Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 398 Setting sail and sudden events (8,000 words plus more!)

On the hillside, Jason's situation was not good at this time.

When Zheng Shu and the others finished dealing with the invading six-armed giants, Jason was rolling around on the ground in embarrassment under the siege of the three giants, trying to use the black soul strategy to avoid the attacks as much as possible.

In addition to him, the situation of the other heroes of the Argonauts was also precarious. If it weren't for the fact that the number of giants was not too large, they might have collapsed long ago.

"These damn guys!"

Jason rolled with all his strength to avoid the giant's stone axe, and then stabbed the giant's heart from the gap with his sword.

There is also a wound on his head that is constantly bleeding. Although it is not deep, half of his face has been soaked with blood. It looks very scary. It was accidentally scratched while avoiding the stones thrown by the giant. .

"If I had known, I should have asked Hercules to come with him. If he were here, you giants would have been killed long ago!"

Jason used the body of the fallen giant to avoid the stones thrown by the giant on the other side, and used the power of rolling to pull out his sword from the fallen giant's body, and cursed loudly at the other six-armed giants who rushed up again.

In a sense, Jason is the best Heracles in Greece. If he met Ilia from the normal timeline, the two would probably have a lot in common.

"Damn it, after we win, I will hang your guys' heads on the Argonaut!"

Even if you are scolded, you still have to escape.

The heart of the giant's body spurted out a large amount of blood due to Jason's stabbing earlier, and it was sticky all over his hands.

So he could only fight and retreat, and quickly tore off his clothes and wiped the blood on his hands to avoid holding the sword tightly in the next battle.

Waving the dagger again to force the two giants back, Jason began to look around the battlefield where he was.

When he found out that some of the heroes had begun to suffer injuries, his expression turned gloomy.

It's right to think about it. Most of the heroes are from Yeluzi. Although they are somewhat famous, they are difficult to deal with decent monsters.

He is not bragging. In the absence of Heracles and his invisible junior brother, the most capable person on this ship is Jason.

Even he was having such a hard time, not to mention the difficulties the other heroes were in.

The problem is, even in such a predicament, Jason still has to show that he is sure of victory, and let that attitude of having everything under control maintain his dignity as a captain.

Because he knows very well that the reason why these heroes have not collapsed now is entirely because he is still fighting on the front line. If he retreats first, it will not take long for the defense line here to completely collapse.

But even if he tried his best, if he could not break the situation, these so-called heroes would soon lose their fighting spirit, and it would only be a matter of time before his group was eventually wiped out.

"Damn six-armed giant! If Hercules were here, these guys' heads would have been chopped off long ago. If Hercules were here..."

Several more giants targeted Jason, who had killed one of their tribesmen alone. With six arms and powerful strength, each six-armed giant could be regarded as an extremely efficient catapult.

This time, these giants did not rush forward rashly, but used their arms to rain down stones on Jason.

There was no other way. Jason could only dodge desperately under the entanglement of the other two six-armed giants, but he was still hit by several rocks. If he hadn't rolled in time to distance himself, he might have been told here. .

After such a strenuous exercise, the wound on his forehead cracked again, and the blood flowing from his head dyed his vision red.

Jason knew in his heart that he would die here soon, but the survival instinct still prompted him to struggle desperately.

"I want to live! I want to escape and live!"

Being in a desperate situation, a strong fighting spirit burst out in his heart. He didn't care how embarrassed his posture was, and without any scruples, he got under the crotch of a six-armed giant in front of him, and cut it off with his sword. The giant's hamstring.

This set of movements was so smooth that it was impossible to tell that it was a skill that Jason, who only knew how to talk, could do.

But Jason no longer has so many thoughts in his heart. He only has one thought now, and that is to survive!

The last time he rolled to avoid the enemy's attack, he used the body of the six-armed giant to cover his sight. He quickly ran behind another giant who was fighting other heroes, and stabbed the dagger in his hand into the opponent's anus.

Then one twist, everything!

Blood and yellow-green objects poured all over Jason. His actions freed up the combat power of the heroes here to support other positions.

Jason took most of the attention of the six-armed giant, and other heroes received sufficient support.

The changes on the battlefield greatly boosted everyone's morale. For a time, they even pushed the front a few steps forward. It seemed that victory was close at hand.

The leader of the six-armed giants seemed to have discovered Jason's variable, so he briefly abandoned part of the front and gathered more six-armed giants to carry out a key attack on Jason.



