"They just retreated? I thought these heroes would pursue them, but I didn't expect them to stop bothering them."

Asagami Fujino looked at Cu Chulainn and the two people who left quickly with some confusion. She originally thought there would be another battle today, but she didn't expect that they just tested the opponent a few times and then left quickly. It seemed that they had no intention of continuing to fight.

"It's normal. Precisely because they are heroes who have left their names in history, they will not act impulsively. The movement just now was already very loud. If someone noticed it, it would probably cause more trouble, so without a single blow They won't take action easily until they are sure to kill."

The voice of Paracelsus came from the side. Asagami Fujino disconnected from the doll and took a look. He didn't know when he had returned to the basement again.

Paracelsus looked at her and continued to smile gently: "This battle is going well. Although it is just a trial, we have already seen the feasibility of our tactics. Sorry, I should be the one to fight." , but because of my rank, I can only leave it to you."

"You don't need to apologize. I should say that I am very grateful for your help in this Holy Grail War." Asagami Fujino immediately bowed in return.

Paracelsus pursed his lips and smiled, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

"Are you... worried about something?" Asakami Fujino saw the other party's hidden worries.

"Sorry, it was mainly because I suddenly thought that the location of the stronghold that had been hidden had been discovered. Although I am indeed good at building positions, no matter how powerful an immovable position is, it will still be a bit difficult to face those famous heroes in history. Generally speaking, it is not a good thing for others to know the location of the stronghold."

Asagami Fujino frowned and nodded in agreement. After all, even the famous city of Troy would be breached. Although this cabin has been strengthened to the temple level by Paracelsus, this does not mean that it is foolproof.

Asagami Fujino has not forgotten that there is not only one Caster in this Holy Grail War. If the other summoned Caster is also good at building positions, then it is possible to crack the magic workshop from the outside.

What's more, if there are some ridiculously strong guys among the servants, it's not impossible to just force their way in.

"...What should we do then? Should we give up here?"

Paracelsus shook his head when he heard this: "Constructing a temple-level magic workshop is not an easy task. If you leave now, even if you already have the material foundation, you will have to rebuild a temple-level magic workshop. It takes a lot of time and effort. Also, it would be very troublesome if someone discovered the traces in the process, so it is better to continue to strengthen the existing workshop."

Seeing Asagami Fujino's worried expression, Paracelsus smiled and comforted him.

"Don't worry, the situation has not reached such a critical moment. At least the two servants we met today are not capable of breaking into this magic workshop. Moreover, even if they discover our stronghold, they will not attack in a short time. After all, we have to take into account the existence of the other side, so at least there won’t be any problems until the battle gets intense.”

Asagami Fujino didn't think of a better solution, so he could only nod in agreement.

A week before the start of the Holy Grail War, underground in the mountains east of Fuyuki City.

The mountain range here is called Okutama, and its location is quite remote, even beyond the scope of Fuyuki City.

Because the level of development is low and there are a lot of trees on the mountain, it is usually considered inaccessible, and there are not even many residents.

Underneath the Okutama Mountains, there is a large magic workshop protected by numerous barriers.

The area of ​​​​this magic workshop is extremely huge, almost hollowing out the entire mountain range, and the interior is like a maze.

After all, this is a guardian fortress built by as many as two digits of magicians. Even an invasion by a powerful being like a servant would take a lot of time to succeed. Even if you want to use magic to break the barrier layer by layer. , the magic trap will also kill the stupid magician before then.

In terms of physical protection, in addition to the outer mountain and the extremely thick special reinforced concrete structure inside, there is also infrared detection inside to detect all enemies that sneak around the magic barrier. Countless detectors are also installed on the ceiling and walls of the workshop. machine guns, ready to crush all intruders.

There is even a separate air circulation machine inside to prevent enemy attacks using air toxins or similar means.

Although it is not as advanced as the temple-level magic workshops built by those limited servants using extremely mysterious techniques, the space inside the fortress will not turn into an alien world, and there is no installation similar to the earth's core high fever or the universe. A trap like a vacuum that is difficult for people to survive is difficult to eliminate when a Servant-level enemy invades.

But it is not inferior in terms of simply blocking the invasion of outsiders, whether the opponent is a human army, a magician group, or a servant.

It is an impregnable fortress built with magic, guns, and electronic equipment. It can be said to be impregnable.

This is also the reflection of the strategy of the Holy Grail War by the "clan" in charge of this fortress.

And the reason why they arranged all this is to protect the head of the clan who participated in the Holy Grail War.

In the dark hall at the deepest part of the magic workshop, there is a luxurious chair that looks like the throne of an ancient king, and the masked old man who is trying to win the Holy Grail - Ise Sangentachi, the leader of the three Ise clans, is sitting here.

"Snatch the Holy Grail."

In the darkness, the old man's voice sounded through the mask, which contained deeply accumulated emotions.

It’s unclear whether these emotions are anger or anger, but may also be a sign of self-esteem.

Although the Ise Sanyi clan has achieved a certain degree of symbiosis in modern society and achieved considerable development and prosperity, its reputation in the magician world is far inferior to that of other families.

Especially after the Holy Grail War was revealed, the reputation held by the Tohsaka family, which was originally thought to have declined, once again reached a certain peak.

For magicians, the decline of a family depends entirely on the achievements of the family. The most intuitive manifestation is the magic imprint that has been spread for a long time. But in addition, if you can complete some kind of magic beyond imagination, or rituals, are also commendable achievements.

There is no doubt that although the essential concept of the Holy Grail War is not clear, what is revealed on the surface is enough to bring huge prestige to the three families.

Now everyone in the magic world knows that it was the power of these three families that created the Holy Grail that can grant wishes.

