Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 586: Simple Folk Customs (Wrong)

"Why are you here again?"

Stephen had a headache when he saw Zheng Shu again.

He gradually admitted what Klaus said, that the guy in front of him probably had no ill will towards them.

But it was because he had no ill will that he felt uncomfortable. Especially when encountering some of Zheng Shu's behaviors that made people hate him, the feeling of not being able to hit him was really unbearable.

"What you said, of course I came to collect my "salary". We agreed at the time that you would give me a fixed living allowance every month. You don't want to default on it, do you?"

Zheng Shu still sat on the sofa with a leisurely face, drinking black tea, and by the way, he greeted Klaus who came in after Stephen.

"How could we default on your debt?!" Stephen felt that before he had time to say a few words to Zheng Shu, the blood vessels on his forehead began to throb.

"Then why haven't I received any money in the past six months?"

"It's because you don't have any bank cards in your name. We can't find anyone to transfer money to you, and you're not in the house all year round. If I didn't know you were strong, I would have thought you died on some street!" Stephen gritted his teeth.

Zheng Shu blinked his eyes and suddenly realized that what he said seemed to be right, so he smiled awkwardly: "Ahahaha, cough, sorry, I forgot about this."

Sighing, resisting the urge to beat up the guy in front of him - of course, the most important thing was that he couldn't beat him, Stephen walked to the cabinet next to him and searched through it, and quickly took out a bank card and threw it in front of Zheng Shu.

"The password is written on the back, the living expenses for the first few months are all in it, and the living expenses in the future will also be transferred to this card for you."

"Oh, that's really troublesome for you."

Zheng Shu happily took the bank card from Stephen, and just as he was about to leave, he ran into someone walking in from the door.

He is a young man with short grey hair and light black skin, with a perfect face and a gentle smile on his face, enough to make any woman fall in love with him.

In short, if Zheng Shu only strengthened the enhanced template of Hercules, then he would not be able to compare with the man in front of him in terms of appearance.

Zheng Shu's eyelids jumped involuntarily just by seeing the silver pupils of this man.

Doug Hammer, one of the boyfriends of Lily Kira in the original book, or strictly speaking, one-half.

With handsome appearance, lively and cheerful personality, powerful strength and kind heart, he can almost be called a perfect man.

His nickname is simply the perfect man, and he has an irresistible charm for women. K.K. and Jane Huang feel very good about him, and even the warden who imprisoned him blushes when he sees him.

Of course, Doug is still a newcomer in Libra. Although he looks outstanding, he has not had time to show his abilities.

"Ah, hello!"

Doug, who just entered the door, was stunned when he saw Zheng Shu, and then he showed a cheerful smile and took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello." Zheng Shu also nodded in a friendly manner.

Judging from the spiritual fluctuations emanating from Doug's heart, the other party is truly full of kindness to the whole world.

The flash of his soul even made Zheng Shu feel a little dazzling. If such a person were placed in the world of Western fantasy, he would be a real reserve warrior favored by the goddess.

Thinking of the miserable things he would experience in the future, Zheng Shu couldn't help but reach out and pat Doug's shoulder.

"You are very good, young man, but remember that boys must pay attention to their own safety when they are alone outside!"

"Ah? Ah... Thank you?"

Although he looked confused, based on his inner kindness, Doug still expressed his gratitude to Zheng Shu from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at Zheng Shu's departing figure, Doug tilted his head in confusion and turned to look at Stephen: "What did he mean just now?"

"Don't worry, this guy always says some inexplicable nonsense."




Walking aimlessly on the road of Hersharemz, Zheng Shu's mood can be regarded as relatively happy.

Especially after checking the amount of money in his bank card at the ATM in the convenience store, he felt even happier.

"I didn't expect that this city has changed so much after not seeing it for more than half a year."

Walking on a street in a commercial district, Zheng Shu couldn't help but sigh at the prosperous shops around him.