Looking at the huge rocks thrown at him, Jason did not hesitate to roll around with a few lazy donkeys.

But there were already two giants waiting here where he was hiding. Seeing Jason actually coming to the door, he swung his ax and chopped them down without hesitation.

The fear of death almost overwhelmed his soul. He had just rolled over and had no time to adjust his posture. He could only watch the stone ax being swung down. The only thing he could do was to close his eyes and wait for death to come.


After waiting for a long time, the expected death did not come. Instead, Jason felt some liquid splashing on his body.

Opening his eyes in confusion, Jason saw a tall figure standing in front of him. The two six-armed giants who had previously prepared to attack him had lost their upper bodies, leaving behind blood everywhere and a body that slowly fell to the ground. Lower body.

"Hercules! Hercules you are finally here!"

Jason was so excited when he saw the figure that looked unusually tall against the sunlight that his voice even changed in tone.

His tense spirit quickly relaxed. He felt pain all over his body and his hands were shaking unconsciously. It was muscle fatigue caused by excessive exertion.

"It's not Hercules who disappoints you, it's me, Zheng Shuda!"

Zheng Shu waved his hand casually, blowing back the stone thrown by the six-armed giant, and then turned back and gave a thumbs up to Jason.

"Of course, if you think it's unreliable, I can leave now and ask Hercules to come over and replace him."

At this moment, Jason's expression changed drastically, from fear to surprise, and then from surprise to confusion. He even became sluggish for a moment, not caring that he was still lying on the ground.

"Hey, are you okay? Or is there something wrong because you were hit in the head by a rock?"

Zheng Shu stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Jason's eyes. Seeing that he still had no reaction, he wanted to reach out and pick him up and put him away.

However, after seeing these unidentified yellow-white objects on Jason's body, he finally frowned and chose to grab Jason's flowing golden hair and pull him up.

The pain in his head also made Jason finally come back to his senses from the sluggishness. After quickly judging Zheng Shu's identity and strength, the smart guy immediately adjusted his mentality and put that smile on his face again. A smile full of sunshine and confidence.

"Hey, brother, thank you for your help. You are indeed my junior brother. You did a great job just now!"

Should I say he really deserves to be Jason? He completely brushed off the embarrassment just now, and without blushing, he came up to get close to Zheng Shu. For a moment, Zheng Shu almost thought that he had recognized the wrong person.

Seeing the change in the expression of the guy in front of him, Zheng Shu had to sigh with emotion.

But in a sense, a person like Jason who can fight hard when encountering danger and recover his energy as soon as he is out of danger is indeed a genius.

If you think about it carefully, a character like Jason may be the most suitable character to live in this kind of world. After all, he is a real mortal. He does not have the blood of any gods, and no one will cheat him. The strength he can achieve is already It is the limit of mortals.

Otherwise, even if it were like this, let alone a divine-blooded hero like Hercules, it would not be comparable even to a witch like Medea, whose God of War bloodline has been diluted a lot.

So all Jason can do is rely on his own wisdom and thick skin to survive all kinds of dangers and setbacks by hanging on to the bosses.

Although Zheng Shu couldn't appreciate Jason's character, he couldn't dislike people like him. After all, compared with those guys who collapsed after encountering some dangerous setbacks, at least he was really working hard to survive with his own strength. Go down.

"It seems you have recovered, my captain."

Zheng Shu flicked his fingers, magic lines flashed on his fingertips, and the dirt on Zheng Shu's body was instantly cleaned away.

"But now is not a good time to talk. Let's get rid of these little troubles first."

"It's amazing. Is this the power of magic?"

Jason looked at his clothes in surprise, and then shamelessly approached Zheng Shu after hearing his name.

"Don't be so polite, junior brother. Otherwise, you should just call me Jason. It will appear more cordial. Let's have a few glasses of wine together later. Speaking of which, I haven't treated you well yet."

Having said this, Jason looked at the six-armed giants and his expression became smug: "You are right, we need to get rid of these giants now, and then celebrate properly!"

Zheng Shu smiled, picked up a few stones casually, and threw them out seemingly lightly.

The stones strengthened by magic emitted an azure light, and with a scream that broke through the air, it penetrated the heads of several giants, smashing their brains and skulls into pieces.

After seeing the strength displayed by Zheng Shu, Jason's eyes also shone brightly. Without hesitation, he drew out his dagger again and roared towards a lone giant.

It seems that he is planning to use his strength to wash away his previous embarrassment.

