Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1376: The 1st anniversary event is a holiday

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However, few players will quiet down to enjoy this kind of leisure, this rare leisure.

There are few players, which doesn't mean there are no players.

For example, everyone from the Cloud Riding Guild at this moment, it is rare for everyone to gather in the Guild.

Of course, it is rare. Although everyone can still gather together to do guild missions on weekdays, it would be a waste of time if everyone formed a group to receive the mission of the Seven Stars Guild, so Jing Tian has not organized everyone to do missions together for a long time.

Of course it is a waste of time. Seven-star missions are difficult to complete and take a long time to complete. Maybe you will encounter team PVP missions...

If it’s a PVE task, it’s fine. The system will also adjust the difficulty of the task according to the strength of the team. However, the PVP task does not depend on the strength level at all. If you might encounter a Demon’s 25-person 60-level team, it’s really good Give it away!

You must know that in the case of PVP, you are definitely not matching your opponents by level. You must know that everyone is a reborn player. If you really want to count the level, the level 60 enemies are theoretically trumpets in front of Jing Tian...

This is nothing strange. You can't match Jing Tian with a group of novice players, right?

Especially in the days after the rebirth, other guilds have no reborn players at all, and it is impossible to match opponents of the same level.

Secondly, even if it was a PVE mission that was taken by chance, the experience was greatly reduced due to the formation of non-novice players in the mission, and even the number of points would be greatly reduced. It is really not as easy and refreshing to receive the single-player guild mission. what!

After all, although the single person receiving guild missions has less experience in gaining points, there are more thin chickens than eggs, right?

At this time, some friends will definitely ask: Are there no demons invading these days?

My friend, you guessed it, there really is not!

It’s not that the demons have this idea, but those players who are married to NPCs are busy completing the ladder trial with their own forces. If they are successfully completed, they will naturally enter the rebirth stage. Everyone is rushing to study how to rebirth. How to catch up with the level of the Riding Cloud Guild, who would even consider invasion?

We must know that although the Demon invasion can facilitate the completion of the mission on a large scale by the Demon Race, it also takes a lot of time and materials. This kind of thing is still troublesome when it hurts!

Even if there are demons who are considering invasion, those demons players who marry NPCs are not confident that they can fight Ralf!

After all, creatures like NPC also have strengths and weaknesses. The Cloud Riding Guild relies on Ralfa to pass the ladder trial alone, but the teams of other guild forces rely on five, six, seven, eight, ninety NPCs to barely pass the trial!

Moreover, Ralf’s perverted time-space magic is almost extinct in Aiyinsi!

That's right, who said that Ralf did not belong to the mainland of Aiyinsi, and did not belong to this world?

There is no space-time magic system on Aiyinsi Continent itself. Compared to space-time magic, there is only a weaker space magic here!

Space magic is mostly used to create an isolated space, either to isolate the enemy in a special space, or to protect oneself in a special space, and there is also a perversion that allows oneself and the prey to be locked in the same space at the same time.

The more powerful space magic is nothing more than space teleportation, creature summoning, etc., but I have never seen any NPC that can be metamorphosis like Ralf and can make time and space stand still!

Not to mention letting time go back, or time is rushing, it is simply whimsical.

Therefore, the Mozu Pact organization is to invade the blue wolf guild with a large number of people, and it will not be embarrassing to declare war on the Cloud Riding Alliance. That is really looking for abusers and slaps!

In other words, people who hang out all the way are lonely, and there is no demonic invasion, right?

Therefore, in the past month, the Guild of Riding Clouds has been calm. Apart from participating in the Guild Tournament and feeling the taste of being eliminated in the next round, the Guild rarely engages in activities together.

The Guild Tournament does not necessarily gather together. Everyone knows that the Tournament is divided into groups. Even though most people can participate, there are very few team battles. So today, it is really precious for everyone to gather together.

"Brother Tian, ​​please ask the NPC elder sister, how on earth did this first anniversary celebration start?"

That's right, Jing Tian has learned from Raalfa that all game routines have been closed at 0:00 China Time, and the first anniversary celebration has been released, but the player has not opened it.

what the hell?

Obviously it is the first anniversary celebration, the content of the event is actually hidden?

Yes, it is a hidden event!

How can this prevent the world's players from cursing the streets?

People who don’t know thought that the first anniversary of the game was a holiday!

"Uh... she said that the clues are in the system headlines. But I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I haven't seen anything tricky from the headlines! Due to the multilingual I believe it won’t work. It may be possible to play a sort of word game, and it is obviously impossible to spell out hidden information from the headline. However, it is impossible to see any effective information from the literal understanding."

System headlines?

Speaking of this, many players are itchy. They have been rolling the headlines since midnight today: "The first anniversary celebration of Sky Dungeon has officially opened, so that players can stop and feel seriously. The system has prepared a special event for everyone. All daily PVE and PVP gameplays are temporarily closed. I wish you all a pleasant journey in the game."

The point is, a few hours passed, and none of the world players found the active NPC.

There are no active monsters in the wild, and there are no lights and festoons in the city. There is no atmosphere to celebrate the event. Can you not enter the scolding system mode?

For a while, Tengyi's customer service telephone, system feedback and other functions were paralyzed, and complaints were really overwhelming!

That's right, even Jing Tian suspected that this event was a complete BUG!

I don’t know what kind of medicine is sold in Kicking Tiannongjing Gourd, and it has come up with such an inexplicable hidden activity, and if the player does not look for the hidden activity, there is nothing else to do. This is not to add to the mind of the player. ?

Most guilds have arranged for players to launch a carpet search, hoping to find the entrance to the event as soon as possible.

But is it just an entrance to a world event?

This makes Jing Tian feel a little unreal, but if there are many entrances, why has no one noticed it?

Jing Tian felt that the action of kicking Tian Nong Jing this time was completely beyond his expectation. Even if he was thinking about it, he couldn't figure out how to build a hidden activity for the player.

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