Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1257: The labyrinth that cannot be turned back

"Well, let's explore the way first, everyone follow me, don't exceed my position, to avoid unnecessary trouble."

When the cloud-riding team approached the huge ancient gods, like other players, a large number of golden weapons broke out around them. These weapons were suspended in the air, staring at the cloud-riding guild team fiercely.

However, sitting on the well and watching the sky stopped because of this. He looked left and right, and then faintly instructed: "Follow me. According to news from other guilds, these golden weapons are all air pets that will attack the player. Don't get close. Avoid fighting, let's go where there is no Jinwu!"

Go where there is no Jinwu?

Don't grab so many weapons?


That's right, this setting is as simple as that. You only need to find a sparsely distributed place in the ancient battlefield, so that you can pass safely without activating the air pet.

The golden weapon is just a temptation. It is a trap to set up a player's trap. It is because everyone did not resist the temptation and kept trying to kill the golden weapon and fell into a misunderstanding.

As long as you have a clear understanding of reality and can handle the temptation, you can naturally find a convenient way for you to calm down.

Therefore, if the Ten Saint Kings are summoned early, these unconstrained summoning creatures may cause big trouble!

I have to say that Jing Tian's plan was completely broken by game programmers, who actually played a maze in a limited space!

That's right, it's a maze, this is an invisible maze, a living maze built with weapons!

When the cloud riding team walked to the clearing and wanted to step forward to avoid all the golden weapons, all the golden weapons suddenly trembled, as if they were triggered by someone, and they all moved in the next second!

A cold sweat broke out in Jing Tian's heart, and he was even afraid that kicking Tian Nongjing would modify his settings and change this raw land into a dead place. After walking into this open place, it would trigger all Jinwu's strangulation!

This is absolutely in line with the perverted character of that insidious and cunning guy who kicked Tiannongjing!

Especially, after he knows that he will crack it according to the original plan, he will naturally be tricky!

Fortunately, Jing Tian quickly understood all Jinwu’s movements, and saw that all the Jinwu flew up into the sky and gathered together. The next second, it fell like a rain of weapons at high speed, and reshuffled the floating positions of all Jinwu. Said it changed the formation!

That's right, the formation was changed. The empty road leading to the remains of the giant gods has disappeared. Instead, a large wave of suspended golden weapons constituted a strange maze!

Helpless, Jing Tian could only look for the next entrance, but at a glance, this time he saw four entrances!

Damn it!

This is still a tree maze!

Jing Tian really wanted to get Kick Tian Nong Jing out and beat him up!

This is a big trouble!

"Brother Tian, ​​what should I do, the road is blocked, and I want to kill Meow? I said that we must kill a certain number first, summon the BOSS, and then jam the BOSS to destroy the map of Meow?"

Yang Miaomiao is still yelling and screaming, he wants to be the boss!

Kill your sister!

Can't you see it now?

The system clearly seduce you to kill the air pet in every way, but what's the use of killing it?

So many players don’t know how many golden weapons have been killed, haven’t they summoned a boss yet?

Even if you kill all day, you may not be able to see a boss, okay?

"Uh...This is a tree-like maze, and it is an irreversible maze. The trouble is a bit big. We just stepped into the entrance of the maze, and now it is the real maze. There are four paths in front of us to choose, only one is It is correct, but there is no way to verify it. You will know if it is a dead end after you go all the way. If it is a dead end, you need to reset the maze. If you reset the maze, the tree-like maze route will be refreshed, and the previous experience cannot be copied. A maze that cannot be turned back. Being in a maze is an infinite maze. You may not be able to get out of the maze for a few days."

"Maze? I like playing mazes the most!"

The emperor said that as soon as he opened his mouth, he said something amazing. It is not forgiving that he is a patient with Peter Pan syndrome, and he can retain some children's preferences.

"Since my dear husband, you have a choice phobia, why don't you let the emperor have a try. Maybe some people have a very strong talent in this area."

Why did Ralf vote for the emperor of medicine?

Is there any special sixth sense of the medicine emperor?

However, since there is nothing he can do, let the medicine emperor have a try.

"Then you say, which way do we choose? From left to right, choose one, two, three, four."

The medicine emperor took two steps forward, and then seriously looked at the four maze entrances in front of him, as if using the power of the gods to perceive the road ahead. In the end, she was surprised to find something, and then excitedly said: "Go The third way!"

"Uh... what doorway do you see?"

"Of course, don't you guys see it?"

The drug emperor seemed to think that this was a very simple and normal thing, as if everyone were idiots. Is there any very simple truth before everyone, but everyone didn't notice it at all?

Or is it because everyone is not perverted enough, so they are incompatible with the drug Emperor?

"We can't tell." Everyone said in unison.

"Uh... how did you see it?"

"The third road looks more general, the more general the road is, the more likely it is the correct path to the maze."

Everyone fell to the ground in response, one by one was defeated by the drug emperor.

What does it look like?

Are the other three roads unusual?

Is there something hidden in the other three roads?

These four roads are clearly the same!

How do you see it in general?

Sure enough, the visual world of adults and children is different!

Everyone was too lazy to discuss with the emperor of medicine, UU reading self-consciously followed Zuijing Guantian to the third passage.

Anyway, there is no good idea. The blind cat may encounter dead mice. Besides, even if he chooses other roads, he will step into a maze that cannot be turned back.

Besides, it can't attack the enthusiasm of the drug emperor, just go where it is.

In the end, it doesn't work again, it's no big deal.

Enter this super labyrinth, don't want to rely on any cleverness to pass the level, you can only bite the bullet and try your luck.

When the six approached the third passage... of course it was six, and Ralfa.

After the six approached the passage, Jin Wu hovering in front of him really lifted up at high speed again. The next moment it fell like a rain of weapons, floating out of a new formation, the previous entrance had disappeared, and other roads had undergone earth-shaking changes.

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