Sky Dungeon

Chapter 129: It's really an unrewarded task!

   The snake spirits who stood still and recovered their ability to move were bumped again and again, and they all entered a state of dizziness for 2 seconds. The magic sword in the hands of the king of swordsman is hovering in the air, she is accumulating power for 1 second to activate the skill: evil wind!

   This blow is also quite powerful, and it hits three critical strikes! The little black storm plunged into the wounds of the magic snake spirit like a demon, causing them another dark attribute damage!

   "Draw a shadow!"

   Luo Xia is not to be outdone, especially: I am a swordsman, but I have been in the society, how can I easily lose to a little girl who has never suffered from the second disease?

The double swords in Luojing Xiashi's hands are like two super-large brushes, using the air as the canvas, and waving them freely. For a moment, they drew hundreds of sword-qi winds and the full-screen damage value. shocked. After all, each target in the range will take 5 damages, which is not a total of 50 combos!

   "What should I do, I am a little in love with myself." Natsuishi Luojing was in the action of closing two seconds after drawing the shadow. The character couldn't move his body, but his mouth was easy to provoke.

   "It's really shameless, you can live with yourself for a lifetime, you deserve to be single, single for a lifetime!" The team channel resounded Zhao Jiaxue's classic contempt.

   "Come on, hurt each other meows! Bundle meows!" Yang Miaomiao also inexplicably ignited fighting spirit. What can hurt you as an auxiliary occupation?

   In the next second, the swipe of the wand in the hand of the mouse turned out to be a range control skill: natural restraint!

First-order natural bondage: control skills in a small area, causing plant entanglement damage to the target within the range and making it unable to move. The duration is 10 seconds in a **** state. The plant entanglement part has an armor effect, and the attacks of both enemies and friends are absorbed by the plant , The plant will be released if it takes a certain amount of damage, but the entangled target will receive a fixed value of damage.

"I'm doing it! Mouse, are you a family with snake spirits? No wonder snakes and rats are in a nest! How do you tell us to fight with this skill? It's a guardian shaman, use guardian skills to kill monsters?" Luo Xiamei Good airway. It is true that although this skill has too strong restraint ability, the damage absorption caused is really a headache. Fortunately, after cutting off the thorns entangled on the monster, it will cause a strong fixed value of damage to the monster, otherwise it is really not worth the loss. .

Although the skill of not eating mice is very powerful, it is purely an exception to today’s scene. The cave is too narrow and the ten magic snake spirits are gathered together like this. If it is in another open place in the dungeon, he Not to mention hitting ten of this small range skill, it is more difficult to hit three. The range of this skill is too small.

Although attacking to break the thorns at this time can cause a certain amount of fixed damage, it also wastes skills and output. Otherwise, with your current equipment and attributes, it is really difficult to get rid of the thorns within 10 seconds by ordinary attacks. . But thinking about it from another angle, this controlled the Warcraft for 10 seconds, and it gave everyone a 10-second skill cooling time, which is of great benefit to the attack rhythm of the entire team.

As a result, everyone tacitly rested on the spot for 10 seconds. After ten seconds, everyone’s firepower was fully on. Even if the magic snake spirit could find a gap to launch the petrochemical skills, even if someone was accidentally petrified for a few seconds, these ten demons The snake spirits were too densely positioned, and the blood loss speed far exceeded their endurance. In the end, they were beaten on the ground by everyone, turning into data mosaic fragments and disappeared.

The six people continued to advance into the cave, and the little girl’s cry was getting louder and louder. However, when the six people walked into the depths of the cave, they only saw the little girl soaking in a pool of endless colorful petals. The pool should have some depth. Let the little girl show only the upper body. I did not encounter other monsters, nor did I see the Dao Demon Snake Queen mentioned in the mission. The little girl still kept crying. Could it be that the little girl was bullied by the ten demon snake spirits just now? There seems to be no trace of injury, and it seems that the little girl should be frightened.

   Zhao Yunxueer trot up desperately, while the others were alert to the surrounding changes, for fear that some trap would be activated. However, everything was so peaceful except for the cry of the little girl. When Zhao Yunxue'er walked into the pool, the little girl finally stopped crying, it seemed that the plot was about to trigger!

   In the next second, the little girl trembled with a crying voice before Zhao Yunxue'er approached: "Don't come here! Who are you?"

   At this moment, a system selection message pops up on Jing Tian’s VR screen: 1. We are here to rescue you. 2. We are here to help you. 3. We are here to complete the task you entrusted. 4. We are here to find the Devil Snake Queen.

   Jingtian thought for zero and one second, fearing that Yu Yan would say she was a fake mother, and quickly chose three.

   "What? I even forgot about this, I'm I think that task is no longer necessary." The little girl's immature voice was filled with endless sadness.

   With the little girl’s voice evaporating cleanly in the air, the system directly prompts: "Lori Ba Sotfi’s mission failed!"

   Jingtian directly entered the scolding mode in his heart: "I'm going, it's really an unrewarded task! The game's chief strategist, what stuff is in your head, open me and see?"

   But the next moment, another multiple choice question appeared on Jing Tian's VR screen: 1. What happened? 2. We can take you back. 3. Why are you crying?

   Is there a new mission? Jing Tian chose one silently, because he knew that Zhao Jiaxue and the others would most like to know this story.

"Can I give you a story?" The system did not give you the opportunity to choose this time. [Lori Ba Sotfi] continued in an immature voice: "There was once a brave swordsman whose name was [Lensatlfa] Although he was born in a dilapidated small village, under the influence of the times, he yearned to become a great swordsman from a young age, but his body is not strong, even after countless years After self-training, he didn't become truly powerful as an adult. Later, he resolutely started the adventure of the dungeon, killing monsters in the dungeon to accumulate combat experience, and stepping towards his dream step by step. A few years later, he stepped into the 7th floor of the dungeon. An accident happened during a team adventure, and he was left alone. After that, he accidentally discovered this place. "Speaking of which, Lori Ba Sotfi double With tears in his eyes, he took a deep breath.

   It may be that the NPC deliberately sold her off in order to create an atmosphere. This tone did not calm her, but she became more sad, and sobbed for a few seconds, which made people feel distressed.


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