Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 387 Purpose and Progress

The storm is roaring.

In the sky above Fuyuki City, two huge floating fortresses are fighting each other, or rather... raging.

After losing its extraordinary fighting skills, the rock giant relied on its more flexible characteristics to suppress the sky courtyard.

As a last resort, Semiramis could only use the black coffin, which could no longer fire light bombs, as a limb of the aerial courtyard, and engage in close combat with the rock giant.

Perhaps even the real owner of the Sky Courtyard could not have predicted that such a miraculous being would one day use such "vulgar" tactics.

However, the black coffin is not a special melee weapon after all, so even if the rock giant only has one arm left, it is still defeating the sky courtyard.

Semiramis's teeth in the control room were almost broken, but she still struggled to entangle the enemy's fortress.

Just like she once promised, if Amakusa Shirou Tokisada fails, Semiramis will abandon and divide him without hesitation. But correspondingly, although Amakusa Shiro Tokisada has not come out yet, she has not failed yet, so no matter what happens, she will never escape alone.

Of course, Semiramis also knew very well that she was running out of time, not only that the sky courtyard was a little unsustainable.

She could see that in the square above the head of the rock giant, many of the monsters summoned by Alcides were nearly wiped out. Only a few strange birds and the three-headed hell dog that had lost one of its heads were still there. Support with all your might.

Once Cu Chulainn has dealt with these monsters, although he is seriously injured, he will definitely invade. Semiramis, who is dealing with the rock giant at that time, will definitely not be able to withstand it.

And just as the battle between the two floating fortresses was in full swing, the battle between Alcides and Zheng Shu had also entered a fever pitch.

The two finally got rid of the embarrassing fighting posture like wrestling in the quagmire and returned to the normal fighting mode.

Zheng Shu ignored it, raised his fist and punched Alcides with all his strength. Without any special skills, he just accelerated the speed of his fist to exceed the limit that Alcides could predict, and even transformed his fist into Hand knife.

Zheng Shu knew very well that Alcides would be able to see through his offensive, so he simply gave up all false moves and used pure physical fitness to decide the outcome.

Zheng Shu's hand knife stabbed Alkades directly in the throat, forcing him to stop breathing briefly. Facing his amazed face, Zheng Shu snickered in his heart, but it was only for a brief moment, because Alkades Des's hands had tightly grasped the hand he used to use the knife.

Zheng Shu reflexively tried to withdraw his grabbed arm, but Alcides, who had already taken the next step the moment he took action, was a little faster.

As he jumped up, he wrapped his legs around Zheng Shu's neck and used the momentum of his jump to break his left arm.


The harsh sound of fractures came from Zheng Shu's body, and Zheng Shu had already accepted the severe pain and the fact that he was about to lose his left arm the moment he was jumped by Alcides.

Alcides changed his body position and held Zheng Shu tightly, thinking that his immobility was an excellent opportunity. However, Zheng Shu's right fist penetrated into Alcides's fist again, who was holding his arm tightly. Heart.

Zheng Shu felt that although he had lost his left hand, the price was not too high.

The bones of his left arm were twisted to pieces, and the magic power of Alcides and the special power of the Avenger class still remained inside. Even with Zheng Shu's recovery ability, it would be impossible to heal quickly, at least in the next few days. It can no longer be used in combat.

However, he still had his legs and right hand, and he judged that as long as he had these, he would be enough to fight.

Alcides endured the pain in his body and used a violent right round kick, but without any feint, this move certainly could not pose a threat.

Zheng Shu used the extremely limited space to avoid the blow. Alcides' foot swept past his eyes, and then turned his back to him because of the characteristics of the roundhouse kick.

Zheng Shu was just about to seize this opportunity to get closer, when suddenly a bright light flashed in his mind.


It was impossible for Alcides to make such a stupid mistake, so he must have some plan.

"Suffer it, retreat!"

Alcades, who had his back to Zheng Shu, had already bent over, assuming a posture that was like a deep bow. At the same time, with the help of his bending, he kicked out his right foot that touched the ground again.

This is Chiron's unique skill. It is a fighting technique similar to a carbine. When facing an enemy from behind, he can kick the enemy with a powerful hind leg to expose the enemy's weakness.

Alcides does not have four legs, but he can barely use this technique called "kick" by changing his moves to a certain extent.

The long-charged right leg hit Zheng Shu, but Zheng Shu noticed his intention in advance and decisively withstood the blow with his left arm that had lost the ability to fight, and then aimed at Alcides' Achilles tendon. He swung his right fist.


The pain as if his Achilles tendon was about to tear caused Alcides to lose his balance. After Zheng Shu confirmed that the opponent would not retreat again, he moved forward fiercely, preparing to entangle Alcides and throw him out again.

But this idea was seen through, and as soon as he came to his senses, Zheng Shu found that he was thrown out instead.

