Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1317: Hit the big luck

This is a bit uneasy to say from the mouth of a guy who is called brother to the alien beast!

You don't need to be eroded by the alien beasts, maybe one day you will open the door for the alien beast brothers, arrogantly escape, right?

Yes, it is very possible!

Thinking of this, Jing Tian began to regret choosing to mention Seraphim Shetina. After all, he didn't touch the heart of the ancestor of the knight at all. On the contrary, it caused dissatisfaction with the other party. It is really a loss!

At this moment, Shahrir Leondona spoke again: "However, her worries are not superfluous. If you have the opportunity to take a look at other people’s cemeteries, just in case. After all these years Now, some people may change."

Put it lightly!

The Fourteen Tombs are now excavated by players from all over the world. I am afraid there are only a few of them, all of which are still in the Demon Realm. Alliance players are crying unfair every day!

How do I find it myself?

Didn’t you turn yourself into the Demon Race?

Even if you go to the Demon Race, you can't walk around the Fourteen Tombs, unless you tell me the exact coordinates of the Fourteen Tombs?

That's really developed!

I will definitely go to those cemeteries that have not been unearthed before, and there must be good things exploded!

That's right, the Yonghan Palace was discovered by chance, and this ancient fortress, if it didn't open the ancient battlefield, if it didn't survive the arrogant attack, then complete the plot and challenge all kinds of action levels all night. , I would never know that this is one of the fourteen tombs!

I used to think that the fourteen tombs were scattered in the hidden places of Aiyinsi Continent, now that I think about it, I am too naive!

Sure enough, the game world is so big, there are no surprises!

If you use successful experience to find the Fourteen Tombs, I am afraid you will only get nothing.

So, the system chose to pop up:

1. Please tell me the location of other archangel tombs!

2. How can I find the next tomb?

3. Do you need my help?

Here comes, do you still need to choose? Just choose the first one right away!

It's really nowhere to find any place to break through the iron shoes.

Good luck!

However, after choosing 1, Shahrir Leondona snorted and did not make any response.

As if seeing through Jing Tian's true intentions, the archangel did not answer at all!

My deed, even if you don't answer, you still have a way out?

Is the task directly interrupted?

Just when Jing Tian regretted it, the system once again popped up the same three options just now.

Haha, Jing Tian definitely wouldn't naively think that if he chooses again, Shahrir Leondona will tell him the specific location of the Fourteenth Tomb. After struggling a bit, he chooses the second branch.

"Haha, even if you ask me how many times, I don't know, maybe you can ascend to the sky city and seek answers from the supreme **** God."

Damn it!

Sure enough, you shouldn't have any hope for this guy!

This guy is the pit created by kicking the patio well. If you don’t pit the player to death, you won’t stop!

However, before Jing Tian scolded his mother, Shahrir Leondonna continued: "But don’t be discouraged, I can give you a feather of mine. If you pass by other archangels’ cemeteries in the future, it will definitely remind you. It’s a pity that I only have the power of the soul now. The concentration of a physical feather is already the limit. And this feather can only remind you once. If you have a fate, you can ask the next archangel for such a induction feather. "

Induction feathers?

This is already very awesome!

However, in Jing Tian's view, this is a bit funny.

Who knows what is the effective range of induction feathers?

If the effective range is very large, what is the difference between existence and non-existence?

If the scope of the guess is small, then you must approach the Fourteenth Tomb to have a response. The question is, if you can approach the Fourteenth Tomb, where do you need to use induction feathers?

Don't you have eyes to see it?

But also, if the setting of the fourteen tombs hidden in the ancient battlefield appears again, I really need the reminder of the induction feather.

As a result, Shahrir Leondo pulled an imaginary feather from his archangel wing, and in the next second, countless feathers on his wings suddenly spread out like a bee that was alarmed.

And that illusory feather attracted Mantian Feather’s attention like an intruder. The next moment the white feathers filled the sky like a sharp arrow toward the illusory feather, but when they encountered this illusory feather, they seemed to be The illusion was absorbed and swallowed, and disappeared completely!

That's right, this illusory feather is indeed absorbing the power of other feathers, gradually becoming less illusory and having a sense of substance.

Before long, this feather no longer felt illusory, and with a dazzling halo, it fell into the backpack sitting on the well and watching the sky.

My dear, where is a feather, obviously countless!

It's a pity that it can only sense a fourteen tomb, which is a bit wasted.

The induction feather of the archangel: When you arrive at the 14th tomb where no one has ever set foot, this feather will give you a warm reminder.

It must be the fourteen tombs that no player has ever set foot in!

But that's right. Those who have been there don't need feathers, right?

But think about it, the props finally obtained, and it turns out that a tomb that has been dug countless times is called depressed!

"This is not enough, you little guy is too weak, I'll give you another farewell gift!"

Shariel Leondo waved that big hand, and a [Remaining Pages of Ancient Skill Book·Treasure] and two remaining pages of skill books of unknown quality fell into Jingtian's backpack.

At this point, Jing Tian already has 7 broken pages of skill books, plus 10 of the old witch, and 11 books are still short of completing the final goal of this trip.

what? What?


Does this thing still have quality?

Even if there is shouldn't it be random?

Just as if they had attacked the Yonghan Palace at that time, the skill levels that everyone had obtained varied.

"Hee hee, dear husband, you really got lucky! This kind of thing is unprecedented in history, and you can only get it if you complete the 14th tomb alone!"

What hit the big luck?

You say that you must get it by going through the fourteen tomb alone, and there is no possibility of a gashapon. It is really a contradiction!

However, according to the pitiness of kicking the patio well, this kind of treasure can also be regarded as an extremely **** thing. Don't be happy too early!

"Uh... I also want to thank the dear queen for her help!"

After finishing speaking, Jing Tian felt another pain in his arm.

"Why don't you thank us? We stayed with you all night. Without us to cheer you up, you would have fallen asleep long ago. Where else can you get any good things? What have you got? With so many people, all your income has been turned in!"

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