"This time I was entrusted by Taoist Master Wang Ye to help you solve some problems."

Zheng Shu is behind Zhao Fangxu. Walking towards the depths of the bunker, the bunker should have been a very familiar place to Zheng Shu, but after just a few months, the place had changed drastically.

As the main research institute currently studying the Resurrection Array, the level of the bunker has been raised again and again, and the internal facilities and buildings are naturally being constantly updated, so Zheng Shu will now see a lot of things in the bunker. feel.

Wang Ye narrated the situation he was facing to Zhao Fangxu from the side. After getting along with him for so long, he had enough trust in Zhao Fangxu's character.

"So that's it. Although I really want to tell you to believe in the power of the group, I have to admit that some people in the team are really too eager.

But I also want to thank you for your decision. In your position, choosing to accept asylum should actually be a better way. Thank you so much. "

After hearing this, Zhao Fangxu sighed helplessly, thanked Zheng Shu and Wang Ye solemnly, and then looked at Zheng Shu with some doubts.

"Then, what is the method that Master Zheng mentioned?"

"Well...it's actually very simple. There should be suitable practitioners of Fenghou Qimen here, right?"

Zhao Fangxu glanced at Wang Ye and smiled awkwardly, but did not hide it:

"To be honest, there is indeed one. After Wang Taoist Master successfully presided over a resurrection of the magic circle, the country began to search for talents suitable to learn from Fenghou Qimen. Of course, everything we do is based on the principle of voluntariness, and all the people we recruit are People who come to learn Fenghou Qimen voluntarily after understanding the risks.”

For something as important as Fenghou Qimen, with the country's energy, it is of course possible to easily find out some information related to it, so the risks of Fenghou Qimen no longer become mysterious.

"Okay, then let's find someone to come over and give it a try!" Zheng Shu nodded.

"That's just right. The one who stayed in the bunker today didn't need to take this risk, but his study enthusiasm was quite high, so we made an exception and let him in." Zhao Fangxu said with a smile.

"Hiss... wait, after hearing what you said, I suddenly had a bad feeling." Wang Ye's face suddenly darkened, and he felt something was wrong.

"Daozhang Wang, we finally meet again. Sure enough, Kui'er's persistence is meaningful. I finally got this opportunity!" A tall and thick man ran over with excitement after seeing Wang Ye.

The moment he saw this person, Wang Ye's face showed visible disgust:

"Haha...haha, Chen Jinkui, Lord Kui! As the head of the Shuzi Sect, we shouldn't be so paranoid, right?!"

Zheng Shu ignored the noise over there, and the two of them turned to look at Zhao Fangxu: "Is it him?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen Jinkui, Chen, the head of the Shu Zi Sect, is also one of the ten. In terms of qualifications, there is absolutely no problem. Of course, on the other hand, it is definitely not so good." Zhao Fangxu looked at the scene in front of him without paying attention. illustrate.

But Zheng Shu knew very well that given the intensity of Chen Jinkui's desire for Fenghou Qimen, he would probably be obsessed with it forever in just a moment.

"But it's just right. It can be used to test whether my method is effective. By the way, if my method doesn't work, will the loss be counted on me?"

"Uh... are you not sure?" Zhao Fangxu looked confused.

"This thing has only been calculated in my imagination and has not been used. Of course I don't know if it is really useful." Zheng Shu said matter-of-factly.

"...Okay, I guess Mr. Chen won't have any objections."

Zhao Fangxu glanced at Chen Jinkui's enthusiastic look and felt a little helpless. Now it is probably impossible to tell him not to follow the example of Hou Qimen.

"Don't worry, it's just a mental problem. If he's really stuck in it and can't get out, I'll just reshape his soul again." Zheng Shu gave Zhao Fangxu reassurance.

"Can you even do this kind of thing? Zheng Xiaodao, your ability is now far beyond our imagination." Zhao Fangxu shook his head with emotion, not knowing what he was thinking.

Therefore, although Wang was also very reluctant, considering that the "experimental subject" was quite happy, the experiment was still carried out.