But for some reason, he was very motivated. However, he suddenly lost the ability to kill the six-armed giant alone before. Within a few moves, he was hit on the arm, and he was forced to roll on the ground again.



The six-armed giant who was about to continue attacking was hit in the head by a stone flying from a distance, but Jason ignored his image and continued to roll to avoid the giant's fallen body.

After reaching a safe distance, he quickly climbed up from the ground and waved to Zheng Shu with lingering fear.

"Thanks, brother!"

Well... Even at this moment, he was trying to use words to quietly close the relationship between himself and Zheng Shu.

Unknowingly, Jason's name for Zheng Shu had changed from a stranger to a brother, and his ability to beat snakes and sticks was unparalleled.

Zheng Shu glanced at him and shook his head helplessly.

Jason's current appearance does not show the momentum of his previous desperate fight with the six-armed giant. It seems that the crisis radar in his brain sensed the embrace of his thigh, so he automatically entered the standby state.

In a sense, this guy can be regarded as a different kind of god of tailwinds and headwinds.

He picked up a few more stones and threw them out, killing several six-armed giants that were entangled with the heroes.

Although these six-armed giants were entangled with the heroes of the Argonauts and King Kichikos' army, Zheng Shu could not use large-scale attacks.

But with such a rapid killing efficiency, the number of giants is also declining rapidly.

The leader of the six-armed giant also discovered this problem. The beast's intuition told him that the guy in front of him was definitely not something he could solve, so he abandoned his "people" without hesitation and moved quickly towards the jungle.


After running a few steps, the head of the six-armed giant leader was blown into pieces. The huge body ran forward a few steps with the inertia, then staggered and fell to the ground.

From the beginning to the end, Zheng Shu did not recognize that this was the leader of the six-armed giant, he just thought it was a "deserter".

So it didn't take long for the remaining six-armed giants on the field to be wiped out by the heroes, and the people of the Kingdom of Chichikos no longer had to worry about the harassment of giants.

"Cheers to our victory today!"


At the port where the Argonauts was located, a huge bonfire was lit. People toasted to celebrate and danced around the bonfire, and everything was filled with joy.

In order to thank the heroes of the Argor for wiping out all the giants on the island, King Chichikos once again hosted a banquet in person to thank them.

If they entertained the heroes of the Argor before because of the instructions of the gods, then the celebration now is out of heartfelt gratitude.

Originally, King Chichikos planned to hold the celebration in the city, but because Zheng Shu was determined to return to the Agor to guard the ship, he simply led the entire country to the port to celebrate.

In the process, the Argonaut demonstrated an amazing ability to enliven the atmosphere.

At the beginning of the banquet, because they saw the terrifying traces of the battle at the port and knew the power of Zheng Shu and Hercules, the other heroes of Agor were a little afraid, so they did not dare to act as showy as usual. , making the scene look a little deserted.

But Jason just picked up the wine glass and stood up and said a few words, which heated up the cold atmosphere again. Soon these heroes were all arming each other and bragging about how great they were today just like before. He was so brave that even other unfamiliar heroes had the courage to come up and toast Zheng Shu.

"I have to admit, this guy's talent in this area is amazing."

Zheng Shu took the wine barrel in his hand and drank the liquid inside. Although it was wine, the brewing technology and materials of this era determined that the alcohol content would not be very high, and it was even worse than some alcoholic beverages.

"That guy is indeed an extremely arrogant and overestimating fool, and he has also forgotten the teachings of our common teacher Chiron, and turned into a miserable man who only works hard for his own desires all day long. However, what that man stood for Ridiculous daydreams without any falsehood."

Hercules looked at Jason who was active in the banquet, with a rare smile on his face.

Zheng Shu nodded in agreement. After all, Jason was also a student from Chiron, although his strength had a certain upper limit due to his bloodline.

But in other respects, that was a talent that Chiron said was second only to Hercules.

After a while, the heroes who were a little drunk had already started to hold a wrestling match around the bonfire, and Zheng Shu also quietly disappeared from sight, arriving at the port which was a little too quiet compared to the bustle of the port. within the city.

It didn't take long for Zheng Shu to find his destination, which was a somewhat run-down area. In easier-to-understand terms, it was probably the so-called "slum area."

In such an era, a city is a country, and it is not surprising that there is a slum in every city.

After all, the king of Kitchikos relied on the gods to govern the country. Being able to get along with the common people in his country was already considered a good king. It was a bit difficult for him to pay attention to the people in the slums.

