Sky Dungeon

Chapter 138: Puppy Love

"Isn't this college? This is the first time she played a game, so she was a little bit too deep in the play, and she seemed to be reading the game lines. Yes, too deep in the play!" Jing Tian seemed to have found a very reasonable adjective. .

   "It turned out to be a place, huh, no wonder you discharge, I am afraid that Xueba has never been in love, and deserves to be single for a lifetime."

   Zhao Jiaxue guessed that, Jing Tian was also very interested and said: "If you don't want to gossip her gossip, you will believe me, it is definitely an ugly girl who refuses to go out of the dormitory except studying."

   Before Jing Tian finished speaking, Zhao Jiaxue’s mysterious laughter was heard in the team’s voice, and then she listened to her mysteriously and said: "Xiao Yu Yu, have you ever fallen in love?"

   Quiet, quiet in the team!

   At this time, at the other end of the game, a blushing cloud appeared on Yu Yan's face. Then she heard her a little shy and elegant: "I haven't graduated, so I can't fall in love."

   Can't fall in love early? Even said that it was a puppy love! You are such a bull, why not just tear the sky with your hands?

   Everyone is a black line drooping down. You are a PhD in university. What does it mean that you can’t fall in love until you graduate? People all over the world are in love?

   But Zhao Jiaxue's heart is a joy, because she is more convinced in her heart: Yu Yan belongs to the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Xueba! She continued to ask with some ease: "Do you have a boy you like?"

   Jingtian's heart sank. Just now when he heard that Yu Yan had no history of love, his heart was inexplicably relaxed, but when Zhao Jiaxue asked this question, his heart beat violently again.

   Damn it! There is really nowhere to go, and there is another hole in the sky! What's wrong with me? Why do I want to let Zhao Jiaxue go gossip? Isn't something bad going to happen? Isn't that unlucky person himself? Jing Tian already had a bad answer in his mind.

Everyone didn’t know that, in fact, it was Yu Yan who was the most nervous. She was the first to accept such a conversation. If it were in reality, she would probably ignore the first question at all, and would never even talk to the person who asked the question. Then produce any intersection. However, this is the game, the only world she can control. She wants to make up for all kinds of difficulties in reality, including encounters and love, and even marriage and children in the game. It's not because she has any special preferences in this area, but only in the game that she can make her own choice. I am afraid that in reality, encounters and love are both unattainable dreams for her. Being controlled by others is in the family interest. Marriage and childbirth of men are the only natal plots written.

   "Yes, it's in the game." Yu Yan's voice was trembling, not afraid, but a kind of excitement. She didn't know why this feeling was so wonderful. She felt that every cell in her body seemed to be as comfortable as the rain. That's right, she wants to fall in love in the game, to be willful in the game!

   "Wow, who is it, who is it?" Zhao Jiaxue glanced at Zuijing Guantian with knowingly asked questions. Jing Tian seemed to have discovered something. He accidentally manipulated his character and stepped back, as if he was an adulterer who had been spotted.

   "Uh... let's get into the book now." Jing Tian decisively interrupted. Of course he would interrupt. He didn't want to have a **** buckle on his head, let alone a **** he raised!

"Shut up, we are discussing the issue of love that is a hundred times more important than the game!" Zhao Jiaxue sternly reprimanded, and immediately after the 180-degree change, she asked the King of Sword Cavalry in a very gentle voice: "You Do you like Jingtian?"

   Yuyan’s cheeks are already hot at this time. Of course, she doesn’t know whether to tell the truth or not. Although friends should be honest with each other, is it a confession to say it in front of a boy? Confession...These two words fueled the flames, and Yu Yan's elegant voice said in one go: "I like the most powerful man in the game world."

   The most powerful man? Zhao Jiaxue feels a little regretful for Yu Yan's cunning. I thought of watching a good show of dinosaurs chasing Jingtian, but I didn't expect to be prevaricated by her. Even if she asks further, she might not answer anything. What is it? Is it the best equipment or the highest level? The game is staged, no one can guarantee a permanent first place, and the system temporarily only has rank rankings for each profession, which is not really powerful.

   Jingtian breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Yu Yan a hundred thumbs up in his heart: No loss is a patient with second disease, and a man he likes is also good enough! The most powerful man, that must be an NPC!

   However, there is a trace of loss in Jing Tian's heart: After all, even if it is a dinosaur beast, if you can like yourself, you can prove your charm from the side, right? But think about it carefully, what if she is not talking about NPC? Didn’t I once said that I want to reach the top of the sky in the game? Then I am the most powerful man in the future?

   But before Jing Tian could figure out this question, Yang Miaomiao asked confidently: "What is the most powerful man Miaomiao?"

  Why do you send such a confident Where does the confidence come from? Do you think you are the strongest man in the game? Everyone has already made up Yang Miaomiao’s head with a white wiping forehead. On the wiping forehead, there are a few bright red characters: "The game's strongest man!" Nima, that is why players all over the world Abandoning travel is possible! Your altitude alone has already lost.

   "It's the number one in PK, women like to be able to fight." Jing Tian immediately cleared the siege, he didn't want to have more troubles.

"Oh. My god, isn't that your meow? You are the most powerful person I have ever seen in PK." Yang Miaomiao didn't know if he said that on purpose, or if he said it sincerely. An alien who was slapped down for a moment but was not frustrated at all.

   As soon as he said this, Jing Tian regretted his face turning green. I kept cursing myself: I didn't say anything about PK first. Didn't I dig a hole to make myself jump? In my spare time, I had already challenged the people in the team again, and I had won!

   Hearing this sentence, Zhao Jiaxue's eyes flashed a sly look, and she immediately followed up: "Yes, yes, you said it is Jingtian, and you said it deliberately so tactfully."

   Yuyan was completely blank at this time, and she herself didn't know how to answer. If she was vague, the question now only allowed her to answer "yes" or "no".

   "Uh... why is it related to me..."

   Jing Tian just wanted to change the subject, but was interrupted by Zhao Jiaxue's murderous eyes: "Shut up, say another word, the old lady will castrate you now."

   is really: I can't help but let you go...

   "There is a situation ahead." Yun Yiyi suddenly interrupted coldly.


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