Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 371 Aliens and mold are better suited

a few hours ago.

Inside the Great Temple of Glory Complex.

In the deepest part of the temple, Osmandis sat on his throne, looking at the light curtain cast in mid-air using magic.

Several screens were separated on the light screen, showing scenes from various battlefields.

After seeing Zheng Shu knock down the strongest sphinx he sent out with one kick, Osmandis not only did not get angry, but nodded appreciatively.

"Hahahahahahahaha! I didn't expect that there would be such a strong person in this Holy Grail War. Only such a person is qualified to be a sacrifice to welcome Yu's new life!"

The heroic laughter echoed in the room deep in the temple, and the lines inside the temple were glowing slightly, seeming to be responding to the pleasure of its master.


Wearing a mask, Ise Sangentachi came outside the palace and bowed his head respectfully.

"What's the matter?"

Osmandis, who was in a happy mood, waved his hand, and the light curtain in front of him disappeared.

"The power furnace is ready. Do you want to go on a inspection tour?"

"Oh? Did you finish it so quickly? You were much faster than expected, and you deserve a reward! Let's go and have a look!"

Osmandis said this without any intention of moving. He just tapped his throne with his fingers.

Following the change in his mind, although the two of them did not move physically, the space they were in was changing rapidly.

After the changes around them stopped, the two of them, together with the throne under Osmandis, came to a room whose style was incompatible with the temple.

The Great Temple of Radiance Composite is Osmandis's Noble Phantasm and the embodiment of his inherent barrier. Therefore, Osmandis can easily control the space inside the temple, including the space at a certain distance around the temple, which is also within his control. Inside.

The door of the room opened automatically, and the researchers from the three Ise clans in white robes bowed respectfully and saluted after seeing the pharaoh queen.

Osmandis ignored them, but strode to the hollow in the center of the room. There was a huge cavity below, and inside there was a seemingly huge machine that was slowly operating.

This is the power furnace mentioned by Ise Sangendachi, but it does not look like a work from the magic world. The exquisite mechanical structure and operation method look more like a technological product.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Ise Sangenri did initially think about purchasing a magic furnace to provide energy for the summoned servants, but according to their status in the magic world, no magician was willing to trade with them.

Forced into desperation, the Ise Tribe could only choose their old method - using technology to solve the problem.

The power furnace in front of you is actually a nuclear power furnace, which relies on nuclear fission to obtain a large amount of energy.

"It's really a surging power. Although it's just a poor imitation of the gods, you can still feel the potential in it. It seems that during the time when Yu left, human beings were not without development. From this point of view, you do have the ability to be Yu’s qualifications to rule.”

Osmandis nodded with satisfaction as he felt the surging power coming from the nuclear power furnace. His own power came from the sun. Although nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are different, they can still be used.

Therefore, compared with ordinary nuclear power plants, Osmandis even eliminates the step of converting nuclear power into electrical energy, and can directly use the surging energy generated inside to power the Radiant Composite Temple.

"You guys did a great job!"

Facing Osmandis' compliment, the masked old man fell to his knees in panic.

"King, I'm extremely sorry. I'm guilty. Even if the Ise clan has exhausted all the resources in this world, the fuel that can be collected is still limited. If we want to supply the operation of the entire great temple, the fuel we can collect can last for up to seven days. .”

This data is still based on Osmandis being able to directly use the energy of nuclear fission to estimate, otherwise the time would be even shorter.

After all, the raw materials for nuclear power reactors are precious items that are carefully guarded by various countries. Even if the Ise clan is quite powerful in modern society, it is impossible to obtain a large amount of raw materials.

"Hmph! You are indeed guilty!"

When Osmandis said this, the old man trembled and lowered his head, waiting for death to come.

"In your eyes, does it actually take that long for Yu to resolve this farce?!"

Osmandis' next words made Ise Sangenri raise his head in surprise, and he even forgot to speak for a moment.

"I thought your mind was at least clear, but you can't even understand such a simple thing. It seems that your eyes are dim because of your age." Osmandis stretched out his hand and waved his white robe, turned around and sat back on the throne. , "I'll leave you with your life for the time being. Watch carefully how Yu dealt with those guys..."

