Sky Dungeon

Chapter 132: Wood show in the forest wind will destroy it

   "Pseudo-mother! Don't say it so directly." Yu Yan's elegant voice was a little shy, just like a little loli stripped naked, and everyone saw it completely.

   Yu Yan is very afraid that everyone will despise her. As a school bully in the eyes of others, she is a puppet who has no freedom. She is afraid that everyone will alienate her. After all, she really does not have a friend in reality. However, Yu Yan also didn't like being sympathized. If her friendship was based on sympathy, she would rather give up all this.

   "Yu Yan, you are really amazing." Zhao Jiaxue was the first to express her opinion.

   "Awesome?" Yu Yan didn't understand that Zhao Jiaxue thought so.

   "Yes, you can still maintain such calmness and grace under the control of your family. If you were me, you would have gone crazy in the face of their trampling and insults, or you would have committed suicide long ago." Zhao Jiaxue further explained.

   Suicide? trample? insult? Everyone shook their heads secretly, completely unaware of what Zhao Jiaxue thought of when she was jumping. Does she think Yu Yan's family is sadistic or have any special hobbies?

   "Although I don't know what happened, Yu Yan, I support you! My life has to go through a rebellious period, because it is only rebellious in his heart, it is better to run away from home vigorously, I am the one who came here."

   Yang Miaomiao actually left the house and ran away, completely invisible!

   "Said it was an escape, but after the escape, I had a good time."

Yun Yiyi turned to the normal state of cherishing words like gold. The number of words that she said has surprised everyone, and the words she said from her mouth, plus the past she never wanted to mention, seemed to be quietly telling something. Could it be that Yun Yiyi is also a runaway existence?

   will not be so coincidental? Jing Tian muttered straight in his heart: I am born to be useful, and my daughter will run away when she is gone? If this development continues, you will have to form a runaway group. What is the name of the Qiyunluoxue Guild, and it will be renamed Lisao. Yes, there is nothing wrong, that is: run away from home and get up!

   Luoxia seemed very quiet, he thought for a long time and finally spoke mysteriously: "I understand, you must be forced to marry, in order to chase true love, you decided to elope!"

   "Elopement?" Yu Yan grew her mouth and couldn't close it for a long time. The redness on her face had already betrayed her, but that person couldn't see it.

"Joke, just a joke, everyone is a little depressed. I think since everyone is friends, we will support whatever you do. Since the frog has said to help you, I am obliged to help you. Whatever he promises to help you, I will I promise to help you twice!" Luo Xia showed off his white teeth and said coolly, as if others could see his shining.

   "Thank you." Although Yu Yan didn't want to bother everyone, she didn't understand what it meant to help herself twice. Can such things as running away from home be measured by multiples? Do you want to let yourself run away from home, get caught back, and run away again? Although many doctors did not understand, she was very happy that Luo Xia could say that.

   "Me too, me too!" Everyone expressed their opinions.

   "Thank you everyone, sincerely." Yu Yan's voice trembled slightly, her smile and tears mixed together, indescribably happy.

   A lot of things happened this night, not only completed the team mission, but also went to the tomb of Lunzaterfa and buried the body of the Devil Snake Queen. Of course, the game is just a one-off, and there is no such a scene of opening the coffin and closing the corpse. After all, many people resist this kind of scene. At the end of the completion, it’s surprising that Lori Basotfi showed up again, but it was just the afterimage left by her. Naturally, the mission could not be without reward. This is what Jing Tian firmly believes, and the appearance of the afterimage is also confirmed. After reading his thoughts, a huge reward fell on everyone's heads. It turned out to be as high as the dungeon points that can be obtained by brushing the dungeon monsters for more than three hours, and one person has also obtained a fourth-level magic core that is bound and cannot be traded. This makes a few happy and sad, and it is natural to be happy again. You can prepare to build new equipment, but naturally you can't sell gold coins to cash out.

Of course, there are some unexpected things. Under Luo Xia’s calculations, if everyone maximizes their experience every day, they must earn enough points before level 31 in exchange for the remaining pages of the skill book. You must know that the experience required for this 30 level upgrade turned out to be level 29. Three times as much as needed to upgrade to level 30. At first, Jing Tian regretted that he had been so cautiously gaining experience and points in the past few days. Even if he was open for daily tasks and desperately gaining experience, he could still exchange for the remaining pages of his favorite skill book before level 31. The game's main strategy is so set up that I feel puzzled, which is indeed different from my original design.

   Why deliberately increase the difficulty of upgrading? After thinking for a while, Jing Tian seemed to understand something, and said to himself: There should be only that possibility...

Time is approaching zero, everyone bid farewell to Yu Yan to go offline. When she went offline, everyone showed unprecedented concern for Yu Yan, which made Yu Yan somewhat uncomfortable, but she understood everyone's intentions ~ There is no suspicion.

  A few people didn’t know that, just after they founded the guild, there was an extra title in the top area of ​​the Sky Dungeon official forum called "Extras! Five world first players joined hands to create the first guild" post, players from various countries have posted replies, and the number has reached the highest number in history.

The poster questioned the behavior of the five No. 1 in the world and the No. 2 who directly ignored any friend applications and questions from the world, and claimed that they were the arrogant players in the game. They guessed that they would not be able to recruit players even if they established a guild. Choose calmly and carefully, not necessarily the first guild to be established is a truly mature and open guild, it is better to pay more attention to those traditional online game big guilds that have especially settled in.

  The game's forum also uses the world language conversion system. Players from all countries have participated in the reply, and the content of the reply is mixed.

  A player [Silver Speed] thought that the poster was jealous and hated: "The host is jealous and can't eat grapes. Drink vinegar instead. The identification is complete."

   Some players [very handsome, okay?] think that most people will choose their own country's guild: "If you are not my race, they will have different hearts. Korean players will never join the cloud riding guild."

Even if you ride the clouds and snow to recruit talents, you may not gather players from all over the world. This may not last long. After all, everyone has a patriotic heart. Playing games does not forget this patriotic sentiment. Join other guilds and treason. No difference.

Of course, there are also arrogant people. The ID [Laughs when you think about it] publicly attacked Qiyun Luoxue, which is still the rhetoric in the game: "Is the first to create a guild great? Take Qiyun away through guild wars Luoxue’s station, tell them to sleep on the street!"

   This may be the answer to the old saying: Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it!


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