Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1212: Liu Yaya is back?

It is a pity that the ejection effect produced by the explosion could not stop the fire, but instead made the fire bigger, but this loud noise perfectly caught the attention of Jing Tian and others.

   Needless to say, Jing Tian and the others also joined the temporary fire brigade, broke in with Lin Yumian's security members, and quickly controlled the fire.

   Nan Lingxi was scared to hide in the bathroom because of the explosion, and was finally rescued.

   I have to say, fortunately, fire doors were used during Nanlingxi's decoration. Even the toilets are heavy fire doors instead of glass doors. Otherwise, the airtightness is not good, and the smoke may be choked to death!

   Fortunately, Lin Yumian’s guards are fully equipped, especially fire-fighting devices. They are definitely not ordinary fire extinguishers. They use fire-fighting grenades, and their ability to control fire is very powerful.

   Otherwise, even if the bathroom has a fire door, if the fire cannot be controlled, Nan Lingxi will die!

Therefore, Nan Lingxi said that she would cook the food, and everyone's expressions changed. Others asked for money to cook. She must kill her to cook, and not only her own life, or the entire building. , Maybe you can blow up the whole building!

"Hahaha, just kidding, this little thing is of course left to me and Yiyi, a piece of cake, how can a good woman like you waste time on food? I didn't say before, now men will definitely experience themselves You can only find a chef’s husband in the future. You have a delicate skin and tender meat, which is not suitable for the kitchen! You say yes, Yiyi?"

   Zhao Jiaxue didn't want to die of cooking inexplicably, her voice was mixed with helplessness and embarrassment.

   "Small meaning."

Yun Yiyi did her part. For her, cooking one more meal is nothing. Besides, there are dishwashers now, and at first the dishwasher was too small to wash the pots. Later, Jing Tian felt distressed and the two added a large The straight-through dishwasher, now ordinary pots can be thrown in and automatically scrubbed.

  What kind of ghost logic is this?

   Don’t you two girls cook the tender meat?

  In other words, does Nan Lingxi need to find a fat cook as her husband?

   Isn't this just round the corner and persuade Nan Lingxi not to make your own decisions?

   Thinking of this, Jing Tian just shook his head...

   "It seems that what I said also makes sense. Brother Jing often said that I would help everyone in what I am good at. Instead, just leave the food and stuff to the profiteer's maid."

   So you are good at calling maids!

   "Uh...this is a good suggestion. The quality of the vegetables delivered varies. If Yiyi and Xiaoxue have to buy it every time, it will be too much trouble."

"Indeed, I used to exercise for activities, and now the amount of exercise for the two meals is almost the same. In addition, if you want to exercise, you can use fitness equipment, and you can also exercise and beautify. The time saved is used in the gym. "

   Want to have beauty is your main purpose, right?

   Jingtian smiled bitterly, but he also agreed with this idea. After all, the exercise of shopping for food is far inferior to the new generation of game fitness equipment.

   In fact, it is very convenient to deliver vegetables now. Takeaway vegetables are nothing new, but the quality of the vegetables delivered cannot always guarantee the freshness and quality.

   Therefore, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue have always been responsible for ensuring the quality of everyone's food.

   At this point, everything has returned to normal again. The only thing that is abnormal is that Liu Yaya really left.

In reality, Liu Yaya must have already traveled with the fleet at this time. I don’t know when I will see the myth of the villager’s profession again in the game. But people who dare to play villagers, the SSSSS-level money-burning profession, are almost impossible to see.

   Moreover, with the development of various professional skills, especially the emergence of killer moves and chance kill skills, this has gradually dimmed the glory of the villager's profession.

   The only advantage of the villager profession gradually became a bubble, and even became a disadvantage, and began to drag the villager's profession.

   Jingtian logged into the game with some regrets. He wanted to say sorry to Ye Lanmeng again. He left too hurriedly today and said he could upgrade her, but he chose not to do it halfway, and he was somewhat untrustworthy.

   However, when Jing Tian opened his friends list, he was surprised to see that someone was online!

   Yes, [village woman] is online!

   Liu Yaya is back?

how is this possible?

   You are not dreaming, are you?

What the **** does this happen?

   Jing Tian, ​​whose mind was blank, immediately sent a voice request, yes, it was not a message, but a direct conversation.

   But the other party refused!

   In the next second, a message came from Liu Yaya: "Be quiet, just say something."

   Jingtian couldn’t understand, but didn’t foolishly think that Liu Yaya really came back, just faintly asked, "Where are you?"

   "The sea."

   Liu Yaya is still gone!

   It's just that she went to the sea with a VR device!

   This woman is really headstrong. I thought she was going to protect her family and the country and completely forget everything, but she didn't expect that she just ran out to the sea to play Sky Dungeon just to avoid reality!

   "Is the network stable?"

   "Don't worry, don't use the special network of the army. UU reading www.uukā don't talk to me anymore, I will naturally say when I want to talk to you, it's quiet now, otherwise I will bomb the Konghai Garden with a missile!"

   Liu Yaya, you big liar!

   Jingtian didn't know how many times he had read this sentence silently.

   Obviously, he didn't believe that Liu Yaya would bomb herself with a missile, let alone she would bomb everyone with a missile.

   But Jing Tian's heart is more of joy, he prefers the ending now rather than disappearing.

  Perhaps, the first love in my heart has indeed evaporated over the years, maybe on the way back, I think my first love has evaporated for the second time.

   It turns out that everything is a scam.

   I lied to myself before, now Liu Yaya lied to me, but it is painful and lonely to lie to myself. Being cheated by my first love, especially in this case, being cheated by Liu Yaya is happy.

   At the very least, it proves that Liu Yaya didn't really abandon or leave me.

   I still have a chance, not really becoming a lonely spare tire.

  Perhaps, time is the best coolant, but how I want to have a time accelerator.

   Forget it, let's go with the flow, as long as you don't leave, you won't leave, there can be a banquet in the game.

   I really don’t know what love is, maybe it’s just such a reluctance, such a sweet kiss.

   But, do you really love Liu Yaya?

   Isn’t it just afraid of losing her?

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