A few days later, on a deserted grassland.

The grassland that originally seemed a bit empty and lonely now suddenly became lively. Although there were not many people present, the surrounding pigs in cages were too noisy.

In addition, various transport planes are still flying in continuously, constantly transporting new materials or live pigs, making this small area of ​​grassland feel noisy in a short period of time.

"Zheng Daozhang, this is the ceremony location provided by the company. You can use it with confidence. This grassland has been contracted by us. According to Director Wang, even if you detonate a nuclear bomb here, no one will be able to detect it."

After an employee wearing uniforms from anywhere got Zheng Shu off the helicopter, he quickly introduced him to the situation here despite the loud sound of the helicopter's wings.

"Zheng Daozhang, the company has almost prepared the materials you want. Only the gold is difficult to coordinate because of the large quantity. It will take some time to ship it." The staff member glanced at his watch and said, "About three hours. After that, all the materials can be prepared.”

"Okay, sorry for bothering you."

Zheng Shu looked at the place in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

In the center of the entire site, there is an altar that does not look too big. You can tell at a glance that it has just been built. This was also one of the requirements that Zheng Shu originally wrote on that piece of paper.

Mainly because the elements in this world are too barren and the existence form is too stable. It is too difficult to deploy such a large magic circle purely by one's own strength, so Zheng Shu thought of relying on Taoist rituals to enhance his own power. strength.

Although Baiyun Temple is of the Quanzhen lineage, they are not interested in such fancy things, but that doesn't mean they won't.

Zheng Shu has been practicing in Baiyun Temple for more than ten years. Although he has not used it much, the knowledge he should have is basically good.

After waiting for a while, the helicopter transporting the last half ton of gold finally arrived, and Zheng Shu, who had been sitting cross-legged in the middle of the altar with his eyes closed and practicing, also opened his eyes at this time.

"Oh? Chairman Zhao, I didn't expect you to come to visit the ceremony in person."

Zheng Shu was not too surprised when he saw Zhao Fangxu coming down with Huang Jin. He had a hunch that a large part of the reason why his plan went so smoothly this time was because of Zhao Fangxu's support behind him.

To be honest, with such strong support and affirmation, if Zheng Shu hadn't known that his body was shaped by a panel, he would have suspected that he was actually Zhao Fangxu's illegitimate son who had been missing for many years.

"Haha, what Taoist Master Zheng is going to do can be said to be unprecedented. Of course I want to come over and take advantage of this limelight. Maybe I can become famous throughout the ages in the future."

Zhao Fangxu had a smile on his face, which made Huang Boren and Bi Youlong behind him couldn't help but murmur.

Like Zheng Shu, if they hadn't known about their old friend, they would have really suspected that this kid was actually Lao Zhao's illegitimate son.

After chatting for a few words, Zhao Fangxu stayed away from here very thoughtfully, leaving the space to Zheng Shu and Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao who were brought by him.

"Huh? Are you here too?"

"Ah...Mr. Zhao asked us to come over and take a look. Maybe we can learn something."

Zhang Chulan looked a little tired, but Feng Baobao still looked dull.

Zheng Shu did some calculations and found that according to time, Zhang Chulan had almost finished the twenty-fourth episode of the Tongtian Valley incident, and he should have understood the relationship between Feng Baobao and Wu Gensheng.

However, with the interference of Zheng Shu in this world, the Heavenly Master will definitely not go down to destroy the whole sex. Therefore, Zhang Lingyu, who was expelled from Longhu Mountain by the Heavenly Master in the original work because he helped his old lover, should still be on Longhu Mountain now. .

Without such a big helper, it is normal for Zhang Chulan to look tired.

"Judging from your appearance, you should have some idea about Feng Baobao's matter?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Chulan looked at Zheng Shu with a ghostly look on his face, and even had the urge to retreat.

"You also said you can't read minds?!"

"You still need to read your mind for this kind of thing? Your face almost says that something is on your mind."

