing Aosaki can't calm the humiliation and anger I have suffered all the time. What do I want her to understand? It’s the pain that matters!”

Aruba's expression went from smiling to crazy.

"Ah, no, no, this will make you misunderstand. I don't want her to know that 'pain is like this'! Because for a person with only one head, physical pain is a very trivial issue, right? ?”

As he spoke, he stretched his fingers towards the head he was holding, and then thrust his fingers into Aozaki Orange's eyes that had lost their vitality, and forcefully took out the eyeballs, which were bloody.

Blood like a waterfall turned into tears and flowed out of the corners of Aozaki Orange's eyes. The blood-stained eyeballs were completely different from her eyes before she was alive. What was in Aruba's palm was just two round lumps of flesh.

As if Aruba had obtained some incredible trophy, he raised his blood-stained eyeballs high and showed them to Zheng Shu.

"Look, even if this happens, he won't moan! But don't worry, there will still be pain. Although Aosaki is quite tolerant and won't say anything, what does it feel like to have his eyes gouged out alive? It's very painful. Does it hurt? Is it so painful that you want to cry? What do you think? I remember that you should have studied under Aozaki, so you can be considered her disciple. Since you are a disciple, you should be able to understand the master's feelings, right? !”

Under the cover of his increasingly crazy expression, Aruba's eyes were fixed on Zheng Shu's expression, trying to see any trace of anger in his eyes or face.

But he was disappointed. Zheng Shu was still as calm as before, his eyes calm and unwavering, as if there were no ripples in a deep pool of water.

Such an expression made Aruba unable to confirm whether the other party was so angry that he had lost the ability to express himself, or whether he was truly unmoved.

"I said..." Finally, Zheng Shu spoke after Aruba chattered for a long time.

Aruba's mood, which was about to flinch, was suddenly shaken, and he raised his spirits and stared closely into Zheng Shu's eyes.

"There's only one thing I'm curious about, and that is, did you say that name in front of her?"


Faced with Zheng Shu's completely irrelevant question, Aruba became confused.

"Of course it's the nickname that Miss Aozaki Orange hates being called by others." Zheng Shu reminded.

Then he saw Aruba's expression gradually change from blank to one that seemed to want to laugh or be angry.

"Hahahaha! I see, I thought you were talking about something! Are you talking about the title 'Red of Pain'? Of course, she can come back to life and beat me to death! No!" To think that you and Araya are actually the same guy, and that you are still afraid of a useless person who has become like this."

"Actually, I don't call her this title because I uphold the principle of 'don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you'...forget it..." Zheng Shu also wanted to remind her, but seeing the other party's crazy attitude, he decided not to do it later. Just leave him alone, after all, this guy is not what he needs to deal with now.

"The Red of Pain, the Red of Pain, Aozaki seems to have said that anyone who dares to say this nickname will do his best to kill him. That is really scary. After all, she is a top-ranked magician. The most talented person of that time!"

The more Aruba talked, the more excited he became, and the expression on his face returned to madness, but this time, compared with before, there was a lot more truth in his expression.

"Hiss...this guy...couldn't he have broken the defense?" Zheng Shu was a little surprised when he saw Aruba's "sincere" performance, "It seems that he was crushed miserably by the oranges in the clock tower."

Although Zheng Shu also feels that he has met a lot of people, it seems that it is rare to see someone who breaks the defense so easily. He is obviously such a flamboyant person...

"Hahahaha! But now she has no resistance no matter how much I talk to her. Aosaki must be very angry now, but this is just a small part of the pain! To be honest, instead of letting her feel the pain , I still want her to feel remorseful. It must be an unbearable humiliation for Aosaki to leave only her head like this, right? But don’t worry, I have also prepared a higher level of humiliation. After I deal with you, I will destroy everything she has carefully cultivated."

Aruba lifted Aozaki Orange's head with one hand and spoke to her face that had lost its eyeballs.

"How is it? Are you extremely angry now? But you can only stay here helplessly without making a sound. If it were me, it would be unbearable. Do you know? This woman has always ignored me, but now she hates me He hates me so much that he wants to kill me. It's so great. Is there any better revenge in this world? Although the direct attack was taken away by Araya, I will not give this one to him no matter what. !”

Suddenly, Aruba grabbed his bloody head with both hands. He raised his head and smiled "hey" at Zheng Shu. Then the magic power in his arms exploded, as if he had used all his strength to push in with both hands. Press, forcefully crush the head in his hand like an apple.

"Look! You'll die like this!"