It was an obvious statement that he wanted to smash his own head. Zheng Shu tried his best to "receive" and kicked Alcides on the shoulder, interrupting the other party's intention to ride on him.

The favorable and unfavorable situations for each other alternate like magic. As soon as they are beyond the opponent's expectations, they are immediately counterattacked by the opponent. After a retaliatory move, the retaliated move will be counterattacked again.

There was no conversation, and they exhausted all their strength just to adjust their breathing. Both of them were thinking non-stop, looking for the best strategy in fighting, throwing, and joint techniques.

Towards the end, the two men's fighting style became more and more simple. If they wanted to carve out a bloody path in such a scene, they could only rely on each other's fists and kicks.

Alcades took a stance with an unexpectedly refreshing mood, jumping as if riding on the wind, pouring all his strength into a punch.


Amidst the dull sound of physical blows, Zheng Shu took a step forward with his stronger body even though he took the punch.

This is so brave and courageous. Alcides has already determined that Zheng Shu is indeed a great hero far beyond himself.

So he wanted to see even more. If he defeated Zheng Shu, would he be able to see the scenery at the top?

Can you reach the place where he originally stood by knocking him down with your fists?

Various thoughts were mixed together. In the constant battle, Alcides finally understood his own thoughts - he wanted to win, but he simply wanted to defeat him.

After clarifying this idea, this emotion truly and truly emerged from my heart, and what had been suppressed and repressed exploded like an angry wave.


With a loud shout, Alcides didn't know what he was shouting, but he attacked even more fiercely.

Straight punches, jabs, and uppercuts, Alcides threw countless fists at a speed that surpassed human reaction speed.

Pushing aside, bending down, and twisting around, Zheng Shu used the smallest movement skills to resolve these killing moves, hiding while approaching Alcides.

But in the face of the violent attacks, Zheng Shu still couldn't completely escape, but he still chose to endure, endure, and endure.

The body was stained with blood, the skin was torn, the bones were broken, and the nerves were severed.

At this cost, he finally created some openings in Alcides' offensive, and he was not even sure whether he could accommodate the next moment.

There was no time to think about whether this was a trap set by Alcides, aiming at the opponent's spiritual core. Zheng Shu made no unnecessary feints and stretched out his fist without hesitation.


The collision between flesh and flesh erupted with a sound comparable to a bomb explosion. The remaining power came out from Alcides' back, forming a rapidly expanding fan-shaped shock wave visible to the naked eye, blowing away all the debris along the way. Stone remains.

When he took this blow, Alcides realized that this punch was a blow that Zheng Shu focused everything on. As a servant, no famous hero in the world could withstand this blow, including Zheng Shu himself is no exception.

His body was numb, but this blow indeed had the power to shatter the spiritual core.


"Thanks for the compliment..."

Alcides fell down with emotion and could not get up again because the things necessary to get up had been completely destroyed.

The square finally fell into silence, leaving only the continuous roar from the outside that continued. It was the sound of the sky courtyard and the rock giant fighting together.

Zheng Shu's injuries began to recover. After getting out of the fierce battle, his extremely fast healing speed began to show, including the comminuted fracture of his left arm, which was also corrected and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Zheng Shu...thank you..."

Alcides said this with a relieved smile on his face.

At the moment when he was about to die, the Noble Phantasm that had been activated finally stopped, and the source of extreme pain that had been causing him in his body disappeared.

With the rupture of the spiritual core, the Avenger's class began to disintegrate. As Alcides' body gradually turned into a spirit child, his consciousness finally got rid of the erosion of the black mud and returned to clarity.

"Actually, I have always been jealous of you, including the future that you don't know yet. I have always been jealous."

Alcides suddenly spoke, but his tone was quite calm.

"It's funny to say that I have never been jealous of others, so at the beginning I was even confused about what kind of emotion it was."

"Have we ever fought in the future?" Zheng Shu suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

"No, I didn't come in time, and I never found the opportunity."

"That's no wonder..."

Zheng Shu laughed "haha", lying on the ground beside him, his body had begun to become unstable. Alcides also laughed.

For physical factions like them, fighting is a means of communication beyond the soul, and the exchange of fists is worth ten thousand words. In battles that are impossible to think about, everyone's character, character, and emotions will be revealed without reservation.

If the two sides have never fought again since then, it is indeed equivalent to never communicating. Under such circumstances, it is natural for estrangement to occur.

"How about it, do you know my situation now?"

Zheng Shu shook his arm and felt that the healing was complete.

By the way, he glanced at the other side of the square, where he sensed the breath of the Noble Phantasm, indicating that Cu Chulainn had finished handling his battle and quietly climbed to the sky courtyard to start the infiltration operation.

"I see... you are indeed a hero worthy of your title. Now it seems that my original jealousy was indeed unreasonable."

Alcides sighed with emotion, then shook his head helplessly.

