Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 418 Suppression and Doubt

"try again!"

Zheng Shu immediately made a decision and looked at the Dragon of Albion, which had already regenerated its wings, and released its clairvoyance magic again without hesitation.


After the magic lines in his eyes were gathered together, Zheng Shu suddenly covered his eyes and let out a muffled groan.

At that moment, the perspective magic did not work. Zheng Shu only felt that in his field of vision, the Albion Dragon in front of him suddenly became like a flash bomb emitting dazzling white light. Unprepared, he His eyes even suffered a little trauma.

The damaged retina was quickly healed, and Zheng Shu was not surprised when he saw the Albion Dragon spreading its wings and taking off.

After all, perspective magic is just a kind of magic. It is a false proposition to expect this thing to be invincible. There are many ways to counter perspective magic, but most people don't use it.

Just like the Dragon of Albion in front of him, his method of countering perspective magic is very simple.

With his current IQ, he couldn't understand how he was injured, so he instinctively filled his body with all the magic power to maximize his body's protective capabilities.

Such huge magic power also indirectly disrupted the effect of perspective magic, making it difficult for Zheng Shu to see clearly what was going on inside his body.


The flying Dragon of Albion once again demonstrated his power as the strongest pure-blood dragon. His flying method was completely different from that of birds. To be honest, it was more like a fighter jet.

The wings do not rely on flapping to provide lift for themselves. Instead, they are more like a jet fighter, spraying magic power behind to move at high speeds.

This way of flying allowed the Dragon of Albion to break through the speed of sound as soon as it started, and its speed continued to increase as time went by.

While flying around Zheng Shu, the Dragon of Albion was like a fighter jet, constantly releasing various beam cannons to bombard Zheng Shu.

Occasionally, he would dismantle the black scales on his body, inject enough magic power into them, and shoot them towards Zheng Shu, trying to break through Zheng Shu's defense like an armor-piercing bullet.

For a moment, this scene didn't look like a dragon war in the Age of Gods, but more like a duel between future battle mechas and fighter jets.

Zheng Shu stood in mid-air, his eyes moving with the movement of the Dragon of Albion. The two cloaks behind him held up two thick instant noodle shields, constantly blocking the beam cannons flying towards him.

This method allows him to block more attacks during the duration of the shield, minimizing the number of rounds to summon instant noodles.

But even such a high-density protective board will not be able to withstand the disintegration when encountering those flying black scales.

"It's really troublesome. If I use fluoroscopy to cut it off from the inside of the body, it won't cause too much damage."

Re-summoning a round of instant noodles to make protective plates, replacing several protective plates that had begun to disintegrate. After confirming that there were no problems in a short period of time, Zheng Shu turned his attention to the fast-flying Dragon of Albion.

Of course, being unable to use perspective does not mean that he cannot attack it. After all, in the dragon world, he still has no perspective ability.



The Dragon of Albion, which was flying at supersonic speed, suddenly howled and fell from the sky. A huge hole opened in his abdomen at some point, and the scales and flesh were lifted, revealing the internal organs inside.

With Zheng Shu's current observation ability, races like dragons that rely on scales for protection have no defense at all in front of him.

He only needs to summon instant noodles in the gaps between the scales to open the scales, and then continue to summon a large amount of instant noodles in the exploded flesh and blood to cause huge damage.

A large amount of dragon blood spilled on the ground, and some insects that had no time to escape were infected by dragon factors, and their bodies became distorted.

Most of the insects will die as a result, but a few that survive can evolve into new dragon species after a long period of time.

This is the influence of pure-blood dragons, which is completely different from flying dragons. Every trace of their aura and blood carries a large amount of dragon factors, and they can easily create a large number of flying dragons.


Along with the billowing smoke, a long ravine was plowed out of the forest below, and a large number of trees and rocks were smashed into pieces.

At the end of the ravine, the Dragon of Albion was lying on the ground, his injuries recovering rapidly, and even because of the lack of energy in his body, he was constantly absorbing plants or animals that came into direct contact with him.

