Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 473 Another animal ear!

"No, no, don't hit! Didn't you see? This kid's face!"

Men from Close Encounters of the Third Kind did not dare to resist women's accusations and could only hide their heads and run away.

He yelled as he ran, but the cold image he had shown previously had completely collapsed.

"Face? Isn't this very ordinary? Is there anything special about it?"

The woman came to Zheng Shu in confusion, and even wanted to reach out and pinch his cheek.

Zheng Shu leaned back to avoid the other party's attempt to take advantage of him, and explained to the man with a smile.

"Well... for some special reasons, ordinary people do look like this when they look at me, but if they are some special people or simply non-human creatures, they can see my true face."

"So you're a douchebag?"

"...What you said on horseback is so reasonable that I can't refute it." Zheng Shu was silent for a moment, with a bit of gritted teeth in his voice.

"A good boy can't curse, so what does your real face look like?" The woman reached out and touched Zheng Shu's head, then turned to look at the man.

"That... is very beautiful." After struggling for a while, the man uttered these words hesitantly.

"I hate it. We are an old married couple. I know I am beautiful!"


With another slap, the man staggered as he was slapped by the woman, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Zheng Shu glanced at the man who looked aggrieved but didn't dare to say anything, scratched his head, and directly said that he was good-looking, which seemed a bit too narcissistic.

"Ah, actually, among the information I brought, the company hired someone to draw a portrait for you. I remember that the employee studied the secret painting line that is about to be lost, so the painting is quite similar."

Liao Zhong also discovered that something was wrong at this time. Naturally, the company had already discovered the problem with Zheng Shu's appearance. Although it was not clear why there was a completely ordinary girl in the third-type contact department, he Still helped them come up with ideas.

"Oh, really? Can you show me?" The woman's eyes lit up.

"That's no problem." After taking out the painting from the car and handing it to the woman, Liao Zhong also took the initiative to say goodbye. "By the way, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for me to stay here, so I'll leave first."

"Okay, please, comrade."

Watching Liao Zhong drive away, the woman opened the file in her hand, and her eyes showed surprise after just one glance.

"So beautiful! I didn't even know there was such a thing."

"That's obviously because you didn't read the information they handed over carefully." The man squatted aside and muttered quietly.

"What did you say? Didn't you look at it?! Otherwise, you could have reminded me from the beginning."

"Are these two people...really reliable?"

Listening to the interaction between the two, Zheng Shu pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache.

He didn't understand what the people in the third contact department were thinking. From what these two people said, it could be inferred that even if it was a husband and wife team who came up with the mission, neither of them was willing to read the information.

No, you are so unprofessional. How do you ensure that you can solve the problems you encounter?

The woman picked up the folder again, and while looking at the paintings on it, she looked at Zheng Shu's face, and suddenly she let out a smirk.


"What's wrong?" The man impatiently walked to the woman's side.

"I finally understand why you, Ersha, got such a bad look when you saw this kid. Is it because you are jealous? Oh, really, do you think I will fall in love so easily? Don't do it just because you are tall. You can’t be jealous just because you’re not as beautiful as others!”

"Nonsense...nonsense! It's just that this guy is too pretty and reminds me of a certain bastard!" The man defended with a blushing face.

"Look, you're admitting it now. It was that bastard who confessed to me before you."


Zheng Shu looked at the two people who were unknowingly starting to fight again, sighed helplessly, and stopped them.

"You two, before you start flirting again, could you please resolve the doubts in my mind?"

"Ah, kids nowadays really dare to say anything!" The woman looked shy and covered her face, then slapped the man next to her away.

After the man whom the woman called the second killer was sent flying, he silently stood up after a few rolls to relieve his strength, and came to Zheng Shu's eyes.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ersha and her name is Wenshan. The two of us are now the heads of the East Asia region of the Third Contact Department."

"Zheng Shu, you should have seen my name in the information." Zheng Shu nodded towards the second killer, "However, as the person in charge of the entire East Asia region, you personally came to pick me up because of the Is the 'matter' too serious?"

