Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1369: What am I missing?

   Anyway, if you use a well to fly a plane, you will definitely drive into the desert and be buried!

   There is no doubt about the concealment here.

   It seems that Lin Yumian also has some things that he can't explain clearly to himself, so he doesn't have to be sealed or something.

   He knew that, in any case, Lin Yumian and the others would not hurt him. It would be no big deal to lose the memory of ten days. For him, not remembering or knowing might be a good thing.

   After all, when Jing Tian returned to 1801 in Konghai Garden, he saw a woman he missed very much, that was exactly: Liu Yaya.

   Liu Yaya is back!

   Liu Yaya is back because of herself!

   Liu Yaya came back because of herself!

   Jingtian tears in his heart!

   I didn't expect that my love will finally be rewarded!

   Whether this disease is good or this amnesia, there are still unexpected gains after all!

   It seems that Liu Yaya still cares about herself very much!

   Maybe, her status in Liu Yaya's heart surpassed her ex-boyfriend.

  Really, there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the willows are bright and beautiful!

   Jingtian glanced at Lin Yumian complainingly, seeming to blame Lin Yumian for not telling himself the heavy news.

   However, Lin Yumian slyly turned his head to the side and spit out his own scented tongue mischievously, as if responding to Jing Tian: You didn’t ask about this, why should I tell you? Everything is the waywardness of internet celebrities!

   Of course, it is not just Liu Yaya who is waiting for Jing Tian to return. The girls are sitting on the sofa very quietly, as if nothing happened.

   Uh...this group of women, don’t they just eat and wipe me out, don’t you really want to admit that they stunned me?

   Indeed, they don’t have any real evidence, they are out of good intentions...

   In that case, I will treat it as if nothing happened...

how is this possible!

   As the saying goes: It’s not too late for a gentleman to get revenge for ten seconds!

   See how I retaliate against you!

   "Yaya, are you back because of my business? I'm so touched!"

   Jingtian still sourly asked a question he knew he shouldn't ask.

   That's right, as soon as this problem occurred, all the women turned their heads to look at Jing Tian, ​​and most of their beautiful eyes were filled with raging anger!

   But in these anger, what naturally hides is endless contempt and ridicule.

   After all, Liu Yaya obviously came back because of the patio, and has nothing to do with the poor creature in front of me!

   Liu Yaya's body trembles obviously. When she hears the name "Yaya", she can already be sure that Brother Tian is back in her own world. Will you know the year of the monkey the next time you meet...

  Heart is cool...


   My heart is very sad...

   However, listening to the name "Yaya", Liu Yaya felt a little warmth in her heart for some reason. This name is really kind and missed...

"Oh? Don't be passionate, I just came back for vacation because the mission is over. I didn't expect to meet you overworked when I came back. I really convinced you, since I was a child, I have been weak and I can overwork all night playing games. , The weak wind will make women very insecure, not to mention that you are making a group of women insecure, but your guilt is great! It seems that you have to strengthen exercise, otherwise it might not happen next time... I don’t want to. Come back to attend your funeral again." 78 Chinese fastest mobile phone terminal: https:/


   The girls directly gave Liu Yaya 10,000 likes in their hearts. This guy Jing Tian is owed!

   Everyone can't tell the truth. Listening to Liu Yaya's abuse of Jingtian, every cell in her body is very refreshing!

   Jingtian felt a touch of disappointment in his heart...

   So it was just a coincidence?

  No, how come you feel that Liu Yaya is doing her best?

   Maybe I am overconfident and narcissistic, but I still believe that Liu Yaya is lying!

   However, my illness has made everyone worry that I really need to take care of myself.

   "'s reasonable, I also think I should strengthen the exercise. It just happened that the journey was rather stiff, so I went to the Mermaid and Dungeon to exercise."

   Jingtian naturally knows that all the women are pretending to be calm, retreating as progress, and see if these women are in a hurry!

Sure enough, when Jing Tian said this, Zhao Jiaxue stood up with a chuckle, she couldn't restrain the emotions in her heart and said: "Where are you going to flee, do you think you can eat and wipe everything after you get better? Don’t you think your conscience hurts if you sloppy things like this?"

  Haha, now I finally know that I care about me, welcome me back, right?

   Wait... My ears are not faulty, are they? What did Zhao Jiaxue just say?

   Where am I going to escape?

   I eat it dry?

   Am I sloppy?

   Will my conscience hurt?

   Isn't this supposed to be my line to question all of you here?

   Why did you say it from Zhao Jiaxue and questioned me?

   is really the villain to sue first!

   Don't go too far!

   Isn't it right? Something must have happened. Otherwise, how could these women put on a questioning expression?

   Forget about Zhao Jiaxue, Yun Yiyi is definitely not the kind of guy who framed good people!

   "Uh... Did I do anything weird in the past ten days?" Jing Tian guessed tremblingly.

"Hmph, you are ashamed to say that you slept with Yiyi and I on the day you lost your memory. After you woke up, you harassed us! Yes, that’s right, that’s the harassment! You are responsible! You are responsible for the rest of your life. !"

   Jing Tian is big at the sound of it, has he been responsible for what he has done?

   No Jing Tian swallowed his mouth wildly in his heart, and his eyes sank unconsciously to look at Zhao Jiaxue’s slightly bulging belly...

   It's not right, it's only 10 days, it's impossible!

   This guy turned out to be a little fat!

   The eyes of all the girls looking at Jing Tian have become furious. The feelings of these people are sitting here waiting for their memories to be restored.

"Oh? It's no wonder that Jing Tian was shut out by you, and he did something to you that is unbearable! What's even more shameful is that this guy actually pretended to be pitiful, while I went home. The rogue generally followed in, saying that neighbors helped each other, and ended up sleeping on the sofa in my living room. What’s more annoying was that while I was sleeping, I sneaked into my bedroom and made it even more angry. Things!" 78 Chinese first published https://https://

   At this point, the women cast their regretful eyes on Liu Yaya, as if some national treasure was ruined by Jingtian.

   Jing Tian felt a joy in his heart. He did not expect that he would have such a relationship with Liu Yaya somehow, but the next second, Jing Tian slapped himself in his heart...

   My God! Where is my amnesia? I am simply possessed by a criminal!

   Which flower-picking thieves had possessed me, and actually attacked the beauty beside me?

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