Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 435 The magic conch begins to exert force

Affected by these emotions, Zheng Shu's consciousness almost collapsed in an instant.

"You have to get it under control quickly, or everyone else present...will die!"

These words flashed through his mind quickly, but Zheng Shu's body involuntarily began to release violent pressure towards the surroundings.

The terrifying pressure that almost turned into reality not only suppressed Wang Ergou, who was about to continue attacking on the field, and made him dare not take any action, but even the spectators on the surrounding spectator stands were suppressed to death by this terrifying coercion. He was "pressed" to the ground.

Some of the stronger ones still managed to maintain their consciousness, frantically trying to urge their bodies to move, but no matter how hard they tried, their bodies seemed to be paralyzed and completely unable to receive instructions from their brains.

And some other weaker people had passed out directly in the stands.

Even the Taoist priests who were specially selected by Longhushan as referees on the viewing platform were completely incapable of action. They tried their best just to keep themselves from losing consciousness.

"what's the situation?!"

"It seems to be coming from that playing field, what happened?!"

In addition to the spectators on this playing field, people watching the game on large screens outside in the open space and in other playing fields were also affected.

They felt like ordinary people walking in the jungle who were startled by a tiger that suddenly jumped out. Their hearts could not stop beating wildly, and their bodies could not suppress the violent tremors, as if they were biological instincts that had been hidden deep in their hearts. Urging them to leave here.

Even if they haven't met at all, all the people affected by this coercion can know one thing very clearly just by relying on the spiritual will revealed in the coercion - that creature is an absolute "predator"!

In its eyes, everything in the world is just different types of prey.

"Oh...this is really incredible."

In the stands of another competition venue, the old Tianshi who was closing his eyes to rest suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Zheng Shu's competition venue. In a flash, he disappeared from the spot.

Several of the ten men who were originally around him also became restless, feeling the changes in their bodies, and looked into the distance in disbelief.

They also wanted to follow the footsteps of the old master to see what happened, but at this time they could see the gap in strength and character cultivation between the different ten men.

Although there is not much difference between Wang Ai and others in Qi training, his mental state is really poor. His physical and biological instincts of fear have been preventing him. Although he can move, he can't even take a step in that direction. I don't even have the courage.

In other words, it can be said that Wang Ai lost the desire to investigate the moment he felt the pressure, and all he could think about was whether to leave here immediately to save his own life.

Lu Ci relied on his "madness" to suppress his body's instinct and resist and walked a certain distance in the direction of the target.

But resisting the physical "resistance" while resisting the increasing pressure was too exhausting. Just when he reached the periphery of the competition field where Zheng Shu was, he had already exhausted his energy. Didn't stop.

Only Lu Jin relied on his own character, and also entered the third level of rebirth to minimize the impact on his body. He forcibly suppressed the fear and trembling in his body, and managed to keep up with the movements of the Heavenly Master.

"what happened?!"

At the highest point of the competition field, Lu Jin found the old master who came here earlier than him.

But it was different from what he expected. The old master didn't seem to be fighting anyone, he just stood on the high platform and looked at the scene below.

"You're here, oh my, oh my, young people today are really amazing, they can actually make such a big noise."

It seems that he has noticed some changes. The old master has changed from being alert at the beginning to a more relaxed state. Although the muscles in his body are still tense, he is no longer in a state where he is ready to fight at any time.

"young people?"

Lu Jin was stunned for a moment, and followed the old master's gaze to see Zheng Shu, whose pupils turned dazzling golden yellow due to his full power. At this time, he was stretching his fingers to the sky, and a steady stream of water gathered around him. the power of.

A steady stream of pressure like a tsunami was released from his body, and the surrounding atmosphere even trembled because of that terrifying spiritual will.

"How can this be……"

While the two were talking, Zheng Shu's fingers pointing toward the sky had already gathered unimaginable power. Lu Jin, who was at the 30th percentile of rebirth, could clearly feel that what was gathered on his fingers was an unimaginable amount of innate power. Qi!

"Nothing is impossible. Let's go. The little guy below has finished charging up. It will be dangerous for us old bones to stay here any longer."

Before Lu Jin could react, the Heavenly Master slapped him away. He rushed directly to the spectator seats below at a speed that was difficult to see, and used his skill to slap all the spectators in a straight line to the side. side.

Then he went to the other side of the straight line without hesitation and used the same method to clear out the people sitting there.

"Come on... let me see how far you can go."

The old Heavenly Master reappeared on the viewing platform, looking at Zheng Shu who was gathering strength below with a smile on his face.

Zheng Shu immediately suppressed his mind after realizing that he might lose control. Fortunately, among all emotions, the mental distortion caused by Ort has the strongest influence, but it is also the best to solve.

Zheng Shu immediately summoned a large amount of instant dough in his stomach, stretching his stomach to the limit, and his belly was even visibly bulging.

