Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 476 The purpose and transaction behind it

After Ersha heard Wenshan's words, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably twice, and his eyes unconsciously glanced at the console next to him.

Judging from the energy index fed back above, the energy equivalent of the aftermath of this "discussion" between these two people has exceeded that of a medium-sized war.

This was just the aftermath. Even the second killer couldn't imagine how terrifying the power these two people poured into each other, and how powerful the bodies that could withstand this power were.

"Forget it, next time I see those guys, let them upgrade this training ground for me." Wenshan seemed to have thought of something and stopped worrying about it, but waved towards Zheng Shu.

"Well done, you have good strength. I have rarely been able to play so happily."

"Compared to you, I'm still a little behind."

Zheng Shu shook his head. Although the battle just now seemed evenly matched to outsiders, Zheng Shu knew that he was actually at a disadvantage. However, because he could summon instant noodles to fill the energy gap, and he could also manipulate life force to treat injuries, it seemed like It's just a tie.

If we just talk about physical strength and close combat ability, Zheng Shu confirms that he is indeed no match for Wenshan now. He probably needs to wait until his body reaches adulthood before the two sides can be equal in strength in this area.

"Fortunately, what I am best at is not close combat." Zheng Shu muttered to himself.

Although he has more blood, thick defense, strong strength, and is quite good at close combat, but seriously speaking, Zheng Shu is actually a legal unit.

Although he often uses his body to solve battles, it is only because of personal preference or necessity.

Before using Alter's enhanced template, Zheng Shu was a genuine legal unit.

"Hey, you are so powerful at such a young age, and you still have a long way to go in the future, so don't be discouraged."

After leaving the training ground, Wenshan carelessly touched Zheng Shu's head:

"After all, my strength can no longer increase, and you still have unlimited possibilities."

"My strength can no longer increase. Are you injured in some way?"

Zheng Shu was a little confused. In fact, he was also confused about Wenshan's strength. No matter how he looked at it, he was just an ordinary earthling, but he was able to explode with such powerful power and had that weird transformation. Way……

It is no exaggeration to say that if Zheng Shu had not been able to replenish his energy with the almost endless supply of instant noodles on the panel, in terms of energy reserve alone, he would really not be able to compare with the person in front of him.

And after going through the battle just now, Wenshan didn't look tired at all, as if the amount of energy she had just released was not worth mentioning.

The laws of this world are very strict, and the elements in the outside world are also extremely barren. With the intensity of the battle between the two just now, there is no option to draw energy from the outside world to restore physical strength while fighting.

Zheng Shu now even wonders whether there is a heavy nuclear reactor in Wenshan's body like Ort.

"Injured? That's not true. In fact, I don't have any special powers. The reason why I am so strong is purely an accident."

"Wenshan!" Ersha suddenly spoke after closing the training ground door, interrupting Wenshan's next words.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. This matter is not a secret at all in the eyes of many advanced civilization aliens. It doesn't matter if one more person knows." Wen Shan waved her hand indifferently, looking quite free and easy.

"What accident?" Zheng Shu became curious.

"Remember the pink jelly-like Pu Ling star next to Wang Zhenqiu? Because of the physical characteristics of the Pu Ling star, they can store some substances in their bodies and cannot be detected by the interstellar joint detection ship, so the appearance of this nation Starmen are often used by smugglers to transport contraband.

And that guy is also a smuggler. He actually came to Earth with a dangerous product. "

Wenshan walked back to the previous office with Zheng Shu as she spoke, while Ersha stood aside with a cold face, seemingly dissatisfied with Wenshan for telling the matter so easily.

"After that guy smuggled to Earth, he got separated from his accomplices due to an accident, and had no choice but to live in my body. And in the process, some of the 'things' originally hidden in his body were integrated into mine. Body."

"What?" Zheng Shu widened his eyes curiously.

"Five Stone Powder, the black market calls it 'capsule', but the official name of that thing is Five Stone Powder."