"This is……"

Zheng Shu felt the unusual aura emanating from the body of the Dragon of Albion due to the severe injury.

There is no doubt that this was the culprit that caused him to completely lose his mind.

The most important thing is that Zheng Shu is also very familiar with this aura, because he also felt something similar in Calydon's magic pig before.

"No, not just that, those bugs?!"

For Zheng Shu, a memory that was too far away was brought out. It was the first time he was in a bitter battle after leaving the mysterious island.

A group of car-sized bugs that mutated for unknown reasons and were able to evolve by eating different things.

If you think about it, the Dragon of Albion and the Demon Pig seem to be in the same situation.

Not only has the power of the demon pig been greatly improved, but it has also gained the ability to control rocks through some of the heroes it has devoured. Although the effect is not strong, it is indeed constantly evolving.

As for the Dragon of Albion…

Looking at the Albion Dragon directly below him who was constantly devouring various organic matter to replenish his energy and quickly heal his injuries, Zheng Shu's face looked extremely ugly.

What a coincidence!

Zheng Shu is not a fool. Coincidences are possible once or twice. So many coincidences happen together. It would be nonsense if there is no ghost behind it.

When he was in ancient Greece, he had never heard of anyone else encountering something similar, but he himself encountered it three times.

Regardless of who this power that can pollute even an existence of the level of the Dragon of Albion comes from, such a coincidence makes Zheng Shu only think of one possibility - suppression power.

Something's wrong! Something is very wrong!

Zheng Shu certainly knows what the temperament of the two restraining forces in the Moon World and Earth is like. It is no exaggeration to say that these two guys are completely parasites and profiteers.


These two restraining forces are just that.

The inhibitory force itself has no human personality or character, and all thinking is based on extending the existence it represents as much as possible.

And although they will play tricks on the contract, they absolutely abide by the rules of the contract. After all, they do not have the so-called cunning in the human concept.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, restraint power does not have the so-called "greed" or "renege on one's word" and other emotions. After all, such group will itself is an absolutely rational existence.

The reason why they are called profiteers is because they can accurately control the psychological bottom line of traders and reach the point where they feel heartache but will not give up.

Therefore, the situation Zheng Shu is encountering now is very strange. He obviously made a deal with Zhili before traveling to the world, but he has been targeted all the time.

At least it can be seen from the existence of the Dragon of Albion that the restraint force has indeed dealt a fatal blow to him.

So... what's the reason?

Zheng Shu is not a self-pitying person, and he does not feel that it is absolutely his fault that he was attacked, but he is very confident in his current strength.

This series of actions of the inhibitory force has violated the basic rule of their existence-the continuation of themselves.

Zheng Shu has already revealed the ability to summon a large amount of matter out of thin air. The restraining force should be calculated. According to Zheng Shu's summoning efficiency, how easy it is to completely destroy the life on the surface of the planet.

Even if "Gaia" covets the quality and materials that Zheng Shu can provide, "Alaya" at least would not dare to be so presumptuous.

According to the current level of human technological resistance, even with the help of gods, Zheng Shu can easily destroy humanity if he really works hard.

For Inhibition, whose basic priority is to protect his life, on the premise that both parties have a good deal, they should not choose to completely anger him.

Therefore, there must be some hidden secret inside that I don't know about.

Thoughts were flowing in his mind instantly. At the moment when Zheng Shu was thinking, the Dragon of Albion also completely healed his injuries.

Zheng Shu lowered his head and glanced at the Dragon of Albion who was trying to stand up and attack again. The headquarters' insight easily found the gap in his Lin Pian.

Bang bang bang!

Multiple bulges formed on the Dragon of Albion's body at once, and then exploded quickly. In an instant, several large bloody holes appeared in the newly healed body.


Accompanied by tragic wails, this pure-blood dragon, who was strong enough to suppress a god like Zeus, could only fall to the ground again helplessly.

"If you don't understand, then find those guys and ask them!"