It was actually very simple to say it was an experiment. It was just a matter of leading Chen Jinkui into a relatively airtight room, and then asking Wang Ye to place the drawings of Fenghou Qimen in front of him.

"This will be easier to explain later...Mr. Chen, do you have a mobile phone?" Zheng Shu, standing aside, asked leisurely with his hands behind his back.

"Of course you have a mobile phone, I understand! To learn such a wonderful skill, you can't have any communication tools with you."

Chen Jinkui took out his cell phone very sensibly, and when he saw that he was about to smash it to the ground, Zheng Shu casually grabbed it and took it over.

"Good guys, do you guys not listen to what others say? I asked you to take out your mobile phone because it was useful."

Zheng Shuqing opened Chen Jinkui's mobile phone with familiarity and found the timer function inside.

Placing the phone in front of Chen Jinkui, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, Zheng Shu pointed to the "start" button of the timer function:

"You adjust your condition first, and when you feel you are ready, press this timer button, and then we will start learning Fenghou Qimen."


Although Qi Men was stunned when he thought about learning the style, Chen Jinkui still showed his determination as a ten-level master when it came to matters, and still forced himself to calm down and adjust his physical and mental state.

Wang Ye and Zheng Shu both stood aside and waited quietly. After a while, Chen Jinkui opened his eyes.

The original enthusiasm in his eyes also subsided a lot. He clicked the start button of the timer and the phone started timing. Chen Jinkui also nodded towards Zheng Shu and the others.

"You two, I'm ready now!"

"Okay, let's get started." Zheng Shu gestured towards Wang Ye.

Although Wang Ye was still a little reluctant, he slowly walked up to Chen Jinkui. Looking at the eager look in his eyes, Wang Ye sighed, stretched out his hand and took out a roll of drawings from nowhere.

"Then, Mr. Kui, get ready!"

"Master Wang, please!"

Now that he had made up his mind, Wang Ye no longer hesitated, took the drawings in both hands and quickly unfolded them in front of Chen Jinkui.

Looking at the mysterious and complex patterns printed on the paper in front of him, Chen Jinkui was instantly obsessed with it. His eyes widened to the maximum size, as if he wanted to eat the paper completely into his mind.

Seeing him like this, Zheng Shu turned to look at Wang Ye: "Trapped?"

"I'm stuck!" Wang Ye nodded.

He gave Zheng Shu a brief demonstration. As long as there was any idea of ​​putting away the drawing paper in his hand, Chen Jinkui would try his best to stop it. Apart from that, he ignored other external stimuli and kept his eyes fixed on it. Staring at the pattern representing Fenghou Qimen, he didn't even blink.

Wang Ye simply threw the drawings of Fenghou Qimen on the ground and asked Chen Jinkui to lie on the ground and figure it out carefully. He himself took two steps back and came to Zheng Shu's side.

"What are you going to do next?"

"The next step is pretty simple, but I have a question." Zheng Shu looked at Chen Jinkui's condition, touched his chin, and looked serious.


Seeing how serious Zheng Shu was, Wang also became serious.

"Tell me, if he keeps staring like this, won't his eyes get dry?"

"...Now is not the time to care whether his eyes are dry or not. If you really think his eyes are too dry, give him some eye drops!" Wang Ye's voice became gritted at this moment.

"Hey, you have no sense of humor."

Zheng Shu happily walked up to Chen Jinkui and squatted down. He held his head with one hand and quickly took away the drawing paper in front of Chen Jinkui with the other hand.

The strange thing is that the drawing paper that Wang Ye couldn't let Chen Jinkui give up seemed easy in Zheng Shu's hands.

"How did you do it?" Wang Ye's eyes widened.

"It's very simple. I erased his previous memory." Zheng Shu casually rolled up the drawing paper in his hand and threw it to Wang Ye.

"You two, I'm ready now!"

As if to verify Zheng Shu's statement, Chen Jinkui's voice sounded again. His state was no different from before, and he still looked calm and eager to try.

"It seems to have a good effect. Fortunately, Fenghou Qimen is too difficult to master. Even if someone with his qualifications wants to fully learn it, it will take a while, so he will not immediately fall into his own inner scene." Zheng Shu looked at Chen Jinkui nodded with satisfaction.