Zheng Shu rolled her eyes at him, glanced at Zhao Fangxu who didn't seem to care about him in the distance, touched his chin and speculated: "Looking at this, you should already know that Chairman Zhao is your 'partner'."

"How do you know this?!"

"It's a reasonable guess. If you think about it, you will know that if Baby Feng can stay safely in the company for such a long time, Mr. Xu must have been helping her to protect her. But to be honest, I have done some research on the company's development history. With this kind of company system, the people at the top can't find out anything they want to find out. So Feng Baobao's matter has never been exposed. There must be another senior executive besides Mr. Xu to help him cover it up."

"I really can't hide anything from you. Yes, Mr. Zhao does know about Sister Baoer." Zhang Chulan smiled bitterly, his expression looking increasingly tired.

Zheng Shu glanced at him a few times and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Okay, don't be so downcast. Although I don't know what clues you found, after today, you won't have any pressure on you. Don't worry."

"You..." Zhang Chulan was stunned, and suddenly cautiously approached Zheng Shu, "You can't really resurrect people, can you?"

"Well, Zhang Chulan, so you didn't believe me at all, right?" Zheng Shu stared at him with a dead look on his face.

"Oh no, brother Zheng, you have to understand me, after all, this thing sounds really hard to believe."

"According to what you said, Feng Baobao's immortality is hard to believe. If I have no chance of success at all, why do you think the company supports me so much?"

"Because you are Director Zhao's illegitimate son?" Zhang Chulan said speculatively.

"Pfft! Cough cough cough cough!"

"Director Zhao, what's wrong with you?! Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I just drank water too quickly and choked."

After taking a look at Zhao Fangxu's frivolous appearance, Zheng Shu and Zhang Chulan looked at each other, with indescribable smiles on their faces.

Looking up at the sun, Zheng Shu felt that it was almost the right time and was too lazy to tease Zhao Fangxu any more.

"Okay, it's almost time, I'm going to start here too."

"Okay, Brother Zheng, Sister Bao'er and I will be watching from the side first. I wish you success!" Zhang Chulan waved his hand and ran to Zhao Fangxu's side.

Zheng Shu walked around the altar again, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he went to the back of the altar and checked the state of Liao Zhong's body.

Because Liao Zhong was killed by Chen Duo's primitive Gu, the main injury on the body was that the internal organs were severely damaged, and there was no major damage to other parts. In particular, the brain was well preserved, which made Zheng Shu very satisfied.

If the brain is damaged and the soul is not preserved, the resurrected person is likely to have problems such as memory loss.

In fact, in this world, the rules are relatively strict, so the importance of the soul is not too high. Basically, the souls that are left behind for various reasons are a kind of backup of the brain's memory.

The soul can generally only store some of the most impressive memories during life, which are so-called obsessions. The truly complete memories are entirely in the brain.

This is why the group of wizards in the Northeast region who are good at manipulating souls do not have the ability to manipulate memories. Instead, the incomplete hands of the Lu family have this ability.

After all, no matter how disabled both hands are, they still have a certain foundation for controlling the body. With the help of this, they can control the foundation of the body, so they can control the memory.

When the sun in the sky reached its optimal point, Zheng Shu officially stood in the center of the altar.

Upon discovering that he was taking action, the surrounding bunker employees also made various preparations.

In addition to a large number of monitoring instruments and cameras placed around him, Zhao Fangxu specially mobilized a satellite to hang above his head to completely record everything that happened here. He also mobilized two temporary workers from the Northeast to serve as network information Security personnel.


Taking a long breath of relief, Zheng Shu closed his eyes slightly. After adjusting his condition, he was ready to start the ceremony.

Lifting his foot and stomping slightly on the ground, with the help of Fenghou Qimen, Zheng Shu instantly unfolded a huge Qimen Bureau, and this Qimen Bureau was still expanding rapidly, and soon reached a diameter of one kilometer.

If Wang Ye saw such a large-scale Qimen Bureau, he would probably be frightened to the point of having a myocardial infarction, but for Zheng Shu, this was even the result of him holding back his strength.