For Zheng Shu, this is a very good opportunity to promote his "instant noodles" concept. The magic of perspective has been learned, and the promotion of the concept of instant noodles must be accelerated.

The area of ​​the slum is not too large, but the population density inside is quite alarming. Low shacks are staggered and the ground is filled with the smell of feces and urine.

Compared with the cheerful atmosphere outside the city, there is a bleak atmosphere surrounding it.

With Zheng Shu's eyesight, he could see clearly even in this dark place.

After sensing that someone was approaching, these skinny figures moved as close as possible to their houses - if those structures made of tattered branches could be called "houses".

They couldn't clearly see who was coming here, but they knew clearly that anyone who could move freely at night was someone they couldn't afford to offend.

After all, under current circumstances, night blindness is a very common disease even on islands.

Zheng Shu frowned as he felt the soft object he stepped on. The magic circle under his feet lit up, and the ground in the entire area immediately became smoother and much harder.

Looking at this group of extremely frightened residents, Zheng Shu scratched his head and thought for a while, and simply started visiting them one by one.

"So you are here. No wonder you were nowhere to be seen in the middle of the banquet last night."

Atalanta's voice sounded from behind. Zheng Shu smiled, and the light on his hand slowly fell. The young man in front of him, who had broken off a hand due to an accident, was so surprised when he saw his new hand. Fall to your knees.

After pulling him up from the ground and giving him a pack of fried noodles, which he called instant noodles, Zheng Shu turned around amidst the other's profuse thanks and looked at the vigorous hunter with a smile. laughed.

"I didn't expect you to find me so quickly."

"Soon? It's already dawn."

Zheng Shu only reacted after hearing this. He looked up and saw that the surroundings were no longer as dim as before.

"Oops, I accidentally overdid it. What's wrong with me?"

Atalanta took a bite of the fruit in her hand and rolled her eyes when she heard this: "Did you forget something? It's time for us to set sail!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I almost forgot."

Zheng Shu finally came to his senses at this time. It took a whole night of divinity to make his brain go into a daze. After all, rescuing people and killing people were not the same level of mental work at all.

Atalanta wanted to say something more, but after seeing a few seemingly young children who had been treated by Zheng Shu around him, she still swallowed her words and the expression on her face softened. many.

"Forget it, it's okay. Those guys are drunk now anyway. It will probably take a while before they can leave. You still have time to say goodbye to them."

"Want to say goodbye? That's no need. Anyway, I've helped them get rid of their physical disabilities. It's up to them whether they can survive in the future."

Due to the limitations of medical conditions, many people in the slums were thrown here because they were accidentally injured and developed serious infections, resulting in physical disabilities that affected their labor force.

Others are children with congenital disabilities who are abandoned.

What Zheng Shu did that night was to give each person a small bag of fried noodles as food, and then use his resuscitation power to help them heal their physical disabilities.

It has to be said that Hades must have fully considered what he wanted to do and his character when giving Zheng Shu divinity. Resurrecting divinity is quite suitable for Zheng Shu.

Although they are not too strong compared to those gods who are specially used for fighting, they are far ahead in other aspects, especially in treating diseases and saving lives. They are professional counterparts, allowing Zheng Shu to implement his plan to promote his instant noodles concept. Extraordinarily smooth.

After all, after curing these people's diseases and giving them a pack of fried noodles, no matter whether the person is grateful or not, he will think of "instant noodles" every time he thinks about it in the future.

In this way, after enough time passes, the concept of "instant noodles" will eventually spread slowly.

"Is that so? You're right. Let's go."

Atalanta glanced at the people around her who were watching her cautiously, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Although Atalanta is very tolerant and protective of children, she has also advocated the concept of self-reliance since she was a child in the forest. Therefore, although she will lend a helping hand when necessary to children, she will never dote on them.

In Atalanta's view, Zheng Shu helped these children solve their physical defects, and then they would have to rely on themselves to become self-reliant.

Amid the cheers of the people of the Kingdom of Chichikos, the Argo set sail and sailed slowly towards its next destination.

It has to be said that this action is quite in line with the classic adventure in the story, so all the heroes on the Argore seemed very satisfied, including Hercules, who had not attended the banquet, and showed a rare look of relief. .

Because of this, the heroes on the Argo also washed away the fatigue of the journey and began to look forward to the next adventure they encountered.