When he said this, Osmandis paused for a moment, as if he noticed something, and then a sarcastic smile appeared on his face: "Well, there happened to be sinners who didn't know life or death came to offend. You Ise Sanyi clan are good at technology , then you should know the strength of these guys, so just watch me here to see how I can deal with them!"

Following the movement of his thoughts, a huge light curtain appeared in the room.

Not long after the Radiant Composite Great Temple appeared and floated in mid-air, it was on another continent across the entire Pacific Ocean from Japan.

In the Pentagon, the president, secretary of state, and generals held an emergency meeting in a heavy atmosphere that surpassed the Cuban missile crisis. The entire meeting lasted only fifteen minutes.

After a quarter of an hour of brief discussion, all members of the most powerful country in the history of the earth unanimously came to a logical conclusion - to attack.

The United States during this period had absolute arrogance and self-confidence. After solving their biggest opponent in the last century, this country no longer has any enemies on the planet. It is the strongest in terms of technology and economic strength.

So for this strange thing that suddenly appeared, both politicians and generals were confident that they could solve their opponents. Regardless of whether this guy's true identity was a mummy or an alien that had recovered from ancient times, they all believed that their troops could defeat it. .

During this process, the Japanese government and several other countries sent communication requests, hoping that the United States would act calmly and be willing to explain the reasons.

But for people who have become accustomed to this country being domineering, they have completely blocked out all outside opinions.

He also proposed that according to the original agreement between the United States and Japan, the United States has an obligation to protect Japanese territory.

Under such circumstances, someone dared to invade their "back garden". No matter what the identity of the other party was, it was no different from popping their anus. In order to safeguard the dignity and glory of the country, they naturally had to attack.

Of course, on the other hand, the most important thing is that there are interests that they will not express in front of the media.

Whether it is aliens or the resurrected Pharaoh, there are huge enough interests in this. Under the circumstances, people in the conference room believe that anyone who comes to stop them in this situation has bad intentions.

So in the White House office, the president had a direct line with the soldiers involved in the battle, and delivered an impassioned speech about "fighting the enemy to the end and protecting our country." He also symbolically issued an order, requiring the frontline to take action quickly. .

Fortunately, the United States has enough military bases in Japan, so the moment the order was issued, more than a dozen Aegis ships turned and headed towards Fuyuki City.

Dozens of fighter jets departed from the Okinawa Air Force Base and flew towards the sea area where Fuyuki City is located at subsonic speed in the lightning-dense clouds.

At the Yokosuka Port, on the two Forrester-class aircraft carriers stationed here, a large number of fighter jets were also taking off in an emergency. The two aircraft carriers returning to the port for rest also stopped their vacations and started their engines to roar towards the fleet. Drive in the target direction.

On the dark sea, the first batch of soldiers sent to Fuyuki City to fight were communicating via radio at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

"It's really rare. It's actually a secret-level mission. Even the enemy doesn't know about it. Could it be that aliens have invaded?"

"Aliens? You mean those big-headed guys in the movie? Then should we bring another speaker for external playback?"

The joke aroused everyone's laughter. Although they were told from the beginning that the next enemy they were going to fight was an unknown enemy, which was likely to be extremely powerful, there was no expression on the faces of the soldiers who were driving the most advanced modern weapons. A hint of fear.

According to the law in the magic world, the more mysterious the more powerful, these warriors also have room for pride. After all, apart from basic information, the rest of this level of war weapons is the mystery of the mystery.

"Okay, it's good to relax appropriately, but don't underestimate the enemy too much. According to the known intelligence, the scale of this operation is unprecedentedly huge."

The captain of the fighter squadron spoke and stopped the laughter of several people. Although he did not think that this battle would fail, he at least wanted to express his attitude. After all, those congressional gentlemen might be listening behind the radio.


The captain's dignity was quite effective, and the team immediately fell silent.

However, during a long flight, you still can't help but chat. In this case, the captain will not stop it as long as it is not too much. After all, this is also a way to relieve psychological stress.

"Captain, if I remember correctly, you will be returning to China next week, right? I remember you said that you will get married after returning to China, right?"

"Hmph, that's right. I just made a cross-country phone call to my fiancée, but she seemed to be running so she hung up quickly."

"Oh! That's really congratulations in advance."

"Hahahaha, let's finish this job quickly and then go back to the base to celebrate the captain!"

"Oh oh oh!"