With the help of Qimen's adjustment after the wind, Zheng Shu adjusted the solar terms of Qimen Bureau to the optimal point, and combined with the scientific rituals of upstream clouds and flowing water, all elements within Qimen Bureau reached the most active standard.

Putting down the wooden sword in his hand and feeling the activity of the elements around him, Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction.

He squinted his eyes again, and when he opened them, Zheng Shu's pupils had turned into bright gold.

"Eh? Mr. Bi, have the colors of Taoist Priest Zheng's eyes changed?"

Zhao Fangxu, who was outside the scope of the ceremony, was a little surprised when he saw Zheng Shu's change, and asked Bi Youlong next to him uncertainly.

His cultivation level is not too strong, it can even be called very weak, so he can't see things very clearly.

Under normal circumstances, if the effects of various exercises based on "Qi" are particularly obvious, Zhao Fangxu will not be able to see the changes at all.

Generally speaking, the changes in various mental methods or techniques involving changes in the eyes are the weakest. If you are not good at this, you may not even be able to see the changes in the eyes.

"That's right, the color of the pupils has changed and turned into gold." Bi Youlong looked serious.

Even at such a long distance, he felt a terrifying sense of oppression from Zheng Shu's body. The senses he had honed over the years were warning him frantically, telling him to stay as far away from the center of the ceremony as possible. That little Taoist priest.

In addition to Bi Youlong, the Nadutong employees who were used to maintain security also had a certain degree of commotion. Although they were quickly suppressed by themselves, when the people present looked at Zheng Shu They all became suspicious.

Ignoring the changes in the people around him, Zheng Shu glanced at the materials placed in front of the altar, stretched out a hand, and raised it high to the sky.

In this world, his enhanced dragon bloodline does not have a fire-based speech spirit, but this is not a big problem.

In the world of Xingyue, he has carefully analyzed most of the high-risk word spirits and above, and also transformed their release principles into magic.

In this world, after so many years of study, Zheng Shu has been able to transform these magics into spells very easily.

Using the dragon's blood in his own body as a guide, using his spirit and chanting dragon texts to guide his power, all the elemental power that he just used to activate the Fenghou Qimen and scientific rituals can be operated in a specific way.

Under the guidance of Zheng Shu's spirit, a large amount of elemental power was quickly gathered in the sky. The high concentration of dragon blood caused the originally extremely cumbersome dragon chant to be compressed into a single syllable:



The people present suddenly felt the wind blowing. In this not-so-hot month, bursts of hot wind suddenly blew, making people feel as if they had come from the grassland to the desert in an instant.

A large amount of wind gathered around Zheng Shu's body, growing larger and larger, and finally formed a huge tornado visible to the naked eye.

But what is strange is that such a strong storm barely affected the lawn on the ground.

Although both human clothes and grass were swaying with the wind, the suction power was not as powerful as expected.

"What is this? An illusion? Or is it real?"

Bi Youlong's feet seemed to be firmly rooted in the earth. He grabbed Zhao Fangxu and Huang Boren, who were both unsteady, with two hands, one in each hand. He looked at the huge tornado surrounding Zheng Shu and narrowed his eyes. Keep thinking.

Soon, after the elements gathered with the storm reached a certain concentration above Zheng Shu, Zheng Shu's mental power "gently" moved the elemental group above him, destroying the already very A fragile balance.

boom! ! !

In the near-explosion, a super giant fireball with a diameter of more than fifty meters appeared out of thin air, and quickly stabilized, maintaining this posture and quietly floating above the palm of Zheng Shu's previously raised hand.

"How can this be?!"

Looking at the giant fireball above Zheng Shu's head that was as calm as the sun, but also bursting with power at all times, Bi Youlong almost stared out of his eyes.

As a master of Qi training, he is naturally not as clueless as the two novices next to him as to what the concept is.

He knew very well that what Zheng Shu showed at this moment far exceeded the concept of "qi".

