Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 703 Fantasy World Hospital

The shape of the hospital in front of us is weird even in Hersharemuz Rotary.

The main building is built on the edge of the cliff, and the two buildings are connected at right angles. At the junction of the two main buildings, in the center of the building, twisted vines and rocks form a symbol that looks like a half-body of a human figure.

There is a conspicuous cross-shaped symbol on the head of the human figure, and a long vine grows on the chest, which looks like a human pierced by a spear.

Standing on the only main road leading to this hospital, Stephen couldn't maintain his usual calmness:

"This... What's going on?!"

"Don't ask me, I don't know why there is such a strange hospital. There was nothing here less than an hour ago..."

Leo thought he was asking himself, so he could only explain with a sad face.

But Stephen was not asking him, and even his words were not asking, but confirming: "What's going on... Klaus?"

"Well, it's exactly the same as it was then... except for that sign."

Klaus stared at the building in front of him, carefully compared it with the memory in his mind, and then had to nod to confirm.

"Huh? Huh?" Leo made a puzzled sound.

Stephen glanced at him and slowly explained: "We were in this building during the Great Collapse."


Stephen slowly told Leo what they had experienced.

The Great Collapse came too suddenly at that time, and the people in the city had no time to prepare, so it caused huge damage.

On the way, they picked up a baby who had lost his mother. In order to send the child to a safe place, they found this hospital, but at that time the cross sign on the hospital was just an ordinary one.

The name of the hospital at that time was Bradbury General Hospital. Of course, because of the gravity disorder caused by the Great Collapse, the only thing left was the central main building.

The hospital was naturally overcrowded. Even in such a panic, doctors and deans still insisted on their posts, working non-stop for more than ten hours to treat all the injured.

And at such a troublesome time, some troublesome guys came here following the smell of humans.

"Troublesome guys?" Leo was a little confused.

"It should be the blood world family. During that period, most of the strong people in the other world were blocked by the extraordinary people on the earth on the 'other side'.

With their strength, ordinary thugs from the other world are not so difficult to deal with. There is basically only one possibility that can make them feel troubled." Zheng Shu picked his nose and helped Leo answer his doubts.

"Yes, that's right." Stephen looked at him curiously, and then continued to explain, "But it's not just the blood realm dependent, there is also a pet he raised."

"The Fang Hunting Unit is a combat team specifically targeting vampires. At that time, the two of us could still hold on against a vampire, but the other side had an extra pet, so the situation was quite critical.

The most important thing is that the guy let his pet rush into the hospital to slaughter at the beginning of the war. We could only barely stop the guy, and there was no way to stop his pet."

Stephen recalled the feeling of powerlessness in the past and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

The blood realm dependent had an amazing regeneration speed, and Stephen had never encountered that level in his past memories.

It was not until the city of Hersharemz was established and he was used to seeing monsters and demons that he could judge that the blood realm dependent at that time should be a rare elder level.

They were lucky. At the moment when they were about to fail, the Hersharemz Great Barrier was completed, and the other side suddenly retreated.

When Klaus and his team regained consciousness after fainting due to exhaustion, they saw the same Hersharemuz Roth in front of them.

"The 'reconstruction' was completed at that time. After that, we looked for this hospital many times, but we never found it..."

Stephen's tone was full of emotion. Just as he was about to say a few more words, a sudden sound of brakes came from behind.

Squeak! !


Turning around, he saw a chain of car accidents caused by a huge alien rampaging around.

Such accidents are quite common in this city, so Klaus and his team were ready to rush to save people as soon as possible.

At this moment, a group of fully armed people suddenly rushed out of the hospital.

They took various medical equipment and rescue equipment, quickly rescued the injured in the accident, and transported them to the hospital in an orderly manner.

"Hurry up, rescue in order!"

A short old man was directing these people. He was also a little surprised when he saw Stephen and the others: "Oh! You are... You are still alive?!"

"Doctor, I didn't expect you to be safe and sound." Klaus walked up to greet the other party with relief.

He had been feeling guilty for not stopping the pet of the blood world's dependents and letting it rush to the hospital.

Now it seems that although the doctor has some strange things on his body, he seems to be very healthy overall.

"Well, although there are many things I want to tell you. But as you can see, I can't get away now. It will be done soon. You go to the reception room and wait for me."

After speaking, the doctor walked straight into the ward.

Stephen and Klaus looked at the crowd of injured people in the hospital, and they didn't quite understand what he said.

"Soon? But there are so many injured people..."

Leo pushed open the door of the hospital in confusion, and was greeted by a noise.

The loudest voice was a girl who looked not very tall. She was wearing a doctor's white coat and was loudly directing the fully armed medical staff.

"There are injuries to the neck, back, and abdomen. Put on a red label and send to trauma bed No. 2.

This one is yellow, send to bed No. 4 with curtains.

I will come to help after the CT room is done. Operating room No. 4 needs to do an emergency cross-matching test of 6 units..."

Just when she was busy, she accidentally bumped into Klaus' body.

She looked up at Klaus' face, and then fled in a panic as if she was frightened: "Wow! I, I'm busy, I'll leave first!"

The other party's behavior was very rude, but fortunately Klaus was often treated like this, so apart from being a little hurt in his heart, there was no big problem.

However, he looked at the short lady who was running away quickly, and he always felt that he had seen her somewhere before.


Stephen was about to tease when he felt that he was also bumped from behind.