Ersha took the words next to him, although he still had a cold face, but since it was his wife's idea, he could only support it.

"These things are biological weapons embedded in the genes of humanoid life forms. People who absorb Wushisan will stimulate the instinct to fight and gain powerful strength that matches their habits. Because of their special structure, the Puling people do not exist themselves. Genes are such a thing, so they can hide the Five Stones in their bodies."

After another detailed explanation from Ersha, Zheng Shu probably understood.

This so-called Five Stone Powder is actually an external weapon, but it is of biological type. To be specific, it is probably like the Venom Symbiote in the Marvel world.

However, the venom is parasitic on the body surface and skin of the host, while biological weapons like Wu Shi Powder can be parasitic on the cells and genes of living things.

No wonder Wenshan has such a powerful power, but she was judged by the panel that humans cannot see Zheng Shu's true face, because in essence, she is actually equivalent to driving a biological exoskeleton mecha.


Zheng Shu suddenly understood. If you put it this way, Wenshan might actually have a heavy element reactor in her body.

If Zheng Shu had gone through this matter in his mind and not pursued it further, he would not have the energy to think about and explore heavy element reaction technology for the time being.

What he cares about now is another thing...

"Five Stone San? This name..."

"Too rich in the style of the earth, or the country, isn't it?"

With the "ding" of the elevator, several people had returned to the floor where the office was located.

After returning to the office, Wenshan obviously relaxed a lot and sat back on the soft sofa. She took over Zheng Shu's words and answered his questions.

"Because Five Stone Powder was developed by researchers on Earth."


Zheng Shu looked puzzled. This thing was definitely not something that could be developed with Earth's current technology.

Besides, if the earth has such technology, will it be the turn of those aliens to perform?

If Zheng Shu remembers correctly, during the Nathan Island incident, the top biotechnology displayed by the major American companies was only SP reagents that could turn ordinary people into aliens.

And from a plot point of view, except for the initial version of SP1 reagent, the performance of other versions of SP reagent can only be regarded as quite average.

Moreover, even the two people created by the SP1 reagent, which has the highest mortality rate and the most powerful effect, are far inferior to Lao Tianshi in terms of combat effectiveness, and even cannot reach Wenshan's normal combat effectiveness.

"Although it was studied by researchers on Earth, both the data and the equipment were actually provided by extraterrestrial civilizations. To be more precise, some extraterrestrial civilizations contacted a top-level organization on Earth through the Great Love Organization Research institute conducted research. And the product of this research is Five Stone Powder."

Wenshan leaned on the sofa, looked up at the ceiling, and recalled the helpless smile on that person's face when he told her these things.

"It would be understandable if it was alien technology... But why do they want the Earth to help with research? Since they can provide equipment and data, it should be faster for them to do their own research, right?" Zheng Shu had a vague answer in his heart.

“Some highly developed alien civilizations have formed a coalition, which is the so-called United Interstellar.

There are various conventions in the alliance, including restrictions on technologies that may cause great harm. Planets that have joined the interstellar alliance but violate these conventions will be severely punished.

For this reason, some planets in the Interstellar Federation have found loopholes in these regulations. As a backward planet that has not yet joined the Interstellar Federation, the Earth is not subject to the restrictions of these conventions, so some illegal research is arranged to be conducted on the Earth, such as Five Stone Powder is just one of them.

The branches of the Great Love Organization on Earth and the local forces on Earth did not reject them in order to please those planets. "

"Then the car overturned?" Zheng Shu understood the subsequent result as soon as he heard it.

"Yes, among these illegal researches, genes are one of the most strictly restricted technologies, so this matter was finally known to the Interstellar Federation. Those planets that violated the convention were sanctioned, but although the Earth side will not He was sanctioned, but basically cut off the possibility of joining the Interstellar Alliance." Wen Shan showed a mocking smile on her face.

“In order to express remorse to the Interstellar Federation, the Great Love Organization on Earth at that time even proposed a way: to obliterate all researchers involved in Wu Shi San!

