Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1406: Player stand-in

However, just a few steps out after sitting in Jingguantian, an application to join the team came out!

Jing Tian was startled, thinking that the player he saw applying to join the team was a [rap expert]. Why did this guy suddenly submit an application for joining the team?

Shouldn't he also be scoring this final trial?

Is it possible to form a team freely at this time and be teleported into the captain's map?

Jing Tian felt that all the fog in his heart had disappeared for a moment, and immediately agreed to [Rap Expert]'s application to join the team.

In the next second, the rap expert was sent to his team!

"Uh... why did you suddenly remember that you were teaming up? Isn't it lonely and cold?" Jing Tian didn't understand why it happened, and at the same time began to try to invite others to join the team.

However, what is strange is that after opening the friend list and inviting players to join the team, the system unexpectedly prompts coldly: "Sorry, this player cannot receive your invitation temporarily."

Can't receive?

Do players have to apply to join the team themselves?

What the **** is this, the captain doesn't even have the right to organize people?

At this moment, the rap expert spoke, but as soon as he spoke, he sang: "Use my loneliness to accompany you for breakfast. Remember to store private salt in the piggy bank. I watched the sky full of **** flashing and listened to the cowboy. Tell Zhinv to get out, even if we are at one end of the earth..."

Sure enough, he is the deity of this guy. Ever since he was abused in the rap contest, he has changed the lyrics and sang pop songs every day... He is really a positive kid, never knowing what despair is.

After all, this guy did his best with hard work, but he was not as good as others doing it casually. It was a total tragedy.

However, at this moment, another application to join the team popped up, and it was [Zhao Yunxueer]!

"Uh...Xiaoxue, how did you apply for my team?"

"Ah? Frog, are you talking in your dreams? Why did you fall asleep while playing games? But if you still dream of me in your dreams, I will be merciful and forgive you for your disrespect to me. If you want to join your team, you can join your team. You still dare to ask, really don’t understand your status! Or do you want to be alone with me?"

I'm talking in sleep?

Is this guy on purpose?

How can I just say so jumping, can't you give me a clear answer?

Jing Tian chose to accept it curiously, and Zhao Yunxue'er was teleported to her next time to breathe.

How is this going?

Looking at the rap expert who was singing and dancing, and then at Zhao Yunxue'er, who was a little too safe, Jing Tian suddenly realized something. He directly asked: "Xiaoxue, are you still in the game map that you made? ?"

"Ah? Are you awake? What dream did you just do? Of course I was in my game map, otherwise, could it be in your map? Everyone is in the Samsara Tower now, and you can't make it even if you want to find you! Could you suggest Let me find you? But how do you find it? I really can't help you. It is clear that the Lun family is lying next to you, so why do you want the Lun family to be bored with you in the game? You are so clingy!"

Sure enough! Feelings are virtual players next to me!

You deserve to be an old filthy lady, the ghost wants to get bored with you in the game!

Also, in reality, it is clear that you stick to people, okay?

Don't say it as if I am soft and hard!

Unexpectedly, the system even recorded the player's voice and singing. Is it to create a player stand-in?

Thinking of this, Jing Tian was even more surprised. The anthropomorphic NPC monsters and test players have surprised Jing Tian. Unexpectedly, Tengyi's development progress is so fast that it has developed a player stand-in!

Player stand-in is just a cross-age concept developed by Jing Tian in the copywriting planning of Sky Dungeon. It aims to create a player stand-in system. Once the player has any special circumstances, the stand-in mode is turned on, and the player character can use the history of the deity. Operate and simulate relevant battles.

Of course, this concept can only be used as a temporary stand-in. It mainly solves the problem of temporarily going to the toilet. The use time will be strictly limited, so as to prevent the game from being filled with automatic battle players and making the game scrap.

All, Jing Tian's description of this aspect in the planning is relatively small. After all, this function can only be said to be a niche function, which can only be icing on the cake. It should be placed in a relatively marginal place. When the game development encounters a bottleneck, there is nothing. After being creative, it is more appropriate to come up with it.

Jing Tian also wrote clearly in the plan that this automatic player stand-in can charge for krypton money and increase the income of the game, but the frequency and duration of use must be controlled.

In other words, if you have a stand-in system, you will never hear the middle school girl in your team yell: "Stop, I want to go to the bathroom!"

It's like the lover finally meets each other, and my wife makes a phone call and says that he is going to go home to check the post now...

Of course, this kind of player stand-in, in addition to simulating the operation of the player’s combat mode, will also directly simulate the player’s personality, and even make different responses according to the teammates’ words, and can even complete specific actions according to the command’s instructions, making people a short time Can't even tell the authenticity!

Of course, even Jing Tian didn't take this kind of edge planning too seriously. Although it is something convenient for players to play, the cost is too high and the benefit is too little...

Never thought that Kitian Nongjing would value his own marginal and unprofitable planning content. It seems that he is also a good planner for the sake of players!

This is the background of large companies. If it is a small company, it will definitely not consider going online Even if the use of a substitute requires krypton, it may be really not proportional to the development cost.

In other words, this kind of player stand-in development is very difficult. Fatty Luo Xia once shook his head and said: To develop a player stand-in, it is far more complicated than the development of all monster action rules in Sky City.

After understanding all this, Jing Tian couldn’t hide privately. He directly commanded in the chat room: “Everyone will create a team, and then teammates will apply to join the team. If not, just walk around a little bit. There should be one. After the virtual player, you can continue the strategy and strive to make new discoveries! After everyone discovers, they will immediately start the discussion and make decisions afterwards!"

Jing Tian felt that this seventh trial might not be the final trial. From his point of view, it was more like the actual combat test of the map in the sixth trial. Maybe there was some big boss waiting for everyone.

I have to say that this sixth trial is almost exactly the same as the workflow of the development team. At first, we created the sketch, then used the simulated player test, and finally experienced the test in person... I really use everyone as a free coolie!

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