Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 666: Orders and Banquet

"What's the matter with these guys?!"

Klaus knocked the tall alien in front of him away with a punch. He looked at the very familiar mass-produced Red Star II mecha on his arm and couldn't help frowning.

Kross felt that if he remembered correctly, they should have just dealt with the relevant alien violent gangs this morning, but now the same guys appeared again.

Stephen seemed to have mentioned that the mass-produced Red Star II mechas in the hands of the guys they knocked down before were mostly fakes.

But looking at the number of enemies in front of him, it's probably not just a matter of withholding a few fakes.

"Did the other party get other combat armor from other channels?" Klaus recalled the relevant information, "but where did they get so many mechanics to help with the transformation?"

"These things cannot be completed in a short time. I'm afraid that the other party has started preparing for it a long time ago."

The white ice mist spread from behind, freezing the two aliens who tried to sneak attack Klaus into ice cubes.

Stephen walked in front of the frozen enemies and carefully checked the connection between their arms and combat mechas.

"It seems that the problem is more troublesome than we thought. This guy's arm and mecha have been completely grown together. It has been transformed for at least half a year..."

"Stephen." Klaus nodded to him, and then continued to fight with other enemies who rushed up, asking while fighting.

"Any news from the Warlock Association?"

"Just received a report from them. The repair work of the destroyed barrier was almost completed, but it was destroyed by an unknown enemy."

Stephen put his hands in his pockets and kicked out a few icicles casually, freezing the group of enemies who rushed up into ice cubes.

"Unknown enemies?" Klaus was a little confused.

Stephen nodded solemnly: "Yes, an unknown enemy, who did not leave any clues even when destroying the boundary node.

Although the elders are now leading people to search continuously, the enemy seems to be non-existent and no enemy is found at all."

"Can't the elders who are good at space magic find anyone? It seems that our enemies are more troublesome than we imagined..."

"Yes, plus the opponent has activated so many hidden backhands at once, and now the whole Hersharemz is in chaos. Not only us, but also the forces of the police and the magician association have been delayed."

After clearing the last few enemies in this area, Stephen's serious expression did not slow down at all.

According to the intelligence of Libra's informant, Hersharemz is now in a terrible mess. Various unknown guys took advantage of the previous chaos to suddenly start a riot, and the gangsters inside Hersharemz were also stimulated and rioted.

The mobile police are already exhausted, and the magician association and other auxiliary organizations have also sent all their forces, but it is still a drop in the bucket.

"The Vatican has also issued a formal search assistance order. We should try to stop it before things get worse."

Stephen looked at the thicker and thicker white fog in front of him, which meant that the situation of the Hersharemuz Great Barrier was getting worse and worse.

Klaus looked around, picked up a piece of gravel next to him and threw it up, feeling it carefully:

"Fortunately, the gravity has not changed. Compared with the movement three years ago when the entire city flew directly above the eternal void, it is acceptable, which means that the barrier has not been completely broken."

"The reason may be because of the last node, Mary Macbeth? But if this goes on, the soul of that little girl will not be able to hold on."

Stephen felt a little irritated: "But you said you want to deal with it quickly, but there are no clues now!"

"No, there are clues, aren't the clues always there?" Klaus looked up in a certain direction.

Following his line of sight, Stephen saw the newly built tower and other ruins and debris floating around that violated the laws of physics.

"Wait! Klaus, are you?!"

"No matter what, solve the problem there first, stabilize the barrier, and the remaining unrest can be dealt with slowly."

"Are you serious? You should have seen the video, that person... is probably the real deal!" Stephen felt that his boss was taking too much risk.

Unlike the elders of the Warlock Association who still held out a glimmer of hope, Libra was more sensitive because he had come into contact with the Thirteen Kings more times.

Although William's situation was unclear, it was obvious that the boy was "now" the King of Despair!

"So it's better to take a long-term view on this matter..."

"Stephen!" Klaus interrupted his partner.

"You have to look carefully to find the light. We are Libra. No matter what happens, we must have an unyielding spirit!"

Stephen was silent for a moment, and suddenly smiled: "Have we had such a conversation before?"

Klaus looked up and thought for a while, then touched his neck and answered uncertainly: "Maybe..."

"Ah... Klaus."


"To be honest, I feel depressed when I think about what happened three years ago, but I don't think that person will be the same today. Although only three years have passed, for us, these years are the weight accumulated since that day..."

Stephen was expressing his feelings when a knife hit his head and interrupted him:

"We're already here, why are you talking so long at this time?"

"K·K." He touched the back of his head and looked back at Sister Yu behind him.

"You elderly people really like to reminisce. Well, there is new information coming from the Warlock Association." KK glanced at him unhappily, and then handed the document in his hand to Crowe Sri Lanka.

After just one glance, Klaus's expression became more serious.

"What's wrong?" Stephen also stretched his head over.

"It's the contact between Wan Lai Nanfang and Rael Demisos and the president of the Warlock Association." K·K explained.

"Wanlai...the two gatekeepers?"

Stephen was stunned and immediately remembered that these two names represented the two gatekeepers who guarded the entrances and exits of Helsalemzi and the outside world.

"What kind of accident happened? It even alerted those two people?"

Given the status and strength of the two gatekeepers, the things that happened in Helsalemzi would not alarm them.

"Strictly speaking, it can't be considered an accident. The United States used the emergency mobilization treaty." K·K clicked his tongue.

Although Hersalemz Lot can no longer be regarded as the territory of the United States in a strict sense, as the nominal holder of the city of Hersalemz, it still has some privileges.

