"Mating with me!"

Faced with Zheng Shu's incomprehensible question, the figure repeated what he had just said.

For a moment, all the attention of the higher beings turned from the figure to Zheng Shu.

"No...wait...what's going on?!"

Zheng Shu had obviously cultivated to the point where he was immune to cold and heat, and could survive freely even in the universe, but at this moment, cold sweat broke out on his back.

The sight of the surrounding higher beings certainly made him feel violent fluctuations, but what Zheng Shu couldn't stand the most was the sight of the figure in front of him.

...If this feeling can be called "sight".

Zheng Shu was sure that the figure had no visual organs, and it was obvious that these regular creatures did not rely on vision to observe the world.

But in any case, Zheng Shu was very sure that all the other party's observation ability was now focused on him.

That fiery "sight" was not concealed at all, and the emotions inside were simple and direct.

So, under the pressure of this "sight", Zheng Shu, who thought he was fearless and not inferior to others in his life, swallowed his saliva and took a step back without hesitation.

He cast his eyes on other people, trying to get help.

However, Zheng Shu sadly found that the faces of this group of bastards, including Feimuto, were full of words such as "You are so good at this" and "You are still good at playing".

"Assholes, you guys should stop playing abstract at this time!"

Zheng Shu was so angry that he rushed to Feimuto and reached out to wipe off the words he had just written on his face with a marker.

"Oh, I thought you had no interest in another universe, but I didn't expect that you had secretly been there once. Look! This is the debt of love you caused yourself!"

Feimuto did not resist Zheng Shu's behavior of rubbing the words on his face, but continued to tease him with a smile.

"You beast! You kid had expected it a long time ago, right?!"

Zheng Shu knew from the way this guy spoke that Feimuto must have figured out the reason.

In addition, the surrounding superior beings behaved in such a uniform manner. Needless to say, they must have prepared in advance without telling me.

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu was so angry that he grabbed Feimuto's head with both hands and squeezed it hard.

"You can't blame me for this... Who told you to forget your special abilities?" Feimuto refused to admit his mistake.

"So, do you want to mate (harmoniously) with him? Although I don't quite understand the customs of your universe, if necessary, please take me with you when you two mate (harmoniously)."

Just as Zheng Shu and Feimuto were arguing, the rule creature from another universe also floated over, but his plain tone brought words that could be called the collapse of the sky.



Hearing such explosive words from Him, Feimuto and Zheng Shu shuddered violently, let go of each other at the fastest speed, and even kicked each other without hesitation.

Zheng Shu patted a shoe print on his clothes and shook his body hard, as if to shake off the goose bumps on his body.

Looking at the person waiting for his answer, Zheng Shu's brain thought rapidly.

Can't let this guy continue talking like this!

Otherwise, if he continues like this, I don't know what he can say.

By now, Zheng Shu almost understood the reason. The culprit of all this was most likely his second skill on the panel.

Regular creatures are naturally not human, and of course they will be attracted by his inhuman charm.

"Ahem... that, this person... I don't know what to call him." Zheng Shu hesitated for a moment and chose a more cautious opening statement.

"Your question, is it about asking about the kind of thing you call a name?" the figure asked.

"Uh, yes." Zheng Shu nodded.

"Not sure. In our world, creatures like us don't need this kind of thing to identify our identities. But if you really need a name, just call me 'Quantum' according to the relevant names studied by the creatures in the galaxy next to us."

"Quantum" was quite casual about his name, and Zheng Shu also noticed that when he first came to this universe, he communicated by emitting a strange wave to transfer information, but in just a few seconds, he had already started to speak directly.

Considering the name she gave him, Zheng Shu was thoughtful and probably understood the rules represented by the person in front of him.

"Well, Mr. Quantum, there are actually some misunderstandings. The emotions you feel are not normal, but because of a special ability of mine, so please don't be affected by it."

Zheng Shu didn't think for too long, and then he gave Quantum a detailed explanation of the power provided by his second skill on the panel.

After all, it was the first communication between the two universes. If there was any misunderstanding because of him, it would be a big sin.

In order to verify what he said, Zheng Shu even pulled Feimto over.

"You are like him, because you completely conform to the concept of 'human', so you can't feel my special charm. With your ability, Lord Quantum, you should be able to understand his feelings, right?"

"Yes, it is indeed a magical ability." Quantum glanced at Feimto, then nodded, as if he could completely observe Zheng Shu from Feimto's perspective.

"And your special ability seems to have a hidden effect. According to the classification, distinction and comparison of the physical senses of the surrounding superior beings, your ability is estimated to have a great enhancement for rule-based creatures.

By analogy, I'm afraid your ability will be more effective for concepts such as the universe and the world. This will be a great help when you travel to a new world."

It has only been less than a minute since arriving in this universe, and Quantum seems to have mastered an exaggerated amount of information, and even knows that Zheng Shu is a traveler from another world.

Although Zheng Shu did not hide these things from the superior beings, they were only circulated among the superior beings.

Not only that, based on the only contact, she can even infer some hidden effects of Zheng Shu's second skill on the panel, which is a specificity that even Zheng Shu himself has not discovered.

"Ah? My ability has such a special effect?" Zheng Shu was confused.

Turning to look at Feimto, Feimto shook his head and spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know about this kind of thing.

After all, no matter how strong their research ability is, they have never encountered such a special thing as rule-based creatures before.

Among all the skills, Zheng Shu has always developed the least for his second skill.

Although branch functions such as "alien detector" or "combat power enhancement detection device" have been developed in the past, as Zheng Shu's strength improves, these abilities can be covered and replaced by his own strength.

Now, compared with the panel skills 3 and 4, which are very useful in research and learning, or the panel skills 1, which are not inferior in combat assistance, the presence of the second skill is indeed very low.

