Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 86 Unexpected Discovery

Finding that his attack had no effect, "Odin" still had no intention of giving in. Instead, wearing a broken armor, he quickly moved towards Zheng Shu.

"A little boring."

Looking at Odin rushing up, Zheng Shu showed an expression as if he was attacked by a flying cockroach.

With a slight wave of his hand, Odin rushed forward and flew backwards as if he had been hit by a truck. After hitting the ground, Odin could not get up again no matter what. An invisible force field pushed him down. On the ground, the broken armor creaked under the pressure.

Looking at Odin struggling on the ground, Zheng Shu snapped his fingers, and the surrounding elements immediately gathered towards it.

Hela is worthy of being the controller of all the Nibelungs. In such a short period of time, without Zheng Shu having any control at all, his innate power has already plundered a considerable part of the Nibelungs.

Even now, the scope of his control is still expanding. Although he can feel that there are other beings inside the Nibelungen competing with him for control, it is obvious that in the face of Hela's level of dimensionality reduction attack, The other party felt quite powerless.

With this small area captured, Zheng Shu has been able to mobilize the elements around him to a certain extent. Although these elements have been killed by alchemy, it does not prevent Zheng Shu from controlling them to release the spirit of speech.


A huge fireball condensed on Odin's head, and exploded without giving him any time to react. The air was stirred up by a large number of shock waves, and the howling wind swept away the rubble and debris, forming a terrifying death storm that turned into a The barrage flew into the distance.

This was not over yet. Zheng Shu swiped his fingers again, and several huge meteors with flaming trails fell around the place where smoke was still billowing, causing violent explosions.

boom! boom! boom!

Several mushroom clouds rose one after another, and the newly repaired viaduct above collapsed again, and gray smoke rose into the sky, covering the sky.

Before Zheng Shu could make his next move, Kungunir, who had just been ejected, flew back from nowhere, pierced through the thick smoke, crossed the sky, and shot towards Zheng Shu again.

Zheng Shu raised his eyebrows in surprise, calculated its movement trajectory, and reached out to tap the tip of Kungunir's gun when it was about to hit.



The moment his fingers came into contact with the tip of the gun, an inaudible sound came from Kungunir's gun. The next moment, the seemingly indestructible divine spear was shattered by this finger. Countless fragments hit Zheng Shu by inertia, but did not leave even a scratch.

Looking at the counterfeit Odin standing up again in the thick smoke in the distance, Zheng Shu had to admit that the genuine Odin had indeed spent a lot of energy in this Nibelung.

Not to mention anything else, this Nibelung's ability to support internal units far exceeds that of other Dragon Kings. Even the King of Bronze and Fire, who is best at alchemy, does not necessarily receive as much blessing from the Bronze City as Odin does from the Nibelungen.

After all, this Nibelungen even has a bit of the meaning of the Kingdom of God in the DND setting.

But it is a pity that if it were another perfect dragon king, this war fortress might still be a bit difficult, but Zheng Shu's first template to strengthen was Hela, the god of death, who was born to be the controller of all Nibelungs.

After realizing the important point, Zheng Shu no longer paid attention to the counterfeit Odin who was still roaring, but concentrated on controlling his own power, accelerating the plunder of control of the Nibelungs under his feet.

Originally, this Nibelung root was difficult to resist Zheng Shu's erosion. After he became serious, the scope of his control area expanded instantly, and the rate of erosion of the remaining areas continued to increase.

When the range that Zheng Shu could control expanded to the feet of the fake Odin, Odin's body, which was recovering quickly, suddenly stopped for a moment. Then, like a robot that lost power, he suddenly stopped moving and fell to the ground.

Zheng Shu just raised his head and raised his arm, intending to gather his strength to destroy him again.


Just when the next fireball was about to explode, Zheng Shu suddenly made a confused sound.

After dispersing the Yanling that was about to explode, Zheng Shu raised his feet and teleported into the deep pit created by the explosion with just one step.

With a wave of his hand, Zheng Shu easily broke the balance of the surrounding airflow. A huge hurricane appeared out of thin air, extinguishing the surrounding flames with irresistible power and blowing away the smoke on the ground.

Looking at the withered flesh under his feet, Zheng Shu had a puzzled look on his face.

As soon as he raised his hand, Odin's armor levitated out of thin air.

This armor is a typical scale armor, with the armor pieces connected to each other. It is both flexible and defensive. In medieval Europe, it was considered a treasure that only the great nobles could enjoy. Coupled with the alchemy circle engraved on it, it is a rare alchemy weapon even among hybrids.

However, in the bombing just now, this scale armor had been blown to pieces, most of the armor pieces were scattered everywhere, and the rest reluctantly stayed on the fake Odin's body.

When Zheng Shu floated the remaining scale armor into the air, it broke into pieces naturally without even using any force.

These broken pieces of armor were thrown aside by invisible forces, revealing Odin's skinny and blackened body. The body blackened by the fire was motionless, and the skin was chapped but still as hard as rock. Zheng Shu's successive attacks had completely defeated the fake, but with the support of the Nibelungs, he could still stand up until Zheng Shu fell after completely seizing control of the Nibelung area around him.

Zheng Shu reached out and removed the metal mask from the fake Odin's face, revealing an ugly face with sharp teeth underneath.

Zheng Shu briefly looked at the metal mask in his hand, admiring the precise alchemical runes inside.

It can be seen that this should be some kind of alchemical creation. Judging from the remaining runes on it, after matching with the runes on the armor, it can form a complete set of intelligent combat structures.

As for the hybrid inside, he is essentially just a tool that activates the word spirit and provides power.

Zheng Shu speculated that the eight-legged Pegasus was probably also an alchemical creation, and could form a complete combat suit with armor, mask and imitation Kungunir.

With the blessing of the Nibelungs, regardless of the user's combat effectiveness, just this set of suits can exert the power of the first-generation species.

Although due to the blood concentration of the users, their words and spirits have no effect on the first-generation species in most cases, this is already amazing.

However, the demand for the wearer of this suit will be very high. If you want to be able to wear a complete set, you should be at least an S-level hybrid.

Thank you to readers of Midnight Killing Night and Sun Moon Dream Star Morning for the reward. Thank you for your support.

The past two days have been a little too busy. After these two days, I will see if I can code more words and update them.

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