Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 710: Contact and Another Universe

In the Internet cafe, Leo sat in a single room, looking at the computer in front of him anxiously.

Ever since Zheng Shu told him that even if his eyes could not be restored, he could still make his sister see things again, Leo couldn't wait to tell Michelle the good news as soon as possible.

But after boarding the computer and looking at his sister's profile picture in the contacts, Leo flinched a little.

Because he suddenly remembered that he hadn't talked to his family online for a long time, and usually only wrote letters home occasionally or mailed his salary back.

The mouse on his hand was turning unconsciously, and Leo unconsciously turned his attention to another contact avatar.

"It's been months..."

Muttering to himself, Leo clicked the mouse.

Along with a brief standby sound, the video over there was picked up, revealing a face he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Leo, long time no see!"

Looking at the smiling expression of the other party, Leo smiled unconsciously: "Long time no see, Xiao Hei."

"I really didn't expect you to call me. I've been away from there for several months before I knew it. It was so long that I thought it was several years." Xiao Hei seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

"Really? It's because it's always busy here, so I feel like time flies by." Leo. Looking back on what I have experienced in recent months, I can't help but feel a little emotional.

Xiao Hei nodded: "I really miss Hershalemz Lot. Although this city is indeed chaotic, it also has its own unique charm."

"How about coming here occasionally and doing some sightseeing?"

"It sounds very good. Because most of my memories there are only related to Xiaobai, so I really haven't visited that city in detail."

Hearing Xiao Hei mention Xiao Bai's name, Leo paused slightly: "...Yes."

"However, you just called me. I have good news for you." Xiao Hei also noticed his pause and suddenly showed a bright smile.

"Good news? Could it be that Xiaobai..." Leo felt happy.

"Yes, I have asked the seniors from the Warlock Association to help check it out. Xiaobai's health is quite good.

In a few days, when we have taken care of things here, we can go there to find you soon. And there is another big surprise, but I won’t tell you now. "

"Oh, I'll look forward to it." Leo's face turned surprised, "I have a lot of things to tell you."

The two chatted for a long time before hanging up the video.

When Xiao Hei hung up the video, Leo giggled happily for a long time, only to wake up when a gunshot was heard outside.

Only then did he remember what he was going to do this time.

"Wow! What on earth am I doing? I am such an incompetent brother!!"

Pulling his hair in annoyance, Leo picked up the mouse again, looked at the familiar contact avatar, took a deep breath, and clicked on it.

Beep beep... click.

"Hello? It's my brother?! Ah! I finally got through. What are you doing? You need to contact me anyway!"

When the video was picked up, before Leo had time to say anything, Michelle started asking questions like a barrage of questions.

"It's me...I'm sorry." Leo felt a little ashamed.

He also knew that it was too willful for him to not even call home after being here for such a long time.

But recalling Zheng Shu's promise to him, Leo soon became happy again: "Michura, would you like to find a chance to come here, I'll find..."

"Eh?! Brother, do you already know?" Mi Xiula's voice was full of surprise.

"Uh... no, what do I know?"

Hearing his sister's words, Leo seemed more surprised than her, and he couldn't help but swallow back the surprise he wanted to say later.

"Hey, don't you know? Then why did you let me go? Forget it, although it's a bit sudden, you have to listen carefully to this matter."

"What's up?"

"I want to get married."

Michula said this in a very calm tone, as if she was talking about what to eat for dinner, but the content in her words caused Leo's brain to shut down for a moment.


"Ehhhhh?! What did you say?!"

The excessive shock even made Leo involuntarily open the God's Prosthetic Eye, and the blue gear-shaped magic circle instantly covered the eyes of everyone in the Internet cafe.

Their vision was suddenly usurped, and people in the Internet cafe thought they were suddenly attacked. So this group of lunatics living in this city pulled out their weapons without hesitation and started attacking randomly.

The chaos spread quickly and soon spread to the streets. Almost in the blink of an eye, inexplicable melees broke out on the entire street.

However, because a group of people tried to expand the battlefield, this Internet cafe miraculously survived.

In the single room, Leo was still chatting with his sister.

"Why are you so surprised? It's so rude! Although I wanted to scare you a little, I didn't expect you to have such a reaction like a sudden change in the world. The reaction was too much. I'm sad!" Mi Xiula! There was unhappiness in his voice.

"No, no, wait, wait, but..."

Leo grabbed his hair with both hands, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

"Eh? What's going on, brother, are you planning to prevent me from getting happiness?"

Michula's words were so heart-wrenching that she hit the panicked Leo on the spot.

"Actually, even if you didn't invite me, I originally planned to go to Hershalemz Lot next month.

After all, you are the only brother in the whole family who you haven’t met yet. In order to prevent you from thinking that there are any doubts about my engagement, you should meet him. I have already contacted the person who specially planned the trip to Hersalemz. Travel agency. "

Michula once again dropped a piece of news, which also reminded Leo of what he wanted to say at the beginning.

"Ah! By the way, I have good news. You can see things again. I have found a way to restore your sight!"

This time it was Michula's turn to be silent. Because the connection was voice and not video, Leo couldn't see what Michula's expression was.

But after a moment of silence on Miura's side, faint sobbing could be heard.

"Oh?! Don't cry. It's such a happy thing... don't cry!" Leo immediately became at a loss.

"Brother..." Mi Xiula's crying voice came from the computer, "You must be... working very hard."