The red magician let out a laugh that seemed to fill the entire hall. Under his hand, the thing once named Aozaki Orange fell to the ground, splashing blood all over the ground.

"Is the performance over? If the performance is over, let another person come out. Your performance level is really too bad, so not only did it not arouse my emotions, it even made me feel a little sleepy." Zheng Shu looked at Cang Shu Saki Chengzi's head was crushed alive and he didn't show any reaction. He just glanced around in boredom.

Although it is just a common sentence, there is no more provocative insult than this.

After Aruba heard what Zheng Shu said, his beautiful face was filled with angry twists.

"You are worthy of being that guy's disciple. Your arrogance is exactly the same as disgusting." Although he said this, the red magician took a step back and seemed to be planning to climb up to the second floor. "However, in front of you, We have already prepared for you, but you dare to walk in unprepared, and you will pay the price for your arrogance!"

Along with shouting as if he wanted to break his throat, Aruba laughed wildly and ran up the stairs quickly, while Zheng Shu, who was staying in the hall, just watched him silently as he climbed to the second floor.

At this time, the manifestation of the magician's malice also appeared in the hall on the first floor.

It looks like slime, but these things that seep out from the outer wall of the hall are not such simple creatures. The cream-colored slime quickly takes shape after seeping out from the wall. Some of them look humanoid, and some are animal-shaped. .

The various scars on the surface are constantly dissolving, but their appearance will be reshaped immediately, looking like humans or beasts that are decaying forever, something that is both ugly and delicate at the same time.

"Is this the trap you have carefully prepared for me? Then I recommend that you change careers and become film supervisors. With you here, you should be able to save a lot of money on monster props. After all, it is still a bit difficult to kill someone with just this rag. .”

Zheng Shu was surrounded by monsters that filled the hall. The closest monster to him was only less than one meter away, but he still complained with a relaxed expression.

As if sensing the anger of their master, the monsters that filled the hall roared angrily. This scene was very much like a horror movie, except that ordinary crosses or shotguns were ineffective against this thing.

"Looking at it this way, you can't even be a supervisor. After all, the performance is too lazy. Just this level cannot make the current guests have fun. Let me teach you, when it comes to big scenes , at least this level should be maintained.”

Zheng Shu ignored the group of monsters around him, but looked up at the ceiling of the hall, seeming to be observing the entire hall with the help of the reflective ceiling.

"Distort it..."

Words containing magic were spoken from his mouth, and the words turned into a terrifying curse.

The invisible force quickly expanded with Zheng Shu as the center, and enveloped all the creatures in the hall in an instant.


Tragic roars resounded through the space of the hall, and the monsters filling the hall were distorted at the same time. Even though their bodies were rapidly healing themselves and trying to stand up again, they were still powerless and could only be killed. The invisible force of terror continues to destroy, destroy and destroy again.

In just a few seconds, the monsters that originally filled the hall had disappeared, and even the monsters that were seeping out of the walls were eliminated.

Instead, there was milky white liquid flowing all over the ground, which was the remains of the monsters after they were destroyed.

"That's disgusting." Zheng Shu frowned as he looked at the milky white liquid that had reached his ankles. The touch of this thing was like some kind of glue, and it felt sticky and sticky when stepped on.

"It's really scary. He actually killed all the familiars with just one attack. I should say that he is worthy of being valued by that guy Aozaki." Aruba stood on the second floor with his hands raised above his head and kept saying. Applauding, he looked so excited as if he and Zheng Shu were in the same group.

After applauding, Aruba's original smile suddenly turned sinister: "Of course, like that guy Aozaki, he is extremely arrogant. That's something we studied specifically for you, how could it be so easy? Got killed?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the milky white liquid flowing throughout the first floor hall jumped up and enveloped Zheng Shu.

After Zheng Shu was wrapped up, the huge milky white liquid group began to spin crazily, like a milky white tornado. However, the high-speed rotating milky white liquid occasionally easily cut into pieces when it touched objects in the hall. It can be broken into pieces. You can imagine that the inside of the liquid will be as terrifying as a meat grinder.

While rotating, it is also rapidly compressing its body, trying to use this method to crush the creatures inside the body to death.

Looking at the milky white mucus that was constantly compressed and rotated like a meat grinder, Aruba had a proud smile on his face.

"What, you..."


Before the declaration of victory could be finished, a burst of terrifying power exploded in the lobby on the first floor. If Aruba hadn't grabbed the railing on the second floor urgently, he would have been blown to the ground by the sudden shock wave.

But in the lobby on the first floor, the milky white sphere surrounding Zheng Shu was not spared.