After getting enough food, the mental distortion caused by Alter immediately calmed down. The next thing to deal with is the arrogance of the dragons in the dragon world and the tyranny of the Dragon of Albion.

These two kinds of mental aberrations had been firmly suppressed by Zheng Shu with his own will before, and did not have much impact, but now that they are stimulated, they have become very difficult to deal with.

"It's hard to fix... If this continues, I won't be able to control myself and will have to use cheats."

Feeling the tyranny that constantly impacts his sanity, and the arrogance of treating all things like ants, Zheng Shu knows that once he is affected by these two abnormal emotions, he will turn the surroundings into a scorched earth without hesitation.

In his current situation, once he breaks out indiscriminately, even if his body is "developed" and slightly "malnourished" due to the barren elements of this world, except for the old Heavenly Master who doesn't know the upper limit of his strength, he can't imagine anything else. People can survive.

This also means that once he loses control, both Liu Xingyang and Huang Ming will die!

At this critical moment, Zheng Shu naturally chose to use the three skills given on the panel to find a way to deal with this predicament.

"Come on! Goal: Solve this dilemma without harming outsiders. Show me the direction!"

The moment he made up his mind, Zheng Shu gained a mysterious perception. Following the perception, he pointed his fingers towards the sky, gathered all the power in his body into his fingers, and was ready to launch towards the sky.

"Then what?"

It is naturally a good way to deal with it by launching your own power into the uninhabited sky and venting some emotions.

Not only can it reduce casualties as much as possible, but it can also ensure that even if he loses control, he will not cause too much damage. What's more, after venting part of his violence, his mental pressure will not be so great, and the possibility of losing control will be reduced. will be significantly reduced.

But... with his current power, even if he uses the most powerful word spirit, Judgment, to launch a giant slash, the aftermath of the release is enough to knock out the spectators in a straight line on both sides of his body and the spectators below them. The stage was blown into powder together.

Although most of the spectators were watching the game on the big screen in the open space, so there were not many people on the stage, but Zheng Shu estimated that the aftermath of his attack would kill more than a dozen people.

Although Zheng Shu could be considered a murderer after experiencing two worlds, he could at least be sure that he had never really hurt an innocent person from a subjective point of view.

Fortunately, the third skill on the panel quickly gave Zheng Shu the next step of instructions: stay like this, don't move, and continue to wait.


Feeling the meaning conveyed by this intuition, Zheng Shu was suddenly silenced, and even his mind was pulled back due to the huge desire to complain in his heart.

"This command... the panel must be a reference to the magic conch!!! Is my golden finger's real name SpongeBob SquarePants?!"

Complaints are complaints, Zheng Shu still followed the guidance of his intuition very honestly, tried hard to maintain the status quo, and quietly waited for the next changes.

Soon, just when Zheng Shu was about to lose control of the energy on his fingers under the impact of the out-of-control emotions in his heart, Lao Tianshi and Lu Jin finally arrived.

After only a few seconds of pause, the old master saw Zheng Shu's current situation and immediately understood what he was worried about now.

So Zheng Shu watched as the old master slapped Lu Jin and flew him outside the competition venue, while helping him clear out all the people in a straight line inside the competition venue who would be affected by the aftermath.

"It's's truly the best in the world."

Looking at the cleared space, Zheng Shu finally relaxed and no longer resisted the invasion of violent emotions, allowing them to invade his mind to a certain extent.

The strong desire for destruction emerges from the heart, and the already-charged spirit is the best outlet.

The power Zheng Shu gathered was too great, and the energy was already on the verge of losing control.

At the moment when his mind was occupied by violent emotions, the energy on his fingers was completely out of control, and the verbal spirit and judgment that had been accumulated for a long time burst out.

boom! ! !

Without any medium, the huge energy was compressed by Yanling into a terrifying crescent-shaped light, which was shot towards the sky.

Wherever the light blade passes, all matter and energy are killed, including air, bacteria, electromagnetic radiation, water mist, ozone layer, space debris...

Driven by high-intensity energy, the light blade crossed the entire atmosphere in an instant, flew out of the planet, and continued flying toward the universe.

Because it carries the law that can command death, even the ozone layer will be "killed". In an instant, a huge hole will be formed inside the atmosphere in a short period of time.

Even the sunlight scattered by the air was killed. Looking up, the night could be seen briefly in this sky.


Along with the huge surging sound of air flow, the air gap caused by the Word Spirit Judgment was filled by the surrounding gas. This scene of day and night also quickly dissipated, leaving only the scene formed by the large amount of air flow surging. The turbulence continued for a long time.

"This is a rare sight..."

The old Heavenly Master looked at the gradually disappearing night sky and stood on the high platform mumbling to himself.

"What is this? Is this really what that kid did?! Heavenly Master, is this really something that humans can do? You..."

