Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1386: Infinite beast wave

   Forget it if it was an ordinary siege, the Yelan Fantasy Elephant encountered an assembly number siege!

   A thin four-armed demon ape danced violently on the spot, with a large horn sign on his head, indicating that he was triggering the rallying wave.

   This is simply pushing people into the pit!

   Seeing such a scene, Jing Tian has the urge to immediately retreat to the first floor of the Samsara Tower, and then re-enter the second floor of the Samsara Tower.

   He wants to see if this can refresh the beast tide in front of him. After all, this is simply a dead end. If he jumps in, it would be like the wish of kicking the pit bull!

   This is a situation that I have not encountered before. What kind of reincarnation is this?

   How can I repeat things that haven't happened before?

   However, this might be a waste of time, and the situation that had been so lifeless would become lifeless.

  Although Jing Tianming knew that Ye Lanmeng was an afterimage, not an old classmate he knew, he still couldn't watch Ye Lan dream like a person drowning in the beast tide and fell.

   That's right, this is Jing Tian's guilt for Ye Lanmeng, and the guilt from his heart is haunting him. He doesn't want to watch the missed opportunity again and let Ye Lanmeng evaporate from the world before his eyes.

   What's more, this is an illusion. Since ancient times, no one has died in the game. Keep your loyalty according to the list. Death in the game is no big deal!

   "A bully!"

   In the next instant, the solar eclipse effect was activated. In Jing Tian’s vision, the world had become black and white...

   Recalling that when he first used the halberd technique Yiba Tian, ​​at one time he thought that he had died somehow, and now that he used the integrated and upgraded Yiba Tian so skillfully, Jing Tian was deeply moved.

   This year, I am really much stronger!

   This year, I have become more vulnerable again!

   This year, I came to the fore from the same starting line and led the way. I was envied and criticized by many players. Later, I was reborn inexplicably and reborn from scratch, as if I had a dream of nothingness...

Undoubtedly, sitting Jingguantian sprinted directly behind the assembly number, and the black deadly Fang Tianji in his hand was inserted into the back of the four-armed demon ape. In an instant, a large number of black energy particles poured in frantically from the surroundings. Among the wounds of the four-armed demon ape, this is the special dark attribute damage of the enhanced version of Yiba Tian.

   is just such a thunderous blow, the four-armed demon ape that launched the set number fell down!

how is this possible?

   When did I become so sharp?

   You need to know that your level has been lowered now. Could it be that you just hit a critical strike?

   Even the dark attribute damage has gone out of **** and got a crit?

   This kind of environmental dark attribute damage generally does not have a crit...

   Maybe everything in this reincarnation tower is unreasonable!

   The game world is so large that it is still too small.

   Next breath, a string of experience points jumped up in the battle record. Although it is a positive value, Jing Tian is not happy at all. After all, this 0.1 experience increase, how can it make up for the level 1 drop?

   More importantly, from time to time, the negative experience value prompt message will pop up again, which is really a headache.

What made Jing Tianyou even more disgusting when he swallowed a hundred flies was that after the four-armed demon ape fell, another demon ape next to him danced and shouted violently, and a large horn icon appeared on his head. .

   This setting is not unfamiliar at all, it is an infinite beast wave!

  In the past, players would also encounter this infinite wave of beasts in some specific maps, which is very suitable for large guilds to form groups to spawn monsters and complete specific team tasks.

   However, there is absolutely no such silly setting in the dungeon!

   You need to know that the dungeon has a random teleportation mechanism, and you can’t hold a group. Facing a rally number monster will have a headache. If you don’t kill the rally number instantly, then the group must be destroyed.

   Not to mention the infinite assembly number, if there is such a setting, then whoever meets who sees the system god!

   Apart from anything else, Jing Tian locked onto the four-armed demon ape and directly used the general's continuous damage skill: seven kills!

   Although the Seven Kills has a powerful ability to break through the formation and push the continuous fly, but the attack on this assembly number magic ape, it is like hitting the copper wall and iron wall, this guy has not retreated at all, and is completely immune to negative states.

However, this also saves time, and there is no need to continuously rush to waste time while sitting on a well. The Fang Tianji in his hand struck the demon ape’s body from bottom to top seven times in a row, stupefied to draw on the four-armed demon ape’s body. A coherent fan mosaic is formed. The bright red mosaic forms a weird left and right dividing line, as if splitting a four-armed demon in half...

   But the damage of the seven kills is far worse than that of Yiba Tian.

  The enhanced version of Yiba Tian can absorb the huge dark energy generated by the solar eclipse, causing huge damage to the four-armed demon ape, but the seven kills are only seven combos.

   Even with the skill power factor to increase the damage, the seven combos will not hollow out the blood line of an ordinary four-armed demon ape.

   is not to say that occupational skills are inferior to comprehension skills, but that the comprehension skills in Jing Tian's hands are completely higher than the seven kills.

After the seven kills, sitting on the well and watching the sky lifted the immunity to action At this moment, whether it was the nearby four-armed demon ape or the ice spirit sika deer in the distance, they used their good skills to hit him. !

   How can these attacks Jing Tian dare to eat hard?

Let’s not say that when I just performed the seven kills, his vitality was already bombarded by the ice spirit sika deer and the surrounding four-armed demon apes. After all, although the seven kills are immune to interruption, they are not immune to damage. In the exchange of injury. 78 Chinese update fastest computer terminal: https://

   is that these attacks do not cause harm to oneself now, when oneself loses immunity, after being beaten and unable to move, there is no way to forcefully kill the assembly number.ァ78中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7~8z~w.còм

As long as the    assembly number exists, then the **** of death is approaching himself and Ye Lanmeng!

   "Piston step, biting!"

The name of this skill is very vivid. Sitting Jing Guantian’s body retreats at high speed like a ghost. All the attacks seem to hit only his afterimage. On the next breath, he flashes to the assembly team like a light and shadow, and the Fang Tianji in his hand is even more. It pierced the four-armed demon ape's head like a poisonous thorn.

   Although the piercing blow hit the key to the critical strike, it was still not enough to kill the interruption assembly number. The ice spirit sika deer in the distance sang attack magic at the range of the sitting well and watching the sky!

The stone axe in the hands of the four-armed demon ape behind    fell on Zuijing Guantian's body, marking one after another pink blood stains, the ice spirit sika deer's frost attack followed one after another, and sitting and watching the sky was suddenly smashed by the skill and the blood line fell sharply!

  《(Sky Dungeon)》

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