Even if you don't go to that city in person, you can know how dangerous that city is just by hearing a few words in the news.

Michula knew very well that her brother was not good at fighting with others. In fact, although he had protected herself very well since he was a child, most of the time he was just getting beaten on his behalf.

In that city, death was a nightmare that could arrive at any time.

Leo was an ordinary person with a pair of peculiar eyes. Michelle couldn't imagine how Leo, who was unarmed and not good at fighting, survived in that city.

Not to mention that he found a way to restore his eyesight in such a harsh situation. He must have suffered a lot.

At this time, the chaos caused by Leo, who was "unarmed" and "not good at fighting", was still spreading and had begun to affect this Internet cafe.

But in the face of all thugs who might affect the call between him and his sister, Leo used God's prosthetic eyes to change their vision and make them leave the Internet cafe unconsciously.

Although the boy still looked peaceful, his back somehow blended harmoniously into the chaos.

Leo comforted Michula for a long time before finally getting her to stop crying:

"Anyway, remember to spare a few days after the 5th of next month."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Leo could say anything more, the call was cut off.

"Hey, Michula! Okay..."

"After the 5th of next month? That's no problem. I usually have nothing to do anyway." Zheng Shu nodded after listening to Leo's words.

"However, you should also pay attention to your sister's safety. Although it is said that we have found a special travel agency, I remember that it is not officially recognized, right?"

"Yes... but I heard that as long as you sign the consent form, there will be no legal problems." Leo frowned a little when he thought of this problem.

Although with his own abilities, he can barely survive safely in this city.

But it's a bit too difficult to take care of his sister, or even other people.

"Actually, you can also find a bodyguard." Zheng Shu pointed the direction with his eyes while drinking tea.

Leo followed his prompt and turned around, seeing Klaus and Stephen who were eavesdropping.

"Huh?! This... shouldn't be possible, right?" Leo felt that this was not very reliable.

As a secret society, Lebra's main purpose is to maintain the balance between the two worlds. Because of their own personal affairs, it seems unreasonable for them to serve as bodyguards.

And the most important thing is that if he is suspected of having a relationship with Lebra, then Michula may also be implicated.

Leo has been in this city for so long, but he knows that these crazy people can do anything.

"No, actually even if you don't tell me this time, we still have to arrange for someone to protect your sister." Stephen's words stunned Leo.


"Now it has been confirmed that you and your sister's eyes are related. If anything happens to your sister, it should also have some impact on your eyes. For this reason, we have every reason to protect her safety." Stephen shook his head. Shake his head.

Leo's God's Eye of God is the only power they have at this stage that can deal with the Blood Realm Familiar. This alone is worthy of their attention.

"Well, now that the safety issue has been resolved, I will come back on the 5th of next month."

Zheng Shu finished eating the last piece of pastry, clapped his hands and stood up.

"Ah! Yes, I'll trouble you when the time comes..." Leo seemed a little cautious.

Zheng Shu glanced at him: "There's no need for this. With our friendship, this is just a small favor."

Patting Leo on the shoulder, Zheng Shu and the others waved their hands, put their hands in their pockets and left the office.

After tearing open the rift in space, he came to the dark space of Femto.

As soon as Zheng Shu came in, he saw a group of monsters and ghosts holding a party.

In addition to the common Thirteen Kings, there are also a group of less familiar guys. They are other high-ranking beings who have been trapped in their own kingdom of God all year round.

As Zheng Shu's control over authority deepened, he could make it work remotely, that is, let a small world separated from his body maintain the posture of the real world for a long time.

This means that Zheng Shu can create a paradise for a group of bored guys to play for a long time without delaying his own business.

It's just that the number of superior beings in the dark space is much less than before, because the first batch of superior beings who went to explore other universes have returned and brought back news of that world.

This also made a large group of superior beings interested in that universe and ran over to explore.

Zheng Shu didn't pay much attention to it, but he heard that it seemed to be a more magical world, as if everything in the world could produce wisdom, such as intelligent bacteria, which are even considered common things in that universe.

From single-celled organisms to mountains and even entire planets, it is possible that wisdom will be born over a long period of time.

Based on the existence of the planet, almost all planets, including stars and black holes, have their own consciousness and wisdom.

Because the larger the size of intelligent creatures, the more resources they consume, and the easier it is to be discovered by those conscious planets.

Most planets have a clear attitude towards these creatures on their bodies. If they are unintelligent, they can be used as decorations or ornaments, but if they are intelligent, they are parasites.

This leads to a large difference in the size of individuals in this universe, but there are very few intelligent creatures with "conventional" sizes in the other two universes.

However, if it were just like this, it would not attract a group of superior beings to go to another universe.

After all, due to the power system, the superior beings based on authority will suffer a lot when facing this group of genuine "planetary creatures".

After all, after each planet has self-awareness, it can naturally control all the authority on itself.

Even if the size of each of these superior beings rushing over is not weaker than that of a single planet, they are still at a disadvantage in terms of the number of authority. Although they will not be killed, they will definitely not be able to get a good result.

The reason why so many superior beings are attracted to explore is because the group of returning superior beings found other almost nonsense things in that universe.

That is also a specialty of the special rules of that universe. The higher beings discovered that the special rules of that universe not only work on matter, but over a long period of time, many cosmic rules have also given birth to their own consciousness.

In simple terms - rules become spirits.

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