This mass of mucus was originally the starting point of this explosion, or in other words, it was Zheng Shu inside it.

The milky-white sphere, which was strong enough to easily cut through steel, could not withstand Zheng Shu's magic burst, and was directly blown into a pile of fragments by the pure magic power.

In order to prevent this thing from healing again, Zheng Shu also specially converted his magic power into the flame element. Although the word spirit was not released, the effect of a sufficient amount of magic power bursting out in an instant was definitely not weak.

While the blown slime was still flying in the air, it had been burned to pieces by the terrifying high temperature. The magic inside the slime was also destroyed and turned into milky white powder again.

"For an enemy who is not afraid of the destruction of his own body or has no solid body, can the power of distortion not cause harm no matter how great it is?" Zheng Shu looked at the piece of mucus specially reserved in his hand and nodded with satisfaction, "Learn from Here we are, it seems that just working behind closed doors is not enough. If you want to discover your own problems, you have to go out and walk more."

" it possible?" Aruba looked at the scene below like a dream, and couldn't help but gulped, "How can humans have this level of magic power? Am I not having a nightmare?!"

At this time, Zheng Shu had also put away the ball of slime in his palm, and turned his attention to Aruba on the second floor.

"Disappear! Phantom, I will turn form into intangibility..." As a magician, Aruba reacted quickly, calmed down immediately and sang the spell at a speed close to the limit.

In fact, for today's magicians, spells are nothing more than personal self-suggestion.

In addition to containing the fixed incantations necessary to create the magic, the details of the chant vary according to the preferences of the individual magician.

Magicians who like exaggeration, pretentiousness, and are prone to self-absorption often chant for a long time, but it is a fact that as the chanting time increases, the power will also increase.

After all, the stronger the suggestion given to oneself, the stronger the magic power can be guided from oneself.

From this aspect, Aruba's chant can be said to be excellent. It is neither exaggerated nor too long. It uses a minimum of incantations and contains words that make one's spirit high. While maximizing the power of the spell, it allows The pronunciation of the chant does not even take two seconds.

Judging from the magic of destroying objects alone, this is definitely a first-rate technology.

"...I am the truth of all things. Before me, you will eventually destroy yourself!"

Aruba stretched out one hand and faced Zheng Shu and launched his own attack.

The atmosphere shook slightly, and the ground in the first-floor hall immediately burned. Like a mirage rising from the ground, the green flames instantly engulfed the entire first-floor hall.

In just a few seconds, the flames rising from the first floor had penetrated the floor of the second floor and disappeared into the ceiling, like a volcanic eruption.

Not only the high temperature, but also the sea of ​​​​fire that took away all the oxygen in the hall had completely enveloped Zheng Shu in just a short moment.

Aruba narrowed his eyes to shield himself from the glare of the fiery light, having no doubt of his victory.

This was natural. With the blessing of this workshop, he only needed a short preparation time to release the sea of ​​fire that normally required a large ceremony to be made.

Facing the magical flames exceeding 5,000 degrees Celsius, there is currently no material on this planet that can withstand such high temperatures. No matter what kind of metal it is, it will transform from solid to gas like butter, and then to liquid in the middle. The process may not even take half a second.

However, after the light of the flames faded, Aruba saw an incredible sight.


His green pupils were staring at the person at the bottom of the hall.

Not only did the other party's body not have any burns, even the set of clothes that looked very ordinary were not damaged.

It was clear that the ground around him had turned into magma, but he still stood on the ground contentedly, looking at himself on the second floor as if he were looking at a clown.

"Repeat!" Aruba kept repeating the incantation with a tearing sharp voice.

With the help of the spells prepared in advance inside the workshop, surging flames ignited from the ground again.


It was another grand ceremony-level fire attack, but the figure standing in the hall on the first floor remained unchanged.


The fourth flame also returned in vain.

Looking at Aruba who was trying to attack again, Zheng Shu stopped playing with him and raised his eyes to stare at the opponent. Ignoring the layers of protective spells around his body, Zheng Shu used his own The power that has just been analyzed.

"Twist it!"

The language of magic was shouted out by him again, but this time the target was not an object, but space!


Feeling the fear of death, Aruba repeated the last incantation.

However, the surging flame attack could not prevent the curse from being launched. It ignored the layers of protective spells around it. The curse directly acted on the entire space, distorting and destroying the space with incomprehensible power.

Aruba, which is in space, can naturally only distort with the distortion of space.

(PS: Additional update completed, a 10,000-word chapter!)

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