However, after hearing Quantum's analysis, Zheng Shu was thoughtful.

If it is really as she said, then I am afraid that this panel skill 2 is the most meritorious ability in the process of crossing.

For people who cannot leave the world, the ability to make the world feel good about oneself seems to be only a child of destiny, but for "outsiders" like Zheng Shu, there is another more important benefit: safety.

From what happened when crossing to the Type-Moon world, it can be seen that the "world" can completely control the landing point and time point of Zheng Shu after crossing the world.

Although Feimto and his team have discovered the "safety regulations" for Zheng Shu's travel through time in their research, if the world itself has malicious tricks, it is easy to put him in some dangerous areas, such as black holes.

Moreover, there is the issue of time. Even if we do not consider the world and only consider the existence time of the universe, the time itself is in units of tens of billions of years.

In such a long time, the time that Zheng Shu's so-called "plot" can occupy is extremely small, and it can even be said that a slight fluctuation can completely miss it.

The "world" does not even need to do much. As long as Zheng Shu fluctuates slightly during the process of traveling into the world, he can make him differ from the so-called plot time by hundreds of millions of years.

At that time, even if the location of the transmission is very accurate, it is unknown whether there are creatures on the planet.

In addition, the influence factor held by Zheng Shu himself is also a very important resource in the eyes of the world, but it does not mean that all worlds are willing to "trade".

The world will is essentially just a kind of operating rule. In most cases, the world will itself has no emotions and thinking ability.

Let alone the ability to think emotionally, many world wills do not even have the ability to think absolutely rationally, and are more likely to follow the rules of the world itself.

After discovering that Zheng Shu's influence factor is very important to them, the more likely reaction of these instinctive world wills should be to kill Zheng Shu directly to seize the resources they need.

So this is the ability of the second skill on the panel, which is essentially to escort Zheng Shu's crossing.

Through the information just revealed by Quantum Tou, Zheng Shu thought so much in an instant, and then he looked at the figure in front of him with some shock.

Logically speaking, the rules of the two worlds are different, and Quantum came to this world is only a part of her. In this case, he can still grasp so much information in such a short time. His ability has surpassed the simple concept of "quantum".

But it is also normal. After all, it is the rules of another universe, and there must be differences.

Even if it is the name "quantum", it is probably just a relatively similar concept found on Earth, and it is not exactly the same as the rules she represents.

And the reason why the rule creatures of another universe let Quantum be the first representative to come to this universe to communicate is probably because of her outrageous information collection ability.

"But this makes it much easier to explain."

Zheng Shu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Quantum again with a smile: "So you should have understood that this incident was indeed just an accident. It was because of my special ability that caused your feelings to be a little different."

"So that's how it is." Quantum nodded, "So when are we going to mate (harmonize)?"

Zheng Shu blushed on the spot: "Are you listening to me?!!"

"So, mate (harmonize)?"


Zheng Shu was so angry that veins popped up on his forehead. He took a deep breath to calm down. He thought that it might be a collision of different worldviews. Then he explained to her earnestly:

"Don't you know that feelings are wrong? Why do you continue this topic?!

Maybe in your concept, following your feelings is very important, but this is different from our concept. Moreover, we are not even of the same race, so our aesthetic concepts must be different!"


Seeing that Quantum finally said something else, Zheng Shu nodded immediately: "Really."

"But I see that those people on that planet will mate (harmoniously) with each other even if they are of different races." Quantum pointed to the earth.

With Zheng Shu's observation and calculation abilities, it was easy to see that her finger was accurately aimed at Hersharemz Roth, who had just turned around on the earth.


A slap hit his face. Zheng Shu knew that he was careless and did not dodge.

"And even if you really can't accept the difference in race, I can change my race. As long as the essence of our regular creatures remains unchanged, the external race and appearance can change at will."

As she spoke, Quantum's figure began to change, gradually solidifying from the original humanoid creature that was emitting light to a physical entity.

And her appearance and figure are constantly changing, as if she is randomly combining her own appearance by collecting various information.

However, because it is too random, it has a sense of déjà vu of low-intelligence AI drawing.

Fortunately, with more and more information collected, Quantum has understood the human aesthetics in almost the blink of an eye, and the originally randomly combined appearance has begun to become orderly, and the appearance gradually changed from weird to beautiful.

"Well... For this kind of thing, I think it's better for both parties to be in love." Zheng Shu took a few steps back again.

"It's about mutual affection. Obviously, there are many people on Earth who can mate (harmoniously) without mutual affection." Quantum tilted her head, "But as long as it's someone you like, you'll be willing to mate (harmoniously) with me, right? Then I probably understand."

So, Quantum's originally disorderly appearance suddenly began to change towards certain images.

Some of them looked very familiar to Zheng Shu, from Alykira, Zhen, King Hope, to Xia He, Feng Baobao...

She seemed to be searching for the appearance of all women who had intersections with Zheng Shu, and continued to go deeper according to the rule of shallow to deep impressions.

When Zheng Shu saw that Quantum's appearance changed into Atalanta and Medusa, he already had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I think... it's better for you to stop."

"Don't worry, you'll find an image that you're willing to mate (harmoniously) with soon."

Quantum's eyes became brighter, but the speed of changing her appearance slowed down. Soon, after skipping the images of Xia Mi and Eri, her image finally became a certain blonde woman.

Quantum smiled brightly: "That's it! How about it? Are you willing to mate with me now?"

Zheng Shu was silent for a moment, and suddenly raised his hand to pinch Quantum's neck. When he raised his head, everyone realized that his smiling face had become extremely cold.

"If you keep this appearance, I will kill you."

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