Even the old Heavenly Master on Longhu Mountain definitely does not have such terrifying power!

After Zheng Shu waited for the fireball above his head to stabilize, he lowered his head and glanced at the various materials that had been placed directly below. He stretched out his hand and the materials were lifted up by invisible hands and thrown into the fireball.

Under extremely high temperatures, these materials quickly turned into liquid metal and were smelted together.

But no one knew that when the liquid metal flowed to the bottom of the fireball seemingly inadvertently, Zheng Shu's palm also shone with a faint light.

Under the cover of the dazzling light of the high-temperature fireball, the materials he needed were also converted into information state by the weapons of God in the thinking information state, and were temporarily stored inside Zheng Shu's body.

The amount of high-density metal required to forge the God's Arms is too much, and it will definitely not be able to come together in one ceremony alone. However, Zheng Shu is not in a hurry. After this ceremony is successful, someone will soon eagerly give it to him. Material.

After all the required materials were converted into a state of mental information and stored, Zheng Shu directed the gold and silver that had been melted into liquid inside the fireball to be mixed together in a certain ratio, and mixed with a large number of elements to form A special magic alloy.

"Well, the elements within the range are almost consumed. This level of elemental vacuum should be enough."

The shape of the palm changed slightly, and the entire fireball expanded rapidly and turned into a transparent red hemispheric barrier, completely wrapping the area where Zheng Shu needed to perform the ritual, ensuring that external elements would not be added to the interior.

While the magic metal liquid above his head had not yet cooled down, Zheng Shu pointed his hand towards the sky again.

Under the pull of mental power, the rather small mass of metallic liquid above the head suddenly stretched out countless tiny "tentacles" and flew rapidly into the distance.

In just a few seconds, these metal tentacles covered the ground and mid-air wrapped by the red barrier. Under the guidance of mental power, their shapes quickly changed, and soon they formed complex three-dimensional structures one after another. Array.

"Quick! Record it carefully! This is a rare sight!"

At this time, Huang Boren didn't care whether what Zheng Shu did could really resurrect the dead. Just seeing these magic circles that made people dizzy at a glance, he knew that this thing was definitely not that simple.

He quickly ordered his men to make sure not to miss any details.

This is also one of the cooperations Zheng Shu proposed to the company before. He can let these people make detailed records when he performs the resurrection ritual, and even provide personal guidance.

As for the company, if Zheng Shu's resurrection ceremony can be successful, then in order to obtain these things, they will only have to pay a small price of "100 million points".

Soon, a hemispherical complex three-dimensional magic circle was constructed from these extremely thin magic metals.

Zheng Shu stood on the altar, looking at the magic circle with a proud smile on his face.

This... is the pinnacle of his current technology that combines all his knowledge.

Based on the magic circle used by Medea to resurrect the gods, it integrates the alchemy, living spirit sealing technology, dragon bone bottle manufacturing technology of the dragon world, the doll manufacturing technology, necromantic magic, and sealing technology of the moon world. The Qi and Eight Wonders of the Lower World...

All in all, this seemingly extremely complicated formation brought together most of the knowledge Zheng Shu had collected in the three worlds.

Because the physical rules of the world are stricter under one person, it is much more difficult to resurrect the dead than in the previous two worlds.

But precisely because of this, Zheng Shu had the opportunity to sort out all his knowledge so far.

"This...is my magic!"

That’s right! Such technology has far surpassed the existence of magic and has reached the level of magic.

After all, magic refers to things that modern technology can do, while magic refers to miracles that technology cannot do.

Resurrecting the dead is a miracle that has never been possible in this world with technology.

Even after returning to the Xingyue world, Zheng Shu can now hold his head high and show that he is a magician.

"Oh, no, it's not completely finished yet, but I can't call myself a magician for the time being."

Zheng Shu came back from his excitement, stretched out his hand, and placed the ice coffin carrying Liao Zhong's body in front of him.

"Then, the last step!"

