"Thirteen Kings?"

Zheng Shu glanced past Feimu Tuo and saw that the group of guys in front of him could be called a chaotic dance of demons.

From being extremely large and not even resembling a living thing at all, like a black mist with no fixed form, to a small creature that looks like a mutated insect... it perfectly explains what "random growth" means.

"This group of monsters and monsters is pretty much what I expected, but why are there only twelve of them?"

"Ah, are you talking about that guy? He is probably indulging in pleasure now. I will introduce him to you next time I have a chance." Femto had a smile on his lips.

"Okay." Zheng Shu shrugged and said nothing more.

He probably also guessed that the Thirteen Kings who are not here should be the Despair King who is possessing Xiao Hei.

Pulling out the chair at the edge of the table, Zheng Shu also sat down unceremoniously.

When he came in, he had already discovered that there were only fourteen chairs placed around the table, which meant that one of them was indeed prepared for him.

Zheng Shu's arrival also attracted the attention of the group of thirteen kings. Everyone rushed to the side of the table, trying to get closer to Zheng Shu and observe him.

Fortunately, these Thirteen Kings also know the most basic courtesy. Of course, it may also be because they know that Zheng Shu once beat up the Tyrant King, so they all have a good sense of proportion and do not really crowd into Zheng Shu's side. .

"Hey, Fallen King, is this your new friend? I didn't expect him to be so handsome. It's great! We finally have a handsome guy among us. I'm tired of seeing these guys every day!"

The first person to speak was a Thirteenth King who looked like a human woman. At first glance, she looked absolutely charming and beautiful.

Its charm is so high that it can make any creature fall in love at the sight of it, regardless of male or female, or even creatures with no distinction between male and female.

However, after Zheng Shu applied the mysterious counter-attack circle to his eyes, he could vaguely see that the peerless beauty in front of him was actually a ball of mucus with an indefinite shape. Its biological weirdness was second only to the distant That amorphous black mist.

The reason why she looks like a peerless beauty is because the other person will automatically reflect the most fascinating posture in the other person's pupils according to the race and mental state of the person looking at her.

Of course, as one of the Thirteen Kings, the opponent's ability is not a simple illusion or spiritual reflection, but a higher power.

Even if he used the mysterious counter-attack array, he could only vaguely see the opponent's so-called true body. Moreover, when Zheng Shu removed the mysterious counter-attack array, he suddenly found that the opponent's body seemed to become vaguely transparent, as if It's really like turning into a body made of mucus.

So Zheng Shu speculates from this that all the other party's forms are real. As long as you feel in your heart that the other party's true form is like this, then "it" will really become like this.

Even the mysterious counterattack array cannot be seen through, because what the opponent shows is indeed the true posture.

The reason why you can vaguely see the mucus-like body after using the mysterious counterattack array is because Zheng Shu felt something was wrong, so he suspected that the other party might be disguising.

Due to one's own psychological changes, the other party's "real existence" also changes accordingly.

When each different individual sees this Thirteen Kings, they see what they like, false things, but at the same time they are all real.

Silently setting up a mysterious counterattack formation for himself, Zheng Shu began to think next.

"Simply changing one's own appearance and race may not be the limit. By analogy, its abilities may even change accordingly based on the other party's imagination.

And when faced with such an ability, even self-hypnosis is useless, because the decision is based on what you believe deepest in your heart. "

All in all, he is a very troublesome guy, and he is the type where the higher the strength, the more troublesome he becomes.

"Hey! King Hope, I don't want to say what you are saying. My face is obviously much prettier than his!" Femto patted the table in displeasure.


The thirteen kings present all booed loudly, expressing their immense contempt for Femto.

"Damn it, you guys! It was the same with Alikira at that time. Why did she refute it? My face is obviously much prettier than his."

Femto looked very unhappy, even though most of his face was covered by an iron-gray mask, which was completely unconvincing.

However, Femto's attitude also made the other Thirteen Kings present discover their blind spots.

"King of the Fallen, do you really think Zheng Shu is not as good-looking as you?"