In a relaxed atmosphere, these steel raptors pounced aggressively in the direction of the target.

At this moment, the multiple beams of light from the glorious composite temple that Zheng Shu and the others saw were launched.

There was no time to react, and the radar did not give any alarm. After all, these beams really attacked at the speed of light.

In an instant, more than a dozen fighter jets exploded into clouds of sparks. No one was spared, no one escaped, and not even a scream was heard. Only the silent radio noise in the rear control room was left.

"Impossible...all the signals are lost...all destroyed?!"

Everyone in the command room looked at each other, unable to understand the situation.

They saw the actions of the Radiant Composite Temple on satellite surveillance. After all, the dozens of beams of light were too dazzling, and Osmandis did not even bother to cover his actions.

But they didn't expect that those seemingly ordinary light beams would shoot down the most advanced fighter jets hundreds of kilometers away, and their accuracy was terrifying and unbelievable.

"What was that?! A laser weapon?"

"Impossible! At such a long distance and blocked by water mist on the sea, no matter how high-energy the laser is, it will be weakened to the limit."

"From such a distance, but with such high accuracy, how do the enemies detect it?!"

"Are they really aliens?"

After a brief silence, the conference room became noisy, and everyone couldn't believe their own inferences.

"That's enough! Let all the fighter jets that have been dispatched return. The aircraft carrier fleet is also patrolling at a long distance. Don't get close to the opponent's attack range. Wait for the fleet to be assembled before fighting again!"

In the end, the commander made the decision and commanded the chaotic situation.

Because judging from the previous attacks, even launching missiles under the protection of those beams may not be able to get close to the enemy's "main ship", so we can only wait for our side's combat power to gather before making plans.

Waiting until night, the temporary No. 3 fleet composed of two aircraft carrier fleets and a dozen Aegis destroyers successfully met three hundred nautical miles outside the waters of Fuyuki City.

In addition, the Japanese government, under pressure from the United States, also dispatched a dozen main battle tanks and "borrowed" armed helicopters to the other side of Fuyuki City.

Because they were afraid of alerting the enemy and did not know how far the enemy's specific reconnaissance range was, this fleet of dozens of warships actually felt "sneaky" while driving.

"Oh? Is this the most powerful modern battle group in the world? It looks pretty good as a clown."

Deep in the Great Temple of Radiance, Osmandis woke up from his sleep and looked at the fleet on the screen with a disdainful smile on his face.

"However, you dare to disturb Yu's rest, which is an unforgivable crime!"

Following the order, the "Dandera Electric Ball" appeared in the sky above the Radiant Composite Temple and began to accumulate energy.

As the "oldest battery" of mankind, the power contained in Dendera's Great Electric Ball is unparalleled. After being powered by the Radiant Composite Grand Temple, the destructive power it unleashes even exceeds that of the Anti-National Noble Phantasm.

With the continuous supply of energy from the core power furnace of the Great Temple, in just a few seconds, Dendera's electric ball has been fully charged. The ball that was originally flashing with lightning turned into a bright sun, even making it darken. The night sky became bright again.

With a gentle wave of his fingers, the Noble Phantasm that once tore the entire mountain range was launched again, and the dazzling white light struck the fleet far away in the ocean like God's judgment.

While that terrifying power carries the aura of death and destruction, it also reveals a different kind of frightening beauty.

The Noble Phantasm's attack was a little slower than the previous beam speed, but it only took more than ten seconds to reach the target location.

For a moment, the sea area where the fleet was located seemed to be illuminated by a huge candle.

Although the operation of the Glory Composite Temple was immediately noticed, the fleet was unable to escape or resist in such a short period of time. They were like targets locked on, unable to escape the judgment of fate.

The moment the Noble Phantasm hit, those once mighty steel battleships, including the two aircraft carriers, were instantly twisted and melted under the high temperature, or even directly evaporated, and finally disappeared into the blazing light cannon.

The surrounding seawater began to boil, and a large number of bubbles emerged, like a pot of boiling soup.

When the attack finally ended, a huge whirlpool appeared on the ocean. It was the product of the fleet's destruction and was their last mark on the ocean.

Osmandis stopped paying attention to the situation on the ocean after the Noble Phantasm was launched, and instead turned his attention to the other side.