He raised his hand to send a signal to the people in the distance. After seeing Zheng Shu waving, Manager Wang of the bunker immediately commanded the surrounding staff.

"Quick! There's a signal. Push all the cages containing live pigs within the scope of the ceremony. Be careful not to let yourself in!"

Hum hum……

Amidst the grunting of a group of live pigs, a few of these Kwaitong employees who were standing at the position designated by Zheng Shu in advance immediately pushed the iron cage with the pulley towards the area shrouded by the transparent red barrier.

The iron cage and the pigs inside showed no change after coming into contact with the transparent barrier, and were transported in very easily.

However, all the staff members remembered the instructions of their team leader. At the last moment, they just applied a little force and let the cage slide in by inertia without letting their bodies come into contact with the barrier.

"Huh...huh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

As soon as they entered the barrier, these live pigs, which were relatively calm at first, suddenly let out extremely miserable screams, and their bodies were constantly bumping against the cage, as if they were trying to break away from the iron cage and escape.

Seeing the behavior of the pigs inside, several well-versed staff members trembled and calmly took a few steps back, moving themselves further away from the barrier.

At this time, Zheng Shu had used his own power to activate the entire magic circle. Under the sunlight, the entire area within the scope of the ceremony was glowing with a faint light.

As time went by, the resistance of the pigs in the iron cages became less and less, and finally they lay exhausted in the cages and groaned softly.

The innate energy in their bodies was transformed round after round by the magic circle, and finally poured into Liao Zhong's corpse under the guidance of Zheng Shu, and helped him reshape his body based on the genetic information of the cells in his body.

After all the cells were repaired, the remaining innate energy was poured into Liao Zhong's corpse under Zheng Shu's command.

At this time, the external magic circle also came into play at the same time. Under the brighter light, Liao Zhong's fingers suddenly trembled abnormally.

"It's done!"

Zheng Shu saw the movements of Liao Zhong's fingers with sharp eyes, so he slowly stopped the resurrection ceremony.

The original faint light inside the magic circle dimmed, and the red transparent barrier quickly dissipated like bubbles. The magic metals that made up the three-dimensional magic circle in mid-air also broke with subtle breaking sounds and turned into wires. fell to the ground.

"Is this...finished?"

The people around were curiously looking at the scene in the center. Those who were not strong enough, such as Zhao Fangxu and Huang Boren, were also observing the movements inside through the mirror images captured by the cameras.

"Old Liao seems to be quiet. Did he fail?"

There was a hint of obvious disappointment in Huang Boren's voice. Although he didn't have much faith in the ability to resurrect the dead from the beginning, Zheng Shu's posture just now still calmed him down.

Unfortunately, after the confirmation ceremony was completed, Liao Zhong's body still did not show any major changes.

"Wait a minute..." Zhao Fangxu was still sitting in front of the monitor, but he seemed a little less confident now.

After Zheng Shu tidied up the things on the altar, he turned around and looked at Liao Zhong, who was still lying motionless in the ice coffin.

After taking a look at his current state, a smile appeared on Zheng Shu's lips.

"Hey, wake up!"

Suddenly, Zheng Shu's hand swung down violently, and the whistling sound looked like it was going to smash Liao Zhong and the ice coffin under him together.


As the palm fell, the ice coffin shattered, but Liao Zhong, who was originally lying inside, disappeared.

A black shadow flashed past Zheng Shu's side. While using his hands to grab Zheng Shu's arm, he also shouted a voice.

"Who are you? What is your purpose..."


Before he could finish his words, Liao Zhong, who had just rushed towards him with great force, was pinned to the ground by Zheng Shu with one hand.

"Hey! He's so alive and kicking. It seems he's in good condition after his resurrection."

"Who are you? What do you want to do?!"

Liao Zhong didn't react for a moment, and his body lying on the ground struggled desperately, but he was horrified to find that the hand holding his head was like welded iron, and he couldn't shake it even if he tried his best.