Alikira, who had been sitting alone and showing no interest in the party, finally became interested.

She jumped off the tall chair and ran to the middle of Zheng Shu and Feimu Tuo. The single eye in the center of the iron-gray mask opened and looked back and forth on the two people's faces.


Femto also noticed something was wrong, touched his chin and began to carefully observe Zheng Shu's appearance.

"In your opinion, how does Zheng Shu look?"

“Very handsome!”

"Very manly!"

"I'm wet."

"I don't know, but I feel very close."

"It's so noisy..."

The thirteen kings talked about their feelings, but the thirteen kings who really had human aesthetic characteristics were few and far between, so they didn't get much information.

But even the thirteen kings who were non-human creatures all said that although they couldn't understand human aesthetics, they felt an inexplicable sense of closeness when they saw Zheng Shu's face.

"Interesting." Although his tone was still calm, Feimuto's spirit had already fluctuated violently.

"In my sight, Zheng Shu is just a very ordinary human, and his appearance can even be said to have no sense of existence."

"Ah? Are your human aesthetics so distorted? I never knew it before." King Hope suddenly came to Zheng Shu's side, almost sticking to his face, "If that's the case, then I have to go around the human world more in the future!"

"No, I don't think my aesthetics are distorted in any way. Of course, your aesthetics may have problems. However, I think the problem is most likely with Brother Zheng Shu himself, right?" Feimuto crossed his legs and looked at Zheng Shu with his chin on one hand.

Although his posture was very relaxed, and his eyes were completely covered by the iron-gray mask, Zheng Shu could still feel the fiery light in Feimto's eyes through the mask.

That was the fanatical curiosity of a scientist who was almost morbid in exploring the unknown and suddenly discovered a new object.

Even though Zheng Shu was sure that he should be able to surpass Feimto in absolute strength, he was still sweating profusely under his burning gaze.

"Ahahahaha... I do have a special power that can confuse the human race and other races' cognition of my face."

After laughing and blurting out his second skill, Zheng Shu also felt that it was a bit outrageous.

He always thought that Feimto could see his true appearance, but he didn't expect that this guy was still a pure human in the panel's judgment, not even an evolved form of human beings, but a genuine pure human.

Is this the value of authority that relies entirely on knowledge?

There is no need for any other additional power, just relying on knowledge can make your power reach this level.

"Oh? It's a power that is purely aimed at a single race? That's really too dangerous!"

As an expert in biogenetic technology, Feimuto understands the horror of this type of power the most.

Just by listening to Zheng Shu's description, his eyes lit up, and a lot of ideas flashed through his mind that would be dangerous if he said them out, each of which was enough to rely on Zheng Shu's characteristics to destroy the human race.

"Well...well, not only that, the reverse use of this ability can also cause a similar effect, and it is aimed at the mass extinction of all species except humans. What a gorgeous idea, it has aroused my interest for the first time in a long time!"

Looking at Feimuto, who had just started to huddle in a chair and mutter, Zheng Shu and the other thirteen kings couldn't help but get together, feeling a little scary for some reason.

"Is it an illusion? Why do I feel a little cold on my back?" Zheng Shu asked.

"I don't know how you feel, but I feel like my hair is about to explode." Another fat thirteen kings took over.

"Wow! Allergy King, are you okay?!"

The Tyrannical King's exclamation attracted everyone's attention, and a strange creature was seen huddled at the back of the crowd.

The other party's overall body could barely maintain a human form, but two blue nerve-like organs stretched out from the shoulder blades behind.

These two organs continued to grow a large number of branches as their lengths extended, and finally protected themselves like two wings composed of nerves.

When everyone present looked over, the body of the Allergy King Zedra, which had already curled up tightly, suddenly trembled again, and an invisible wave spread around.

Zheng Shu saw that the thirteen kings around him couldn't help but take a step back, with a slightly hideous expression, as if they were enduring something.

After thinking about it, Zheng Shu lifted the mysterious counter-magic array on his body and felt it himself.

