Sky Dungeon

Chapter 108: This woman should have existed in the sky, but how can she travel around the world!

Although the rally number is the intelligence of monsters, it can be fully utilized by players to form groups of fifty or even hundreds of people. After entering the dungeon, find the monster that activated the rally number, and then spot the monsters.

However, it should be noted that even if the effect of the monster smart assembly number is used, there is a theoretical upper limit to the number of monsters to attract. Each time it attracts only monsters in a certain area, it can be understood as a certain monster's call for help. Spread the limit. If there are many leveling teams in this area, the monsters in the battle will not be attracted by the assembly number, and will not rush to gather. Moreover, the monsters refreshed will also determine whether to regroup based on the surrounding players.

   Then, if you want to use the rally number, you must have good luck. You must be in a remote area, and you must be careful not to kill the monster that started the rally number, and try to let the monsters continue to gather.

  If you kill by mistake, it is not realistic to want to trigger the assembly number continuously. This monster intelligence has a low trigger rate, after all, it is the team destroying skill. If it is triggered frequently, then the player has to go to the Tenyi company to block the door.

   I have to say that Jing Tian and the others are not an ordinary team. In the process of collecting the corpses, they successfully used the assembly number twice!

The 6-person team wiped out the siege of hundreds of monsters of the same level twice. This is simply a fantasy. Thanks to Xinghua Village Wine, when the assembly number was triggered, Jing Tian moved in different directions from the package. Throwing out a total of more than 20 jars of wine, the group of hundreds of ghost wolves ate up the wine on the ground in a stormy manner.

   Of course, Jing Tian did not intend to continue to use the rally number. If she used the rally number to continuously spawn monsters, she might have to drain her energy completely, and even team members could not bear such a high-intensity continuous spawning monsters.

Needless to say, the six people were killed heartily. Originally, Jing Tian was worried about whether the output would be insufficient and the alcoholism would disappear, but he was relieved that the alcoholism lasted for a long time, just like one. Kind of krypton gold props, but the system is very obscure, not all local tyrants can casually krypton gold.

   is really a game of conscience. If you want to gold, it depends on fate!

   After a night of fighting, everyone finally recognized the strength of the King of the Sword Cavalry. Everyone seemed to come out of blind hostility and began to praise each other, know each other, and communicate with each other.

   As the saying goes, there are three women in a drama. Although Yun Yiyi doesn't like to talk very much, Zhao Jiaxue gets gossip, and even "what style of underwear do you like" can be asked, which makes everyone listen.

   Yu Yan is also very carefree, what to say, although sometimes the words are shocking, it feels like they are not living in the same world.

  This is also reasonable, after all, she lives in Cambridge, and there are too many differences for them in China. The key is that only the second disease can understand the world of the second disease!

However, don’t be fooled into thinking that this means that Zhao Jiaxue agrees with Yu Yan and Jing Tian’s relationship. She always wants to understand each other’s true intentions and threat coefficients through mutual understanding and understanding. When Yu Yan admitted that she was studying at Cambridge University and might not be able to return to China to meet them, Zhao Jiaxue's hostility was reduced by more than half.

   After all, let alone overseas, even outside the province or city, Jing Tian would definitely not go to meet a netizen. Zhao Jiaxue couldn't understand his hometown value.

   However, what happened in the future told her that women's words must not be believed, especially the second-degree sick woman!

   Of course, even Zhao Jiaxue can analyze things, Yun Yiyi is naturally not a problem, and the small team crisis is lifted like this. But don't mistakenly think that it's okay, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi's thoughts are surprisingly consistent: Jing Tian must be warned.

Not surprisingly, during the evening's regular meeting, Zhao Jiaxue, Yun Yiyi, and Luo Xia all pointed their fingers at Jing Tian’s game style. Jing Tian accepted the unprecedented criticism of the three of them "helplessly let you go." Promise to never duel with other female players again, so as not to accidentally accept a follower.

   Early the next morning, as usual, he got up and went downstairs to buy breakfast. As a result, he had just left the complex when a brightly colored pink Land Rover blocked his way.

Jing Tian just glanced at the pink Land Rover blocking the road, and was shocked. It turned out to be a luxury modified car. This car is definitely a crime in China. It has been modified into an armored car. I have to wonder what is inside the car. A perverted madman drove such a fan monster running around the street, isn't he afraid that others will be jealous and take photos with the car? Take a picture, send it to the fat guy, show it off!

   Before Jing Tian took out his mobile phone to take a sneak photo, the next moment the car door opened from the inside out, Jing Tian subconsciously glanced at the madman in the driving position. In an instant, Jing Tian's pupils suddenly shrank...

   He naturally knows this Even if I haven't seen it for many years, he can recognize the beauty in front of him unless it turns to ashes.

   "Why are you here?" Jing Tian looked at the unexpected guest in front of him, very unhappy.

"Why, let me see if you are still alive, your biological clock is still so regular, you have to come out on time every day to buy breakfast." The woman walked out of the car door slowly, she seemed to know Jing Tian well, presumably she was investigating Some.

   When a slim woman stood in front of Jing Tian, ​​she instantly attracted the pedestrians passing by on the roadside. Everyone probably had the same idea in everyone's mind: This woman should have been in the sky, but how can she travel around the world!

   "I have nothing to do with you. I don't need your care. How do you know that I am here? Who else knows except you?" Jing Tian's tone revealed an unknown premonition, and he floated into the pink Land Rover with his light.

"Relax, of course only I know. You also know what my house does. How do I know you are here? Do you still need to answer?" The woman's voice revealed a strong force, but her slender white right hand was raised in an instant. The speed was so fast that people doubted life, as if to give Jing Tian a fierce slap, but this slap did not make a loud collision, and the woman's delicate hand touched Jing Tian's cheek gently with surprise.

   Most passers-by sighed in their hearts: The fairy has chosen another cowboy who collects dung!

   "Then you better forget that I am here. The old man taught me to take control. I only want to control myself, not to be manipulated by you or anyone else. I am no longer the little brother behind your ass."

   Jingtian did not show weakness either. He said the words "anyone else" sonorously, which also showed that in his heart, the woman in front of him could not threaten his freedom.


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