However, they did not expect that the efficiency of Earth's researchers was so high, and they were able to research the Five Stone Powder in a short period of time. Before being executed, a researcher consumed a Five Stone Powder. With the help of the power provided by Wushisan, he not only survived, but also escaped from the pursuit of the Daai organization and escaped into the universe. "

"I probably understand, but were the forces on Earth so stupid at that time?"

"Hey, it's a special form. When the Earth came into contact with the Great Love Organization, the pattern on this planet happened to be one superpower with multiple powers, so you probably know who was in charge of the contact between the Earth and the outside world at that time. With those guys It’s normal for things like this to happen due to greed.”

Wenshan's eyes narrowed as she smiled, as if she enjoyed seeing some guys being unlucky.

"I see, then do you have anything else to do?"

Hearing Zheng Shu's question, Wenshan and Ersha looked at each other and shrugged awkwardly:

"No, no, in fact, even dragging you to spar was my extra motivation. Oh, by the way, just leave my contact number and contact us if anything happens in the future. Nothing else will happen."

"Okay, I'll take my leave then. I had a great time playing today."

Zheng Shu patted his clothes, stood up from the sofa and prepared to say goodbye.

"Okay, be careful on the road. Since everyone is so familiar with each other, we won't see you off."

Wenshan lay lazily on the sofa and waved her hands. She didn't seem to be ready to see him off at all. Even Ersha was lying lazily on a softer recliner in another place.

Seeing that neither of them planned to see him off, Zheng Shu shrugged indifferently and walked to the door to leave.

But just when he was about to open the door and leave, he stopped again, turned to look at Wenshan lying on the sofa, and asked a question.

"Can I ask you about your real purpose in telling me the previous information?"

"Oh, I've been discovered." Wenshan still had the same lazy expression, not at all ashamed of being seen through.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, because you have already joined this circle and may deal with those aliens in the future, so I just want to remind you.

You are very strong. I am afraid that you have never met anyone stronger than yourself since you were born. But I want to remind you that the Interstellar Alliance is stronger. "Wenshan's face showed a rare serious expression.

"From what I just said, you should have realized that genetic technology that is strictly prohibited by the Interstellar Federation can create strong men like me. But for the Interstellar Federation, genetic technology is only banned because it is 'harmful' , not because the 'threat' is great."

Looking at Zheng Shu who turned around, Wenshan continued to warn him seriously.

"For some reasons, I have also traveled in the universe, and I know that my strength is considered to be at the top among the powerful people in the entire universe. But even so, when facing those powerful civilizations, I am just an easily influenced person. They are just dangerous elements to 'security'. So, don't rashly provoke those civilizations just because you are strong."

After giving the instructions with a serious expression, Wenshan seemed to realize that what she said was a bit too preachy, and Wenshan's expression returned to gentleness.

"Of course, generally no one will deliberately mess with you. After all, with your strength, you can get a good status in any civilization in the universe. After all, people like us really have to play assassination if they are pressed. They will also feel a headache when the time comes.”

"I understand, thank you for reminding me." Zheng Shu nodded gently towards Wenshan, then opened the door and left.

He has almost figured out that the relationship between the strong people and powerful civilizations in the universe is probably similar to the relationship between aliens and powerful countries on the earth.

"Essentially, it's just an enlarged version of the alien world, so it's much easier to deal with..."

After Zheng Shu left the room and closed the door completely, Ersha, who was lying lazily on the recliner next to him, suddenly sat up seriously.

"Why did you suddenly come to compete with him this time? And it's still in that training ground. You should know that there are their spies in that training ground."

"Don't be too nervous, Ersha, just relax and take it easy."

Wenshan didn't pay attention to Ersha's serious expression at all. She stretched out comfortably and lay on the soft sofa without any image.

"Of course I knew there were spies in that training ground. In fact, I did it on purpose."