The "Emergency Mobilization Treaty" is such a thing.

To put it simply, this treaty means that when necessary, the United States can "transport" needed things into Hersalemz without going through gatekeeper inspection.

In many cases, this treaty is actually useless. After all, it can only be "transported in" but not "transported out." And once it is used, all parties will definitely pay special attention to the situation of the United States after receiving the news.

more importantly……

"What did they bring in?" Stephen asked.

"Judging from the information from the gatekeeper, it should be an entire special operations team and a matching special combat mecha." KK helped Klaus flip the file to the corresponding location.

Yes, although this "Emergency Mobilization Treaty" theoretically allows things to be brought in without going through the gatekeeper's review, the problem is that this city has only one entrance and exit to the outside world.

Regardless of whether this treaty is used or not, when things are brought in, they have to pass through the eyes of the gatekeepers. With their strength, they cannot hide it no matter how hard they try.

So the biggest role of this treaty is not to transport anything into Hersalemz, but...

"Attracting attention..." Stephen's eyes flickered, and some clues he had investigated flashed through his heart.

"It seems that those guys who have been hiding behind the scenes are finally ready to take action. The only trouble now is that we still don't know what their purpose is."

"The guys hiding behind the scenes? Ah... you mean the people you've been investigating?" KK has always hated people who have been hiding behind the scenes and making small moves.

"Don't let me know where those guys are, otherwise I'll definitely feed them bullets!"

Klaus looked at the rioters who had gathered around him again in the distance, adjusted his gloves, and clenched the finger tiger in his hand:

"Notify all members to save Leonardo together and annihilate all the rioters on the street!"


On the streets, various chaotic people were rioting everywhere. Except for a few energetic groups from other worlds who were hired or took advantage of the situation, most of the rioters were human gangsters.

They shot at random pedestrians around them, sometimes even killing their own accomplices.

The spirits of these people have fallen into a very abnormal state of excitement. They are not afraid of death at all, and even their physical fitness has increased greatly.

And even if an unlucky person is really hit by his accomplice, even if he is hit in the head, he can still stand up again, just like an undead zombie, and cannot be called a human being at all.

If people from Lebra see the behavior of these guys, they will feel very familiar, because they look particularly like addicts who took "Angel Armor" (Harmony).

It's just that the potion they took this time seems to have been improved. Although the effect is not as strong, it lasts longer and the user is not completely crazy.

But precisely because of this, these madmen who attacked at will caused greater security pressure on Hersalemzi.

And all of this is reflected in a certain one-eye.

"What is that?"

At the highest point of the Ferris wheel that had stopped operating in the amusement park, a group of figures sat unprotected at the top of the Ferris wheel, holding an unimaginable banquet.

Alikira held up a one-eyed telescope with unusual grace, looked at the group of wanton thugs on the street in the distance and sighed.

Next to her, the top of the Ferris wheel was covered with a layer of white cloth, a variety of food and wine were placed on it, and a candlestick was even placed very romantically.

The Thirteen Kings were all dressed up in a festive atmosphere, even though these guys looked weird...

Some people simply cut a pumpkin helmet and put it on their head, and most of them put on special masks on their faces. However, there are also coquettish guys like the Tyrannical King, who clearly look like super muscular men. But he put white rabbit ears on his head.

"It's not cute at all~" If Alekira didn't dress up too much, she would just change her lace skirt into a white maid outfit for the first time.

Femto shook the red wine in his hand and immediately retorted after hearing her words:

"You really don't understand anything~ Alikira, of course there must be clowns in the drama!"

Boom boom boom!

As if in response to Feimuto's words, a large amount of flames burst out again on several buildings in the distance.

Lebra's combatants were scattered around the city, using their own fighting methods to constantly eliminate the thugs who were already on top.

"These things are just by-products of passing time. Haven't you prepared any surprises?" Alikira still felt a little unsatisfied.

"Oh, I originally planned to prepare some, but since someone has already beaten me to it, there's no need for me to take action." Feimuto drank the red wine in his hand gracefully, and glanced at the person sitting next to him, drinking juice. Zheng Shu.

Realizing that a group of people had turned their attention to him, Zheng Shu tilted his head to understand and shrugged.

"Don't worry, including the Great Collapse is just the appetizer. You guys will definitely enjoy the rest!"

"Ah~ Really?"

Alekira's eyes lit up, and the group of monsters and monsters next to her also raised their glasses in celebration.

"Don't worry, I will definitely make you happy to see it. I hope the king will help me fill it up!"

Zheng Shu faced the slender King of Hope next to him, leaning elegantly on the Ferris wheel in a wine-tasting posture, and raised the juice bucket in his hand, which was more like a bucket than a cup.

"Don't break your promise!"

A sticky, soft and waxy voice came, and Wang Wang waved his hand with a smile, and the bottomed juice bucket in Zheng Shu's hand overflowed again.

The Thirteen Kings have different existence forms and races. In theory, the food that needs to be prepared when holding a banquet is also completely different.

To save trouble, every time the Thirteen Kings held a banquet, King Hope was in charge of the food.

This Thirteenth King, who has turned reality and illusion into his own authority, can easily create food and drinks out of thin air that suit everyone's tastes and preferences.

"Do not worry!"

It was Feimu Tuo who answered her. He raised his glass to the city that was flickering with fire below, and his tone was more confident than Zheng Shu's.

"Because to live, you need some sideshows!"

"Oh!!!" All the monsters and monsters present raised their wine glasses and cheered loudly.

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