Compared with the depression comparable to the war-torn areas more than half a year ago, the current Hersharemz is even a little abnormally prosperous.

Of course, part of the reason is the problem of the things sold in these shops.

Although the current laws of Hersharemz state that the sale of intelligent biological organs and heavy weapons are illegal, Zheng Shu deeply felt the toughness of the people of Hersharemz when he saw the products in the shops.

Not to mention the modified RPGs or modified humans, Zheng Shu even found that some shops were selling heavy combat mechas and various prohibited organs.

If I remember correctly, this kind of heavy mecha was just invented more than half a year ago, and even the police were not fully equipped. As a result, in such a short time, there are already shops that dare to sell this thing openly? !

Due to the special nature of the city of Hersalemz, there is no military in the city. The so-called police are actually the largest violent group in the city.

In other countries, this would be similar to the state-of-the-art weapons and equipment newly developed by a certain country, which were sold on the underground black market in just half a year.

Of course, the actual situation is not so serious. After all, there is a collision of two world technologies in Hersalemz, and a technological explosion is occurring every moment.

The weapons and equipment that were advanced half a year ago may already be outdated versions now.

And whether these shops are considered underground black markets has to be discussed separately. After all, Zheng Shu has never seen such a blatant "black market".

Not to mention that all kinds of contraband are blatantly placed inside the shops. Many shops even place contraband right in front of the door, for fear that "customers" outside will not see it.

If it weren't for the city's police force, Zheng Shu even suspected that these shops would have put up banners to publicize it.

To put it simply, except for the "dead line" such as the ban on the sale of living humans, which these shops will not openly display, other "bans" are almost like farts to these lunatics who dare to open shops here.

"But... this is different from the store I'm looking for. Am I in the wrong place?"

After walking for a while, Zheng Shu had to admit that he was indeed a little lost.

However, Zheng Shu feels that the main responsibility does not lie with him. The main reason is that the city of Hersalemzi is developing too fast. Except for a few wealthy areas and high-rise buildings, most of the areas have undergone a reshaping in a short period of time. .

There are even many places where the buildings have completely changed their architectural style and look not like civil structures at all, but more like biomass products.

This was during a period previously dominated by the United States, and the rapid changes in New York City were simply unimaginable.

But such rapid development seems quite reasonable in Helsalemzi.

"Forget it, let's use modern technology."

After a long detour, Zheng Shu gave up relying on himself. With the idea of ​​finding a suitable restaurant, I took out my mobile phone that I had not used for a long time, connected to the Internet and opened some navigation and forum software.

"I looked for it... Oh, I found it! Comments said that this is an Internet celebrity restaurant that has just opened recently. It is said to be quite 'hot', and the taste is so good that even if the customers pass out, they still insist on giving a thumbs up... …”

Zheng Shu blinked and couldn't believe it: "Really or not? It's not Mozuo Guazha. Is it so delicious?"

Regardless of the facts, Zheng Shu admitted that seeing these comments made him interested.

After a little search on the navigation system, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a direct bus near me.

"It seems I'm not wrong. This place seems to be one of HL's key development routes. No wonder it's so prosperous."

After checking the route for a while, Zheng Shu finally decided to take the sightseeing subway to his destination, mainly to experience the future sightseeing routes.

Because in some forums Zheng Shu discovered the "Hersalemz Tourist Guide" that someone took. It is said that this is the city's future development plan, and the road where this tourist subway is located is one of the roads that is planned to be built into a tourist route. One piece.

Although Zheng Shu was very curious about what kind of people dared to travel to this city.

After following the navigation to the station, Zheng Shu casually sat on a chair on the roadside and listened to the announcement from the loudspeaker above his head.

"Heading to Seagraf Hell Station, the Line 4 train at Seagraf Hell Station is about to leave... Welcome to take this train. The probability of survival this week is 63%. Passengers who do not agree with the travel voucher will not be able to pass the central double ticket gate. . Next stop, Union Square Disappearance Site, Union Square Disappearance Site..."