Zheng Shu gave up on wondering what was hidden in it, and instead thought about how to find restraint.

In other words, how to force the inhibition to appear in front of oneself.

There are two ways. One is that Zheng Shu can now tell the tendency and power that can destroy the world, and force the restraining force to appear in front of him.

However, according to the characteristics of those two cowards, it is very likely that after discovering such a situation, they will hide deeper and then send other strong men to deal with them.

The other method is safer, find the existence of the "hero" that is currently suppressed, subdue the opponent, and then use that "thing" as an intermediary to talk to the suppressing force.

This method also has the possibility of scaring away the inhibitory power, but it is much safer than before.

Zheng Shu decided to use the second method first, and if it didn't work, he would use the first method.

As for how to find the "hero" who was given the heavy task of suppressing the force with the goal of getting rid of him, Zheng Shu once again turned his attention to the Dragon of Albion below.

"Looks like it's up to you."

The Dragon of Albion, who was recovering from his injuries on the ground, suddenly trembled, as if he sensed some overwhelming malice.

Zheng Shu stared at his body and continued to attack, but this time his attack was quite targeted. He no longer attacked places like the abdomen or wings that would affect flight and movement. Instead, he attacked places like the limbs and neck to make him Feeling pain and fear.

Moreover, using the flesh and blood exploded by the summoned instant noodles is no longer aimed at causing deeper wounds in a single location. Instead, the goal is to increase the area of ​​damaged skin as much as possible, forcing the opponent to continuously use that contaminated power. to restore your body.


In the endless pain, the Dragon of Albion was increasingly eroded by this alien power.

It's not like he didn't fight back, but all the attacks couldn't break through the seemingly thin protective plate on the outer layer of Zheng Shu's body.

Finally, the Dragon of Albion did what Zheng Shu run away.

If it is a conscious Dragon of Albion, then he will have a high degree of knowledge and wisdom, and will also have a strong self-esteem because of his identity as a pure-blood dragon.

Therefore, even if it is killed here, the Dragon of Albion will never make any attempt to escape.

After being eroded by that strange power, the Albion Dragon's own wisdom has completely disappeared, and now he is just a beast with the power of a major god.

Faced with the fear of dying and constant pain, the beast will listen to its instinct and escape in the direction of safety.

So the direction in which the Dragon of Albion, who has been completely infiltrated by the alien power, is escaping is naturally self-evident.

Watching the opponent spread his wings and spray out a large amount of magic power from the wings to take off quickly, Zheng Shu did not hesitate to spread his cloak to form wings and follow him.

The Dragon of Albion has an endurance that is incalculable, and does not take into account the consumption of magic power when flying, so it flies very fast, quickly surpassing the first cosmic speed, and it is still improving.

However, for Zheng Shu, with the support of endless instant noodles, the three generations of blood can never stop. This is because his physical fitness is strong enough and his speed of digesting food is far faster than that of the previous world.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zheng Shu relies on constantly consuming instant noodles. He produces more magic power at every moment than the magic power in his own body.

With the support of sufficient magic power and relying on the principle of powerful bricks flying, Zheng Shu's speed also continued to increase, closely chasing the Dragon of Albion ahead.

Even at the back, even with Zheng Shu's dynamic vision, the surrounding environment was a little blurry, which meant that their speed was so fast that it exceeded his reaction limit.

"Is this... so far away? The Atlantic Ocean has almost been crossed."

Zheng Shu frowned as he looked at the horizon appearing in the distance. Although the flight time between the two parties was not very long, because the speed was fast enough, they crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a very short time. Zheng Shu had even seen The sun is shining in the sky.

You must know that it was just dark when he met Albion, and even if the fighting time between the two sides was included, it did not take long, which meant that the two of them had crossed multiple time zones and came to the other side of the earth.

"However, it is just a force that has crossed such a long distance to infect living beings. It is basically certain that there is indeed restraint in it."

Looking at the Albion Dragon that had begun to lower its height, Zheng Shu's eyes lit up and he knew that he was close.

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