As soon as the mysterious counter-magic array was lifted, Zheng Shu couldn't help but lean back. He felt that all his sensory organs were magnified tens of millions of times in an instant, and dense information rushed into his mind crazily.

Fortunately, as a top-level strongman, Zheng Shu's level of perception is not bad, so he is also very good at adjusting his perception.

He quickly reacted and took a step back to restore his body to balance, but because of the huge improvement in perception, even if he just took a step back, Zheng Shu could perceive a lot of information.

He now understands why the expressions of others are like that.

Remembering this feeling, Zheng Shu re-applied the mysterious counter-magic circle to himself.

However, due to the expansion of the perception level beyond the limit, Zheng Shu could clearly perceive that there were a lot of waste and mistakes in the previous perfect casting when casting the magic circle.

"Okay, everyone, take your eyes off him first."

In the end, it was Fimto who spoke first, and the others also cooperated very well not to let their eyes fall on the Allergic King.

After all, with the ability of the Allergic King, even if it was just a glance, it was enough to strengthen into a mountain range that overwhelmed the top of the head.

What's more, these people present are all superior beings, and the information and power contained in their eyes can even surpass the sum of all humans on the earth.

"Allergy King, what's going on with you?"

The Tyrannical King relied on his strong adaptability to recover first. Since he wore an iron-gray mask on his face to cover his sight, when he looked at the Allergic King, he had the least impact on the Allergic King.

"You have to ask the Fallen King this question. The malice emanating from this guy's heart just now is so terrifying."

The allergic king also knew that his reaction was a bit extreme, but he couldn't blame himself for this.

He glanced at Feimuo angrily and flicked his neural wings. The allergic king took back the fluctuations he emitted and returned to his normal state.

Although it has been rumored that the Allergic King has to endure the interference of excessive information around him, in fact, as a superior being, how could he allow himself to have such a serious flaw.

The reason why he was in that situation just now was because he really sensed the danger of death from Femto, so his body instinctively moved involuntarily to try to launch an attack. He was just restraining his impulse to attack.

Although the accident just now might have led to the death of most living creatures if it had occurred in a city, it was just an interesting experience for the few monsters present.

They quickly forgot what had just happened and continued to gather around and make noise.

Zheng Shu also took this opportunity to break away from the crowd and sit next to Feimu Tuo.

"Is this the surprise you want to give me?"

"Yeah, how about it, not bad! All of these guys can be your experimental subjects. It's not easy to find such high-quality experimental subjects." Feimuo looked at the scene in front of him with a proud look on his face.

"Speaking so directly? Can they hear it?" Zheng Shu looked shocked.

The two people didn't speak loudly, and it was very noisy in here, but even if you didn't look at the monsters and monsters present, you could definitely hear the two people talking.

"You heard it when you heard it. What do you think I relied on to attract these guys to come together? Of course it was curiosity!" Femto looked quite relaxed and leaned back on his chair.

"Relying solely on your research report will not have such a big impact. For boring guys like us, as long as there is something fun to do, what if we are your experimental subjects?!"

But with Feimu Tuo's shout, the other thirteen kings who were originally fighting around turned to look at Zheng Shu, showing smiles belonging to their own race.

"Hahahahaha!! That's right! What you are going to do sounds very interesting. I have never been a test subject before."

"You have to keep this secret well, otherwise if other higher-ups hear it, they may have to come down and compete with us for the position!"

"If you put it that way, it won't be long before the prosthetic eye of God will reappear in the world, so you have to be careful to avoid it. It's hard to find such fun things, so don't let those guys find out!"

"Zheng Shu, let me try it out as a test subject first. My perception is the sharpest!"

"Asshole! You actually want to run away, no, choose me!"

"Stop arguing, why don't we all play guessing games together to see who will be the experimental subject first."

"It makes sense, come on, let's guess at it!"

"Ha! Do you think I will lose to you?!"

Seeing these guys dancing around like demons, Zheng Shu couldn't help but touch his head:

"Compared to these guys, I'm so normal..."

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