"Once his spirit is trapped in the inner scene, simply erasing the memory in his brain is not very effective. You have to go into his inner scene to erase his mental memory as well. If you really do that, But it’s a big deal.”

"Is there such a way? This is really..."

Wang Ye walked to Chen Jinkui and squatted down, stretched out his palm and waved it in front of Chen Jinkui's eyes: "Master Kui, how do you feel? Do you have any special feelings?"

"Daozhang Wang, Kui'er doesn't have any special feelings now, and his condition has been adjusted to the extreme. How about it? When should we start?"

Chen Jinkui was a little surprised by the situation in front of him, but he still answered Wang Ye's question very honestly.

"Start? We are already finished." Zheng Shu said.

"The end...is it over?" Chen Jinkui was shocked when he heard this, and then turned his attention to Wang Ye, "Daozhang Wang, could it be that there was another test that I failed just now? Can you give Kui'er another chance? Although Kui'er The talent is stupid, but the heart for the Tao is absolutely daring and enthusiastic!"

"Master Kui, I told you, it's not that it hasn't started, it's that it's over. Otherwise, look at the phone next to you." Wang Ye sighed, finally understanding the reason why Zheng Shu wanted to turn on the timer.

Chen Jinkui was stunned, then turned to look at the cell phone beside him. The timer on it had exceeded one minute and was rapidly approaching two minutes.

Although Chen Jinkui did not calculate the time carefully, he remembered clearly that from the time when the two people in front showed the strange attitude after getting ready to now, it definitely did not take them too long.

It would be nice to have half a minute of this time, but now...it's like a memory has disappeared in the middle.

"It's not like it seems, but it just disappeared. You failed the test of Fenghou Qimen, so I will erase that memory for you. Of course, if you really don't believe it, you can also check the surveillance camera. The records there are clear. Clearly.”

Zheng Shu, as if he had read through Chen Jinkui's inner thoughts, pointed at the monitor in the corner of the room.

"I...I..." Chen Jinkui's mouth trembled twice, wanting to say something more.

"Do you want to give you another chance? I don't care. It's easy to erase your memory anyway. But do you think that in your current state, repeating Fenghou Qimen's test can really Passed?"

Zheng Shu patted Chen Jinkui on the shoulder and left here without looking back.

"Alas! Mr. Kui, now you know why I didn't show you Fenghou Qimen. To be honest, if someone could really take over the cause and effect of Fenghou Qimen, I might be happier than you. But if he hadn't been there , Mr. Kui, you may explain it here today."

Wang Ye looked at Chen Jinkui who fell into silence, sighed and shook his head, then turned around and followed Zheng Shu out.

As soon as the two of them went out, Zhao Fangxu, who had been waiting outside the door, came up to them.

"Two Taoists, what's the result?"

Wang Ye took a deep breath and handed the Fenghou Qimen in his hand to Zhao Fangxu:

"Director Zhao, fortunately you have lived up to your mission. The method Zheng Shu thought of does work. Although it cannot increase the success rate of passing the Fenghou Qimen test, at least no lives will be lost during the trial practice."

"Really?! Thank you so much! You have saved so many lives!"

Zhao Fangxu, who had always been calm, showed excitement on his face after hearing the news.

He knew very well that the matter regarding the resurrection circle had become a general trend and could not be violated at all.

In the face of such a general trend, a little "small sacrifice" is inevitable, but when this so-called "small sacrifice" falls on an individual's head, it is an irresistible disaster.

What they are doing now is to reduce this sacrifice as much as possible.

"The specific operation method is similar to what you explained to me. You should be able to recruit relevant talents yourself, so I won't say more." Zheng Shu nodded to Zhao Fangxu.

"This time I'm going to trouble Mr. Zheng Xiaodao..."

Looking at Zhao Fangxu's leaving figure, Wang Ye was silent for a while, and suddenly saluted Zheng Shu solemnly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome. This can be regarded as repaying the favor of Hou Qi Men for learning from you." Zheng Shu grinned.

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