Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1235: Show off

"That's right, Uncle Se, do you think you are a girl, so gossip. You are a fake mother!"

   "Smelly man, he really likes the new and dislikes the old, and has always been protecting the new. Men are contemptuous!"

  Who is gossiping?

   It’s Yang Mimi who is going gossip, okay?

   What does it mean to like the new and dislike the old? What does it mean to protect the new?

   Wait, did Yang Mimi discover something, this is deliberately interrogating Ye Lanmeng?

   Did Yang Mimi question Ye Lanmeng’s true identity and make such a question?

   But how could Ye Lanmeng be fake? When I recognized her, she also recognized me!

   And, with Ye Lanmeng these days, her temperament and personality did not seem to have changed at all!

and many more! There is indeed something wrong, hasn't Ye Lanmeng really changed after so many years?

  Obviously, he is no longer the one he was back then, but why is Ye Lanmeng still the same?

   However, it cannot be ruled out that some people can stick to the pure realm of their heart and not be polluted by the world.

Even if it is a miracle, Jing Tian is willing to believe that this kind of miracle happened to Ye Lanmeng. He even said that what he is most afraid of seeing is that Ye Lanmeng has become a completely different person, no longer cheerful, and miserable. .

   "The fourth key middle school in X city."

   Ye Lanmeng had the illusion of being interrogated, but in order to prove something, he still answered.

   Ye Lanmeng is still full of confidence in her own answer, and she doesn't have any taste of fear or withdrawal.

   "Liar Meow!"

   Yang Miaomiao's attitude suddenly changed, and her tone changed from curiosity to disgust.

con man?

   How do you know that the school Ye Lanmeng said is wrong?

   What are the aliens thinking?

   How did you really know the inside story?

   More importantly, Ye Lanmeng’s answer is not wrong at all. Am I the one I met in the fourth key middle school?

   Could it be that I remembered it wrong?

   Can aliens not just jump out and release interference light waves?

   "Hey... the dumb brother, I said that she is not alone, she is in X city, not the Ye Lanmeng we know, how can you just say that someone is a liar, it's so stupid!"

   Yang Mimi immediately taught her younger brother.

It turns out that the feelings are in the eyes of aliens. Ye Lanmeng is already the Ye Lanmeng he knew, but Ye Lanmeng did not answer the answer Yang Miaomiao expected. Yang Miaomeng thought Ye Lanmeng was a liar. , This kind of logic really cannot be understood by normal people!

   I really don’t know where the aliens come from with such a straightforward tone!

"What's going on? Why are you and the frog classmates next door? How did you meet? Couldn't it be the two of you who had been in love? I didn't expect that you would fall in love early, it is wrong! Especially your first love, Those are all beautiful scams, ignorant rebellion, a kind of stimulus to taste the forbidden fruit, and it is impossible to cultivate a positive result!

   Zhao Jiaxue’s jumping thinking didn’t know how it diverged, so she stabbed her first love out for some reason!

  Of course, this is mostly the old dirty woman testing her own heart, trying to get some gossip from it.

   At this time, Liu Yaya watched this farce at sea, her fists were tight, but she didn't speak.

   The fact that Jingtian found Ye Lanmeng made her a little happy and a little uncomfortable.

  I am happy that my crimes may be completely cleaned up, at least I didn't treat Ye Lanmeng anyway, and didn't let her evaporate.

   What's uncomfortable is that Jing Tian secretly mingled with Ye Lanmeng, but didn't mention a word and didn't confess to herself. This is something Liu Yaya has been unable to bear, and she has great dissatisfaction and resentment towards Jing Tian.

"We just ate a meal together, can it be regarded as a relationship? Not even a date. If it is really a relationship, then the standard of love is too low, and I may be in love too many times Now. And you don’t eat with other people less, right? You can also say, have you been in love many times?"

   Ye Lanmeng put on an innocent and innocent expression of a girl who doesn't know the hatred of the country.

   "Oh, it's a date for dinner, lunch or dinner, must it be dinner?"

   Zhao Jiaxue's voice has become evil. It's no shame that she is an old dirty woman.

   "It's dinner."

   Ye Lanmeng didn't seem to understand the connotation of Zhao Jiaxue at all, and answered without a word!

"Frog, I didn’t see it. You know a way to date at such a young age. Tell me honestly. After dinner, did you go out to open a house? Don’t think I don’t know your boys’ one-stop pick-up route. You must follow those flowers. Brother son, did you? Why didn’t I see that you were such a person? More importantly, you didn’t ask Yun Yiyi and me to go out for a one-stop dinner? What do you mean, do you dislike me and Yun Yiyi? Is Ye Lanmeng good-looking? Or, you don't think you are worthy of us, so you dare not attack us?"

   Zhao Jiaxue was suddenly filled with righteous indignation, as if he had caught the mistress's palace.

   Uh... Even if the room is opened, will you take care of this matter?

   More importantly, don’t you behave like a lonely young woman, okay?

  How could I just hit girls casually?

   "Xiaoxue! Auntie is still there." Yun Yiyi reminded coldly.

"It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m also very I didn’t expect our snarling dog to be so precocious that it would open a house at such a small age. It’s true that generations are stronger than generations. I really envy you young young people. !"

   The old dirty woman has directly qualitatively determined the matter!

   Is it your own life?

  Aren’t you always pretending to be tender?

   Why are you pretending to be mature now?

   "There is no room open, don't spit people! We just ate a meal, and then..." Jing Tian was a little confused, wondering if he should say it.

"Then what? The appointment is made, and the meal is also eaten. Did you let the little girl go home? Don't tell me you are so useless and have no masculine charm. Could it be that you are too courageous, So stage fright ran away, right?"

   Zhao Jiaxue is reluctant, and her tone is full of doubts about the middle-aged uncle.

  In other words, Ye Lanmeng and I were the same age back then. What do you mean by letting people go? I was also a little boy and little fresh meat, okay?

   "Smelly men are really not good things! Men are contemptible!" Jiu Qianxun shook his head in disappointment.

   Sister Drunkard, what are you dreaming about?

   "Then there is no more. Ye Lanmeng moved that night, and we have never seen it again." Jing Tian clarified.

"Hmph, come on, how can it be possible to move at night? Even if you make up a lie, you have to make up a little more reliable, you big liar! Could it be that you were caught by your parents and beat you up? Have a meal?"

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