Therefore, the Tosaka family behaved quite aggrieved in front of the Clock Tower, and even felt like they were forced to give up their family's achievements.

But in fact, being coveted by a behemoth like the Clock Tower is itself a manifestation of strength. After all, more than 90% of the magician families in the world are not even qualified to be coveted by the Clock Tower.

Moreover, the Clock Tower had already given enough subsidies to the three families before "stealing" the Holy Grail. After all, according to the information they knew, the greatest function of the Holy Grail, besides making wishes, was that it had accumulated sixty years of A huge source of magic that can be easily used by anyone.

Although such technology is indeed amazing, if it is just to obtain the accumulated magic power instead of technology, the subsidies they give are enough to make up for the losses of Yusanjia.

It can even be said that in order to win over the three families, the Clock Tower actually paid more than the "market price".

But for the Yusan family who knew the nature of the Holy Grail, they naturally would not think that they had taken advantage.

But no matter what, because of this commotion, the Tohsaka family's reputation in the magic world reached its highest level in a short period of time, easily surpassing the three Ise families that had already begun to decline.

This is unacceptable to the Ise Sanichi clan, which has always considered itself to be the oldest magic family in the Far East and the first magic family in the Far East.

More importantly, when Ise Sangenri went to the Clock Tower to apply for a place to participate in the Holy Grail War to prove the glory of his family, he was rejected by the Clock Tower and insulted that they were a backward family. The only one who recognized it was Tohsaka family.

This made Ise Sangendachi so angry that he almost burped on the spot. After he came back, he couldn't swallow this breath, so he took advantage of this chaos and led the entire clan to participate in this Holy Grail War.

"If the Holy Grail, the all-powerful wishing machine, is allowed to fall into the hands of the Tohsaka family again, my name as Ise San will really be disgraced. This is unreasonable. I will never allow this to happen!" The voice echoed throughout the room. The voice shook the mask on his face.

This expressionless mask symbolizes the current Ise Trinity clan.

In order to fill the magic circuit that had declined due to overlapping bloodlines, Ise Sangentachi created this ritual.

This mask has the ability to capture the magic power of others and transfer it to the wearer. It is a unique technology that the Ise San clan extracted from the Western magic that came to Japan hundreds of years ago and merged it with "modern science".

The Ise Tribe uses itself in the general hospitals run by its own tribe all over Tokyo to collect the life force of hospitalized patients. Even at this moment when they have just successfully summoned extremely powerful servants, they are constantly replenishing their current world. Required magic.

Magic power is transformed by vitality. If one person is robbed endlessly, lives will inevitably be lost, but the old man Xuanli can no longer control so much.

No matter how many innocent people are killed, he doesn't mind. After all, as a person in the magic world, his moral bottom line is so low that it is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

At this moment, he didn't care at all how many people were suffering from the erosion of their lives. What really made Ise Sangenri regret was that as a person in the magic world, he misused scientific power that was equivalent to a taboo.

For magicians in the orthodox magic world, words like science are disgusting just to mention them, but they have to rely on such taboos to continue the lifeline of their tribe.

But precisely because of this, they must now fight to win the Holy Grail War.

"We must snatch the Holy Grail hidden in Fuyuki City. When the time comes, it will be our family's sin to lose the favor of the ancient 'Ise no Mi (snake)', to be exposed to Western magic, and even to be greedy enough to get involved in 'science'." Can be cleansed.”

Even with the help of technology, the bloodline of the Ise Trinity clan has reached its limit. The only thing they can rely on now is the power of the Holy Grail that can realize all wishes.

Only by obtaining the Holy Grail can the Ise clan once again stand at the forefront of the Far East, and it is the only chance to wash away the title of "the shame of a magician who attacks science".

Recalling what his family had endured, the masked old man continued:

"So I hereby give an order, the servant summoned here by my ritual, you must win the Holy Grail no matter what!"

Every word in the words contains the regret and grief of the entire clan, and the spiritual will contained in them is enough to make ordinary people kneel on the ground after hearing it.


"It's so stingy and boring."

The servant he summoned dropped such a sentence. It was obviously just a reproach, but it was like a solemn and absolute declaration from the sky gods, and it was also like a ruthless rejection from the underworld.

The person who made this voice was standing on the other side of the sight of the old man Xuanli. He was dressed in a dazzling and domineering look. He was wearing white robes and exposed a large area of ​​brown skin. His eyes, which were the same color as the sun, seemed to have flames burning in them, as if they were about to burn. The shining sun in the sky is embedded in the eyes of a man.

The look revealed in his eyes might be wrong if we say it is contempt. In the eyes of this man with brown skin and white clothes, decorated with gold, no one can be compared with him. They are all just common people. .

The aura that towered over all things did not change at all, even when facing the masked old man sitting on a throne-like chair.

"It's really stupid, and... extremely ridiculous." While scolding, the man suddenly paused.

The Rider, who had just been summoned into the world, fell into a brief thought. With his wisdom, he naturally understood that no matter how the times changed, there were always some things that remained unchanged. Even if thousands of years had passed, this was everywhere. I am afraid that the people of the earth have not changed at all.

And among those tens of millions of people, there are inevitably some extremely stupid fools.

During his lifetime, he had not met anyone who was glorious and worth seeing.

Whether they are common people or soldiers, or even the little kings of various countries who dare to rule mankind despite not being in the position of pharaoh, there is not much difference in the brilliance of their souls.


The mundane actions of human beings will not arouse the anger of his pharaoh. After all, he has seen enough in his previous life.

(PS: I originally planned to continue adding more updates today, but I was suddenly pulled away from work, so this is the only guarantee today.)

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