Of course, before that, of course, we should take advantage of the abundant supplies on the ship to have a few banquets.

"...I sometimes have doubts. Do these guys really have no awareness of crisis management in their minds?"

Zheng Shu leaned on the railing on the side of the Argo, watching the singing and dancing heroes sighing helplessly to the sky. Have these guys forgotten the tragic scenes of having to fish and eat halfway because of excessive consumption of resources?

"After all, these guys are the most powerful heroes in ancient Greece. Although they are far inferior to you, they do have the ability to keep themselves alive in any crisis."

Atalanta rarely mocked the heroes this time. Although she also hated the recklessness of these guys, she was more aware of the power represented by the group of heroes in front of her.

Thinking of this, Atalanta's look at Zheng Shu became even weirder.

"You, on the other hand, obviously have such great strength, but you feel like you are living a cautious life, and you don't look like a hero at all."

"Didn't I say that I made an agreement with my family and I don't intend to become a hero."

Zheng Shu grinned and took a big gulp of the juice in the wine barrel in his hand.

Because he didn't feel that the wine tasted very good, he simply made a lot of fruits and pressed them into juice by hand.

"What are you drinking? Give me some too!" Atalanta's nose moved and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"You really like sweets..."

Zheng Shu picked up an empty glass next to him, scooped a glass of juice from his wine barrel and handed it to her.

Atalanta didn't pay attention to Zheng Shu's teasing. She took the juice in his hand and took a sip, her eyes lit up, and then she narrowed her eyes happily.

If she had a tail on her back, it might be wagging happily right now.

"I didn't expect you to be here, brother, I've been looking for you."

Jason, who smelled of alcohol, walked over carelessly and patted Zheng Shu hard on the back. After all, he was not tall enough and couldn't reach him even if he wanted to pat the shoulder.

Atalanta smelled his scent, glared at Jason with disgust, and then hid far away.

"Hey, isn't this Atalanta? It's amazing, brother. You just took down the best huntress on our Argonauts."

Jason pushed Zheng Shu's arm with his elbow, with a mean expression on his face.

"You're so beautiful. Do wild beauties like this really like tall, strong men? Should I go back and try to exercise some muscles?"

Jason held his chin with his palms and put on a wise expression, but unfortunately his behavior only made it more funny.

Zheng Shu glanced at him and leaned back silently to prevent his blood from splattering on his body later.


Atalanta silently pulled out her dagger and leaped toward Jason like a hunting lion.


Jason felt a strong crisis and immediately threw down his wine glass and ran on the deck screaming. However, when the other heroes saw this scene, instead of stopping them, they burst into laughter.

For them, it is quite a common sight for a drunken captain to be chased and killed because of his bad words.

Seeing this scene, even Zheng Shu couldn't help laughing, but just when he was about to take another sip of juice, the sky suddenly darkened.


The dull thunder sounded from the dark clouds, and soon it began to rain heavily. The extreme rainstorm made it impossible to even see the road ahead clearly.

Because they could not tell the direction, after furling the sails, all the heroes hid in the cabin to take shelter from the rain, letting the Argo drift with the current.

Zheng Shu stood on the deck and frowned at the sudden heavy rain. The powerful magic barrier protected him from the rain, but the dense raindrops also prevented him from seeing clearly far away.

The most important thing is that he felt a different aura from the thunder just now, which was... divine power!

And the level is quite high. Although he has never come into contact with it, Zheng Shu speculates that it is most likely the power of Zeus.

What kind of enemy would make Zeus angry?

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu had a bad feeling in his heart.

"It seems that something is very wrong this time..."

Hercules also stepped onto the deck and walked to Zheng Shu's side, but unlike Zheng Shu, he did not have any magic barrier on his body and allowed himself to be completely wet by the raindrops.

"But I didn't expect you to be such a delicate person."

"...It will be uncomfortable if your tail and ears get wet." Zheng Shu was silent for a moment, then skipped the topic, "What is going on? Do you know?"

"I don't know, but I have a very bad feeling."

"Me too."

Just after saying this, the two of them turned to a certain direction at the same time, where a beam of rainbow light appeared in front of the ship in violation of basic rules.

Feeling the divine power conveyed from the rainbow, the two frowned at the same time.

(8,000 words plus more completed! Mainly because I’m too lazy to divide it into chapters, so I just combined it and posted it together.)

Thanks to the readers of "There is Your Breath in the Drifting Wind" for the tip, thank you for your support!

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