"Of course, after all, we are quite responsible people!" Wenshan suddenly raised her head nervously, as if to increase the persuasiveness of her words.

"No, it's just because we are too busy."

The cold-faced Ersha exposed her lie without hesitation. Under Wenshan's eyes, which wanted to kill someone, he continued to introduce the situation of the third-type contact related departments to Zheng Shu in a cold tone.

"The total number of third-category contact-related incidents that occur globally in a year may not exceed a hundred, and there will be a large number of false alarms. If averaged across so many regions around the world, it would be one per region. There are only a handful of missions that can be carried out this year.”

"Ah, I probably understand. No wonder I haven't heard any rumors related to this." Zheng Shu nodded clearly.

Based on this calculation, the person in charge of a region may not need to deal with more than ten incidents in a year. Divided by the huge population base of East Asia, encountering a third-type contact is probably about the same as winning the lottery.

Moreover, the small number of events means that it is easier to control information, and it becomes easier to conceal relevant information.

"So the selection criteria for this department should be extremely elite..." Zheng Shu took a deep look at the man and woman in front of him.

"In fact, there were not many incidents related to the third type of contact on the earth in the past, and a huge department was even developed as a result. But after a certain incident, the number of aliens coming to the earth decreased sharply, so the personnel of the entire department also Massive cuts.”

Ersha seemed to understand Zheng Shu's thoughts, so he gave an additional explanation.

Zheng Shu glanced at him in surprise. Unexpectedly, this man had a cold face, but he was surprisingly warm-hearted inside.


"Is it appropriate to tell me this kind of information? Although I'm just new to it, if I'm not mistaken, your department should be a highly confidential department, right?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter. You are different from most people in the third kind of contact incidents. In terms of confidentiality, you are the one with the highest confidentiality!"

Wenshan ran to Zheng Shu's side at some point, grabbed his hand and walked forward:

"Let's go, get in the car first, I'll take you to the command center, and I'll explain other things to you in detail when we get there."

Zheng Shu looked at Wen Shan in front of him, his eyebrows twitched unconsciously, and then turned to look at the second killer next to him, only to find that the other person looked like he was used to it.

So Zheng Shu didn't resist and followed her lead and got into the car.

The entire journey was silent.

A few hours later, the three people successfully arrived at the third contact department’s command center in the capital.

The command center looks like an ordinary office building from the outside, but compared to other office buildings, the flow of people is much less.

Following the two of them into the office building, Zheng Shu was keenly aware that the moment he stepped into the doorway, several eyes looked over at him. At the same time, several infrared rays and monitors were turned towards his direction. However, after noticing that the leader Those looking at him were Ersha and Wenshan, and then their gazes were withdrawn.

The interior of the office building was also slightly deserted, and the number of staff inside was much larger than Zheng Shu had initially expected.

“The staff here are mainly responsible for monitoring, reviewing and helping people who have had third-type contact, or even alien life forms.

For most targets, we will let them return to society after confirming that they are not harmful, but they will be reviewed every once in a while. At the same time, we will also provide appropriate financial or social help to those who have difficulties in life...

All in all, for those targets that do not pose much harm to human society, we mainly focus on appeasement. After all, this is also a continuation of the handling method of the predecessor of this department, and those alien life forms are also more accepting of this. …”

As they walked, Wenshan introduced Zheng Shu very enthusiastically, and also greeted several staff members around her. Er Sha still had a cold face, but judging from the staff's reaction, Er Sha seemed to be more popular than Wen Shan.

"Alien life forms? Are there alien life forms active on the earth now?" Zheng Shu captured one of the key points in Wen Shan's words.

"Of course, although the existence of alien life forms has long been confirmed, most of the information has been concealed by high-level officials in various countries. We have maintained contact with high-level alien life forms since ancient times. In fact, some of them He has always lived beside you and me."

When Wenshan said this, her eyes unconsciously glanced at Ersha.

Zheng Shu was keenly aware of this look, but he did not ask about it, but asked another question.