"Calm down and recall it carefully. There should be nothing missing in your memory." Zheng Shu held Liao Zhong down with one hand, squatted beside him, and said slowly.

"What nonsense are you talking about?! If you want to interfere with your grandfather's mind, you..."

After cursing and cursing, Liao Zhong's reaction gradually calmed down, and his struggling body began to relax. He fell down on the grassland, and his mind fell into chaos.

Zheng Shu smiled slightly when he saw this, and let go of the hand pressing his head.

"I...was rescued? When did the company have such technology? No! Where is Chen Duo, Chen Duo?! You must not embarrass her, she was just confused by the bad guys!"

Liao Zhong suddenly jumped up from the ground, his fierce face looking a little anxious.

"Okay, calm down. Whose hospital do you think is located on such a deserted grassland?"

Zheng Shu waved towards the distance, indicating to those observing on the periphery that they could come over now.

"Then this is..."

"Oh, it's no big deal, you just died and then I resurrected you."


Looking at Liao Zhong who looked confused, and then at those people who were walking cautiously and it would probably take some time to come over, Zheng Shu thought for a while and told the story about Chen Duo and the third one he gave her. Choose to describe it in the most concise language.

"...Basically for this reason, I will resurrect you later."

"Wait a minute! I won't care if what you said earlier is true or false. Are you saying that you resurrected me? Impossible!"

In addition to being one of the leaders of the company, Liao Zhong was also the main person in charge of the bunker. Although he knew nothing about technology, it was no exaggeration to say that he basically knew the most advanced technology in the alien world and had never heard of it. I have said that there is also technology that can bring the dead back to life.

"It's true, Lao Liao, you were indeed dead before, and then it was all thanks to Taoist Master Zheng who brought you back to life."

Zhao Fangxu's voice came from the side. After such a long time, he finally came to the two of them. The reason why he walked so slowly was mainly to avoid the broken magic wires on the ground.

Behind him, Bi Youlong and Huang Boren were directing the Mdoutong employees present, carefully collecting the metal wires on the ground bit by bit like ants.

Even temporary workers like Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao were sent to squat on the ground to pick them up. It looked like they didn't want to let go of even a scrap.

Zheng Shu could even see through electromagnetic waves that Er Zhuang took over Zhao Fangxu's order and ordered the Nardoutong employees who were on alert in the distance to send more people to help search for the wire.

"Zhao... Director Zhao." Liao Zhong's eyes became a little wandering when he saw Zhao Fangxu.

"Liao Zhong, the company and I are very disappointed in you for what happened this time. You invested too much emotion in Chen Duo, and you didn't use rational judgment at all in emergencies. You should know that people like Chen Duo How dangerous is it if your existence is running around uncontrollably? You are taking the safety of all people's lives as a trifle!"

When Zhao Fangxu faced the newly resurrected Liao Zhong, he had no idea of ​​reminiscing about the past. Instead, he scolded him as soon as he came up.

"Director Zhao...I failed in my duty this time."

Liao Zhong did not dare to refute. He had always been unruly and unruly, but now he could only stand there and be scolded bloody.

"We know that you have invested a lot of emotions in Chen Duo and feel very sorry for her, but just because of this reason, do you want to pay the price with more people's lives?! Do you know that other people also have Their parents and children, should they die?!"

Zhao Fangxu caught Liao Zhong and scolded him for a long time. He stopped only after he was out of breath.

"Huh... forget it, there's no point in scolding you now. The company will deal with the matter between you and Chen Duo seriously later. I don't want to deal with you now."

After saying this, Zhao Fangxu turned to look at Zheng Shu again, his expression returning to the smiling look before.

"Daozhang Zheng, I really didn't expect this. This is an achievement worthy of being recorded in history. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, but I'm also curious. Chairman Zhao seems to have had great confidence in me from the beginning?" Zheng Shu asked very directly.

"Haha, this matter... I can't talk about it now, but the little Taoist priest will know about it in a few days."

(8,000 words added, this month’s debt is finally paid off.)

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