Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1220: Has the meat shield tank been upgraded to a nuclear tank?

Ainz Urgong despised the cunning of the Alliance players, but he was secretly delighted. After all, the position of the Vanguard Meat Shield is more important than the long-range artillery fire. Now let the Warcraft entangle the Vanguard Meat Shield in the past, then coupled with the long-range artillery support, said Uncertainty can win victory and directly defeat the enemy's front. 

However, the delusion of the demons is always a delusion. How can these 60-level beasts pose a threat to alliance players whose attributes have skyrocketed, let alone beasts, even the long-range cannons of the demons forcibly bombed the Alliance’s vanguard meat shield, Didn't cause much harm!

   No one knows how many levels of existence the alliance players have become under the effect of time and space acceleration, anyway, the attributes have skyrocketed!

   Under normal circumstances, the Alliance players at this time will definitely let the spirit beast summoners use the space to kill and expand the invincible enchantment to resist a wave of long-range bombing, but no one expected that the Alliance tanks would have eaten such a wave!

   Could it be that they knew that the first wave of attacks was just an ordinary bombing to test the waters, so now they don’t care about the first wave of attacks at all?

   That's right, with the transparency of the two sides' strategy and the confrontation of the army, the first wave of attacks have become tentative attacks, and they will never show any real skills.

   This gives some people the opportunity to create coping strategies, and those who ride clouds and snow are also best at innovation!

   Anzurgong, who was still wondering why the alliance players didn't open the barrier, ordered his spirit beast summoner to open the invincible barrier while observing the situation of the alliance players.

   But, after watching for a few seconds, he didn't see anything...

   At this moment, other guild power leaders responded with information: "I do! Our remote feedback, the other party's meat shield is eating hormones, and the damage caused by skills is basically no more than 100."


   Can't hurt a hundred?

how is this possible?

   In fact, even the tanks among the players in the Alliance do not understand whether the Demon players were sanctioned by some evil spirit today, and the attack power is so low that it is exciting!

   Of course, when they think of the huge green clock, they all get more excited!

   No wonder the guild bosses are unwilling to say anything, feelings are the trump card of invincible cheating!

   The demons players are in chaos...

   "What they are carrying on their backs may be special effects to reduce damage. Is it a special guild defense skill or formation?"

   "Impossible, we have established a research guild in the alliance, why don't we know this? Even with the special defense skills of the guild station, it is impossible to do this! If there is, we will invade a wool!"

   Ainzul Gong denied the other party's reverie.

   "After all, the research guild has not been promoted to a high level. Although other guilds have not used it before, they may not be able to use it, or they don’t know how to use it."

   "Indeed, the Cloud Riding Guild has always been cunning, this time it must have moved its hands and feet!"

"Impossible, don’t panic. Even if there is such a thing, there is a time limit. How long can they last? If you hold on for a while, the big deal is to temporarily withdraw and withdraw the army. The more sky-defying skills, the more they will not last. The more restricted."

   When Ainzul Gong said this, he was a little uneasy in his heart.

   Before he extinguished the subtle uneasiness in my heart, this uneasiness ignited like a dry fire.

   That's right, the enchantment time passed, and a new round of long-range artillery fired from the opposite side, and after such a seemingly insignificant wave of artillery fire came, the Demon Race's flesh shield pioneers started to retreat in surprise!

   "Why go back?"

   Ainzurgon asked subconsciously.

   Before anyone could answer him, I saw that the Glory Paladins had begun to use their invincible skills and turned into stone statues!

   Are you guys hitting the enemy's petrified arrows collectively?

   It's impossible!

  Even with so many magic archers, they don’t have such awesome precision shooting!

   "What's wrong, we report that the enemy's firepower is extremely fierce, and most of the blood pipes have been empty after a wave of attacks! I have to use Invincible, boss, retreat!"

   "I'm doing it! The meat shields of our forces also said the same, do they carry the injury-free BUFF on their backs? Shouldn't they also bring the attack power enhancement effect?"

   "Some brothers on the front line can't stand it anymore, the opposite side has not stopped, they are still bombarding!"

   "Retreat, I'm afraid the warcraft army will be discarded!"

After all, the meat shield profession is not only the Glory Paladin, even the sword lords can also add some as a meat shield, but if there is no invincible skill, it is shocking at this time, because a wave of long-range attack cannons comes, their blood line is instantly Only half is left!

   The most depressing thing is the treatment profession. I haven't encountered this kind of ghost situation for a long time. How do you feel that the opposite party is now a group of BOSS?

   Of course it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is a group of BOSS, this is a group of BOSS played by real people!

How to do?

   Do you really want to run away with your tail caught?

   Anxiety quickly spread in the hearts of the Demon players. Although some melee classes didn't know what was going on, they all had lingering fears when they saw their flesh shield teammates ride the roller coaster inexplicably just now.


   Dunkirk escape or something, it is better than being massacred!

   "Avoid its edge, retreat strategically!"

After    waited for the order to be passed on, all the petrified glorious knights directly launched the [petrified skin] to run.

   Petrified Skin: Launch under the effect of Petrified Glory to maintain the positive effect of Petrified Glory while gaining mobility. PVE has a taunt effect.

   Of course, it is impossible for all players with extra points to have the invincible running skills. Partly because of the lack of invincible running skills, the life-saving means of forcibly releasing control are explained abruptly.

   In order to buy time, Ainzurgong even asked all the power owners to give up the recall of Warcraft, and the 10w warcraft army acted as the dead soldier after the break.

   However, what makes Ainzul Gong feel desperate is that the 10w warcraft army was wiped out within ten seconds after colliding with the Alliance Meat Shield players!

   Yes, the whole army is wiped out!

   is simply blind to the Demon players. If the main forces were not able to see that the number of monsters summoned was zero, they would think that they were running too fast and out of sight!

  A group of meat shield players actually strangled a beast of the same level in ten seconds?

  Are these guys still a meat shield?

   Is the meat shield tank professionally upgraded to a nuclear tank?

   Ainzi Urgong is a little lucky at this time that he ordered the entire army to retreat, but then the consequences are unimaginable!

   However, before a trace of comfort rose in his heart, the footsteps of the long army like a coastline suddenly stopped!

   "There is an enemy ahead!"

what? Is there an enemy ahead?

   shouldn't, is it a stalker?

  《(Sky Dungeon)》

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