Wenshan opened her eyes and looked at the blue sky and white clouds projected on the ceiling, her expression gradually became serious.

"What this little guy caused is too big this time. The technology that can resurrect people from the dead...not even those powerful alien civilizations. Since it can resurrect people on earth, then 70% of the people in this universe The above civilizations can also directly use this technology.

Although the country keeps secrets very well, for a civilization of that level, there are no so-called secrets on this planet. Speaking of which, this time I was the one who got involved. "

"You want to say that if it weren't for your existence, those civilizations wouldn't have been monitoring the earth for a long time, right?"

Ersha walked to Wenshan's side, stretched out his hand to caress the top of her head, and stroked her slowly, as if to comfort and encourage each other.

"Don't think so. If it weren't for your existence, there would be many third-type contact incidents on this planet, and it would still be impossible to cover up his technology.

In fact, this technology was discovered not by interstellar pirates, but by those powerful civilizations, which made me breathe a sigh of relief. Judging from the little guy's attitude, he doesn't mind teaching his technology to others. For those powerful civilizations, they don't bother to use conspiracy to obtain things with a price. "

"Yes, after all, the transaction between higher civilization and lower civilization...isn't that what exchanging glass balls for gold is like?" Wenshan laughed mockingly, seeming to be laughing at the hypocrisy of those higher civilizations.

"I also knew about this, so after noticing his strength, I took him to the training ground to have a discussion.

But his strength is indeed beyond my expectation. I originally thought that this little guy's strength can only surpass you. In this way, after the small civilizations later know about this, at least they will not dare to use any dirty tricks. But since he has such strength, those big civilizations should also pay attention when trading with him..."

Er Sha glanced at his wife. Although her expression was still the same, the long time of getting along with her made him aware of the changes in his partner's mood.

"You look relaxed?"

"Of course, Second Kill. After so many years, the entire earth has relied on my own force to support me. It's really tiring! The technology of Wu Shi San was still advanced at the time, but after so many years, it has already fallen behind. Skilled." Wenshan stretched out her hands to hold Er Sha's face while lying on her back, staring closely at her partner.

"You also know our situation. Those civilizations cannot give me the opportunity to 'upgrade', so my strength can only be maintained like this. In a few decades, I am afraid that my strength will not be able to keep up with the development of technology. It has been eliminated. When the time comes, the earth will return to that state of being at the mercy of others.

However, this little guy appeared. He is very powerful. Even if he is not yet an adult, he can beat me on par. After I am eliminated, that little guy can take my place and continue to protect the earth. "

"Is that all?"

"Of course there are others."

Wenshan chuckled, and suddenly wrapped her arms around Er Sha's neck, jerking his body downwards so that his face was tightly close to hers.

"Isn't it because I wanted to maintain my fighting ability that I didn't dare to get pregnant before? Now that my replacement has appeared, we can have a baby now!"

"What...what...what! What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Ersha's face suddenly turned red, his ears began to beat unconsciously, and his tongue began to get knotted unconsciously.

"Oh, after so many years of marriage, you still act like such an innocent little boy. I love you, sister! Come on, don't resist, you can't run away!"

"Please wake up, it's still daytime!!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, little kitten, don't run away!"

The third-category contact department has already prepared a vehicle for Zheng Shu. Wenshan and Ersha should have arranged it in advance.

Zheng Shu sat in the back seat of the car and quickly returned to the bunker. Judging from the trajectory of the car heading straight into the bunker, it seemed that for the Third Contact Department, the level of secrecy of the company's bunker was not considered at all. secret.

However, Zheng Shu also understood that with Wenshan's fighting power and her identity as the speaker representing the communication between the earth and aliens, the power of the third contact department is definitely far greater than what they appear to be.

Seeing Zheng Shu come back so soon, both Liao Zhong and Zhao Fangxu were a little surprised. They originally thought that Zheng Shu would not be able to come back for a while after being taken away by the third-type contact department.

"Daozhang Zheng, are you moving so fast?"

