"Speaking of which, I really put a lot of effort into finding my father this time. In the end, it was only by chance that we met..." Zhang Chulan's voice sounded slightly emotional.

It's a pity that Zheng Shu didn't follow his lead. Instead, he reached out his hand very decisively and made a pause gesture: "Stop it, I have no interest in the story of your father and son's reunion."

"Tch! You callous bastard!" Zhang Chulan muttered.

"I can hear it."

"Ahem, okay, my dad is in the villa where I live now. In fact, I originally planned to bring him here, but my dad has been used to hiding for so many years and really doesn't dare to come. So if you If you want to see him, let's leave now." Zhang Chulan coughed twice and said seriously.

"In that villa? Let's go then."

Zheng Shu jumped off the bed neatly and came to Zhang Chulan's side.

"Okay, then I'll go drive now...Hey, what are you doing?"

Halfway through Zhang Chulan's words, he found Zheng Shu putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Whatever car you want to drive, there's no need to bother. I know the coordinates of that location. Just jump there in space. When you're about to set off, remember to stabilize yourself and don't fall."


Before Zhang Chulan had time to express his doubts, he felt his eyes blur, and then his vision changed.

He turned around and looked carefully to confirm that they had just changed from Zheng Shu's room to his own room.

"Really, are you here? Brother Zheng, what method are you using? Five Elements Escape Technique? When did you put the coordinates in my room?"

Zhang Chulan can be considered to have seen a lot of things now, and he thought of several possible methods in an instant, but no matter which method it was, theoretically it had to be arranged in his room in advance.

"Five Elements Escape Technique? My move is indeed an extension from here. It is actually the third type of application technology of space jumping plus..." Zheng Shu was halfway through talking when he saw Zhang Chulan's confused look on his face. look, and then sighed.

"It's really hard to talk to you illiterate people. Forget it, just think of it as shrinking into an inch."

"Oh! Got it!" Zhang Chulan looked dumbfounded.

"Chu Lan, you are back. When did you come back?"

At this time, a deep voice came from outside. Although they had not met, Zheng Shu could almost guess that this strange voice should be Zhang Chulan's father, Zhang Yude.

"Ah, yes, Dad, I just want to introduce it to you." Zhang Chulan opened the door as he spoke.

Standing outside the door was a dark-skinned strong man. Although he was not young, he could still see obvious muscle outlines.

This man's face is full of vicissitudes of life. Although his beard and hair are cleanly shaved, it can be seen that he must have gone through a lot of things.

Zhang Chulan quickly led the man into his room and extended his hand to introduce the two to each other.

"Dad, this is Zheng Shu, the one I told you about. Zheng Shu, he is my father, the Zhang Yude you said you wanted to meet if you had a chance."


Zhang Yude was slightly startled when he saw Zheng Shu's appearance, but he still politely stretched out his hand and shook Zheng Shu's hand.

"I often hear Chu Lan say things about you, and I would like to thank you for taking care of him over the years."

"It's just a little effort. Zhang Chulan and I can be considered very good friends." Zheng Shu shook hands with Zhang Yude politely. "It seems like it's not easy for you father and son to meet."

He could sense that Zhang Yude had serious injuries inside his body. Given his age and cultivation level, it would be difficult to heal from such an injury, and because of the hidden wounds left behind by the injury, it would be impossible for him to make any further progress in his cultivation level in the future. .

"Taoist Priest has really good eyesight. I thought I had disguised myself quite well, but I didn't expect you to find out." Zhang Yude smiled nonchalantly, "However, I can complete my revenge with just such a small injury. It’s not a loss.”

The two of them let go of their hands, and Zhang Chulan also brought a few stools from the room outside and placed them beside them.

"Please take a seat."

"Thank you."

The two parties took their seats in the simple room. Zhang Yude sent Zhang Chulan to make tea. After confirming that Zhang Chulan was gone, the man who had hidden his life for his father took a serious look at Zheng Shu again.