"Sometimes it's not good to be too humble. Even in the battle with me, you didn't seem to go all out. Although I know you want to create a fighting environment as fair as possible, it is easy for others to misunderstand your thoughts."

"Go all out..." Zheng Shu felt the instant noodles constantly appearing in his body and being quickly digested, and shook his head, "How can it not be counted? Like you said, I just don't want to use too shameless. It’s just a method.”

"Tch! What an unhappy guy. Forget it, it's getting late. Hurry up and deal with the last things over there, and then save the world."

"Saving the world or something sounds really shameful."

"Is it shameful? Isn't it natural for a hero to save the world? Hahahaha!"

While laughing, Alcides' body completely turned into a spirit and disappeared.

In this battle, Zheng Shu won the final victory.

"Save the world. I never thought that one day I would be associated with such a term."

Zheng Shu looked at the place where Alcides disappeared and was a little dazed, and suddenly he laughed in relief.

Alkades guessed correctly. The reason why Zheng Shu is still fighting now is very simple and very corny. He just wants to "save the world."

In fact, after receiving the message from Medea, Zheng Shu's trip to the future can be considered a success. All his goals have been achieved. The sooner he can return to the Age of Gods, the better.

The reason why he is still willing to stay here and continue fighting is to stop Amakusa Shiro Tokisada's intention.

Having read the original work, he naturally knew what this guy's wish was. Although he said he wanted to redeem all mankind, the way to achieve it was to destroy all human bodies and release their souls, and to remove all souls from them. It transforms into an immortal "monster".

Of course, this is Zheng Shu's understanding. Although Amakusa Shiro Tokisada has many explanations, in Zheng Shu's view, this is the essence of his plan.

Amakusa Shirou Tokisada is not a savior at all, he is completely a madman who willfully plans to murder all mankind.

The passion of the soul transformed into a follower will gradually fade, and desires will no longer dominate human nature. To put it bluntly, when human nature and will completely disappear, how can we still be sure that the life transformed into a follower is the original existence?

Of course, Zheng Shu also admitted that he was also very willful. After all, he did not hesitate to participate in this battle for the morality in his heart, just to obey his own morality and choose to block another person's dream.

If based on universal morality and law, his behavior may really be regarded as saving the world.


While thinking, there was a loud noise above his head, and then it became quiet. Zheng Shu looked up and saw that the rock giant had destroyed the last black coffin.

Of course, the price was also very serious. The limbs of the rock giant were almost completely damaged, leaving only the central body still suspended in mid-air.

If the winner can be determined so quickly, it seems to be caused by the Noble Phantasm that broke out in the sky courtyard before. It seems that Cu Chulainn still played a big role, at least attracting Semiramis's attention. Living.

Zheng Shu thought this way, and saw Medea in the castle above the rock giant's head, and nodded towards her.

A few kilometers away, Medea also saw the actions Zheng Shu gave her through magic, so she stretched out her hand and made an "OK" gesture, indicating that everything was going according to plan.

Zheng Shu nodded clearly, but his expression became a little strange after turning around.

"Hmm... This style does not look like an 'ancient person' no matter how you look at it. It seems that he has used future vision to carefully observe this era, but just for such a Holy Grail War, does it need to go to this point? ?”

Zheng Shu had a strange feeling in her heart. She always felt that Medea seemed to have more than just the thoughts she expressed, but in any case, the plan was indeed proceeding as she had expected.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Zheng Shu decided to solve the immediate problem first and then talk about other things.

Semiramis smacked her mouth because the blood flowing from the chest stabbed by Cu Chulainn stained her clothes.

It's really surprising. I thought he was just an ordinary soldier, but I didn't expect him to have such a method. He had been seriously injured before, but he could still hurt himself.

If it weren't for the fact that he had absolute priority in the sky courtyard and could even slightly reverse the cause and effect, he might have died long ago.

"But no matter what, a reckless man actually hurt me."

To say it was injured is actually a bit too flattering. No matter how you look at it, the internal spiritual core has been completely shattered. This injury can be regarded as a fatal injury. The reason why the body can still maintain its existence is entirely because of the existence of the aerial courtyard.

The resentment caused by being stabbed and the humiliation caused by running away no longer existed. What should be hated now was his own mind that had relaxed due to dominating this courtyard.

It was obvious that the enemies outside had already shown their strength, but she was careless because she was immersed in the power of the Sky Courtyard, so she vowed to kill them with all her strength the next time they met as a return gift.

...if there really is a next time.

She sighed and conveyed her words to Avenger. It was obvious that Alcides, who had completely turned into a spirit and disappeared, would not be able to respond.

"Did Avenger also lose?"

Semiramis sat on the ground in embarrassment, holding her wound, but knocking on the floor subconsciously with her hands. She knew very well that her mood was becoming more and more irritable, because she didn't have much time.

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