"Oh, you actually took advantage of this opportunity to act? Facing the light of the God King and still daring to resist is a heinous crime! But... it's enough to make Yu feel happy, so let me try to see if you have the ability to be Yu's enemy. This is your trial! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

The Noble Phantasm that had just been launched was recovered into the Glory Composite Temple. The large electric ball had already entered an overheated state and needed to cool down for a period of time before it could be launched again, so Osmandis used other attacks.

More than a dozen huge magic arrays appeared out of thin air outside the Glory Composite Temple. The arrays shimmered with radiance, indicating that the internal energy was full.

Without too much delay, the attack was launched after the magic circle was fully revealed. A huge beam of light shot out from the magic circle, streaking across it. The elegant traces hit the sky courtyard that had just taken off.

"Now, prepare to take off!"

After seeing the Radiant Composite Grand Temple firing his "main cannon", Amakusa Shiro Tokisada immediately issued the order.

“Hanging Gardens of Babylon!”

Semiramis, who had already made preparations, activated his Noble Phantasm. With the release of the Noble Phantasm's true name, a violent tremor suddenly occurred in a one kilometer radius centered on the church where they were located.

Since it was not Semiramis who built the Sky Garden in history, this Noble Phantasm was named "Vanity".

Therefore, the activation conditions for the Noble Phantasm are very strict and cannot be manifested through magic. A certain amount of wood, stone, minerals, plants and water must be collected from the place where Semiramis lived (the ruins near Baghdad, the capital of Iraq). It is put together, and then Semiramis performs a long ceremony to turn the fantasy into reality to complete this Noble Phantasm.

Theoretically speaking, the necessary number of days from the time of preparation to launch is at least about three days. These three days refer to the 72 hours that Semiramis sings continuously.

For this reason, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada spent almost all his savings and renovated the church and the surrounding environment. This is why the scope of the Fuyuki City Church is so large that it even seems insignificant. It's like a church, but it's like a botanical park or a forest.

As the entire land slowly increases in height, the originally camouflaged sky courtyard finally reveals its true appearance.

The entire Noble Phantasm looks like an inverted crown. There is a huge inverted pillar in the center of the "crown". The whole is composed of regularly arranged green floating islands, marble floors and pillars.

Plants of all kinds are entangled everywhere. The garden floats because of the "upside-down" concept, in which plants grow downward and water flows from downstream to upstream.

And around the sky courtyard, there are eleven jet black sarcophagi with a total length of 20 meters. Each sarcophagus is engraved with different patterns, which looks mysterious and dangerous.

Just when the Sky Garden took off, the attack from the Glory Composite Temple had already arrived. Under the guidance of magic, the surging beam cannon easily traveled hundreds of kilometers and hit the garden itself.

At this time, the aerial courtyard has not been fully activated, and its mobility has not been fully exerted, so it can only resist damage like a living target.


Semiramis, who was sitting in the center of the Noble Phantasm, laughed disdainfully, sliding his palms carelessly and directing his Noble Phantasm to attack.

At the same time, twelve purple magic arrays also appeared on the periphery of the sky courtyard. After locking on the attacking beam cannon, they also launched magic bombardment at the same time.

boom! ! !

Purple and white beams of light collided in the air, erupting with terrifying light and heat, making the entire area as bright as day, as if it was midsummer noon instead of a winter night.

What Semiramis cared about was never that the brilliance matched the size or energy of the Great Temple. She only cared about the opponent's "main cannon" attack.

Because that is the power released by the Noble Phantasm, even the empress is not confident that she can defend it, and can only rely on the mobility of the Noble Phantasm to dodge.

But after the opponent's Noble Phantasm is released, Semiramis is not afraid of the remaining duel, because it is just a product of magic, and if the knowledge and technical level of magic are compared, she will definitely not be inferior. to anyone.

After the first round of light cannons canceled each other out, Semiramis not only did not stop, but took the initiative to launch an attack.

Although I know that the effect may not be too great, if I don't take advantage of the time when the opponent's main gun is not cooling down to attack, then there will be no such opportunity later.

"Tsk, what a greedy guy."

Osmandis let out a "tsk" that was very inconsistent with the image of a king, and was a little irritated by Semiramis's entanglement.

However, just as the two sides were fighting fiercely hundreds of kilometers apart, the attacks on both sides suddenly stopped with a tacit understanding because they discovered the "third party."

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