He turned around and was surprised to find that the person who bumped into him was actually a person who looked exactly like the woman just now.

"Wow! Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Sorry, please let me pass!"

What's even more strange is that after seeing Stephen, the other party also ran away quickly in fear, just like the reaction when he bumped into Klaus before.

This is confusing. Although he doesn't want to brag, Stephen knows that his face is quite good, and in many cases he even uses the beauty trick to obtain information.

Even if ordinary people are not interested in him, they should at least not be afraid.

Several people looked at each other's backs with confusion, and Klaus and Stephen suddenly felt as if they couldn't understand this hospital either.

"Hey, is this true?! Where is this place? What are you doing?! Kid! Why are you stitching me up... Eh? So skilled..."

Zapp's voice suddenly came from a nearby ward, and then the door was opened, and Zapp, wrapped in gauze, was pushed out in a wheelchair by medical staff.

"Mr. Zapp?! How is it possible?!"

Leo was a little bit unbelievable, as Zapp was clearly completely unconscious more than ten minutes ago.

"Boy, didn't you just say that this person was dying?"

Stephen looked at Zapp with some doubts. Although this guy was wrapped in a lot of bandages and looked quite miserable, he was definitely not dying.

"Yes, this guy was indeed dying when he was sent here. I just restored his shape to his original appearance, so don't make too much noise, be careful that the wound will split."

Another short woman who looked exactly like the previous two women walked out of the room. While she was pulling off the gloves on her hands, she reminded about the precautions after the operation.

But when she came out, she found Klaus and Stephen watching her.

"Huh? Wow wow wow wow!"

Her reaction was the same as the previous two women trying to escape, but this time Klaus was ready and reached out to grab her arm:

"Please wait a moment! Miss Esteves, right?"

It seemed that she was greatly stimulated. When she struggled to a certain extent, Esteves in front of her suddenly split into two completely identical people like slime in the shocked eyes of several people.

One continued to escape from here and went to other places to support the work, while the other seemed to separate the panic emotion, so it became extremely stable in an instant.

"It's me, long time no see, Mr. Klaus. It's been three years, it feels like a blink of an eye."

As more and more people came to the hospital to support and rescue, Klaus and others found that except for those fully armed medical staff who were obviously not human, the remaining doctors were almost all copies of this Esteves.

"...What happened here? This hospital, and you?" Klaus asked.

The other party's performance was obviously completely different from the normal hospital doctor three years ago.

"Let me answer this question."

Along with this voice was a collision sound like a cane hitting the ground. Several people looked back together, but their expressions were rarely out of control.

"Nice to meet you. I am the dean, Magura de Grana."

What appeared in front of everyone was... a book?

At least it looked like a creature that looked like a book. The whole book spread out naturally, supported by a special bracket, and there was only a bone-like metal underneath as support.

The collision sound of the cane and the ground just now was actually the sound of it jumping over.

"I can see the suspicion on your faces. It's no wonder that people from other worlds would interfere in human medical care. If I were you, I'm afraid you would show the same expression..."

The book made an old and kind voice. If you only listened to the voice, you would mistakenly think that you were a knowledgeable old man.

"Ah, no, to be honest, I think the expressions on our faces cannot be regarded as suspicion, but rather shock... After all, it is rare for a book to speak, even in Hersalemz. …”

Zheng Shu, who had been playing soy sauce since just now, was a little unable to hold back anymore and couldn't help but complain.

After all, with the current situation of Helsalemzi, it is not uncommon for outsiders to treat humans.

Leo's performance on the side also confirmed Zheng Shu's statement: "The book has spoken."

Even Stephen, who has always been serious, couldn't help but marvel: "The book is actually talking..."

"Haha... Young people really like to joke. Although the existence of the old man is rather strange, it's #%¥*#%!!!"

In the middle of speaking, Dean Grana seemed to "see" Zheng Shu clearly - if he also had visual organs, the language system of the entire book fell into chaos, and even various pronunciations of unknown meaning popped up.

"Uh...Is he okay?"

Zheng Shu pointed at the obviously panicked book in front of him. Although a book didn't have such a thing as expressions, judging from the chaotic and violent turning of the pages on his body and the vague tone of voice, he should be quite shocked.

"I don't know."×3.

The three of them shook their heads in confusion, and then all turned their attention to Dr. Estevez.

Estevez shook his head repeatedly: "Don't look at me. This is the first time I've seen him like this. He's usually very stable..."

Suddenly, Dean Graner roared. It was really hard for him to shout such a high tone as a book.

Then under the stunned gazes of a group of people, he suddenly fell to the ground, even the crutches he was supporting straightened out all the crooked places, and the front of the book was facing Zheng Shu straightly.

"Does this... Dean Grana have any special welcome customs?" Stephen quietly tugged on the corner of Estevez's clothes.

"Don't look at me, I don't know. This is the first time I've seen him like this!"

Esteves was still shaking her head in confusion. She had been with her dean for three years. She originally thought she was familiar enough with him, but she didn't expect to discover so many "new lands" today.

"That was not a welcome ceremony."

Klaus, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, drawing the attention of everyone present except Zheng Shu and Dean Graner to focus on him.

"That's kneeling!"


"bow down?"

"What does this mean?"

Amidst the confused voices of everyone, the dean slowly turned the pages of his book, and his tone became respectful and fearful:

"Welcome to your arrival...the Fourteenth King!"

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