Listening to the voice from the radio drama, Zheng Shu showed a subtle expression: "Is there a real-time survival rate broadcast so soon? This city is developing faster than I thought."

After all, even the public transportation system in this city had not been completely rebuilt more than half a year ago.

If in other cities, as long as this country is a country with independent sovereignty, more than 30% to 40% of the people died after a train went out, then the top management of the city would basically be raped from top to bottom.

But if the probability of survival in Hersalemz is as high as 63%, it means that the police station of Hersalemz has spent a lot of manpower and material resources to constantly eliminate dangerous possibilities along the way. A truly green route that has been developed.

If Zheng Shu remembers correctly, the area where the protagonist of the original book once lived has a survival rate as high as 61%, so it is one of the top ten safe rental areas for outsiders.

Among the passengers waiting there, the number of humans was extremely small, and most of them were strange creatures from another world.

This is normal. Even if the chance of survival is over 60%, it is an unimaginable gamble for normal humans to take this train. Only creatures from other worlds with tenacious vitality and flawed brains will choose to take this train. kind of public transportation.

"Tsk, why do I feel like I'm scolding myself?"

Just when Zheng Shu was laughing at himself, a strange creature with eyes and teeth on the front of the car, and a brain soaked in an unknown liquid stored in a reinforced glass jar on its head drove over quickly.

If you only look at the front of the train, it looks like a completely strange creature, but if you look at the back carriage, you will know that this thing is a train in the city of Hersharemz.

Everything went smoothly afterwards, and Zheng Shu was lucky enough to take the subway to his destination without any trouble.

"Oh! Is this the area that is planned to be built into a food court? It looks pretty good!"

As soon as he left the station, Zheng Shu could feel that the popularity was obviously more lively than before.

Compared with the deserted subway station before, the flow of people here is dense, and the proportion of humans has increased significantly.

This is a very rare thing. Although in terms of proportion, humans account for about less than one-third of the city, theoretically one in every three people should have a human face.

But the fact is that if it is in the normal Hersharemz area, the proportion of humans is pitifully small, and it may even be less than one-tenth.

This is because most humans live in an area that retains the appearance of the former New York City. These relatively normal humans will live there and continue to call it New York City.

Zheng Shu had also heard that it was an old city area that used a high glass roof to block the fog and had strict inspections at the entrances and exits.

Some sarcastic people would call the residents of that area - the Ghetto Heighis.

Zheng Shu did not have much resentment towards the humans in that area, but the existence of such an area meant that any human who dared to live in the normal area of ​​Hersharemz had more or less some problems.

Just like now...


A sharp whistle came, and Zheng Shu had no time to look at the street in front of him. A rocket-like organism with a tail flame flew past him and fell straight into the most crowded area, causing a violent explosion.


A fireball that far exceeded the destructive power of a normal rocket exploded beside Zheng Shu, and the hot air wave hit his face.

In the face of such a terrifying attack, most of the residents seemed quite calm.

Except for the unlucky ones affected by the explosion, most of the residents of Hersharemz, including humans, looked as if they were used to it. Some did not even plan to leave immediately, but stood there and looked at the explosion area from a distance.

Even those aliens who were blown into two pieces tried their best to quickly crawl away from the core area of ​​the explosion and stopped, looking as if they were dragging their serious injuries to watch the excitement.

Zheng Shu even saw a few people crawling out of the explosion area and then jumping back with their upper arms, picking up their lower bodies and crawling out again.

And some dirty guys have begun to quietly pick up "corpses" next to the limbs and fragments. It seems that they are planning to sell them to some underground black shops.

These terrifying scenes that are enough to destroy the sanity of people in other cities are "daily" in this city.

"Really, a city with simple folk customs..."

Thanks again to the readers of Taishang Daluo Tianxian Wanshou Emperor for the reward, the boss will never die

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