"Hearing is better than seeing. Although I have heard a lot of rumors about Daozhang Zheng, when I saw him today, I realized that those rumors are far inferior to the real person!"

"You're welcome." Zheng Shu still looked calm.

Seeing Zheng Shu's overly calm expression, Zhang Yude raised his eyebrows in confusion: "I heard from Chu Lan that the reason why Director Zheng wanted to see me was to ask some questions. I wonder what he wanted to ask? I must know everything. Word."

"Oh, what are you talking about..."

Zheng Shu touched his chin, lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then seriously looked up at Zhang Yude.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. You have been working on your father's affairs all your life, so you should have investigated a lot about the Thirty-Six Thieves, right?"

Zhang Yude nodded matter-of-factly: "That's natural. After all, in order to investigate the truth of that year, what happened back then will definitely be involved. Is the thing you want to ask related to what happened back then?"

"Yes." Zheng Shu nodded, "I would like to ask, do you know what the deepest purpose or plan was after the thirty-six thieves became sworn brothers?"

"..." Zhang Yude fell into a long silence after hearing this.

Of course he understood what Zheng Shu was asking. Back then, the Thirty-six thieves were chased to no end by various sects. Even if they finally understood the Eight Magic Skills, they still had no way to deal with a large number of enemies with advanced cultivation levels. .

And once caught, under the strange methods and severe torture from all parties, no matter how firm their will is, they can't stop them from leaking things like the Eight Magic Skills.

But there is only one thing that no outsider knows yet. It is also this thing that the only other people who have understood the Eight Wonders voluntarily accepted the ban.

And this restriction is indeed to conceal something, but it is not about the Eight Wonders. If Zhang Huaiyi had not understood the origin of Qi Ti and was no longer controlled by the restriction, even Zheng Shu, who had read the original work, could hardly see the surface armor. The real events during the Shen Rebellion.

And this thing that no one knew except for a few specific people was the reason why Zhang Huaiyi took the initiative to trap and kill the remaining Jiashen people after many years of stability, and why Tian Jinzhong refused to sleep.

The only known people who might know about this matter are the heads of the top sects, except for Tian Jinzhong and the founder of the Eight Wonders who are still unknown.

There is no need to think about these sect leaders and the founders of the Eight Wonders. They have all been severely banned for different reasons. Even if Zheng Shu wants to extract information from their souls, it is impossible to succeed.

Theoretically speaking, the person most likely to obtain this information is actually Tian Jinzhong, but although Zheng Shu likes to pursue the truth, he does not like to trample on the persistence of others.

Tian Jinzhong even forced himself not to sleep for decades for this secret, so Zheng Shu would not be such a villain for his own desires.

After eliminating these avenues, the only person who could potentially obtain the answer to this question was actually Zhang Yude.

The reason is also very simple, because the source of the Qi body that Zhang Huaiyi understood back then was so powerful that it exceeded the limitations of his own body, and he could reveal this matter to others.

The actions of Zhang Huaiyi and Zhang Yude were obviously not improvised, but the result of years of careful thinking and planning.

Then, Zhang Yude is also very likely to get the answer to this question from Zhang Huaiyi, who can only reveal this matter.

"... Being able to ask this question means that you have already done a lot of research. Can you tell me your own conjecture?" Zhang Yude, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"I have a guess, let me think about it..." Zheng Shu organized his words a little.

"Actually, just by looking at what happened at that time, you can guess that many of the Thirty-six Thieves are from well-known and upright sects, and there are even figures like Zheng Zibu and Zhang Huaiyi who can be regarded as heirs of the sect. ."

"It is certainly impossible to say that so many heirs of famous and upright families suddenly went crazy and wanted to destroy mankind. Therefore, it is easy to imagine the type of ultimate goal of those people at that time, especially those who created the Eight Wonders. Understand, it must be some kind of particularly ambitious and difficult goal.”

Zheng Shu glanced at Zhang Yude, with a smile on his face: "It will be much easier to make guesses based on this premise. It just so happened that I also met Ma Benzai's descendants, and they also mastered the magic machine.