Lu Jin no longer cared about maintaining his own image. He was in an abnormally gloomy posture. Even the triple reverse state he maintained was out of control for a moment. Fortunately, he was able to quickly control it.

But just when Lu Jin turned to ask the old Heavenly Master, he suddenly became speechless.

Because he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar light in the eyes of the old Heavenly Master.

He said it was familiar because he often saw this kind of light in the eyes of others, even when he was young, he often had such a light.

That is "fighting spirit", the courage to face a strong enemy without retreating.

But in the eyes of the old Heavenly Master, he had never seen this kind of light.

As a member of Tian Dao, the old Tianshi had only one look in his eyes when he met Lu Jin, and that was "crazy".

This kind of madness is not Lu Ci's kind of madness, nor is it a disdain for others in dealing with others, but a kind of "madness" that is "arrogant" when facing everyone.

To put it simply, it is absolute confidence in one's own strength.

Since the death of the first generation of Celestial Masters on Longhu Mountain, the old Celestial Master has never felt that there is anyone in this world who is worthy of his seriousness. All people are weak to him, and naturally there is no so-called "fighting intention".

But now, Lu Jin saw fighting spirit in his old friend's eyes. Such high-spirited attitude made him even doubt whether the person he saw was the real Heavenly Master.

"Oh, it's over. It's a pity that there are so few people who can see this scene. In a sense, we can be considered lucky."

After a long time, the old Heavenly Master finally came back to his senses and took a look at the messy scene. He was as calm as ever, as if the fighting look in Lu Jin's eyes just now was fake.

"Yes...really? It seems we are indeed lucky..."

Lu Jin stood on the high platform and looked around absentmindedly. The Heavenly Master was right. Although this scene was gorgeous, only a few people could see it.

Apart from the instigator and the two of them, the only people present were probably the two Shi Lao and Tian Jinzhong who could see it.

As for the other people, at the moment Zheng Shu fired the word spirit, more than half of the people on the mountain behind Longhu Mountain who had not fainted fainted because of the terrifying death aura.

As for the remaining half, the terrible sense of near-death brought the brain to a standstill. Those who could close their eyes and resist this feeling with their own will were considered outstanding.

Most of the remaining people who were awake had their spiritual defenses broken by the fear of death, squatting on the ground and shivering like quails.

"Let's go. Today's young people are really good at mischief and have found a big job for us."

The Heavenly Master waved his sleeves and walked towards a Taoist priest from Zhengyi Sect of Longhu Mountain who was on the spectator stand in the competition field.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lu Jin always felt that in the short period of time just now, the aura given to him by the Heavenly Master became heavier and heavier, and his back seemed to become lighter and lighter.

"This old thing...did he become stronger in such a short period of time? Impossible, absolutely impossible. I'm thinking of some nonsense."

He shook his head and got rid of the random thoughts in his mind. However, the indifferent attitude of the old master still made Lu Jin feel a lot calmer. His mood finally returned to stability and he followed the old master.

After Zheng Shu released all his power, he immediately fell into a weak state and lay down on the ground very simply.

As he violently released the spirit of speech, most of the "violence" was also released, allowing Zheng Shu to take the opportunity to suppress it back to the depths of his heart. After losing the other two troublesome emotions, the remaining "arrogance" was Zheng Shu suppressed it easily.

After several minutes of crisis, Zheng Shu finally restored his condition to stability and saved Longhu Mountain from the brink of destruction.

Zheng Shu regained a little strength and sat up from the ground. Regardless of the strong wind above his head, he glanced around and saw that the playing field had been divided into two by the aftermath.

On both sides of his body, whether it was the viewing platform or the thick and tall walls, they were all affected by the overflowing death order. In an instant, they turned into ashes and disappeared into the air. Even a deep ravine appeared on the ground. .

So much so that a blank area four to five meters wide appeared in the middle of the originally circular playing field, and with the ravines on the ground, it looked like the playing field was drawn by a god's finger from the sky.

On the edge of this ravine was Wang Ergou, who had completely passed out.

Zheng Shu felt the power replenished in his body, stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and jumped out of the ravine with a slight jump.

After walking to Wang Ergou and investigating carefully, he found that he was only in a coma due to the influence of Long Wei and had no physical injuries. Zheng Shu also breathed a sigh of relief and gave him a burst of innate Qi to help him make up for it. Deficiency in the body.

After doing all this, Zheng Shu turned around and looked at Lao Tianshi and Lu Jin who were walking towards him.

The situation seemed to be much better than he expected. Although Lu Jin's eyes were wary, the old master still had that indifferent expression.

Thinking that he had bombarded the other people's competition field into this state, Zheng Shu shook his ears in embarrassment and took the lead in clasping his fists and saluting: "Zheng Shu from Baiyun Temple has met the Heavenly Master."

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