Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1265: Howling dog was caught by a ghost

   The domain name of this site was changed to ow  Sky Dungeon Chapter 1265  The roaring dog was caught by a ghost (first more) Listening to audio novels online


   You have to tell everyone earlier, what kind of channel do you look for? Wouldn’t it be enough to watch you kill monsters leisurely?

   "Hee hee, it really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived. You see, this wave is five anthropomorphic monsters. After the killing is over, it is estimated that you can go to the 11th floor.

   Five anthropomorphic monsters?

   Why must there be five?

Soon the result explained everything. After the five anthropomorphic monsters in front of them were eliminated by the ten saint kings, the five golden rank weapons did not disappear with the anthropomorphic monsters as before, but quietly suspended in the air. As if waiting for a new owner.

   "Wow, you will drop the golden weapon, Meow! The people on the planet said they will definitely drop the equipment. Brother Tian also lied to me and said no, now the truth is clear!"

   "Wait, be careful of fraud!"

   Yang Miaomiao didn't listen to Jing Tian's persuasion at all, and rushed up without eating the mouse. After all, he dropped a magical staff used by his profession!

   However, not eating mice was obviously dazzled by excitement and hope, and rushed up without following the command. Jing Tian could only turn to Rafael for help: "Protect him."

   "Hee hee, don't worry, it's okay, let him go."

   Rafal’s words gave everyone a pill of peace of mind.

However, the next breath, don’t eat the mouse, just touched the magic stone staff, and saw the magic stone staff flying with him, Yang Miaomiao immediately shouted: "No, save me, this The staff is unwilling to recognize the lord, and wants to smash the star man to death!"

   How could it kill you?

  What are you kidding?

   Player was killed by a staff?

   This picture is funny when you think about it?

   If this kind of thing really happens, we must watch it with wide eyes!

   is what's the big deal about falling you to death, the big deal is that three healing professions can bring you back to life by just one person.

   We really don’t understand the world of aliens!

  Don't eat the mouse and grabbed his right hand on the golden magic stone staff, and the staff took him in circles in the air like this, as if waiting for something.

   Everyone kept calling for help as they listened to "Don't Eat Rats". They thought it was funny, and no one went up to the rescue.

After a while, Yang Miaomiao finally adjusted to the current situation, calmed down, stopped yelling, and even more speechless, this guy had just been quiet for two seconds, and now he called out: "This is magic Master’s broom, it’s still quite interesting, so fun!"

   Who was yelling for help a few seconds ago?

   Is it interesting now?

   Your changes are too fast, right? Aliens are too adaptable, right?

   Jingtian began to admire Ralf’s foresight, no wonder it’s okay...

   Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and slowly walked towards their respective magic weapons. Obviously these weapons are magician's broomsticks and flying machines. Later, five people will fly to the 11th floor!

   No wonder there is no access to the eleventh floor, because there is no need at all!

   Wait, five people?

   So what about Ralf, can she grow wings and fly up?

   So, Jing Tian asked with concern: "When we get to the 11th floor, how do you come up, dear queen? Do you want to use some magic to fly up?"

   "Hee hee, call again."

Yes indeed! Since the ancient battlefield allows summoning, the interior of the ancient fortress is naturally no exception. You can summon again when you reach the 11th floor. Didn't you think of such a simple question?

   Jingtian felt a little ashamed of this, especially when he said that he let Ralfa cast magic and fly up, it was a bit of a cold joke.

   So, without saying anything, Jing Tian operated the character no longer hesitated, and walked towards the floating golden square halberd.

When all the five people hold the magic weapons, the five magic weapons are like five immortal weapons, and they rush to the ceiling with the five people. The ceiling is still piled up by various magic weapons, but there are special defects. At the skylight, the five **** soldiers brought the five men directly into the skylight, and then into the 11th floor.

   However, after entering the 11th floor, the power of the five magic soldiers seemed to have not been used up, and they rushed to the ceiling of the 11th floor, making a few people feel addicted.

   However, just as the five magic soldiers were approaching the 11th floor skylight, they seemed to have burnt out their fuel, and their ascent speed suddenly slowed down. Near the 11th floor skylight, the stagnation stopped.

   "My god, what should I do, do you want to jump on meow?"

   jump up?

Is it possible?

   Aliens are bold and bold!

   Have you forgotten what it is like to kick the patio well?

   just jump on it, 80% of them will be ambushed, right?

   I am afraid that as long as you go up, it will be a fight!

   "Jump up and have a try, I count three times, everyone jump together!"

   It doesn’t matter if it’s a plot to kick the sky well, anyway, if you don’t jump into the 12th floor, you will fall directly to the ground on the 11th floor, or it will clear the blood line!

   After all, everyone is only over 30 levels now...


I go!

  How can you do this?

   Jing Tian jumped up and found that none of the other four people jumped up, all of them opened their eyes and waited to see Jing Tian's end!

   I clearly want to avoid everyone thinking that whoever jumps first is regarded as an experimental mouse!

   That’s why I asked everyone to dance together, share the difficulties and share the blessings, but in the end, you guys were so good that you abandoned me and treated me like a guinea pig?

   If there are monsters on it surrounding me, am I going to be beaten into flesh?

   You are putting me at risk!

   Life is not satisfactory, the Ming Dynasty gave out a fart!

   Forget Ask the world, what is the pit? Directly teach people to stumble and jump! You have to climb out of the pits you dug in tears!

  Who told me to propose to jump up together?

  Who makes himself believe in these scams so much?

   "Haha, Brother Tian also has such a day, usually he does not use us as guinea pigs, know what it means is not to report the time has not arrived?"

  You can still laugh!

   However, in the next second, Jing Tian found that the height of his character's jump was not high enough to cross the skylight, so he could touch the horizontal surface of the skylight at most!

   This is over, it seems that I am going to fall to death!

   is too sad, right?

   What kind of ghost setting is this?

   Is it a mortal plot?

   Damn it kicking the patio well and pit me again!

   However, at the moment Jing Tian gave up in his heart, a hand suddenly appeared in the skylight on the 11th floor!

   That’s right, it’s just one hand. Jing Tian only feels goosebumps all over his body. This is too weird for td!

   However, what is even more bizarre is that this hand actually caught Jing Tian's character and abruptly pulled him into the skylight!

   Nima, don't pull me, let me fall to death, forget it!

   "There is a ghost! The Snarling Dog was caught by a ghost!"


  《(Sky Dungeon)》 

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