Liao Zhong lowered his head and glanced at his watch. The two of them had gone out in the morning, but it was almost evening when Zheng Shu came back.

"Well, there's nothing special. The main thing is to register my information."

Zheng Shu didn't explain too much. Although Wenshan seemed heartless, Zheng Shu still felt from her behavior that she had some other thoughts.

But since Zheng Shu didn't feel any malice towards him from Wenshan, it didn't matter.

In fact, although Wenshan didn't say it, Zheng Shu could almost guess it. After all, he only exposed so much to the public.

According to their introduction to aliens, their resurrection circle may be effective on most aliens.

With the technology of the earth, it is almost impossible to conceal information from higher-level civilizations, so there is no need to think about it. The information about your resurrection circle is now most likely on the table of those alien civilizations.

Based on this inference, it is easy to guess that Wenshan's remaining actions were nothing more than showing off her muscles and gaining an opportunity to communicate as equally as possible.

Zheng Shu was happy to hear this. He originally took out this resurrection circle to trade with other people. Now that there are more trading partners, it is of course a good thing.

"Will Daozhang Zheng still be living in the bunker for the next few days?" Zhao Fangxu was a little curious. He originally thought that the third-type contact department wanted him there because of Zheng Shu's compound magic circle.

"Yes, didn't we already agree on a transaction? I will teach you the resurrection circle, and you will also provide me with the corresponding knowledge.

However, let me explain in advance that part of the usage principle of this resurrection circle is based on the talent of control between me and the innate energy. Without this talent, you may not be able to use it even if you learn it. "

"Of course, we all know this very well. We are very grateful to Xiao Dao Zhang if he is willing to hand over the magic circle to us. We will solve the remaining problems ourselves. By the way, the first batch of information for the transaction with you has been shipped, Xiao Dao Do you want to take a look now?" Zhao Fangxu still had that cheerful expression.

"So fast? Okay, then I will give you some guidance now?" Zheng Shu couldn't wait to hear it.

"Don't worry, it's already night now. The little Taoist priest should take a rest after a tiring day. Of course, you can also take those materials back to your room first."

"Director Zhao, you are a bright man!" Zheng Shu extended his thumb to Zhao Fangxu.

"Bonus, no prizes, but we actually took advantage of this deal."

The transaction between them was actually very rough and did not stipulate the specific transaction method and quantity. Zheng Shu just proposed that while he was guiding the company's employees to learn the resurrection circle, the company should also make every effort to collect all the various materials he needed for him. information and knowledge.

After the company finished learning the resurrection circle, the transaction between them came to an end.

Zheng Shu is very confident in his learning ability, so he is not worried about losing money. Zhao Fangxu's proposal actually gives Zheng Shu half a day more time.

Returning to the room where he lived before, Zheng Shu immediately saw the pile of extra books on the bookshelf.

Picking up a few books at random and flipping through them, even Zheng Shu couldn't help but sigh. A country-level force with a stable rule like this is indeed much better than an individual in collecting all kinds of knowledge and information.

Just by Zheng Shu randomly pulling out these few books without covers, he had already found the Golden Light Spell of the Tianshi Mansion, the Five Thunder Zhengfa, the Inner Alchemy Technique of his White Cloud Temple, and the Five Treasures Body Protection Technique of the Tang Sect. .

I randomly picked out a few books and read them casually, including the core techniques of sects such as Natural Sect and Huode Sect.

It is basically impossible for an individual to obtain the core skills of so many sects, but the company sent them to Zheng Shu so easily.

And in addition to the content of the exercises, there are also various test data and tips on the cultivation points of these exercises, each of which is as accurate and comprehensive as a paper.

"Hey, you can get the core skills of so many sects with just one resurrection circle. It's a huge profit!"

Looking at the books on the entire bookshelf in front of him, Zheng Shu simply pulled the entire bookshelf to the desk and studied it all night.

(Today’s 7,000 words, I’ve added a little more.)

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