But it was obvious that the thing he made in his hands was definitely not something that could be made by pure magic.

Moreover, the simple Divine Machine Hundred Refining itself is also very interesting. It is something that can only be made by integrating the Zhuge family's Divine Machine and the inheritance of the refiner. The other Eight Wonders are basically in a similar situation.

In other words, before creating the Eight Wonders, these people all used the bottom-of-the-box stuff from their own sects to communicate. "

Seeing Zhang Yude's face that couldn't help but begin to change, Zheng Shu nodded and confirmed his thoughts.

"It is possible for a group of decent people from well-known families to become sworn brothers with evil sects, and exchange the inheritance of their own sects at the bottom of the box, plus the stove I saw at Ma Xianhong's place...all aspects are combined, and their real The purpose is almost conceivable.”

"The world is unified..."

Zhang Yude's hoarse voice interrupted Zheng Shu's continued words. He raised his head, looked at Zheng Shu with red eyes, and repeated what he just said:

"The world is unified! This is their original purpose. To free all people in the world from the troubles of qualifications, to allow all people to obtain the qualifications to practice, and even to free all people from the constraints of concepts between sects. , achieve true world unity."

"Well, it sounds like a pretty grand and noble plan, and it's enough to make those young people excited and willing to sacrifice their lives for it."

Zheng Shu nodded gently and suddenly leaned forward, approaching Zhang Yude's eyes.

"But you probably didn't tell everything, right?"

"What are you talking about, Daozhang Zheng? Haven't you already guessed this?"

Zhang Yude showed a puzzled expression when facing Zheng Shu's sudden approach. He stretched out his hand and scratched his head, as if he didn't understand what he was talking about.

But in the next moment, Zhang Yude's body, which had been sitting calmly on the chair, suddenly jumped up. His whole body suddenly exploded like a spring full of power, and the palm that had just been raised to his head also thrust out fiercely.

Regardless of his injuries, the skills he had studied for many years exploded in an instant. The golden light spell and the Five Thunder Zhengfa were activated at the same time, and the bright golden light flashed with dazzling blue-white electric light.

With the help of the thunder method's strong stimulation of the meridians in the body, Zhang Yude's speed increased to the extreme in an instant.

Almost as soon as he launched the attack, the sharp spear composed of golden light and thunder light in his hand came to Zheng Shu's eyes.


The sharp spear composed of the changed golden light pierced Zheng Shu's eyeball without any hindrance, but at the same time it disintegrated into pieces of golden light.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Yude's mind even stagnated for a moment.

"God spirit?"

Apart from this move, he couldn't think of anyone else who could take this blow with his eyes.

The thoughts in his heart were fleeting, and Zhang Yude had no time to think in too much detail. He raised his other palm to resist the stinging pain coming from the meridians in his body, condensing the golden light and lightning under his skin, giving up everything. Changes in nature and strength, extremely strengthening physical fitness.


The punch that gathered all the strength of Zhang Yude stopped in front of a finger. Zheng Shu stopped Zhang Yude's fist with a very gentle gesture, looked him up and down, and suddenly shook his head.

"You're not good at hiding your emotions. You need to learn more from your son. Don't you think so?"

Zheng Shu didn't say the last words to Zhang Yude, but turned to look outside the door.


At this time, Zhang Yude's injuries that had been forcibly suppressed completely exploded. He stumbled back to the chair and looked at Zhang Chulan standing outside the door, stunned.

"Oh, brother Zheng, what you said is right. Why do you mean I'm better at hiding my emotions?"

Zhang Chulan walked in from the door with a smile, holding a cup of tea in his hand, not feeling any surprise at all about the scene in the room.

"Chu Lan? You...what is going on? Do you want to betray us too?!" Zhang Yude looked at Zhang Chulan with a calm face in disbelief.

"Dad, I told you, your structure is too small!"

Placing two cups of tea in front of his father and Zheng Shu respectively, Zhang Chulan looked at Zhang Yude and sighed helplessly.

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