"You seemed to have said 'the predecessor of this department' just now. Has the Third Contact Department experienced any changes?"

"Of course, but Ersha is more familiar with this aspect... Ah, I'm already in the office, come in first."

Stopping in front of a rather heavy-looking electric door, Wenshan reached out and pressed on the wall next to it.

After a green light quickly scanned the palm prints, the pair of double electric doors in front of her slowly opened, revealing the "office" she called it.

By the way, can this thing really be considered an office?

Zheng Shu looked at the scene inside the door, showing an expression of wonder even with his knowledge.

The entire room was extremely spacious, and Zheng Shu even suspected that this "room" directly occupied half of the area of ​​this office building.

Except for the huge desk in the center and the comfortable boss chair, the rest of the place doesn't look like an office at all.

Next to the desk is a set of sofas and coffee tables where people can sit around and drink tea. If that were the case, there wouldn't be any problem. The problem lies in the "shop" next to the coffee table!

Although there are only robots as shop assistants, Zheng Shu has already seen the various milk teas and juices on the sign.

There is also an artificial beach on one side of the office with several deck chairs, and a huge amusement park on the other side.

In addition, other scattered small facilities are also eye-opening. These things have no sense of violation in a tourist area, but appearing in an "office" is definitely problematic!

"This is……"

"Ah, because we occasionally entertain alien life forms here. The customs of many alien life forms are completely different from humans, so we must take care of their related emotions. Don't be too polite, just relax as you like."

As soon as Wenshan entered the door, she rushed towards a huge water bed and lay on it as if she didn't want to move.

Zheng Shu and Ersha glanced at each other, and unanimously chose the sofa and coffee table on the other side.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Just water."

Hearing Zheng Shu's words, the robot in the store in the distance immediately took out two glasses of water and brought them in front of the two of them, put them respectfully on the coffee table and stepped back.

"As for the question you just asked, the predecessor of the Third Contact Department was actually an organization called Great Love."

Ersha's words drew Zheng Shu's attention away from the robot. Hearing the name, Zheng Shu tilted his head in confusion: "Great love."


Nodding, Ersha thought about it for a while, and then told Zheng Shu about the great love in detail.

Strictly speaking, the so-called Great Love is not an organization on earth, but a department in the interstellar alliance composed of highly developed alien civilizations.

The purpose of Daai's establishment at the beginning was to find those alien citizens who were trapped in remote areas for various reasons, and to provide a certain degree of "humanitarian help."

By the way, the earth plays the role of a "remote country" here.

In terms of nature, this organization is probably similar to a combination of the United Nations peacekeeping forces and the Red Cross on Earth today.

However, for the constellations that have joined the Interstellar Alliance, the Great Love Organization is just a legendary existence and is difficult to see, just like peacekeeping troops are rarely seen in developed countries.

And backward planets like the Earth, which cannot even join the interstellar alliance, are of course the main targets of the Great Love Organization. For a long time, there have been branches of the Great Love Organization on the earth.

"Until some reason, the Daai organization evacuated the earth, the current third-type contact department was re-established based on the previous personnel of this organization." Ersha did not explain in detail what the reason was.

"I see." Zheng Shu nodded, and then asked the last question, "Then I would like to ask, I was notified earlier that my tribe was discovered, what does this mean?"

Ersha was silent for a moment, then suddenly reached out and took off the hat on his head.

"Oh...this really surprises me."

Zheng Shu was stunned when he saw his head. There was a pair of ears similar to the animal ears on his head!

Unconsciously, he raised his hand and touched the hat on his head. Zheng Shu then took off the hat without hesitation. The bun on his head was automatically untied, and a pair of animal ears were revealed from Zheng Shu's hair. .

For a moment, the two pairs of animal ears began to tremble unconsciously.

(I have slightly changed the setting of the original work. The original setting is that the Great Love Organization is an organization on Earth, but it cannot explain why, as an organization on a backward planet, there are a large number of aliens among its internal members. This setting There were too many loopholes in the order, so I simply changed it.

Also, take a day off on New Year’s Day! )

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